Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 85

by Kristen Echo

  “Joe.” His name ghosted from her mouth as he slammed against her G-spot.

  He kissed the side of her mouth and moved his hips faster. “I stayed on the rink from the second they opened until they shut the lights because when I wasn’t there I was chasing away thugs. I got my ass beat more than a few times.” He pushed in and out as he spoke, increasing his tempo with each phrase. “Our place didn’t have locks cause we had nothing to steal. That didn’t stop men from seeking their payment in other ways. Donna took the brunt of it, but I didn’t walk away innocent.”

  “Fucking animals!”

  “Yeah, baby, they were animals. I saw shit and experienced things that aren’t exactly roses. If I could take away your darkness, I’d fill it with bright flowers. I’d… fuck, baby, don’t come yet.”

  Her walls tightened as she neared the edge. “Joe, slow down.”

  “I can’t. You feel too perfect.” He slammed into her until she couldn’t hold back. “Let go, baby. Come with me,” he barked.

  “Yes! I’m right there with you,” she yelled, coming so hard her fingertips tingled.

  He filled her with his release and collapsed on top of her. They both panted for a good long while after and neither of them moved and inch.

  Hailey broke the silence. “You amaze me.” She tugged on the tie and Joe reached over, releasing her wrists. She wrapped her arms around his neck and peppered his face with kisses. “How do you do it?”

  He laughed, though it lacked its usual authority. “I can’t change the past. It made me who I am. Messed up and determined to make a better life for myself. The world is full of serious bullshit, so I focus on fun. I’ll never be in the gutter or vulnerable again.” Joe pulled out and shifted his body beside hers.

  “Now, you know what I dream about. Today, instead of Ryan I saw you. I don’t know what the fuck that means.” She ran her thumb over his plump lower lip. She wouldn’t blame him for wanting to end things. “Does this change anything for you?”

  “Yes. It helps me understand you. Hailey, believe it or not, I care about your happiness.”

  “I believe you.” Hailey kissed his lips, letting their troubled pasts connect them in ways she never would have dreamed possible. Joe surprised her at every turn. Her chest felt lighter. She still thought her therapist was huffing glue but opening to Joe hadn’t been the end of the world. “You should try to get some sleep. I’m going out for a run,” she said, slipping off the bed.

  His eyes had already drifted closed. “You’re coming to the game, right?”

  She leaned over and kissed his forehead. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Good, I’m looking forward to my good luck kiss.”

  “You don’t need luck when you have skill,” she said as she backed away from his bed. This man shared his light with the world, spreading it each time he spoke. He’d found his way past the ugliness and it gave her hope she could too.

  Hailey dressed in her running gear, pushed her cellphone into her sports bra and left. Her mind tried to make sense of the scene in Joe’s bed while jogging through a nearby park, but there was no accounting for their kind of crazy. She laughed before adding another loop. Her phone vibrated. She slowed her pace. The number on the display stopped her dead in her tracks.

  “Talk my friend,” she said, pressing the phone to her ear.

  “Come over. Now. We’ll go together to meet my guy,” Frank said.

  She checked her watch. “Can I shower first? Is there a rush?”

  “They run in and out. You wanna catch em? Best to come as soon as you can. I might be able to stall, but I wouldn’t bank on it.”

  The game wasn’t scheduled to start until later. She’d have plenty of time to meet Frank and be back in time to see Joe off. After their intense start to the day, she wanted his arms around her, but that would have to wait. She hoped unloading all her emotional baggage on him wouldn’t make him rethink his desire to spend time with her. She shook that off. He’d said he cared, and he wasn’t alone.

  This was important. Meeting these guys could be the missing piece in the case. He’d understand.

  “On my way.”

  Chapter 11

  Frank had his times all mixed up. She’d rushed over only to wait around. At least she’d swung by the condo first and grabbed her bag. Joe had been in the shower and she hadn’t had the chance to tell him about her lead. She’d scribbled a note for him and left it on the fridge.

  Hours later, she hadn’t heard from Joe or the new gang. The more time spent with Frank the more she suspected something. When she brought up the name Rex, he shrugged his shoulders, playing dumb. It made little sense. She couldn’t place her finger on it, but he knew too much and shared too freely for a drug addict. His stories were outlandish and entertaining, nevertheless.

  “I have tickets to the game tonight, and if these guys aren’t coming, I’m gonna bolt.”

  Frank checked his phone for the tenth time in the past minute. He seemed more anxious than her which was never a good sign. “My buddy said today. That could mean anything. I never gave you a precise timeframe. Do what you gotta do.”

  His phone beeped, and he smiled as he read the message. She rolled over on the bed, trying to read over his shoulder. Party was the only word she caught.

  “What’s it say? Are we on?” Hailey checked the clock on the wall and she had two hours before they dropped the puck.

  “Princess let’s go.” He put on his fedora and opened the door for her.

  They didn’t venture far from his boarding house. Around the corner in a derelict warehouse with plywood covering the windows, she heard music and voices. Once inside the abandoned factory, she saw familiar faces, like Bill for one, which meant the new kids wouldn’t be there. There’s no way they’d run a deal with a rival gang in their faces. She glared at Frank, who waltzed in like a king.

  Hailey shuffled her feet across the dusty concrete floors towards Bill and his associates. “Hey. What’s new?”

  He leaned back on a stack of milk crates that doubled as a couch. “If it ain’t my favorite big breasted woman. Where’s our young friend? I haven’t seen Renee around much this week,” he said, patting the empty spot next to him.

  Hailey opted to stand. “She’s busy. How’s tricks? Got anything I might like?”

  “I got lots to offer. What kinda mood you in? Oh right, you’re into tickling your nose. That I don’t have.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a needle. It had been used. Her insides cringed.

  “No needles for me. Thanks anyway.” She turned and bumped into a kid in his early twenties like her. “Sorry.”

  His dirty blond hair curled around the top of his shoulders. He was taller than her, with a slender build, and an attractive face. “Don’t be,” he said with a smile. His face wasn’t familiar which instantly peaked her interest.

  She smiled brightly. “Okay, I won’t. What’s your name stranger?”

  He tucked a curl behind his ear. “Everyone calls me Blaze. It’s a long story and not a cool one, unfortunately. What’s your name?”

  “Hailey. I haven’t seen you around here. This will sound like a pickup line, but do you come here often?” She rolled her eyes at her own corniness.

  Blaze chuckled. “I’m around. I bounce wherever I’m needed.” He looked her over and lingered for a long time on her breasts. “You with Bill?”

  “No. I came with Frank, but we’re not like together or anything.” She twirled her hair around her finger, acting the dumb bimbo part.

  Three people crowded them, interrupting her conversation. Two of the men were large and intimidating while the other slim and unassuming. They didn’t scare her, but they weren’t easy on the eyes. They were older and stuck out like sore thumbs among the crowd. “Excuse me a moment,” Blaze said, running his hand down her arm and grazing the side of her breast.

  “There’s an issue.” One of the new men wrapped an arm around Blaze’s narrow shoulders, hauling him over a few steps.
Hailey pretended to check her phone while eavesdropping on their private conversation. “Kimber doesn’t want to roll tonight. She refused,” he whispered. His accent was heavy, but she caught the name.

  “What do you mean she refused?” Blaze lowered his voice, making it barely audible. “Did Rex talk with her?”

  Both names popped. Kimber was the name of one of the missing girls and Rex was the name she’d picked up from Frank. It might have been a coincidence, but she doubted it. She was onto something. She needed to follow Blaze. This was the break she’d been waiting for.

  A few more words were exchanged before the threesome left in a huff. Blaze sauntered back towards her, grabbed her hand and walked towards the edge of the warehouse where Bill and his group huddled. “Sorry about that, where were we?”

  “You were about to give me your phone number?” She pulled her phone from her pocket and handed it to him.

  “Normally, I don’t give this out to just anyone, but… damn.” His lust filled gaze rested on her chest and he licked his lips. “I’ll make an exception since apparently I gotta bounce. Never a dull moment in my life, Hailey.” He entered her number and handed it back.

  She took the phone as he leaned in for a kiss. His lips landed on her cheek. He kissed along her jaw, grabbed a mittful of breast and he licked towards her ear. She wanted to push him away and punch him out for touching her, but that wouldn’t go over well. Instead, she stood there motionless.

  “Blaze!” someone shouted from a distance.

  He released her and smiled. “Call me and we can pick up where we left off.” He winked as he walked towards the exit.

  Next to her, voices got louder. Then people started pushing and shoving. Within seconds a fight broke out.

  She recognized Bill and a few others as fists flew. The group shifted towards her and she saw the needles too late. She sidestepped the first few brawlers, but a dirty needle pricked her arm as the rest tumbled by. She stepped out of the fray before any major damage was done. A small scratch on her forearm pissed her off. She squeezed the flesh, forcing the blood and any contaminants out, but she needed to get checked out, and get a tetanus shot.

  Time was tight for her to make the game on time. Frank had disappeared, and she didn’t spend more than a few minutes trying to find him. The hockey game was starting within the hour. She sent a text to her sister letting her know she’d be there soon.

  She left the warehouse and ran.

  It took longer than expected as the streets of downtown were littered with partiers and hockey fans. They’d closed off several streets, making her route harder to navigate. Not far from the arena, she found a walk-in clinic that stayed open late. The place was clean with beige walls. There were toys piled neatly in the corner under a television that didn’t work. The seats were uncomfortable. At least the wait wasn’t too long.

  The doctor arrived minutes after she was escorted to an exam room. She was an older east Indian woman with long black hair and glasses. She didn’t judge or give any lectures when Hailey told her what’d happened. The nurse joined them, and they drew several vials of blood for testing.

  Once they took what they needed, the nurse left, and the doctor explained what came next. “I’ll run a series of tests to rule out all the possibilities. Tell me Hailey, are you sexually active?”

  Hailey sat on the exam table, swinging her legs as they dangled. “Yes. But that has nothing to do with why I’m here.”

  “Are you using condoms?” She typed into her computer as she spoke.

  “No, but I got tested over a month ago and everything came back clean.”

  “Is this the same partner?”

  Hailey huffed and crossed her legs. “Yes.”

  “Okay.” She handed her a container. “Go pee in that and leave it in the drop box. If anything comes back, we’ll be in touch. We have your number and will call with any news. Be aware that you should return for testing in six months even if the results are negative tonight.”

  The yellow container had her name and details on the label. “A urine test is unnecessary.”

  “Peace of mind, dear. Go take care of that and try to enjoy the rest of your evening. Stay away from dirty needles in the future.”

  “Right. Thanks doc. The sign says you’re open till midnight. I’d say enjoy your night too, but you’ll be working.” Hailey jumped off the table and headed for the bathroom. Peeing in a cup and having her blood analyzed for diseases was nerve wracking even though the odds were slim she’d contracted anything. It was better to be safe than sorry.

  She raced to the arena and got there ten minutes after the start of the first period. Not too bad, considering the detour she’d had to make. Hailey stopped at the store and bought a Larson jersey before heading for the box where her sister and her boss would be watching the game.

  “Hailey! Over here.” Meagan waved and rocked a sleeping child in her arms. April looked angelic with her mess of blonde curls stuck to her cherub face.

  The box was packed with people. Hailey weaved through unfamiliar faces to get to her sister and the empty seat beside her. “Hey, sorry I’m late. Did April get to watch any of the game?”

  “Maybe a minute or two. She watched Cameron skate onto the ice and do his warm up laps. When all the cheering subsided, she passed out. The excitement had her all wound up, but it’s past bedtime.”

  The arena was full. Adrenaline pumped through the crowd and filled the building. “I’m glad you’re here. Where’s Caroline and the rest of the wives?” Hailey looked around, but she couldn’t see Sylvie or Caroline among the ladies in the box.

  “Sometimes they get seats closer. I think playoffs are different. Don’t ask me; I’m as clueless as you when it comes to hockey.” Meagan nudged her shoulder.

  “If you get confused, ask me. I love it,” a redhead said from the seat beside Meagan.

  “Oh, my bad.” Meagan covered her mouth and giggled. “Carly Saint you haven’t met my sister yet. This is Hailey Rylen.”

  The woman was young like Meagan and very beautiful. A veil of auburn hair covered half her face which she flipped out of the way. “Hi. Don’t believe anything they say about me.” She held out her hand, and they shook. “Unless it’s about chocolate, then it’s true. I love that too.”

  “And Theo,” Meagan teased.

  “Of course, that goes without saying. Any man that will carry you through a blizzard, is a keeper. Go Montagne,” she yelled, leaning forward. Carly laughed as the play clock stopped. “Figures. Did Cam get you a ticket?”

  “No, Joe gave me one,” she answered, trying to follow what was happening on the ice. A ref tossed the puck inside the circle near their net and the crowd roared.

  Carly eyed her and smiled. “He gave out a few tickets by the looks of it.” She pointed to a handful of sexy women huddled in the corner drinking champagne. They looked like models and were dressed to impress.

  Hailey hid her disappointment with a smile. She’d changed out of her running garb at Frank’s, but tights and an oversized jersey weren’t as sexy as the skin tight mini dresses they wore.

  “Guess he’ll have his hands full tonight.” And it wouldn’t be with her. He was a free agent to do as he pleased, but it pissed her off that after the morning they’d shared he’d flaunt it in her face. Once a player, always a player. She winked at Carly and leaned forward. “So, what’s going on and why is everyone yelling?”

  “Luka checked their forward, Kroller, making him give up the puck. He rang his bell good too. He was slow to skate away. Our defense is wearing them down. See now,” Carly said pointing at the screens rather than the ice. “Nico has it.”

  She looked at the jumbotron and saw Ivarsson flying down the ice. He twirled around, passing it off to Montagne who slapped it towards the net. Their goalie stopped it and the crowd cheered. “Why are they cheering? Don’t we want it to go in the net? I’m confused.”

  Carly and Meagan chuckled. “The more shots at net, the better our chanc
es. Each time we get close, is one more chance to add points,” her sister said.

  “Yes, we want it to sail across the crease. I have faith our men will score soon,” Carly added. “Your sister mentioned you a few times. They don’t watch hockey in the army?”

  “They do, but I never did. I was too busy I guess, but I’m not in the army anymore.” Hailey sat back in her seat, her eyes drifted to Joe’s dates and her fists clenched. Why had he asked her to come? Maybe he’d given out those tickets before they met.

  “Caroline hired her to help investigate the missing teens,” Meagan said, rubbing April’s hair. “I’ve been thinking about your questions from the other night, and it’s hard to remember. The men who chased us were older. Not like grandpa old, but not teens, that’s for sure.”

  Carly shivered. “I’m glad she’s got more help. This city’s going to hell fast. Two men scared the shit out of me the day I met Theo. He chased them off, but damn they were creepy.”

  Hailey moved out of her chair and crouched in front of Carly. “What can you tell me about them? Any distinguishing features or marks? Did you see what they drove? It might be nothing, but you’re young enough to fit the targeted demographic. Any lead could help.”

  “Oh. I never thought they were related but anything is possible. Wow, that was back in December. Um… they were scary looking. One had scars on his hands. I remember thinking he’d fought a cat or something. One had a thick accent. I barely understood him. That could have been the same guy. I can’t remember. Sorry.”

  The thick accent reminded her of the men she’d seen in the warehouse. “That’s all very helpful. Anything else?”

  “White truck. It blended in with the snow, but it was them. Nothing else is coming to me. If I think of something I’ll call Caroline or Sylvie.”

  “Call me.” They exchanged numbers as the first period ended. The score was tied at zero. Hailey stood and watched the players skate off the ice for an intermission. She needed to stretch and use the washroom.


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