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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

Page 105

by Kristen Echo

  “Mom, down,” he protested after she held on for too long.

  “I love you,” she said, kissing the top of his head.

  He smiled and returned to his toys. “Daddy gone.” He picked up a truck and drove it around the track on his table.

  “He’ll be back.” She closed her eyes and dreaded seeing him again. His actions weren’t done out of love for anyone but himself. He was punishing her for daring to move on. He knew her weakness and had exploited it. The threat of taking her kids was enough for her to bend to his will, but if he thought for one second he’d won, he was dead wrong.

  She tried not to focus on the threat that loomed over her head as she traveled with the kids. Rianne’s desire to find her friend took precedent. She welcomed the distraction. They made a plan for the next day and discussed options for Rex. There were several shelters and if they weren’t suitable, Jill was willing to pay for a halfway house or something. No kid should live on the streets.

  The next morning, instead of going to Luka as they’d planned, she told him something came up. She refused to break it off with him. Not yet. There had to be a way around Terry’s disgusting ultimatum. As the day wore on, she became less hopeful.

  They searched the streets of downtown for over an hour with no sign of Rex. Jill wasn’t too upset about it, but her daughter’s concern grew with the passing minutes.

  “I met him here last time.” Rianne pointed to a bench near some thick bushes. They’d been to the same spot earlier. The sun loomed overhead, getting hotter by the minute. “It’s not far from the hotel,” she added.

  Used needles littered the ground and garbage covered the grass. She was glad she’d left Wayne and TJ with another player’s wife. Searching parks for the homeless boy wasn’t a fun adventure. “I don’t see anyone,” she said.

  They sat on the bench and Rianne kicked a pebble. “Maybe he found a place. It’s too bad he didn’t have a phone or something.”

  “Are you looking for me,” a man said from behind them. He had an accent that reminded her of Luka.

  Jill craned her neck and stared at the young man as he approached. “I’m not sure,” she answered.

  Rianne stood and ran to him. He wasn’t a boy. The disheveled hair and dirty clothes made her heart sink, but then he touched her daughter. The hug lasted far longer than she liked. When he pulled away, he looked to be the same age as Luka. He was attractive, with finely cut features and bright green eyes.

  He looked nothing like she’d expected. No matter how good-looking, he was a man, and he had no business talking with teenagers. Something about him rubbed her the wrong way.

  “I’m glad we found you, but I kinda wish you’d found a place by now,” her daughter said.

  He held her hand and smiled. “I was waiting for you. How’s your head?” His fingers grazed Rianne’s cheek.

  Jill stood. “My daughter filled me in on your living conditions. Are you still living here, or have you secured housing?” The sooner she found a way to help this guy, the quicker he’d be away from her little girl.

  “Mom.” His eyebrows rose together, and his steps slowed. “I would have guessed sister. My situation is complicated. This beauty here mentioned she was from Montreal and we hit it off. I’ve always wanted to travel there. Did you drive this time?” He directed his question at Rianne.

  “We flew,” Jill answered. “I’ve investigated some housing options. Can we buy you food and talk about them? We don’t have much time, but we’d like to help.”

  He shook his head. “Appreciate the offer, but I already ate. I’m well connected in this city, but…” he chewed his lip, eyeing Rianne like she was a feast on the menu. “I’m glad you came to see me.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “What do you mean well connected?”

  He smiled, raising her hackles even higher. “I can get you anything you want. Up, down, high or low. Whatever you’re in the mood for. What would you like, Rianne?”

  Her daughter giggled and shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing. I mean, I’m good. How about you?”

  “I’d like to spend more time with you. Maybe—”

  She’d heard and seen enough. This guy was a sleaze-ball drug dealer. His charm was wasted on her.

  “If we’re going to make it to the game on time, we need to go. I’m sorry we couldn’t help you.” She held out the research she’d printed of available beds, not that she expected him to use it.

  He stuffed the paper in his pocket without looking at it. His arm covered Rianne’s shoulder, and he whispered something into her ear. Jill watched her daughter melt into his touch. It didn’t seem right that a good-looking well-connected man would flirt with teens.

  Luka’s words ricocheted through her brain. Targeted teenagers. She pulled her phone from her purse and searched for articles online. The drug bust was big news in this city but hadn’t traveled east. She scrolled through several pages before pictures of the criminals appeared. Rex Reeza was a wanted man. The same big green eyes stared at her from the screen. There was no mistaking the two.

  “It’s time to leave,” she said. Looking from her phone, she caught his back as he disappeared behind the bushes. “Where’d he go?”

  “He’s meeting someone. Why?”

  “Walk with me.” She grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Jill scanned the area as they exited the park. Once they were on the street, she handed her the phone.

  Rianne walked a few steps before she gasped. “No way.” She searched around them, but they were alone. “We need to call the cops. That’s Rex. Holy hell. He didn’t even change his name.” Her hands shook as she returned the phone.

  “You’re safe.” She covered her daughter’s hands. “Thank you for telling me about him. I’m so glad I was with you tonight. You’re not allowed out of my sight while we’re here.”

  “Okay,” Rianne answered without protest. “He seemed so normal. That’s scary.”

  They called the police as they raced back to the hotel. Their description of the suspect and his location was entered into the system. The police took their contact information for future reference. She hoped it was enough to catch the guy, but men like that were slippery. She shivered, thinking of her ex.

  Rianne wasn’t feeling up for the arena and asked if they could watch the game from the hotel. Jill was happy to avoid being there in person. Too bad she couldn’t avoid Terry forever.

  With the high from his win at home, Terry played like a champion. Montreal showed Luka and his teammates what they were made of. They came away with the victory, and Jill hated not being there for Luka. He needed her support, and she was MIA. That was easier than the alternative.

  Chapter 17

  True to his word, Terry had sent the movers. Her home was once again filled with his stuff. When she entered her bedroom, his boxes sat at the foot of her bed. She stared at them, unable to move. If he planned to share a bed with her, he was delusional.

  Despite the new paint and furniture, memories of her marriage filled the space. If she inhaled hard enough, she could still smell her ex on the sheets. Her stomach roiled. The entire house was one giant reminder of their relationship. She hated it. From the second they’d moved into the ostentatious home, she’d never felt comfortable. The renovations had only masked the issues. It wasn’t the small details that failed; it was the structure itself.

  She kicked the top box to the floor and screamed. Giving into his demands was like selling her soul. All night and into the morning, she’d formed her attack plan. She wouldn’t go down without a fight. Accepting his terms wouldn’t make either of them happy. If he would only look past his bruised ego, he’d realize the truth.

  “Everything okay?” Wayne poked his head into the bedroom.

  No! Everything was the opposite of okay.

  “It’s fine,” she answered. “When I told your dad he could store things here, I had no idea what I was in for.” She plastered on a fake smile and joined her son in the hall, slamming the door beh
ind her. Her phone slipped from her pocket onto the floor.

  He bent over and picked it up. “There are lots of boxes. How long is the house going to look like this?”

  “Not long. Your dad is on his way over and we’re going to talk about it.” She hugged him and led him towards the living room.

  Her phone rang, and Wayne answered before she could steal it back. “Hello,” he said, running down the hall away from her. “She’s here, but you have to talk to me first.”

  She chased him and tackled him onto the couch. He giggled as the person on the other line spoke. His laughter increased as she tickled his sides.

  “Give me the phone.” She held out her hand, but he refused to hand it back.

  “No. Oh, that’s cool. Really. Yeah,” he laughed louder as she dug her fingers into his armpits.

  She wrestled the device from his hand. “Sorry,” she wheezed into the mouthpiece.

  “Don’t apologize,” Luka said, making her heart beat even faster. “Are you decompressing again?”

  She laughed as Wayne turned the tables on her and tickled her sides. “No.”

  TJ joined them on the couch and double teamed her. “Give me a second,” she said between giggles. Jill rolled off the couch onto the floor. “Boys, Mommy needs to take this call.”

  “Okay,” they replied in unison.

  “Luka are you still there?” she asked, escaping to the kitchen.

  “Your laugh is beautiful. I wish I was there to see it,” he replied. “Can we meet today?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “There are a few variables I have to take care of first. It won’t be easy for me to get away today or tomorrow. It might be a while before we can be together. There’s stuff going on and—”

  “You seem to embrace complications,” he huffed. “I hear many excuses from you not to see me or return my calls. Am I misreading you?”

  She leaned on the counter and pictured him tugging on his beard as he spoke. Maybe because that’s what she wanted to be doing. Touching him and feeling his hairs against her face. She wanted so badly to be in his arms again. “I am a magnet for complicated,” she admitted. “If you can bear with me a little longer, I’ll figure it all out. Give me time.”

  “Again, with time.” He took a big breath and exhaled. “I will give you what you need. In return, I ask you to meet me halfway.”

  “Compromise.” She smiled. Terry never compromised. “What can I do for you?”

  “Honey, I’m home,” Terry yelled, and goosebumps raced across her skin. “Where are you, baby?”

  “Is Manor there with you?” Luka’s voice lowered.

  Her blood pressure shot to the moon. “He just walked in the door. I need to go,” she choked on the words.

  “I want to trust you, but—”

  “You have to. Goodbye.” Jill hung up and placed the phone down as her ex sauntered into the room with a sinister grin on his face.

  “There you are,” he said, pressing his hands onto the counter across from her. “Are you ready to give the kids the good news?”

  She shook her head. “No. Sit with me.” Her voice trembled along with her nerves. She walked over to the table and sat, not trusting her legs to keep her upright.

  He folded his big body into the seat next to her. “Did you start unpacking my stuff? I’d like to sleep here tonight, before the big game tomorrow.”

  “That will not be possible,” she croaked, then cleared her throat. “I’ve had time to think about our conversation the other day, and I’m hoping you had suffered a fit of momentary insanity. You—”

  He snickered and grabbed her hand from her lap. “Jill,” he said, gripping it tight.

  “No.” She pulled away. “Don’t touch me. We kept your affair and your child a secret, but if you refuse to be reasonable, I’ll spread your story everywhere. Your perfect image will be ruined. We both have skeletons and I’ll keep custody of the kids. Playing dirty isn’t what I want, but you’re leaving me no options.”

  “Go ahead,” he spat. “I pay child support.” He smiled, leaning into her space. “I have done nothing wrong. We were separated at the time. I’ve got a PR team ready to go. I won’t lose.”

  “We were most definitely not separated,” she shrieked. “And my heart breaks for the boy you’re neglecting.”

  His laugh choked her airways. “It’s all how you spin it, baby. When I bring the Cup home, they’ll give me the key to the city. I’ll have everything. Do you want to test me? Your boyfriend tried and got his ass handed to him on the ice.”

  The salt and pepper shakers rattled as she slammed her hands on the table. “You’re bluffing. I can’t stand your blasé attitude. You begged me to keep your secret, so it wouldn’t hurt the kids, but they deserve to know about their brother. Our kids need a mother and a father, even though you’re far from a stellar role model these days. Luka is twice the man you are.”

  “Don’t fucking say his name around me,” he fumed.

  She pushed away from the table and stood. “This is bullshit!”

  “Feisty,” he snickered. “Face it, Jill. I get what I want, and this time won’t be any different. You’re right to some extent. I don’t want that ugliness to surface any more than you want to never see your kids again.”

  “Are you seriously threatening me?” Her body trembled with rage and her eyes filled with tears.

  “If you don’t give me what I want, consider it a promise,” he replied.

  “Mom?” Rianne stepped into the room with wide eyes.

  Terry’s chair screeched as he stood. “How much did you overhear?”

  Her daughter’s face was pale. Jill flew across the room and wrapped her in a hug. There was no protest. She inhaled her sweet vanilla scent, drawing strength from her presence.

  Rianne squeezed her mother’s shoulder. “I heard enough. What boy? What’s going on?”

  It was time for him to own his actions and accept the consequences. “Your father has something to tell you,” she answered.

  Terry used both hands to pull at his hair. “Fuck,” he cussed and closed his eyes. “It’s a long story. Will you sit with me?”

  Rianne looked to her, and she nodded. “Okay.” She took one step then stopped. Their eyes connected. “Wait. Do you have a boyfriend?”

  “Yes, I met someone. A wonderful man who makes me happy. One day soon, I’d love for you and your brothers to meet him. Only, when you’re ready,” she added.

  “I knew this day would come,” Rianne said, twisting her fingers and shuffling her feet. “It’s so weird to think about you with anyone but Dad.” She chewed her lip and looked back and forth between her parents. “I want you happy though, so I should probably meet this guy pretty soon. Make sure he’s worthy or something.”

  Jill smiled and hugged her daughter again. “Thank you for being so mature. I’ll tell Luka you’re willing to meet him. This will make him very happy. I’m sure you’ll like him.”

  Terry coughed, and she heard his molars grinding from across the room. “I don’t approve of you introducing that man to my kids.”

  Her lips thinned. “You don’t get to have a say. Focus on your relationship with our kids and doing damage control once you tell them what’s been going on for the past two years.” Having the truth come out lifted the guilt and the responsibility off her shoulders. She inhaled and let the air fill her lungs. “Rianne, I’ll be in the other room if you need me.”

  “Aren’t you going to stay and help me out?” he asked. His bravado from earlier had disappeared.

  She rubbed her daughter’s arm and stared at her soon-to-be-ex-husband. “I’m not helping you ever again. I can’t be around you anymore. If you want this house, keep it. Otherwise it’s going on the market as soon as possible. You can’t threaten and force someone into loving you. The divorce papers are on my desk and I expect you to sign them.” She walked out of the room with her head held high.

  The boys sat on the couch, watching cart
oons and laughing. Her favorite sound in the world. She collapsed next to them and sighed. The conversation in the other room worried her, but it was about time the truth surfaced.

  Adrenaline coursed through her for the next few minutes. She couldn’t sit still. When Rianne entered the room with tears streaming down her face, she bolted upright.

  “Mom,” she cried and ran into her arms. They hugged. “I want to meet him, but dad refused. Can you introduce me? Please,” she begged.

  “Oh, honey. I’ve only met him once. Your dad’s the only one who knows where they live. I’ve been trying for months to get the address, but—”

  “Hire a PI or something. He can’t keep my sibling from me,” she said, wiping away the tears. “I hate what he’s done to our family.”

  “Rianne,” Terry said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Give me time. Please, don’t tell anyone yet.”

  “Tell anyone what?” Wayne asked.

  “Nothing, buddy,” Terry answered.

  “You’ve had plenty of time,” Rianne said, walking towards the front door. “Dad, I don’t think you should be here. You can’t change what happened, but you get to decide how we handle it moving forward. Make the right choice or don’t come back.”

  Terry waved at the boys who stared at the scene, not knowing what to say. “Love you guys. After the game tomorrow, I’ll come over and we can talk again.” He tried to hug Rianne, but she shrunk away.

  After he’d stepped out, she slammed the door behind him. “I’m beyond mad right now,” she exclaimed.

  “Are you mad at me?” Jill asked, holding her breath.

  “No. Not really. I mean, I wish you’d told me, but it’s his doing. He told me not to take it out on you.” She shrugged her shoulders, looking far older than sixteen. “You’re just trying to pick up the pieces. Right?”

  “Right,” she agreed.

  “This is a lot to take in.” She returned to the living room and sank onto the couch between her brothers. “Do you guys wanna go to the park? I’d like to do something fun.”

  The boys jumped into action and raced to get their shoes on. “I can show you how fast I can climb the pyramid now. I’m way faster than last week,” Wayne said, tying his laces.


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