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Claiming Red: The O'Connell Family

Page 5

by C. M. Steele

  My future, I looked down and realized I hadn’t wore a condom and I wasn’t in the least bit concerned about it either. I had never forgotten before, I was worth too much and there was always women looking to have my baby. The ones I didn’t trust, I wore two condoms with, and I knew I should have fucked with them in the first place. But, with my Samantha, my Red, it was different, and I was different.

  I loved her. I knew it then, but now as I sit with her, resting, I feel it in my soul. She was mine and a baby would be a blessing. Knowing that someone could come after us made me realize how short life could be. I would cherish her until my dying day. I needed to start now, I grabbed my phone and googled some shit to find out what to do for her; she must be hurting.

  I walked into the bathroom, ran the water and rinsed off the blood. Then I filled the bath with warm water for my Red. With tiny, light feathery kisses to her face and chest, I woke my woman up. “Come on baby, it is time for you to take a bath. I googled it, it should help with the aching in your muscles.” She groggily got up and I stared like a fool as my dick got harder. Her red wavy hair fell over her face before she lifted it away. She sat there with just a sheet covering her mound, but exposing those glorious breasts to me. I grinned as I bit my cheek, I needed the pain to remember, and she needed time to heal from my intrusion.

  “Thank you for the bath.” She smiled innocently up at me and with all the self-control I could possess I let her walk away and into the bathroom. I knew that she would be sore as fuck. I had to remember, cherish, not ravish, and well okay ravish, but just not when she is tender.

  “Take your time baby.” I walked out of the room and down the stairs. I couldn’t count on my control being that close to her knowing she was only covered by the water.

  Fuck, I got to call my dad, so I can stop thinking about her for five minutes. The skin on my cock is going to tear apart if I am constantly hard. My sexy Red is going to get it, good, later.

  I made the call, “Dad, what’s up? Is everything ok?”

  “Yes, I had a long talk with your uncle and he would like you to give a call. Don’t worry, he knows she is your ‘one’. He and I had a long talk yesterday.”

  “Okay, well Samantha is in the bath, so I will do it right now.”

  “I love you, son.” I hung up with my father and made the call I was not looking forward to making. I made sure the line was secure because I never knew who was listening in to my uncle’s calls.

  “Ahh, nephew, it is a pleasure to hear from you. I have learned that you are hiding your fiancé from me.”

  “Well, I heard you wanted her for yourself.”

  “Ahh, yes and no. All I can say nephew, is that there were others messing with what was mine. In order to make them go away I agreed to pursue Rhonda Lake’s plan. I was only going to help the girl out.”

  “And I am supposed to believe it.” I needed more than some half ass excuse before I would let my guard down with him.

  “Come on, I had no interest in a minor. At my age, I need a woman with experience. I don’t have time to teach a girl how to fuck. When you are older hard-ons are not that easy to come by, naturally, I can’t waste the good ones I get, on someone not willing, or able to give it to me good.” God the old man was gross. Now that I think about it, none of the ladies I seen him with were under thirty.

  “Enough, what is with this family and sharing too much personal information.”

  “Why are you such a prude? Anyways, I am sorry, I scared your girl. I know she ran, afraid of me. Only one, or two people know what the truth is. I am not the most dangerous animal out there anymore. Those fucked up parents of hers made it so, I wasn’t the only one interested. Over the years, she was rumored to be for sale to the highest bidder, but they needed to wait until she was eighteen to claim her. The thing is, they were selling the same product to several people.”

  “What!?” I tried to control my rage, people needed to die and her parents were number one on my list.

  “I am sorry, my boy. I will do all I can to make sure we find the buyers and deal with them. Just keep her safe, get that ring on her finger as soon as possible and…Nephew… be happy.” I heard the sadness in his voice and I wondered was it for my woman, or was it because he had lost the love of his life.

  “Thank you, Uncle John.”

  I thought about everything I had learned. My uncle’s words had to be true, even though they were vague, because he knew where to find her parents. They hadn’t moved and the others had to wait for her to turn eighteen. I tried to breathe. I called Roger and asked for an update, but it was still too soon for a turnaround.

  When she came out of the bath, I was already making us something small to eat. I was taking her to dinner tonight, but we hadn’t eaten since the flight and I needed to make sure we had our strength.

  We arrived at my favorite restaurant. I loved that this was all new to her. She had never been to Greece, so I promised to show her around. The dinner had been delicious, as usual, and I got to enjoy watching her eat. It’s funny, of all the dates I had been on, I hadn’t cared to watch a woman eat before. With Samantha, I wanted all the little things. Every bite of the chicken had me wanting to climb over the table and kiss those lips. She picked up her glass of wine, and I wanted her to hold on to my cock like that, as she daintily sipped from me. I needed to calm down or I wouldn’t be able to stand.

  My Greek had become really good, with the help of the owner of the restaurant, who I had known for the last three years. He had stopped by our table several times, amazed that I had brought someone with me. I had tried to adjust myself several times. By the time I got it, so it was not visible over my thin summer shirt, the owner had caught me, and smirked. He had understood my predicament, the man had still chased his wife of thirty years around the restaurant.

  Once we got home I buried myself in her all night and into the next morning.

  Chapter 13: Rick

  During the next two days we were out seeing the sights, I took her to the Parthenon, and to various other historical sites in Athens. We had been so busy sightseeing that we never had gone shopping for her swimsuit. Which I didn’t tell her, wasn’t going to happen. There was no reason unless we were going to a real beach and hell if I was going to let her walk around looking sexy as hell in front of these Greeks. I already caught a couple of pricks looking at my woman. The marker idea wasn’t sounding too bad right now. When I told her she just laughed at me telling me I was silly. Pretty soon that ring was going to be on her finger then, maybe I will have some peace of mind.

  The next morning I woke her up to kisses all over her body. Spreading her legs, I made it my mission to give my Samantha her first present of the day. I could feel her wake, just as I licked her thigh. She tensed briefly, lifted her head, smiled wickedly, and threw herself back on the pillow with a giggle. I smiled into her pussy as I ate at her sweet center. Licking her folds and opening her up, I took my time tasting every last bit of her pussy. I started to feel her spasm, with her leg twitching, so I made my ascent and claimed my Red again. She was still vibrating and pulsing when I entered her and choking my cock with her tight heat. It wasn’t long until we were both reaching the little death. I came with such intensity that I thought I would pass out and my Sam looked completely ravaged and beat from my sensual assault.

  After we cleaned up, and had a light breakfast, we took a walk to enjoy the view of vast landscape of Greece. We had reached shore and I turned to the woman who with one look had taken my heart and soul hostage, and asked the question I need ask.

  “Samantha, I knew the moment we met that you were going to mean something special to me. It was mid-glare and mid-cut that I knew what that was. Fate had stuck me down, in my prime, at the hands of a fiery redheaded, green-eyed angry beauty. You made me feel things I didn’t know I could, with just a glance. I need you, and I love you. Will you marry me?”

  She just looked at me, eyes wide, and I was looking for the floor to open up and swallowi
ng me up.

  “Just for the record, I think we are moving too fast.” That was not the answer I wanted. It was the answer I should have expected, but sure as hell didn’t want. I opened my mouth to say something, then closed it again, opened it, closed it and opened it again. I watched as the love of my life, smiled, and closed my mouth this time sealing it with a peck and whispering, “I am in love with you, too. Yes, I will marry you.”

  “Well, just so you know, I wasn’t planning to take no for an answer.” I said happily as I slipped on the ring I had personally selected at Daley’s shop. It was a two carat ruby, brighter than her hair, flanked on each side with one carat diamonds on a white gold band, engraved with “Forever My Red”.

  She started crying and talking at the same time, a feat I found interesting. All I could make out was, “It’s so beautiful.”

  I took my fiancé on a nighttime cruise aboard a friend’s yacht, and surprised her with a few little trinkets. “I thought you said these were for your mom and Claire. Fibber.” She smiled at me and man was that a sight. The candlelight illuminated her face, highlighting her eyes, combined with the Aegean as a back drop, perfection. I was glad that we had not docked too far from shore. The moment I got her home, I loved her deeply all night long.

  We had spent the last two nights making love for hours. By the time we had finally fallen asleep the sun was just about to rise. The last morning before we were going to head back home. We hardly slept at all. I woke to my woman trying to ride my morning wood. She was trying to be slick, but she didn’t have enough practice. She could feel me laughing. Red looked down at me with her wavy curls falling over her face and a little cute pout. I thought that shit was, so fucking cute. The next shit she said though, I didn’t find any of that shit funny, I was pissed and full of jealousy.

  “Don’t laugh at me. I am sorry I don’t have the experience yet to master this. I can always go out and get some more experience, then come back and try again.”

  I flipped her on to her back, so fast she was breathing heavy, with eyes wide open. I was probably scaring the fuck out of her, but I didn’t give a shit. The thought of another motherfucker touching her made me fucking insane.

  “Don’t you ever think that I will let you get away from me. Don’t you ever talk about fucking anyone else, but me. Do you hear me? What are you trying to do to me? You haven’t got a clue what you mean to me, do you?” I growled out the words. She wanted my cock before, so I gave it to her in one quick thrust.

  “You feel this?” She nodded, “Good because this is the only cock you are ever going to have. This pussy, that I am fucking, is mine. You are mine. I want your mind, body and soul, Sam.” I couldn’t control the fear that racked my body.

  I know I was acting like I was fucking ready for looney bin, but it couldn’t be helped. I called my dad after the first day a man looked at her. I wanted to literally kill the guy just for a glance. He told me it was normal. This shit didn’t feel fucking normal. I felt out of my mind. He said when you love someone else the thought of them leaving, is always with you, I just needed to keep her happy and I wouldn’t have anything to stress about. He said it gets easier after you are married, but the jealousy will always be there.

  My need to possess her had become a must this morning. I dominated her pussy, because it was hard to say what I wanted and needed to say.

  “Rick,” Sam cried out, as I gave her all of me and I don’t mean just all of the eleven inches. I meant my heart, I left it for her to take and she did. As I came deep within her, she shook, coming hard, squeezing my cock, and her eyes piercing my heart. I bent down to kiss the tears away. The tears that I had caused. I felt like a total prick. When I tried to say I am sorry, she put her finger to my mouth, to silence me.

  “Don’t say sorry. I am not crying because you hurt me, but because I hurt you.” She looked up at me and the vulnerability I felt was just as visible in her eyes. “I am scared to lose you, too.” She understood my craziness, because she was suffering from it too.

  “God, Samantha, I am more than scared, I’m terrified. I am so in love with you.”

  Fuck, I think she is trying to give me a heart attack. “You know you should marry me first, say in the next week or so, before you try and kill me.”

  “I think that is too fast. We just got engaged.”

  “Baby life is too short. I love you and you love me. Have you ever said that to another man?” I prayed the fuck not.

  “No, but…” It was my turn to use a finger to silence her.

  “No buts, I’ve never said those words to anyone, but my mother. You are so special to me.”

  “Baby don’t cry. I don’t like it.” She began the crying thing again and it was killing me. I needed her to stop.

  “I am happy and scared. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You won’t Red, you won’t.” I kissed her lips tasting the saltiness of her tears. I was hard as fuck again. Just touching her, being near her, had me ready and rearing to go. She told me she loved me again, and it was fast becoming an addiction. It was like I needed to hear those words, all the time. In the time since we first said them I think I made her say them to me about twenty times.

  “Please make love to me.” My future wife begged me.

  “You never have to beg for it.” I kissed her tenderly, working my way down her body, leaving no part of her untouched. I opened her thighs wide, as I licked her pussy. Her head was thrown back in pleasure. Moaning out, over and over again, uttering inaudible words. I slipped one of my fingers into her, causing her to give me her first orgasm of this love session. I growled as I licked up her juices. Working my way back up, I whispered my love for her.

  I kissed her mound, “I love you,” her hips, “I adore you,” her belly, “I worship you,” her breasts, “I crave you,” her lips, “I need you.”

  I captured her lips, and pushing my way in, I plunged into her wet, hot, tight pussy. My tongue was making love to her mouth, playing with her tongue, and licking her lips.

  She cried out as she came, “I love you.” I wasn’t close until she cried out her love for me, and her walls milked my release.

  “Thank you,” she said softly as she placed gentle kisses on my chin.

  “Thank you, for being mine.” I kissed her once more before I got up and ran her a bath. For some reason, I loved to run her a bath. It was like I was taking care of her, in the smallest of ways. Once she was in the bath, I took a fast shower. My phone was buzzing and I had missed a call from my father. Fuck, I just wanted to spend time with Red, alone. I didn’t want to deal with other bullshit.

  “Hey dad. You called?” I had a bad feeling about it.

  “You have to bring her back home.” His voice was steady, but I could tell that something was upsetting him.

  “Why the fuck would I do that?”

  “Her parents were found executed this morning.”

  “Uncle must have found them, he fucking lied to me.”

  “No he didn’t. It wasn’t him or at least that is what he says. I believe him because he could trust me to not rat him out, plus, I just know...” I know there was something he wasn’t telling me.

  “Then who do you think it was?”

  “You know Moreno, and your uncle weren’t the only ones they tried to sell her to, or pawn off on.”

  “Yes and I am trying not to think about it. Yet, you want me to come back with her.”

  “Yes, the police have been looking for Sam. They don’t know she left with you. They want to bring her in for questioning.”

  “Fuck, I will have to tell her. Fuck.”

  “What do you have to tell me?” I didn’t know if it was because she was stealthy or was it the ringing in my ears from the shit storm that was going to go down, but I didn’t hear her approach. We had just gotten to know each other more, in the privacy we had. I didn’t want her to hurt and I knew she would be upset.

  “Hey baby did you have a nice bath?” I tried to play that shit o
ff, but my girl was no dummy.

  “Yes I did, Rick. Now tell me what you have to tell me? Don’t lie to me. People who love each other don’t keep secrets from each other.”

  “Baby, I am not keeping anything from you, it’s just not good news. In fact, it is really bad news.”

  “Did your uncle put a hit on me, or something?”

  “No babe, according to my dad, my uncle had nothing to do with what I have to tell you. Come let’s sit down.”

  “Rick you are scaring me.” I could feel the nervous energy coming from her.

  “Samantha, your parents were killed.”

  “When? How?”

  “Babe, it’s not important how, but it was either, last night, or this morning.” I pulled her into my arms and on my lap, as the tears fell. It was about five minutes later when the tears stopped and she had pulled her shoulders back and put up her chin.

  “We have to go back, don’t we?”

  “Yes Red we do. The police want to talk to you. Don’t worry I will handle everything. All you have to do is let me hold you, when you need it.”

  “What if I just want it?”

  “Well as far as I am concerned, if you want it, then you need it.” I pulled her back against my chest, and squeezed her tight.

  “How is it that my world has changed, so drastically, again?” It was barely above a whisper, but I could hear the heartache.

  We pulled up to the police station earlier than expected. We came straight from the airport because she wanted to get this over with. As we were exiting the car, Travis was coming down the stairs.

  “Brady!” She jumped out of the car, and into his arms. Fuck, if I didn’t want to pop him in the mouth.

  “Samantha, sweetheart, I am sorry about your parents.” He hugged her tight to him and I wanted to out his ass. He pulled her away to wipe her tears. Walking up to them, I pulled her to side, wrapped my arm around her waist and held her tightly. With other men around, it’s like I forgot that I spent a whole day buried deep in her. We delayed our trip back because she was too busy riding my cock by the pool. We never did get her swimsuit.


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