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Alien Explosions (Zerconian Warriors Book 12)

Page 4

by Sadie Carter

“Hey! Where are you going? Stop running away from me when I’m talking to you.”

  “I am not running away.” Preposterous. Although he could have sent someone else to check on the Sky Warrior or he could have sent Saffron to Racar for medical clearance to fly. Since there was no real reason she couldn’t. But then, she should have gone to Racar in the first place. There had to be a reason as to why she had come to him and he had to have time to think about that.

  He stopped and turned towards her. She came close to banging into him. So close that her scent surrounded him. Sharp and sweet. His cock hardened. “I need to see to a patient. Return home. Now. You are not supposed to be here. Ask Racar to arrange an escort for you.”

  “I don’t need an escort. I need you to tell me why you’ve been avoiding me.”

  He raised one eyebrow. “I am not avoiding you. I merely have more important things to deal with.”

  The outrage that filled her face quickly drowned out the small hint of hurt he’d glimpsed. Good. Because for some reason he couldn’t stand the idea that he’d hurt her. Trying not to think about that too hard, he turned and walked into the Sky Warrior’s room, certain that would end the conversation. He came to a sudden stop.

  “More important? More important?” Saffron half-yelled from behind him. “Are you serious?”

  Stars, why couldn’t she have done what she was told for once? With his heart rate increasing rapidly, he half-turned and pushed her back.

  “Leave. Now.” He made certain to make his voice as ugly and cold as he could.

  “I will not. I want medical clearance to fly. The sooner I have it, the sooner I can get away from you.”

  He didn’t risk looking down at her. No, taking his eyes off them right now could be a very bad idea. Especially with Saffron in the room.

  He heard the door slide shut behind them.

  “Saffron. Leave. Now.” She needed a lesson in obedience. Desperately. And as soon as he’d gotten them out of this situation safely, he was going to take great pleasure in teaching her what happened when she went against his orders.

  One of the three Sky Warriors who stood by the unconscious Sky Warrior shook his head. He then spoke in clear Zerconian. “The little creature stays.”

  “Who are they?” Saffron asked from beside him. “Are they angels? And what is that smell?”

  Sky Warriors did have a distinctive scent. Not unpleasant and something you quickly grew used to.

  The one to the right of the speaker studied her in a way Moroco didn’t like, running his gaze over her in a leisurely manner.

  “Stay behind me,” he growled, stepping in front of her.

  She dug her finger into his back. “Hey! You make a better door than a window!”

  What did that mean? He didn’t have time to ponder the meaning of her words. He kept his gaze on the one who had spoken. He had to be the leader.

  “You speak Zerconian.”

  “When we learned that Marcun had landed here we uploaded your language.”

  “Uploaded the language?” Saffron asked. He felt her move around from behind him once more. “You can do that? Wow, that must make life so much easier. Who are you guys?”

  “Saffron, obey me!”

  “Jesus, do you have to be such a prick all the time?” she grumbled. “I shouldn’t have woken you up from your nap, obviously it makes you cranky. Well, more cranky than normal.”

  The one he thought was the leader frowned. “You were napping while our packmate lies here, injured?”

  “I can assure you he has received the greatest of care. You have not made your presence known to the Emperor. Why is that?”

  “Because we have no wish for anyone to see us,” the Sky Warrior replied. “Except now you have. And her. Who is she? She is not one of you.”

  He pondered what to say. If he told them she was no one would they let her leave? Probably not now that she had seen them. That meant he had to figure out some way of protecting her. He still didn’t like the way one of them was staring at her.

  “She’s mine.”

  “Ah, she is a pet, then?”

  “Hey! I’m not his pet. I’m a person.” Saffron dug her finger into his side.

  The leader narrowed his eyes and Moroco risked a look down to see Saffron was once more peering around him.

  “Your pet is very disobedient. You should punish her more often.”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “I have had that thought many times.”

  “What?” Saffron scowled at him. “Nobody is punishing me!”

  “I shall send her away,” he offered. It was worth a try.

  “No.” The leader shook his head. No one moved, but the tension in the room grew. Their facial expressions didn’t change and yet he knew that if he made a wrong move he was dead.

  And so was Saffron.

  “She has seen us now. She stays.”

  Moroco guessed they didn’t want her to sound any alarms. All right, so they wished to remain unseen. Fine. He’d help them leave. Quickly.

  And then once they were gone he was going to teach Saffron a few long overdue lessons in minding him. And he would enjoy every minute.

  “Your packmate is stable. He can be moved. He had internal bleeding, which I repaired. As you can see his wing was broken. It is healing at a fast rate. By rights, he should be awake now.”

  “He has gone into a healing sleep,” the leader told him. “He will come out when he is fully healed.”

  “Then there is no reason why he cannot be moved. You may take him with you.”

  And get far, far away from Saffron. He hated that he felt so much at a disadvantage. It wasn’t a familiar feeling. Moroco might be a healer, but it didn’t mean that he wasn’t a good fighter, and he preferred to be in control of every situation.

  “We will take him with us.”


  “But to ensure his continued health, you will come with us. You and your pet.”

  Chapter Four


  Saffron had no idea what was going on but she knew that going with these guys was the last thing she wanted to do. She couldn’t believe that they thought she was Moroco’s pet. What the hell?

  Did she look like some dog?

  She glanced around Moroco at the guy who lay in the bed. He looked just like these other dudes. Strange silver skin, black wings, huge. Really huge. They all wore rusty red colored plates over their chests, like plates of armor.

  How did they tell each other apart? She couldn’t see much difference. The guy who spoke seemed a little taller than the two guys behind him but other than that there wasn’t any other way to tell who was who. She got another whiff of their scent. Rain on a hot pavement. That’s what it reminded her of and she felt a sense of longing for home.

  “I will come with you, but my pet stays.”

  She ground her teeth together. Don’t react. Don’t give them the satisfaction. She knew Moroco was trying to protect her. She might have thought it sweet, if he’d made the slightest bit of effort to explain that she wasn’t his pet.

  “No. It comes with us. It can obviously speak and we do not need your people delaying us from leaving. Not when there are those who hunt us.”

  “Tie her up and gag her,” Moroco suggested.

  What the hell? Was he serious? She glared at his back. Just wait until she got him alone…

  Coming to see him had been such a bad idea. Madness. Right now, she could be back in the small house she shared with the Ashleys. And Moroco would be facing these guys alone. He would disappear and she would’ve had no idea where he’d gone. That would have tormented her. There was no way she could have left Zerconia without knowing he was okay.

  “No. Anyone could come in here and find it.”

  It. She took a deep, slow breath. She just had to keep her cool. Surely, there would be an opportunity to escape. These guys had to get themselves, their unconscious friend, as well as her and Moroco to wherever their ship was hidden, that wasn’t goin
g to be easy to do without being detected. Especially in broad daylight.

  Come to think of it, she wondered how they’d managed to get in here without anyone noticing. It wasn’t like they blended in.

  “Get Marcun ready for teleportation.”

  “Wait,” Moroco yelled, grabbing hold of her shirt. “I don’t know if she can teleport safely!”

  What did that mean? Teleport safely?

  Then suddenly, she was spinning. Pure agony engulfed her, it felt like she was being ripped from limb to limb. When she thought she couldn’t stand it anymore—and boy those people who said you would pass out if the pain was bad enough were wrong—she landed against something cool and hard.

  Her body shook. Long, hard shakes that made her feel like her teeth were going to rattle right on out of her jaw. Her stomach lurched and she gagged, heaving.

  “Easy. Easy.” A warm hand landed against her back, rubbing. “Just take small, shallow breaths. It will get easier. Your body has had a shock.”

  She knew she should recognize that voice but she couldn’t seem to get her brain to think. She grabbed hold of her head, whimpering as razor-sharp whips of pain slashed her head. Where was she? What the hell had happened?

  She felt truly, truly awful. Another tremble rocked her body. Heat filled her, making her gasp followed by cold shivers that made her feel like her very bones were rattling.

  “Easy. Nice, slow breaths. In and out.”

  She might not recognize the voice. But it was calm and soothing. Eventually, the pain grew to a manageable level, the trembles slowing so there was more space between each one. She raised her head to stare into his face. Moroco.

  Everything flooded back.

  “W-where?” she got out.

  He looked around, his face pale. There was a pinched look to his mouth, and he grimaced slightly as though in pain. “The Sky Warrior’s ship, I presume.”

  It came flooding back. Sneaking into medical. The freaky angel things. Pet. Then indescribable pain.

  Oh, fuck.

  Moroco took one deep breath, then another. A shudder worked its way through his body and he fought the urge to lose what little food he had in his stomach. When he had first come out of teleportation, he’d been confused. Uncertain where he was. And in a lot of pain.

  It had taken him a few seconds to realize that those whimpering noises he heard were coming from the small body curled up a few feet away from him. Then it had all come back to him in a rush.

  A furious Saffron following him into the Sky Warrior’s room. Horror filling him as he realized they weren’t alone. Being transported, his fear that Saffron wouldn’t survive.

  He cursed the weakness filling his body as he rubbed her back, talking to her calmly, quietly. This was only the second time he’d experienced teleportation and the pain was almost unbearable. Zerconian bodies weren’t made for that sort of travel and from the way Saffron reacted he could tell that human bodies weren’t either.

  Although thank the stars she had survived it. Many species wouldn’t have.

  Fury filled him. They hadn’t even known that she could be teleported. They could have killed her.

  He studied her. Her face looked deathly pale. There were dark smudges under her eyes, her cheeks sunken. Her eyes were bloodshot, her face drained of color, her lips cracked and dry.

  “What the fuck did those assholes do to us?”

  Moroco brushed a piece of hair back from her face, his fingertips brushing against her skin and realized he was still wearing the gloves he’d put on to examine her.

  “They teleported us onto their ship,” he said grimly. He studied her critically. “How do you feel?”

  “Like I’ve been on a five-day bender and just woke up.” Another shudder worked its way through her and he grabbed hold of her as she shook and moaned. His anger grew. Once they got out of here and he got her someplace safe, he was going to return and murder these assholes. Slowly.

  “Bender?” He looked around them as he spoke. Gray walls greeted him. The room was small and dark with just one light overhead. There wasn’t a bit of furniture, no storage containers, nothing that might provide some means of escape. Not that he was feeling up to fighting his way out of here right now.

  “Doesn’t matter. I feel awful.”

  “Yes. You look awful.”

  “Thanks. I can always rely on you to be honest, can’t I?”

  She was frowning now. She was upset with him? But for what?

  “Yes. I am always honest. Would you prefer I lie?” The look on her face indicated such.

  “Sometimes, a little white lie to spare someone’s feelings isn’t a bad thing, you know.”

  “Lie’s do not have color.” Had he somehow injured her feelings? “Human females are confusing.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard your opinion about us often enough. You think we’re all inferior idiots.”

  “I do not believe I said that.”

  She gave him a look. Another shiver racked her body and he ran his hand up and down her back. She moved away from him. “Don’t.”

  “I am trying to help you.”

  “Well, just don’t.”

  Were those tears in her eyes? Alarm surged through him. What would he do if she started to cry? He did not know how to fix tears. He could fix injuries, illness, something that was broken. But feelings were out of his realm of understanding.

  “You are in pain. You feel ill. I am a healer. It is my job to heal you.”

  “And I’m telling you that I don’t want you to touch me.” She took a deep shuddering breath. “They teleported us? What does that mean?”

  “I do not know that you would understand.”

  “For God’s sake, Moroco. I get it. I’m stupid. You don’t have to ram your opinion down my throat. Just explain it to me in little teeny tiny words so I might understand.”

  He had not meant that he thought she was too stupid to understand. “You are angry at me.”

  “Give the man two hundred dollars and let him pass go.”

  “Will you speak sense?” She was not the only one who was angry. If she had just listened to him, she would not be in this predicament.

  “I meant that nobody really understands how they transport. Not much is known about the Sky Warriors.”

  “Sky Warriors. Cute name. Can they really fly with those wings?”


  “Why does no one know much about them?” Another shiver racked her body and she whimpered, leaning over and dry heaving. He longed to help her. But she had told him not to touch her. He hated to see her in such pain.

  “As close as I can understand it, they change the molecular make-up of our bodies and that is why it is so painful.”

  “You don’t seem to be in pain.”

  “A warrior does not reveal his pain to others.”

  “You’re not a warrior. You’re a healer.”

  “I was trained as a warrior first.”

  Sweat coated her face, and strands of dark brown hair were now stuck to her forehead. Her face was flushed and red. And still, he thought her beautiful. He had to stop thinking like this. She was impulsive. Foolish. Annoying.

  “So now we’re on their spaceship? Because they want you to take care of their injured friend? Why bring me?”

  “Because you would be able to tell the others what happened. They wanted to make certain they got a fast getaway. Their ship must have been just outside our airspace. I am surprised they could teleport so far.”

  It was no wonder they were having such a bad reaction if they had teleported them that far, although he was beginning to feel much stronger.

  Saffron groaned as her leg started to spasm. “Oh God. Oh God.” She reached for her calf, whimpering, her cries filling the room.

  “It is a cramp.”

  “I know it’s a cramp! Do something!” she yelled.

  “That would involve touching you.”

  “Then touch me. Touch me.”

  He reached
for her calf, pushing her skirt out of the way and pressed into the spasming muscle, massaging it.

  She screamed. “No! Stop! Stop!”

  He shook his head. “I must keep up the pressure. It is painful, I know. But the pain will fade soon.”

  “Painful! It’s not fucking painful! It’s excruciating. Stop, please, stop!”

  He had to harden himself to her pleas, surprised at the urge to give in to her. This was what was best for her and he didn’t shy away from doing what had to be done. But he still didn’t enjoy that he was adding to her pain.

  Finally, the cramping muscle eased out.

  He ran his hand up and down her calf soothingly.

  Her breath came in shuddering gasps and she wiped her hand over her face with a grimace. “Gross. I don’t suppose you have a tissue?”

  Fluid was leaking from her eyes and nose and it appeared to making her uncomfortable. He grasped hold of the bottom of his shirt and quickly wiped her face clean. She attempted to shy away, but he held the back of her head until he had dried her face.

  Red stained her cheeks once more and she glanced away. “T-thanks. For helping with the cramp and well, wiping my face. You were very…um…thorough.”

  He nodded. He prided himself on being thorough. He looked at her leg once more. “Lie back.”


  “We need to stretch out your muscles. Lie on your back.”

  “I’m only wearing a skirt.”

  “I am a healer. I have seen legs before.”

  “No, I mean I’m only wearing a skirt. I don’t have underwear on. There’s nothing on under my skirt. It’s been a bad week for laundry.”

  He frowned slightly.

  “I suppose you never run out of clean clothes,” she grumbled as she lay back and tucked the front of her skirt under her ass. He turned his gaze away. “You probably have all your chores set for different days. Monday is laundry. Tuesday is cleaning the bathroom. Wednesday is making soap. Thursday is cleaning the floors. There, I’m covered now.”

  “Why would I make soap?”

  “I don’t know. Ignore me, I’m babbling.”

  He grabbed her right leg then pulled it up and holding it straight, pushed it gently forward.


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