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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

Page 98

by Kristen Echo

  Jill meandered towards the front door and waited for a break in conversation before jumping in. “You’ve got stiff competition, but you seem ready.”

  He shuffled his feet towards her but didn’t move for the door. “Our team is strong, and we’re prepared. I’d be all set, if I had you by my side.”


  He grabbed her forearm, pulling her closer. “Hear me out. You and the kids help me focus. I need to be on point for the next round. This is my shot. What we’ve been working towards all these years.”

  “We’ve got your back, Dad.” Rianne wrapped her arms around their waists in a group hug. It was the first hug she’d received from her daughter in weeks. “Right, Mom?”

  “You have our support,” she replied with a weak smile. “Always.”

  His fingers slid along her arm, and he cupped her chin. “Thank you. That means a lot.” He grazed her cheek with his thumb. Something he’d done thousands of times, before they’d kiss.

  She tried to shrink away, but she was stuck between them, unable to move. “You should go and get your rest. Whatever you need, let us know.”

  “Yeah,” Rianne added and gave one last squeeze, forcing her body against Terry’s. “Night lovebirds.” She let go and stepped away.

  Terry held Jill close with his arm around her back. “I had fun tonight. Like old times.”

  Her hands fell by her side. “Don’t get any ideas because nothing has changed. I still want—”

  “Our family to be together,” he interrupted. “Me too.”

  She shook her head. It took all her restraint not to slap him. “Did you sign the papers?” She lowered her voice, hoping her daughter wouldn’t hear. Not pushing him away earlier had been a mistake.

  “Not happening. I already told you where I stand.” His eyes clouded as they moved to her lips. “It’s you and me forever, babe.”

  In the corner she caught Rianne lurking. Her molars gnashed together as she tempered her words. “You need to leave.”

  “All right. We’ll call it a night,” he said, licking his lips.

  She pressed her hands against his chest, trying to move away. “I don’t want to be mean, but I don’t want to give you the wrong impression. There is no more us. Let me be clear. My mind is made up and I want you to sign those papers,” she said through clenched teeth.

  He leaned closer. “No,” he whispered in her ear. “I want you back and I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen. I’ve given you time and space like you asked. Obviously, that hasn’t worked. Time to switch tactics.”

  Without warning his mouth collided with hers. He bent her over, allowing no room for escape. Her eyes widened as his closed. She pursed her lips, preventing access to his tongue as it slithered along her seam. She pounded against his chest, but he kept kissing her.

  His advance made her skin crawl. She didn’t want to make a scene in front of her daughter, but inside she was screaming. She pinched his nipple hard. Twisting the tip until he removed his lips and lifted her up.

  He let go of her and rubbed over his chest. “Damn,” he grunted, not the least bit sorry for his actions. “That hurt.”

  “Get out.” The urge to strike him with the door consumed her as she opened it wide. She envisioned hitting him in the head with it repeatedly until it knocked some sense into him.

  “Think about what I said. I’ll be in touch,” he said, turned and left.

  The door closed, and she wiped her mouth with her sleeve. That man deserved a kick in the ass, but not with their daughter around. She locked the door and slumped against it.

  “So, that was cool,” Rianne joined her in the entry.

  Cool was the last word she’d have used to describe what happened. “Your dad shouldn’t have kissed me.”

  “Yes, he should. You two used to kiss all the time. Gross and embarrassing, but it was normal. All the whispering, closed door conversations and different houses sucks. You have to admit, you had fun tonight.”

  They had shared some laughs. Despite everything, she didn’t hate Terry. “Your dad and I are friends, but that’s it. I—”

  “Good night.” Rianne waved and stomped away.

  The conversation was over. She’d failed to convince her daughter that she wasn’t getting back with Terry. She’d failed at convincing him of the same. A nice tall glass of wine seemed mighty appealing. Something good to override the bad. Instead of making a drink, she grabbed her phone and sent Luka a text with the good news.

  “I’ll be in your area again soon. Very soon.”

  Ten minutes later, her phone beeped as she read a book in bed. She set the book aside and grabbed her phone off the bedside table. A new message from Luka appeared.

  “I knew you couldn’t stay away.”

  Her smile spread from ear to ear. “Are you ready to see me again so quickly?”

  She hit send and rolled over on her bed. Her bedroom had undergone a massive revamp when Terry left. All traces of him and his minimalist style had been wiped clean. The walls were covered with a modern chic wallpaper and she’d bought all new espresso colored furniture. A four-poster bed with flowing sheer drapery dominated the space. It reflected her quirky personality.

  When her phone rang, she fumbled it in her hands, almost dropping it. “Hey, you.”

  “Hello, Jill.”

  Hearing his voice sent a rush of endorphins charging through her. “What are you doing?” Once again, there was a lot of background noise. Like he was in a club. She bit her lip. He was probably partying with friends and she’d interrupted his night. “I mean, do you have time to talk? If you’re busy, we can catch up another time,” she offered.

  “I wouldn’t have called if I didn’t want to talk. Tell me about your night.”

  No way she was telling him she’d spent the evening with Terry playing house. She had done nothing wrong, but those hours sank like a brick in her gut. “First, I want to make plans. You mentioned you travel for work. Will you be in the city when Winnipeg hosts Montreal for game one?”

  “I’ll be there.” A low chuckle rumbled over the line. “You told me you didn’t like hockey, yet you use it to reference dates. Are you secretly a fan? You can tell me your secrets.”

  Excitement bubbled over and she hugged her pillow, wishing it was him. “I’m glad you’ll be around.” She debated how much to divulge about her ex and her history. Revealing her marriage to a famous hockey player would lead to questions, she wasn’t in the mood to answer. “It’s not that I don’t like hockey. I’ve spent a large part of my adult life invested in the NHL, but those days are over. The sport dominated a big part of my time. It’s complicated,” she said, stopping herself from blurting her entire life story.

  “Life is complicated,” Luka added.

  There was so much chatter over the line, she found it difficult to make out his words. She exhaled, rolled onto her side and closed her eyes, picturing him lying there with her. “True. Want to hear something funny?”


  “I thought I saw you tonight on the television. Someone had a similar sounding name, and I immediately thought of you. Must mean I miss you already. Crazy, right?”

  He laughed. The deep sound surrounded her, and she swooned. “Not crazy. Are you in bed?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Where are you?”

  “In a room full of sweaty men, but I wish I was in your bed,” he said, making her shiver and her nipples harden. “Send me a picture of your room. I want to see where you sleep.”

  “We could video chat instead.” She’d changed from the provocative jersey and wore nothing but his tank top. “Pictures are so informal.”

  The noise dissipated as if he’d changed locations. “Not now. I don’t have time to talk for long, but I am glad we will be together soon. One day, you’ll invite me to your room and I’ll see it then.”

  “One day,” she replied, chewing the corner of her lip. Her kids might never be ready for a day like that and she w
ouldn’t force it on them any time soon.

  Neither spoke for a while. The sound of their breathing filled the air. Comfortable and reassuring.

  “Luka,” she said, breaking the moment. “No matter what happens, or where this goes, I’m really glad we met.”

  “Jill, I was torn about you at first. Not sure if I should have taken your offer, but I couldn’t say no to you. Not then, and I have a sense not ever. Sweet dreams, my beautiful distraction.” He hung up, and she clutched her phone to her heart. She had a feeling she wouldn’t be able to say no to him either.

  Chapter 8

  They’d texted back and forth and spoke constantly over the next few days. Luka was her new addiction, and he’d said the same about her. Besides a few sexy comments, they had kept everything PG. Sharing their likes and dislikes along with stories of their childhood helped their bond grow stronger.

  From two different continents, and years apart, Jill found it odd how much they had in common. It was the little things. They both loved rainy days, and the energy that accompanied a thunderstorm. Reading a good book and being mesmerized by a wood burning fire, ranked higher than movies and gossip. Neither liked the feel of sand on their toes or sun bathing. With Jill’s fair skin, the sun burned more than tanned. Every conversation brought them closer.

  As game day approached, her excitement to see him and touch him had expanded. It got so bad; she had enlisted her mother to join her on the trip. This way her mom could watch the boys, letting her sneak away for some alone time with Luka. She hated sneaking around, but she had no other choice. Having a secret boyfriend was less than ideal, but she saw no way around it for the time being.

  “Please stow your bag for landing,” the flight attendant said.

  Jill placed her purse under the chair and double-checked TJ’s seatbelt. He was secure and asleep. Across the aisle, her mom sat with Wayne. The two smiled while watching an inflight movie. She checked over her shoulder, and Rianne’s nose was pressed against her tablet. Her fingers gripped the device, drawing Jill’s eye to the chipped, black nail polish. She didn’t mind the black, but the constant attitude was tiresome.

  Not that long ago, they had been best friends. Jill knew everything going on in her daughter’s life. These days, she knew nothing. Their relationship had morphed into something unrecognizable following the separation. Rianne blamed her for Terry’s increased absence. No amount of love, assurance or discussions seemed to make a difference. Unless she let him move home, she feared they’d always have this distance. She sighed, turned around and fastened her seatbelt.

  The plane descended into Winnipeg International without much fanfare. Terry and the players had arrived earlier. Nobody greeted them at the terminal. The plan was to meet him at the hotel and then she’d steal a few hours with Luka.

  “I want to swim!” Wayne pulled on her arm, dragging her towards the exit. “As soon as we get there. Okay?”

  She laughed at his eagerness. “We need the bags first, silly goose.”

  He let go of her hand and looked around. “Right. After that, do you promise we’ll hit the pool?” He was the spitting image of his dad but wanted nothing to do with hockey. He was a fish and lived for time in the water. He took after her in that regard.

  Rianne rolled her eyes. “Mom has an appointment. Remember? First thing we’ll do is see dad. Then we’ll all hit the pool. Relax,” she said, ruffling his hair.

  “I think it’s wonderful your business is doing so well,” her mother added, making Jill feel like a heel for lying.

  The only way she’d convinced her mother to tag along had been to tell her she had meetings set up with some alternate suppliers. The outcome might have been different had she been honest. At this point, she wasn’t willing to risk it. A little white lie wouldn’t hurt anybody.

  “Thanks. It’s been amazing. Things have taken off almost on their own. I appreciate your help.” She hugged her mother, and they headed for their bags.

  The last time she’d arrived, she’d brought a carry-on and had bypassed the baggage area. Clothing hadn’t been an issue. The ravenous look on Luka’s face when he’d seen her resurfaced and her knees buckled. He was only a car ride away. She dug into her purse and retrieved her phone.

  “I’m here. Where are you?” She sent the text as they waited with the growing group of the passengers in front of the unmoving carrousel.

  “Eager to see me?” His response made her chuckle because he was one hundred percent right.

  “Mom, can you grab my bag? I need to find a washroom,” she said, dropping her phone back in her purse.

  Her mother nodded. “No problem. Looks like we’ll be a while yet. It was a full plane.”

  The kids hung back with her mom as she raced to the closest woman’s room and closed the stall door. She wanted to convey her excitement and tease him at the same time. Chewing the inside of her cheek, she removed her panties and took a picture of them in her hand. She sent the photo to Luka with no caption.

  Less than ten seconds later, her phone chimed. “Keep them off.”

  Shoving her underwear in her purse added to the anticipation. “Room 1406. One hour.”

  An hour should be enough time to get the kids situated with Terry at the pool. She didn’t want to cut it too close, but she couldn’t wait to be with Luka. It worked in her favor that her ex had checked them in already. Her mom and the kids had a two-bedroom suite, and she had her own room. A room that would get used in the very near future.

  The sudden naughtiness of her actions left her winded. She sat on the toilet, staring at her phone. Nothing. No response came from him. She calmed her breathing before rejoining her family.

  TJ raced towards her and she picked up her baby. “Mommy, less go,” he said. His ability to pronounce t’s hadn’t developed yet.

  They made their way towards the hotel in a limo. The darkness of night had already claimed the city. When they arrived, Terry greeted them in the lobby. He wore a suit and a smile. An entourage of fans and media flanked him. The place was packed and noisy.

  “Hello, my family!” It was difficult to hear him over the loud chatter. His smile seemed genuine, but his acting skills weren’t that great. Something bothered him.

  She handed TJ over to him. “What’s wrong?” she whispered in his ear.

  His arm draped over her shoulder and he ushered them towards the sitting area rather than the elevators. There was no room on the oversized, leather furniture. They stood next to a stone fireplace.

  “You know me. I get nervous around the cameras. On ice, no worries, but off it… no thanks.” He removed his arm and rubbed the back of his neck. “They want a quick statement, but I said only once you all got here. Too bad I couldn’t put them off forever,” he joked.

  Jill checked her watch. Thirty minutes until Luka was scheduled to arrive. She hesitated and then noticed the distress in his brow and couldn’t say no. “No problem. Where do you need us?”

  He set TJ down. “Thank you,” he mouthed as he hugged their other two children. “I’m glad you guys are here.”

  “Pass me the keys.” Her mother’s tone was clipped as she addressed Terry. Only a handful of people knew the truth behind her separation and her mother was one. She supported her decision but valued the sanctity of marriage. “I’ll head to the room and get ready for the pool.”

  “Yes!” Wayne cheered. “Swim time.”

  “In a bit, buddy. I need you to stick with me for a couple of minutes first.” He ruffled his son’s hair and removed cards from the breast pocket of his blazer. “Here you go. Two rooms.”

  “I’ll take mine.” Jill snatched a card from the stack and slipped it into her purse. “We’ll join you shortly, Mom. Thanks.”

  For the next fifteen minutes they posed for pictures and stood by Terry as he gave a brief interview. The limelight wasn’t his thing. No amount of experience dealing with the press took away his nerves. His hands shook and sweat beaded on his brow as they asked their question

  She acted the part of the happy family with a fake smile painted on her lips. Her feet shuffled as time escaped. The reporter had a slew of questions and Terry rambled instead of being direct. Her eyes darted to the door more times than she could count, but there was no sign of her lover.

  “One more picture,” a young woman held the camera.

  “I’m not doing it alone. Come here,” Terry said, holding his arms wide for them to join him.

  They were shuffled into a spot with better lighting. This was all taking too long. She glanced at the doors and a wave of lust hit her hard. She stepped back as he entered. A leather jacket and a hat covered most of him, but she recognized his presence. It was Luka. The air became thicker and she shivered. Something squeezed her hand, drawing her attention. Her hand was threaded with Terry’s.

  “Perfect. Say cheese,” the photographer said.

  “Cheese,” the kids replied as she stood motionless. Her forced smile remained in place, but inside she was crying. He’d come for her and she wasn’t ready. She tore her eyes off him to look at the camera. One flash. “Thanks.”

  When she looked back, Luka stood by the door facing them. His face was covered by his hat, but she noticed his lips were thinned. He saw her. More specifically, he saw her with her ex and their kids.

  It probably looked like one big happy family. Made only worse when Terry hugged her, blocking her view of Luka. She froze, holding her breath. He lifted her off the ground and twirled her once. When he let get go, she stepped to the side and towards the doors, seeking her lover.

  It was pointless. By the time she completed her second step, his back was to her and his long legs carried him away. Before she caught her breath, he was out the door. Within the blink of an eye, he was gone. She couldn’t do a thing about it.

  Terry came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. “Thanks for that. I really appreciate it. I hope you aren’t late for your meetings.”


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