Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 86

by Kristen Echo

  After using the toilet, she bumped into one of the women Carly told her Joe had invited. She needed to confirm it. They’d been getting a lot closer this past week, but maybe it meant nothing. “So, are you with Joe Larson or just his guest tonight?”

  The blonde finished applying a thick red sheen to her lips. “Joe is so hot and hung too.” Her giggle made Hailey want to vomit.

  “Yup, he’s sexy. Did you get tickets a long time ago?”

  She stared at her reflection, adjusting her double-D cup breasts. Satisfied they were sufficiently the focal point of her outfit, the woman turned and faced Hailey. “It was so last minute. I called, and he asked us to come. I wonder how much celebrating he’ll be in the mood for? He’s such an animal. If you want to join us, the more the merrier.” She puckered her lips and blew Hailey a kiss. “See you out there.”


  Jealousy flared, and she wanted to rip the blonde’s extensions out. Then she wanted to wrap them around Joe’s neck for making her like him. WTF? Hailey took a calming breath. She’d known all along their escapades had a shelf-life and they’d reached it. Hailey was done.

  Her phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out and didn’t recognize the number. “Hello?”

  “Miss Rylen? Hailey Rylen, I’m calling on behalf of Dr. Gurpreet.”

  The night turned from bad to worse and her stomach dropped. “Yes. This is Hailey.” She covered her other ear to hear better. “Did I catch something?”

  “Miss Rylen the doctor would like to book an appointment to see you. The sooner the better.”

  “I’m on my way, I can be there in fifteen minutes. I don’t care if I have to wait all night to see her, I won’t wait.” Hailey hung up and returned to the box to say goodbye to her sister and Carly.

  All the nasty possibilities rolled around her brain. Hepatitis might show up that quick. She tried to remain calm, but it was impossible. She ran without breaking stride. When she arrived, the receptionist smiled like all was groovy. She waited, sitting on the cold metal reception chair for close to an hour before she entered one of the exam rooms. The walls were beige, and the paper crinkled under her as she sat on the table.

  More minutes ticked by as Hailey envisioned the worst. She’d chewed her nails down to the quick by the time the doctor entered. Dr. Gurpreet closed the door behind her. “Hello again, sorry to call you back, but—”

  “What did I catch? I’m freaking out and I’ve been looking online at what the treatments are. Shit.”

  “Relax. Breathe and calm down. You caught nothing.” She patted her leg and sat down in the leather chair facing the computer.

  “Wait. What? Then, why did you call me?” Relief washed over her.

  “You’re pregnant.”

  Hailey coughed and covered her mouth. “I beg your pardon. Say again.”

  “You’re pregnant. We checked your urine, and it came back positive. We confirmed with a sample of your blood. When was your last period?”


  That was impossible.

  “I can’t be pregnant. I have severe endometriosis and a tilted uterus. My doctor told me a long time ago it wouldn’t happen. I don’t get regular periods. Your test is wrong.”

  Dr. Gurpreet checked her computer and then folded her hands in her lap. “The tests are not wrong. You are pregnant. You can conceive with those conditions though it’s difficult and not everyone will be successful. I take it by your expression this was not planned.”

  She shook her head from side to side. “Can you test again? I’m sorry but there’s no way. I mean I’ve been having sex for a week. How could you tell that early?”

  “We can retest, but you mentioned you were tested over a month ago because of a sexual encounter where the condom broke. A week into pregnancy wouldn’t show up on our tests. I’d say you’re about five weeks along.”

  Another test and several long minutes later, the doctor returned. “Congratulations Miss Rylen, you’re going to be a mother.”

  The second test confirmed it. Besides Joe, she hadn’t been with anyone in months. Five weeks pregnant. How could she have let that happen?

  Hailey stepped out of the doctor’s office in shock. Completely and utterly overwhelmed by the news of having a baby. She was having Joe Larson’s baby. A man she wasn’t dating and never would. He wasn’t ready to settle down and have kids. He was a big kid himself. Dammit, the father of her unborn child was about to have an orgy for fuck sakes. She scrubbed her hands over her face, rubbing her eyes.

  Her fingers itched to call her mom, but she couldn’t. All her calls had gone unanswered and unreturned. She wanted to cry or throw something. Instead, she stuffed the paperwork into her bag and walked to the closest bus stop.

  The merriment in the streets lead her to believe Joe and his team had won. At least he’d be happy. He was most likely already naked and celebrating with his puck bunnies. Her heart hurt, thinking of his large hands pleasuring all those women. His hands should have been holding hers as they figured out how to move forward with the baby news. No, she’d do this on her own. Hailey needed no one, but that wasn’t true; she couldn’t do this alone. She pulled out here phone and typed a message.

  “Sorry to bother you, but I need a place to stay?” She hit send and hoped she’d get an answer soon.

  She refused to return to Joe’s and watch him screw around with other women. He’d snowed her into believing he cared, but he didn’t. He was chasing his happiness. It was best she accepted that and left him alone. Hailey patted her flat stomach and smiled. She had two people to think about now.

  Chapter 12

  No dreams. Not a single haunting thought had disrupted her slumber for the past week. Her days had not gone as smoothly. For years she’d been told she’d never have babies. Her fertility issues weren’t a secret, and she’d come to terms with it. Now, she had to wrap her head around becoming a mother. It was a lot to process.

  “Are you sure you don’t want pickles? My co-worker told me she ate an entire jar when she was preggers.” Mellie stood by the door with her keys in her hand.

  Strange cravings hadn’t taken over her life yet. The nausea remained and refused to relinquish its hold of her stomach. Hailey shook her head. “No pickles, no ice-cream, nothing but crackers and vitamin water for me thanks.”

  Her best friend smiled. “I’ll be back with groceries as long as they’re still open. Stay off your feet and put the phone down. I love you, but you’re torturing yourself by not calling him. That’s not good for you or the baby.”

  After she’d reached out to Mellie, she needed someone to confide in about her life altering news. She’d called her mother’s cell phone and landline. The woman wouldn’t take her calls. She wanted her advice and a shoulder to cry on but received the cold shoulder instead. Army or nothing. She didn’t have the energy to dwell on her parent’s childish behavior.

  At least Mellie had come through when she needed her. Richard had picked Hailey up from the doctor’s office and she’d been crashing in their guest room since. She hated being the third wheel in their life, but they welcomed her with open arms. Once she told them about the pregnancy they insisted she stay as long as she liked. That’s what friends did for each other and she was grateful.

  “I’m not avoiding anything. We have nothing to say to each other. It’s over,” she replied, sticking her tongue out and tossing her phone on the coffee table.

  “Then why are you sitting on my couch watching hockey playoffs?”

  She hadn’t spoken or seen Joe since the morning they bared their souls. It still irked her she’d let him see her scars and then he’d dropped her for a harem of beauties. Whatever, she was over it. Kind of. Not really, but she refused to dwell on the past. They’d had their fun, and she’d forever have a little reminder of the erotic times they’d shared. Hailey rubbed her belly and turned away from the television.

  Game five meant Joe was back in Winnipeg. His team had won the first three
games and lost the fourth in overtime. The city was going crazy with Stanley Cup fever. Everywhere she turned the team colors were displayed and signs decorated the windows, showing their support. Even if she’d wanted to forget Joe, she couldn’t.

  “I have nothing else to do while I wait for Blaze to call me back.” They’d been exchanging text messages, but he’d been too busy to meet. The pieces of the puzzle were coming together, but there were still too many variables for her to make heads or tails of the data. Pregnancy drama wouldn’t stop her from doing her job. She’d find those kids. “You better run if you want to make it before the store closes.”

  “Whatever you say, Hailey,” Mellie snorted and closed the door.

  Hailey reached for her phone again. She was checking to see if Blaze had returned her last message, but once she saw he hadn’t, she scrolled to the ones she’d received from Joe. She’d re-read his messages over a hundred times. Her first night at Mellie’s, she’d cried herself to sleep. Her phone had been off. She hadn’t expected him to take time away from his orgy sex-extravaganza to text her, but he’d sent three text messages:

  “Stop running!”

  “Fuck. Found the note. Where are you?”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  The following day he’d called, but never left a voicemail. Instead, he’d texted every hour:

  “I’m exhausted searching for you.”

  “There’s a punishment coming your way.”

  “Are you alive?”

  “Is difficult your middle name?”

  “Dammit, Hailey, stop shutting me out!”

  Her favorite was the last one. He hadn’t sent another.

  “You win.”

  What had she won? A bun in the oven. A week of pining over a man who shoved his cock into everything that moved? She didn’t feel like a winner. Her fingers hovered over the delete but closed the screen instead.

  Mellie was right, she was torturing herself. Shutting him out, solved nothing. Eventually, she’d open communication with him again, but she wasn’t ready. All his fancy words had wiggled into her heart and made her care about him. He wasn’t a bad man, he just wasn’t the man for her. Still, he deserved to know about the baby. One day. For now, it would remain her secret. The only people she’d told were Mellie and Richard. Once she was further along, she’d tell Joe. Maybe.

  She turned up the volume as the announcers described what the players were doing on the ice. Only a minute remained on the clock and they were tied. Both sides were on the offensive, attacking hard and scorning three goals. Martin Thomas looked rattled in the net but shoved his pads together in time to stop the puck. A close call. Using his stick, he tossed the puck sideways to Nicolas Ivarsson who passed it down the ice to Joe. An opposing player raced next to him, tried to check him into the boards but missed. Joe hustled past the centre line. All the players crowded the net. Using fancy stick work, he slipped it to Cameron Smith who slapped it past the crease.

  Lights flashed, horns blared, and the arena exploded with cheers. The men huddled together in celebration. Hailey jumped to her feet, tossing her hands in the air. The ref dropped the puck for one last face-off as the last seconds ticked by. The game ended with a victory, and they made it through to round two.

  “Way to go,” she yelled into the empty room.

  She laughed to herself and sat back down. A moment later her phone buzzed. A text from Blaze.

  “In the mood to celebrate. If you’re still looking for a place, meet me at the warehouse.”

  Her heart pounded faster. Not because she was excited to be mauled by him. In fact, she couldn’t stomach the prospect of his hands on her, but she’d been waiting for this break. It was show time. She grabbed her rain coat, and a backpack stuffed with the bare necessities. She was ready and replied as she closed the door behind her.

  “See ya soon.”

  Once outside, the fresh, spring air reinvigorated her. She rode the bus and riffled a text to Caroline and Sylvie, letting them know she was moving ahead with the plan. They didn’t like her methods. Meeting with gangbangers scared them. They wanted her to pass the information onto the cops. She had, and they’d done nothing so far. Those kids needed help. Nothing scared Hailey, other than motherhood. She pushed those fears aside.

  For the rest of the ride, she stared at Joe’s messages. She powered down to save her battery and arrived at the warehouse within the hour. Frank sat on the steps, smoking a cigarette and talking with Renee. Her heart sank, knowing the danger the girl was in. He waved as she approached.

  “Princess. What brings you by tonight?”

  Renee lowered her gaze and picked at an invisible thread on her jeans. “Hi, Hailey.”

  “Hi guys. Looks like the party started without me. Frank, I haven’t heard from you in a while. What’s up?” Hailey sat on a lower step and looked up at the pair. Frank had returned none of her messages and she’d wondered what happened to him. Looking at him closer, she saw the faded bruises.

  His hair hung loose over his shoulders and he flipped it back. “Wasn’t sure this was a good place for you to hang after the fights here last week. I was just telling Renee she should head home.”

  “I’m a tough chick. Don’t worry about me; I can handle my own.”

  “No doubt, but…” He straightened his posture and his lips thinned as he looked past her down the sidewalk. Hailey followed his line of vision. Blaze and the same trio approached. A white truck idled at the curb. She looked back at Frank and he closed his eyes. “This won’t end well,” he murmured under his breath.

  Blaze’s eyes lit up when he saw her and widened even more as he assessed Renee. “Damn, it’s a good night,” he said, rubbing his hands together.

  The street lamp provided good lighting, and she was able to see them all. “Hey.” She smiled, cataloging all their features.

  Blaze wore his hair back in a bun and his smile remained devious. The two larger men were ugly with scars on their faces. One had several all over his hands. He quickly shoved them into his pockets when he caught her staring. She diverted her attention to the skinny one who’d been hiding last time.

  Her heart skipped into her throat. It was one of the missing teens. His hair swept across his eyes, but it was the same boy who’d been missing since November. Rusty Turnbull was very much alive. His face was so innocent, trustworthy and impossible to mistake. She resisted the urge to jump up and hug him.

  “This place is tired. Don’t you think Rusty?” Blaze slapped the teen on the back.

  He flipped his brown hair away from his bloodshot eyes. His pupils were tiny, and he swayed on his feet. “I know a better place.” He flashed a bag of drugs and smiled. “I see you’ve got bags with you, are you looking for a place to stay and have fun? We have room for two. Sorry old man,” he said to Frank.

  Renee stood and smiled. “I’d love that.”

  In less than a minute he’d convince her to leave with them. These vulnerable teens weren’t missing. They hadn’t been kidnapped. They were being recruited by the new gang. That explained the lack of bodies and the infrequent sightings.


  Rusty held out his hand and Renee took it. Frank sat there with his mouth open. He didn’t say a word as his cigarette burnt out. He wasn’t a part of this gang since they didn’t invite him. She couldn’t let Renee leave with them.

  “You said you have room for two. Can I come?” She stood and stepped towards Blaze. “You said you wanted to celebrate, right?”

  “You’re the reason I’m here.” He grabbed a handful of her ass cheek and pressed her against this body. “I made a special trip to see you. You will love where we’re going. Trust me. All the drugs and sex you can handle.”

  “Awesome.” She grabbed his ass back and smiled.

  He chuckled. “You won’t regret this.”

  They made their way inside the truck. It was a tight squeeze. Blaze drove, while her and Renee were stuffed into the backseat with Rusty and t
he man with the accent. The drive took longer than she ever imagined. They arrived at a farm outside the city. No wonder the missing teens hadn’t been found.

  Hailey climbed out of the back and stretched. Blaze closed the door as someone ran up to him.

  “Good, you’re back. Come with me.” The man ran off. Blaze shrugged his shoulders before following.

  “You two should get into the bunkhouse. It’s getting late. Rusty show them to their room,” the man with the thick accent said.

  “What is this place?” Hailey asked as they crossed through a gate towards an old farm house.

  “The compound. It’s not scary in the day time. It’s a safe place to lay your head, try new things and party. Rex will come by at some point and explain everything. First off, I promised fun.” He pulled the bag from his pocket and handed them each a pill.

  “What is it?” Renee eyed the drug and popped it into her mouth without waiting for the answer.

  Rusty patted her back. “Candy, X, ecstasy, whatever you want to call it; it’s fun.” He turned to Hailey. “Do you like it?”

  She pretended to take it. “I’ve done it a few times. Thank you. How much do we owe you? Nothing is free.”

  He laughed as he opened the main door to the house. “Nothing. Your money is no good here. You’ll earn your keep like the rest of us. I’ll let you both get settled in. Drop your bags and then I’ll come around and we’ll really get this party started. We have bonfires out back most nights. This place is the best.”

  “So, you want to be here?” She hovered by the door, unsure whether to go in or not.

  “Yeah. I was on the verge of jumping into the river when Rex found me. He told me there were options. I figured what the hell did I have to lose, right? There weren’t too many people here back then, but we’re growing.”

  Hailey was mortified by his story. “What do you mean growing?”

  “A new way of life. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, and you will be too.” He pulled her inside.

  These kids must have been brainwashed. This guy Rex was a cult leader or something and he’d already amassed a small army of young followers. Never in her wildest dreams had she suspected anything this elaborate. Hailey followed Rusty and Renee down a long corridor of rooms. Soft music played in the background as the lights flickered overhead. It creeped her out. So did the fact that the rooms had locks on the outside of the doors.


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