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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

Page 88

by Kristen Echo

  “There are six of us. The three brothers traveled from the motherland and settled here. My father, uncle Hanz and Rex own the farm. The rest of us help run it. Do you want to stand here all night, or can we move this party inside?” He thrust again, poking his erection against her tailbone.

  “I like watching the fire. Does your nickname have anything to do with fire? You never told me that story.” She was stalling and praying the cavalry arrived soon. What the hell was taking them so long? She feared her messages had failed, but they’d shown as delivered.

  Blaze relaxed his hold but didn’t let her go. “It does, but remember I told you it wasn’t a cool story. I fucked up when I was a kid. Playing with gas and fire, I ended up torching a garage while my dad and uncle were inside. They survived but have permanent scaring from my mistake. See, not cool.”

  “Definitely not cool. Where’s your mom or any women past the age of twenty-five?” She turned and faced him when she caught sight of movement in the field.

  “Ma died in childbirth. My sister, Anna, survived. She’s around here. Probably in the bunks getting busy. Like we should be doing. Enough talk.” He took her hand and tugged her towards the house.

  The movement in the field loomed closer. Several loud bangs rang, followed by smoke as they deployed canisters of tear gas. Her eyes burned. A moment later, lights exploded through the haze as a swat team burst onto the scene with their guns drawn.

  “Police, everybody down! On the ground. Now,” they shouted.

  “What the fuck?” Blaze dropped her hand and took off towards a garage.

  There’s no way he was getting away. Hailey ran after him. Snot ran down her nose and her eyes watered, but she’d become desensitized to the gas as part of her military training. Blaze didn’t let the chemicals slow him. He was fast, but she caught up and tripped him. They both stumbled to the ground. “Sorry,” she yelled, landing on top of him.

  He grumbled and moaned, pushing her aside. “Bitch,” he murmured, scrambling to his feet. “You’re going to get us caught.”

  Blaze rubbed his eyes, hobbled the next few steps and pulled her to her feet. They made it no more than a few steps before gun shots fired. He went down. “Shit! Fuck, this hurts,” Blaze screamed as he rolled on the ground, clutching his legs. “Motherfuckers!”

  Hailey hesitated as more shots split through the darkness. Her leg burned as the rubber bullet struck her calf, bringing her to her knees. “Ahhh!”

  Beyond the sound of gunfire, Hailey heard the roar of engines and a helicopter in the distance. She rolled onto her side and watched three quads tear out of the garage. They traveled in different directions, making it harder for the cops to catch them. Smart move, but she hoped they had the place surrounded.

  The sting from the bullet vibrated through her leg. She rubbed the area, bringing her knee to her chest. Had it been a regular bullet there would have been a massive amount of blood. She was lucky. The chemicals in the air scorched her throat, and she coughed as three officers pounced on top of her.

  “Stay down. Hands above your head,” they screamed in her face, forcing her onto her stomach. She did as they said and gave no resistance. A knee pressed against her back as they cuffed her hands behind her. They yanked hard on her arms, jarring her shoulders. She groaned as the pain spread through her back and wrists. The amount of force wasn’t necessary, but she understood.

  “Stay still!” An officer slammed his elbow into Blaze’s shoulder, forcing him down. They slapped the cuffs on him before continuing to arrest everyone on site.

  Blaze ran his mouth, cursing at the authorities. Hailey lay there with her face in the mud for over an hour not saying a word. Once everyone was in cuffs and the perimeter secure, they searched everyone. They patted her down and found the pills in her pocket. She cringed as they placed them in an evidence bag. Being charged with possession would destroy any chance at working for the police.

  Eventually, the paramedics arrived on the scene and treated the wounded. A few were loaded into ambulances while the rest of them shuffled into vans. They separated the men and women, but Renee wasn’t in the same van. She looked at all the young tear-stained faces and wondered what would happen next. Most of these teens wouldn’t be prosecuted. Where would that leave them and where would they go?

  When the van arrived at the holding facility, they lined up and waited to be processed. It took hours before she was finger printed and entered into the system. By the time they let her make a call the sun had crested over the horizon.

  “This is Caroline.” Her bosses voice sounded far more chipper than it should have given the early hour.

  “It’s Hailey. Sorry to bother you.”

  “OMG, I’ve been waiting to hear your voice. You’re alive. Thank God. Where are you? The police won’t tell me anything.”

  Hailey stretched her arms and winced as her shoulder popped. “I think the Remand Centre. They wouldn’t say. I’m kind of hoping you can work some magic and get me out of here. I’ve been booked. They haven’t finalized the charges, but I’d guess possession and maybe more.” Being treated like a criminal sucked, but there was no point in arguing or fighting the system. She should have left the detective work to someone with a badge.

  “I’m on it. Hang tight and I’ll have you out of there faster than a Montagne slap shot.”

  They exchanged more information and Caroline told her she’d spread the news that she was fine. Hailey assumed that meant calling Meagan and Sylvie, but with Caroline it could mean a media blitz. They disconnected, and Hailey was transported to a holding cell with the rest of the girls. She found Renee and breathed a sigh of relief.

  The justice system was not known for being fast. Hailey waited an entire day before a guard finally came and released her. Her phone was returned but nothing else. She tried to turn it on, but it was still dead. The last text rolled through her mind. Joe. She rubbed her belly and smiled.

  She opened the doors. The daylight caused her to squint as she inhaled the fresh, spring air. In the distance, a crowd waited. Lights flashed. She noticed the cameras and reporters. Beside the media, she spotted Caroline, Sylvie, Carly, Beth, Meagan and half the NHL team. Except the one man she wanted to see. She shoved the disappointment away. It wouldn’t make sense for him to be there, considering she’d pushed him away.

  Her sister ran and hugged her. Hailey wrapped her arms around Meagan and searched the faces again. Her parents were nowhere to be seen. That stung, but it was half expected. Questions were yelled at her from the journalists, but she didn’t answer.

  “I was beyond worried. Never do that again.” Meagan slapped her arm.

  “Okay. Relax. I had everything under control.” Mostly. They didn’t need to hear all the details. “I don’t see Rich or Mellie,” she said shuffling away from the cameras and towards the cars.

  “They had to work. You can come stay with us instead?” Her sister batted her lashes, trying to look extra sweet and tempting.

  “I’m good there for a while, until I secure my own place. Why is everyone here?” She pointed at the large gathering of people in the parking lot and stationed on the grass.

  Caroline squeezed between the sisters and hugged her. “It’s a huge story. Are you up for giving a statement?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “I promised I’d get you out of there and this is how I got them to let you out. Idiots wouldn’t listen to reason. I had to pull my hockey cards. It worked.”

  Hailey scrunched her eyebrows. “What does that mean, exactly?”

  Joe stepped into view. He looked amazing, like a strong shot of whiskey after a hard day. “I’ve got great lawyers. On top of that, they didn’t want to hold the girlfriend of an NHL player right before the start of round two without cause.” His eyes crinkled around the edges as he closed the distance and pulled her into his arms.

  She didn’t protest. It felt too good. His warmth spread over her as she rested her head against his heart. The steady
beat relaxed her, helping the last of the adrenaline dissipate. He tilted her chin towards him and their eyes met. His mouth claimed hers with a fierceness that took her breath away.

  “Wh… what are you doing? I’m not your girlfriend.” That word shocked her and thrilled her.

  “Do you always have to do things the hard way?”

  She laughed. “Nothing’s easy.”

  His body rumbled as he laughed. “What am I going to do with you, Hailey?”

  She pushed her hands against his hard chest. “What do you want to do?” A lump formed in her throat. She knew what she wanted, but was it too late? She stared into his eyes, and he severed contact.

  Silence hung in the air for a minute while Joe looked down at his shoes. He said nothing. Provided no answer. She refused to admit she wanted that title. That when he’d said it her heart skipped a beat. But it was all for show. The kiss meant nothing. He didn’t want a girlfriend, and she wasn’t about to beg for the role.

  Sylvie and the girls pushed him aside, taking their turns hugging her. She’d only met a few of them once, but they showered her with affection. Her body stiffened as they bombarded her with hugs. She smiled but wanted to get away.

  “It’s been a long couple of days and I’m exhausted. Thank you all for coming. Your support means a lot. As nice as it is to be outside, I’d love to get the hell out of here.”

  Everyone laughed. More questions were directed at her from the media, but she turned away. “No comments,” Joe said as he placed his hand on the small of her back.

  She melted into his touch and let him lead her away. Her sister walked on her other side holding Cameron’s hand. She noticed Joe’s car parked in the far corner while Cameron’s SUV was right there. She stopped. “Can you take me to Mellie’s?” She whispered to her sister.

  “Unless you have a key, we can’t get in. Are you hungry? We were thinking of heading over to the diner where Carly works for a bite to eat. After that I bet she’ll be home from work,” Meagan said as she opened the passenger door.

  “Whatever, just get me away from here.” Hailey slid into the backseat. She closed her eyes and shut the door. The cameras and questions she could handle. Being next to Joe was too much. She couldn’t catch her breath. She rubbed her eyes and sank into the seat.

  Meagan and Cam talked about April and her new obsession with monster trucks. It felt good to hear their stories. They didn’t talk about the case or what came next. She’d have plenty of that coming her way as the trials started. They arrived at the fifties style diner before the rest of the crew. Hailey took a seat and watched a waitress several months pregnant approach.

  Her blond hair was thick and glossy, her skin was glowing, and her baby bump made Hailey want to cry. How could she have a baby with a player who wouldn’t even look at her? Joe couldn’t even say the word girlfriend more than once without looking like he wanted to hurt someone. She rubbed her stomach and ordered water with lemon.

  The group piled into several booths and ordered an abundance of food. She’d hoped Joe wouldn’t come, but he did. To add to her unease, he sat diagonally across from her. She avoided looking directly at him and joked around with the girls. It was the first big meal she’d had in weeks. Besides the grump in the corner, she enjoyed herself.

  “Bring everyone a slice of chocolate pie. Then take a load off and join us.” Carly said placing a hand on her friend’s stomach and rubbing her rounded belly. “Dotty makes the best in the entire world little baby. You and I will share many when you come out.”

  Miranda swatted Carly’s hand away. “Do not get my child hooked on chocolate. Chuck’s sweet tooth is bad enough. If my husband orders any more pies, we’ll go broke.”

  “Whatever. I’ll get Sylvie’s baby hooked then. Right, baby Thomas?” She made a cooing sound towards Sylvie’s growing baby bump.

  Martin placed his hands over his wife’s stomach. “Don’t listen to the crazy lady. Eat your vegetables and get big and strong.”

  All the baby talk hit her like a ton of bricks. She would have to do all it alone. Her eyes glanced at Joe as he shimmied out of the booth. He hadn’t said more than two words through the meal.

  “Soon, you’ll all be talking about diapers. What the hell happened to you guys?” Joe smiled and tossed his napkin at Martin before walking away from the table.

  She pushed her plate away and her stomach flipped. “Excuse me. I need to use the washroom.” It felt like her meal was hovering in her throat. She rushed to the washroom in time for it to make a reappearance. She made a mental note not to eat large meals. After a few minutes, she rinsed her mouth, washed her face and pinched her cheeks to bring color to her face.

  When she stepped out of the washroom, Joe was leaning against the wall talking on his phone. “Not tonight. Another time, baby.” He saw her and turned. “We’ll talk soon.”

  She rolled her eyes and tried to step past him, but he blocked her path. “Move.” A combination of fury, lust and jealousy coursed through her veins.

  He slipped his phone in his pocket. “I’ll get out of your way, but you’re riding back to the city with me. Don’t argue.”

  “I have a ride,” she spat back.

  “They just left. April wanted your sister to take her to the park before bed. You’re stuck with me, baby. You and your attitude will have to deal with it. Ride with me.” His hand reached out to touch her, and she shrunk away.

  “Me and my attitude,” she harrumphed, staring at his mouth. “I’ll get a ride from someone else.”

  The conversation took on a meaning he probably hadn’t intended. All she could think about was sex. Each time he said ride, she envisioned herself sliding up and down his cock. She blamed the pregnancy for making her hormones loopy. Dammit. What the hell was wrong with her?

  “You’ll ride with me. End of story.” He moved towards her, caging her against the wall. “It’s only one ride.”

  He wasn’t her future; he’d made that clear. Joe couldn’t be the man for her, but his words aroused her, charging over her like an avalanche. She gripped his shirt and pulled him towards her, mashing their mouths together. She pushed against him, moving him backwards into the ladies room.

  They stopped moving when his back hit the Formica countertop. Her hands opened his pants and gripped his erection. Joe was always ready to go. She stroked him as he pulled down her pants and panties. He lifted her onto the counter and slammed into her.

  Quick, dirty and angry sex.

  There was nothing loving about the way they attacked each other. Vicious and demanding. She refused to let go of his mouth and he punished her pussy with long hard strokes. She came so hard she nearly broke the countertop. He followed right after, flooding her womb with his seed.

  He smiled at her. After the volatile sex they’d had, the man smiled. She had no words. No idea what to do after something like that. Hailey threw her hands in the air and buried her face in them.

  Chapter 15

  “Hailey, talk to me,” Joe wrapped her in his arms, hugging her to his chest.

  She kept her hands over her face and sobbed. Not a few minor whimpers; she released a mad, ugly cry. Her body shook as her eyes and nose leaked. She followed the raunchiest sex with the most vulnerable moment of her life. Hailey was a total mess.

  “Go,” she sniffled and wiped the tears.

  “Don’t tell me to leave because I’m not going anywhere.” He hugged her tighter. “Get used to it.”

  He wasn’t making any sense, but then neither was she. One second, she couldn’t get away from him fast enough and then she’d kissed him. Talk about mixed signals. That was the problem. She wanted him, but they were like a fire with gasoline and kerosene mingled together, burning too hot. One accelerant was enough. Two was overkill.

  “We’re not having another heart to heart. It didn’t go well for us last time.” She tried to turn away from him, but he refused to give her an inch.

  The door opened. They were still bare from the
waist down. She heard a sharp intake of air as she dropped her forehead to his chest. “Sorry. I’ll come back,” the woman said. The voice was soft and sweet. Hailey suspected it was Beth and hoped she wasn’t right. A stranger would be less embarrassing. Beth and Carly were roommates, which would mean it was only a matter of time before everyone knew she’d become another notch on Larson’s bedpost.

  Joe huffed and ran his fingers through her hair. “Somewhere, somehow I fucked up. Only I didn’t do jack shit to deserve your cold shoulder. I’m not a patient guy, but I’m trying. Work with me, Hailey.”

  “To do what?” She finally managed to wriggle free. She bent over, stepped back into her panties and jeans, and pulled them up. As she stood, her arm grazed his penis and a drop of fluid landed on her arm. “What do you want from me?” she yelled, smearing the reminder away.

  He grabbed her forearms, forcing her to face him. “You. Dammit. I’ve wanted you since the second I saw you. Every time I’m with you, I want more. You have a strength and fiery spirit that draws me in.”

  Part of her heart swelled at his openness, but the other half read between the lines. She shouldn’t confuse attraction for affection. “You want everyone, Joe.” She pushed against his chest. It was like trying to move a boulder with a toy shovel. “Save your pick-up lines and pull up your pants before someone else walks in.”

  He released her. “I don’t care who sees us together,” he said, bending over and lifting his pants. “You’re wrong about me. I’m not sure what I have to do to convince you because I’m running out of ideas.”

  Hailey walked over to the sink and washed her face. Her skin was blotchy from crying. Joe handed her a paper towel, and she wiped away the excess water. She closed her eyes and shook her head. When she glanced forward, his reflection filled the mirror. His eyes stared at her expectantly.

  She leaned against the counter, gripping the edge and wishing she could wipe away the scene in front of her and the ones leading up to it. “If you’re driving me, can we go? I’m exhausted.”


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