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Rozalyn 6: The Finale

Page 19

by Shan


  24: Tamar

  Today was Keysha’s last day at the hospital and I had just finished taking all of her things down to the car. I never wanted the baby with Keysha, but I had long ago accepted that there was nothing I could do about it. I never imagined that we would be leaving the hospital empty handed and it was like losing Jr. all over again.

  I hated that Rozalyn had walked in on me kissing Keysha on yesterday, but I was doing my all to try and comfort Keysha and help keep her mind off of Taysan. She told me about how she was in my office trying to get my account information when saw everything that Rozalyn and I had done and that was what caused her to snapped to point to where she passed out.

  That was my fault for not locking my computer back. I knew that I said that I was done with the childish games, but hell Rozalyn didn’t find all the cameras in her house, and I didn’t bother telling her where the few remaining were. I never knew that it would lead to this though.

  I didn’t regret sleeping with Rozalyn that night, shit it had been the best night that I had had in a very long time and I wasn’t ever gonna apologize for that. Being with her just reminded me where home was and I meant everything I had told Rozalyn about fixing our marriage and getting past all the bullshit. It was time for us to both grow up and treat each other with respect so that we could raise our kids and be happy like we were supposed to be.

  I just wasn’t going to tell Keysha that. Not right now. Soon as she got through the grieving process, I would let her know that it was for the best that she went back to Detroit to be with her family so that I could work on being with mine.

  I had tried calling Rozalyn last night to explain all of this to her, but her ass was ignoring every one of my calls and not only that, Melo claimed to have lost Rozalyn at Starr’s shop last night, but didn’t think to tell me until this morning. That nigga was about to be about out of a job.

  “Aye, Rozalyn, what’s up? What are you doing here? I thought they had Kevin moved to Mt. Sinai.”

  “Did you have somebody try and kill me and Jaheim?” Rozalyn asked. She folded her arms across her chest and immediately I could feel my body tensing up. The fuck was she asking about Jaheim for?

  “What? Why the fuck you asking me about some nigga you were fucking?”

  “Somebody tried to kill me and him last night, Tamar, and I know that it was you.”

  I sucked my teeth and looked around the hospital before I stepped closer to Rozalyn. She tried to step back, but I grabbed her by her arm and made sure I held a death grip onto it. This was why her ass was nowhere to be found last night and she was so fucking stupid that if she had never said nothing, I would’ve never known.

  “You fucked him, Rozalyn?”

  “Somebody shot him Tamar, and then pointed the gun at me and tried to kill me. Thank God the gun jammed or otherwise I would be dead.” She punched me in my chest and attempted to get out of my grip. “You trying to take me away from my kids! How could you, Tamar? And then you send some bitch to do it at that! What the fuck is wrong with you? I’m so sick of this shit! Damn, I wish you were dead! I wish the fuck you would’ve died years ago and maybe just maybe shit would be different for me.”

  I released the hold that I had around Rozalyn’s arm being that she was drawing some unwanted attention. I could spot security guards coming our way out the corner of my eye.

  “I didn’t even know that you were with Jaheim. That nigga knows that he’s supposed to keep his distance from you, and I thought that since after what happened the last time when I almost bodied the nigga behind this shit, that you would’ve stayed the fuck away from him. I gave your ass permission to do what the fuck you wanted to do, but not with him!”

  “That’s who I like and that’s who I want to be with! You don’t get to tell me who I can and can’t see. It’s cool because I’m quite sure if I was able to get a restraining order against your ass the last time, watch and see that I get it done again this time.”

  “All this shit because you saw me fuckin’ kiss Keysha! I told you I was done with damn girl man, damn, what the fuck!”

  “I don’t even care about that anymore. You don’t do shit but tell me one lie and turn around and tell her another.”

  “Excuse me, you two are gonna have to leave. Please take that outside,” the security guard said as he walked up to us.

  “It’s fine, I’m leaving,” Rozalyn said as she made her way out of the hospital. I followed behind her and noticed that she popped the locks on Starr’s car. I shook my head because she was really on that sneaky shit. Damn, if Rozalyn wanted to leave me and be with another nigga then cool, shit I wasn’t about to waste time and energy on that anymore. But with this nigga Jaheim, that shit wasn’t happening. I didn’t care if she was fucking with him before he and his fam got with the UNC, but now that they were down, he was off fucking limits. I didn’t need this shit messing up what I was building and I could already foresee this shit fucking up the relationship I had with Jahkim.

  “Boss you cool?” Big Ace asked as he ran behind me.

  “Yea, go check on Keysha for me. I’m good,” I told him as I ran to catch up to Rozalyn. “Come here.”

  “No, get away from me,” Rozalyn said as she pulled the car door open. She sat down inside and I blocked her from closing it and knelt down so that I was level with her.

  “I ain’t know shit about you being with that nigga Jaheim and I think it’s real fucked up that you were with him after what we just shared the other day.”

  “Obviously, what we shared wasn’t real if you just go back to Keysha like nothing ever happened. The other day meant a lot to me, but I see you were only trying to fuck with my head as usual, so like you told me, I can’t let you walk all over me.”

  “So, go fuck with a nigga that you know damn well that you shouldn’t be fucking with?”

  Rozalyn shrugged her shoulders. “You trying to confuse me and fuck me all up again. Don’t do this shit to me all over again, Tamar. It took me a long ass time to get to the point where I no longer cried over you. You can’t keep doing me like this.”

  “I thought if anybody would understand Keysha’s situation then it would be you of all people. She just lost my shorty man. You want me to leave her right now at a time like this? Come on man, are you serious?”

  Rozalyn scoffed. “If I remember correctly, you left me for months after we lost Jr. I don't remember you being so damn caring and compassionate then! You left me—”

  “Shut the fuck up!” I grabbed Rozalyn by her throat and attempted to pull her out the car, but she grabbed ahold of the steering wheel and jerked away from me. “Don't do that petty ass shit man for real. How many times I gotta apologize for the same shit?”

  “Move out of my way so that I can go.”

  “Yo, be at the house. When I drop her off, I’m coming over. We not done.”

  “Fuck you, Tamar. Move!”

  Rozalyn reached for the door and I kicked the muthafucka repeatedly trying to break the bitch off the hinges. I didn’t give a fuck whose car it was. After I was satisfied with the damage I had done, I walked away and headed back towards the hospital. Once I was inside, instead of going up to get Keysha so that we could leave, I made a little detour.

  I went to information desk to find out if they had a Jaheim Assad as a patient here. When the clerk informed me that they did, she gave his room number, and I caught the next elevator going up to the floor that his room was located on. I looked around the floor before I went into his room and shut the door behind me. I pulled the curtain closed around his bed and pulled up a chair next to him.

  “Mmgh,” Jaheim groaned as he brought his hand up to chest and stirred in his sleep. His eyes blinked rapidly before he finally opened them and looked over at me.

  “What up?” I asked him.

  His eyes fluttered closed and he opened them once again and stared at me. I wanted to see some type of sign that the nigga feared me but I didn’t get that at all.

  I stood up and walked around to the other side of his bed. I examined all of the cords that were going into his body and coming from the IV machine. A few of them were pain meds and a few were fluids. I had been in this situation enough to know what each one did and how they could fuck you up if given too much.

  “What you want?” Jaheim asked just above a whisper.

  “If I turn this shit up and make it drip faster, you’ll likely overdose before anyone could even catch it.”

  Jaheim chuckled. “Guess you know what I was doing last night…or rather who I was doing.”

  “You’s a funny nigga.” I pressed the button on the IV machine and caused it to beep. I then looked down at Jaheim and saw him flinch in pain. “Burn, huh? Should I hit it again?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “You ain’t nothing like your pops. That’s a cool ass nigga. He was the reason I didn’t toe tag your muthafuckin’ ass last time. I see you still wanna play with me though bitch.” I hit the button on the machine again, this time turning it up a couple of more notches. They had it set to where it would only pump through his veins every thirty minutes giving him a small dosage, but I was turning this shit up to drip every few minutes at a even higher dose.

  “Ain’t my fault you don’t know how to treat your woman my dude. And with that fie ass pussy she got, nigggga…” Jaheim chuckled. His words were slurred so I knew the morphine was tearing his ass up right now.

  “You liked it, huh?”

  “Did I? You know I did. But I know you ain’t even gotta ask that, if it wasn’t good, you wouldn’t be up here trying to scare a nigga right now. Pussy got your ass gone,” he laughed again and this time, I gripped my hand around his throat, pulled my pistol, put it to his head, and pulled the trigger.

  I laughed this time. “I don't hear you laughing now nigga. Make sure this the last time I hear about you fucking with my wife.”

  I hit the button on the IV machine several times before walking away and out of the room. He had better hope he had some attentive nurses because if not, it wouldn’t be long before that morphine caused him to have a seizure that would most likely lead to a heart attack or either a stroke. I couldn’t just let niggas go around disrespecting me all because of what I was trying to build. Fuck it.

  25: Rozalyn

  “Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Andrews.”

  I turned around to see Melo coming my way. I tried to close the door to Starr’s car, but it was all fucked up. She was gonna kill me when she saw it, but hopefully I could tell her I needed to keep it again and try to get it fixed before she even found out.

  “What’s up, Melo?”

  “Please, please don’t pull no tricks on me like that no more. Tamar just called and chewed my ass so bad for that shit. Man, he said if I fucked up again, I’m done. I need this job.”

  “Okay,” was all I said as I walked towards the house.

  “I know it’s tough having people watching and reporting your every movement, but know that it’s for the best. Tamar is a made man, and you never know when someone might be out to get him and when they can’t get to him they try and get to you.”

  “I know, Melo, and I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.” I reached for the knob of the door and the muthafucka practically fell off with me barely even touching it. I took my hand and pushed it open and suddenly heard Melo cocking his gun behind me. He grabbed me and pulled me away from the door before walking inside of the house. I slowly followed behind him not sure what to expect.

  As soon as I walked in, I noticed that the house was in shambles. Shit was everywhere. My TV had been pulled off the wall, glasses was broken all over the floor, my couches ripped up with what looked to be by a knife, and someone had fuckin’ spray painted red letters all over the walls.

  “Nobody is here,” Melo said as he came back into the living room where I was standing in astonishment. Right above where my TV used to be, there were red letters as clear as day that read: Stay away from him or else.

  “Wow, yo, I’m gonna call the boss man up right now and see how he wants to handle this situation.”

  I shrugged my shoulders and walked off to my bedroom. I jumped back after turning on my light and seeing the same red letters written above my headboard and on my bed was a knife sitting in the middle of it. I wanted to put this shit all on Tamar, but now I was starting to wonder. This was definitely the work of a bitch, but what bitch could it be?

  I thought about Keysha being the message said for me to stay away from him, but clearly she was in the hospital and couldn’t have done this. Then I thought about Jaheim. Tamar said that he had no idea that I was even with Jaheim and Melo had clearly lost me last night when I went to see him. Maybe this was some chick that Jaheim was fucking and had found out about us.

  And I was for certain that whomever tried to come in on me and Jaheim last night was definitely a broad because I remembered seeing strands of hair hanging out the hoodie that they were wearing and not only that, the shoeprints that they left behind in the blood were very small. It was just too dark to see their face, especially when I kept ducking down to prevent from being shot.

  Jaheim did say that whoever it was were definitely trying to get at me and not him. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why though. I didn't have any enemies that I knew of besides the bitch Keysha that I knew for a fact hated me at this very moment, but again, it couldn’t have been her. Or maybe it was her and she had sent someone to her dirty work. Or maybe it was Tamar’s ass and he’d tried to have both me and Jaheim and taken out and he was just trying to act like he didn’t know about Jaheim and I. He didn’t seem as mad about hearing that we were together again like I had expected. Who the fuck knew? All I knew was that I couldn’t stay here any longer.

  I took my cell phone out of my purse, snapped a few pictures, and sent them all in a message to Tamar.

  Me: I hope that you are not behind this petty ass shit. So sick of the b.s. I’m going to get the kids and we are out. Send.

  Tamar: Melo just showed me. I didn’t have shit to do with that you little dumb ass rat. I told you to wait there until I get there. On my way.

  I’m not waiting for shit; I thought to myself as I grabbed a bag from my closet and began to pack. Atlanta sounded real good to me right now. I hadn’t seen my dad in a while and the kids had yet to meet their cousin Zanya.

  Think I’ll pack for a road trip.

  26: Ka ri

  I popped a couple of Xanax along with an Oxycontin as I sat back in my car watching Rozalyn pump gas into her car. My arm hurt so damn bad. I had finally found the opportunity to get rid of Rozalyn when she had gotten away from her security detail and I had messed it up. I wasn’t no damn trained killer or anything like that and it was dark in that damn hotel room that she was sharing with her little boyfriend. I just started shooting repeatedly, but for some reason only one freaking bullet would come out and it I didn’t even hit the person that I needed it to.

  I was trying to take that hoe out, but the damn gun had jammed on me and her boyfriend whom I thought was dead, ended up shooting me in my arm as I tried to escape. This whole thing was driving me crazy. A few months back, I had to shutdown everything and completely stop on my mission to kill Rozalyn. The fool that was supposed to be helping me decided that they no longer wanted to go through on their end of the deal and get me Trina like they had promised.

  After that, I went into a huge state of depression where I could barely get out of bed unless I was going to the restroom or finally deciding to wash my body. I had attempted suicide on several occasions, which only landed me in the psych ward after a hospital visit where they prescribed me tons of medication like Xanax, Seroquel, Lithium, and more shit that I couldn’t even pronounce. It didn’t matter the amount of medication that I put into my body, I didn’t want to live if I couldn’t have Trina and I didn’t want Rozalyn or Tamar to live if I couldn’t have her either.

  I realized that I needed to get rid of them first, try and g
et Trina back, and then go from there. I couldn’t give up until I had tried everything in my power to get my daughter into my arms. I started to put together a plan and began to watch the security detail more closely so that I knew when there was a window of opportunity to do my work.

  Tamar was so heavily armed and surrounded that even when you thought he was alone there was always at least ten men with their eyes on him. He hated to walk around in public places with all that attention on him, so he kept them at a distance. Most times he had Black with him or either the big Dewayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson lookalike, but there were plenty of times that I would think he was alone, and was proven to be wrong when men popped out of what seemed like thin air when something looked to be out of place. I knew that if I wanted to get to Tamar, it would have to be from a distance, and that shit was touch and go. I had already proven that I should be at the gun range getting some target practice in.

  Now for little Ms. Rozalyn, her detail wasn’t nearly as strong. Often times the guy that Tamar had on her could be caught sleeping or either playing video games on his phone. But even when you thought he wasn’t looking, he was out of his car and surveying the scene like he suddenly smelled a problem.

  I didn’t know how I was going to pull this off and I began to pull my freaking hair out until my person gave me a call and said that they were back in. Only this time instead of them just giving me Trina as an award to take out Rozalyn, they were giving me my daughter and five million to take out both the husband and wife.

  I had almost succeeded the other night at doing just that, but almost doesn’t count. I was just hoping that my window of opportunity would come around soon because impatient wasn’t even the word for the way I was feeling at this very moment.


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