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Alien Explosions (Zerconian Warriors Book 12)

Page 16

by Sadie Carter

  He ran his finger up and down her slick slit then lower towards her puckered entrance. “Moroco, no!”

  An eyebrow went up, the look on his face imperious. He reminded her of a pirate. Dark, dangerous, and forbidden. More than she could handle but just exactly what she needed.

  “Does this body belong to me?”

  “Does yours belong to me?” she countered. He was demanding everything from her and she was scared of losing herself in him. She trusted him to take care of her, but she to retain who she was.


  She sucked in a deep breath. “All right, then, you can touch me there.”

  “I was always going to.” He rubbed his finger over her puckered entrance.

  “Although I really don’t know why you’d want to. Isn’t it kind of gross?”


  “Gross means yucky. I mean, it’s kind of dirty.” Oh hell, Saffron, shut up. If he wants to touch you there then let him touch you there. This is not the time for this sort of conversation.

  “Nothing about my body is gross. Now relax while I explore.” He ran his finger back and forth over her back entrance, pressing against it lightly and sending her arousal raging.

  “Hold your legs back against your body. Do not move them,” he warned. “Unless your back is hurting then you will tell me, immediately. Am I understood?”

  “Yes. Yes.” She would agree to anything right now if he would just hurry up and give her some relief. She was on fire here.

  “Good girl.”

  Oh dear, those two words shouldn’t have affected her so strongly but she couldn’t help the shudder of pleasure that worked its way over her.

  He flicked her clit with his thumb. “I am going to take you tonight, marlia. Push my shaft deep inside you. You will be full. Taken. Mine.”

  Like there was ever any doubt whose she was.

  He had never felt impatience like this before. The urge to just slam his way inside her was almost overwhelming. He had to force himself to go slow. She was tight and he was large. He had to ensure she was well prepared. That she experienced nothing but pleasure.

  He parted her pussy lips, which were still on display, and licked along her slit. The taste of her was sweet, just a little tart and so very addictive. She let out a low moan as he tongued the tight bundle of nerves at the top of her slit. Her breath grew faster, her legs shaking.

  Concerned that holding herself in this position could harm her back, he tapped the side of her thigh.

  “Let go, place your legs over my shoulders. I am going to feast on you but you will not come without my permission.”

  “What?” she cried out. “You cannot be serious.”

  “Have you known me to ever joke?”

  “No. Oh, hell. You’ll kill me.”

  “Nobody ever died of pleasure.” He kept his smile hidden at her dramatics. He explored her folds, licking every inch, savoring her, loving the little noises she made, the way she writhed beneath him.

  He plunged his tongue deep and she let out a loud shout. Immediately, he leaned up to give her a firm look. “Do I need to find something to gag you with?”

  She shook her head, her eyes wide. “No. I just didn’t expect you to put your tongue…oh hell…oh shit…I am in such trouble.”

  “Yes, you are.” He smacked his hand on her ass. “No more noise or I will stop.”

  “Don’t stop. Don’t stop. I’ll be good. Shit. Somehow.”

  He continued to taste her, lapping at her clit, running his tongue over her entrance, circling it before once again plunging deep. This time, she seemed to be more prepared, letting out just a low grunt.

  When her breath was coming hard and fast, her whole body quivering, low whimpering noises filling the room he pulled back. “You may find your release.”

  He circled her clit with his tongue as he pushed two fingers deep. She started to come, pulsating around his fingers. He moved, rising and stripping then before the last tremors of her release left her body, he inched his way inside her.

  “Oh, Moroco!”

  He paused. She was in pain?

  “More. More. I need you inside me.”

  Relief filled him. He would have stopped if she was in pain, but he was certainly glad he did not have to. His shaft ached. He had never felt need like this before. Never needed someone so desperately.

  Once he was deep inside her, he paused.

  “Look at me, Saffron.”

  She stared up at him, her eyes had a glassy, dazed look, her cheeks were flushed, her hair tangled and messy.

  She had never looked more beautiful.


  Her eyes widened but then to his surprise a smile crossed her lips.

  “Mine,” she mimicked.

  He knew then that she would be just as possessive of him as he was of her. And he realized at that moment that was exactly what he wanted.

  He started moving. Slowly pulling out then thrusting deep. Hard. Fast. She stared up at him, passion filling her gaze once more. “Moroco, oh God, Moroco. I have never felt anything like this before.”

  Neither had he. He would never let her go. She was his. Forever.

  The ache started deep in his stomach, need burned. He was close, so close. Saffron threw her head back, her passage pulsating around him as she came again. And he slipped over the edge, filling her, having to hold back his own shout of satisfaction.

  A wave of dizziness hit him as he felt their bodies join, the mating process start. Saffron slumped beneath him and he slipped from her, concern filling him as he gathered her close. Even though he had expected it, he didn’t like watching her lie there, so still. He took hold of her wrist, checking her pulse. Even. His breath came a bit easier. He rose from their bed and wet a rag in the bowl of water that someone had thoughtfully left for them. He washed the sweat of her skin, knowing it would soon irritate her. He spread her legs then wiped between them. Just a small act, but it reminded him that he now had a mate. He had never done something so intimate with his lovers before.

  But she wasn’t just a lover, was she?

  She was his.



  Saffron opened her eyes slowly, yawning. She felt exhausted, but it was a pleasant kind of exhaustion. She stretched her arms above her head as sunlight streamed through the cracks in the walls.

  Cracks in the walls? Since when did her house have cracks in the walls?

  She sat up suddenly, her elbow connecting with something. She turned at a noise of pain, her heart racing in panic until she saw Moroco and she remembered where she was. The hut on Equin. Where she’d slept last night with Moroco. After they’d had sex together. Her cheeks burned as he cupped his nose.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were there.”

  He raised his eyebrows as he sat. “Is that how you wake every morning? Perhaps I need to wear protective headwear to bed.”

  She grimaced. “Sorry. Forgot where I was. Are you all right? It’s not broken, is it?”

  “It is fine.” He moved his hand away and gave an experimental sniff. Then he studied her. “How do you feel?”

  “Fine. Well, better than fine. I feel clean and rested. I slept like the dead.”

  “Yes, I grew worried by how deeply you fell into sleep after you fainted. But I thought your body probably needed the rest to recuperate.”

  “Faint? I didn’t faint.”

  Did she?

  What had happened after they’d slept together? She could remember exploding around him. Feeling him come…and then nothing.

  “Holy shit, I fainted again? I never faint. It must be you.”

  He looked surprised. “What must be me?”

  “It must be you making me faint,” she accused, pushing her finger into his chest. “It’s all your fault.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  She looked at him in surprise.

  “At least in this instance,” he added. “You fainted because we are now
mates. Your body is changing, accepting that you are my mate. Soon, you will be able to sense me, we will be able to communicate without being together.”

  She rubbed her head. “Shit. I knew that. Sounds kind of invasive.”

  “I can teach you how to put in mind blocks.” He sounded a bit insulted but she wasn’t about to say no.

  “That would be good.”

  “At least you did not run from me this time.”

  “Ah…yeah…sorry about that.” She looked anywhere but at him.

  “What happened? Why did you get so upset after your release?”

  She shrugged, not wanting to talk about it.

  “You are fond of control, like I am. It can be hard when we find ourselves out of control of a situation.”

  She looked at him now, surprised by his understanding. “I guess so.”

  “I am here to hold you afterwards. To look after you.”

  “What does marlia mean?” she asked, wanting to change the subject.

  “It is a small animal. It has spikes on its upper body. When it is threatened, it curls in on itself, using its spikes to protect its soft stomach. You remind me of this animal.”

  Great. So basically, she was a hedgehog.

  “When we return to Zerconia, you can organize a mating ceremony.”

  “I can organize it?” She dug that finger back into his chest. “Listen to me now, buddy. That’s not the way things are going to work between us.”

  “What is?”

  “I’m not going to stay home day after day and keep your house clean and your bed warm. Just because I don’t mind you taking charge in the bedroom doesn’t mean that extends to the rest of our life, got it?”

  “I understood one part of that.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  “That you enjoy me dominating you in the bedroom. A lot.”

  “I don’t know if I’d got that far,” she muttered, even though it was true.

  “Are you sore this morning?”

  “My back seems to be okay. My feet will probably start aching when I move around on them.”

  “I was not talking of your back or feet.”

  “Then what?” He gave her a heated look. Oh, that. She felt herself blush. “I’m fine.”

  “I believe I should inspect you to make sure.”

  She frantically shook her head but he ignored her, pushing her legs apart and wedging himself between them. A knock came on the door just as he pulled the lips of her pussy apart. He sighed and sent her a rueful look. Regret filled her. Damn, she had it bad for the big lug.

  He threw a fur over her and once she was fully covered, he quickly pulled on his pants and went to the door. There was some quiet talk then he closed the door and returned.

  “I must leave.” He grabbed his shirt, pulling it on.

  She sat up, keeping the fur over her. This thing between them was still too new for her to feel comfortable being nude with him while they just talked.

  “I must go to the closest town to send a communication to Zerconia.”

  “What? How far away is this town? Are we leaving now?” She pushed the fur off and was about to stand when he grabbed hold of her arms and gently laid her back.

  “I am going. You are staying here.”

  “What?” She hated the panic that welled at the thought of him leaving her. She was tougher than this. She was used to being on her own.

  His gaze narrowed and he stared at her thoughtfully. “I am coming back.”

  “Of course, you are.”

  “I will be back by nightfall.”

  “Yep.” Her mind whirled. What would she do if he didn’t return?

  “Look at me.” The dark depth to his voice had her turning her gaze to his immediately. Damn. How did he do that? It would be a good trick to learn. “How is it you trust me enough to let go when we are joining? You trust me when you are asleep, when you curl up against me, yet you do not trust my word now. We are mates. You know what a mating means to a Zerconian.”

  “Yes, it’s just…”

  She knew he didn’t love her. It’s not like she needed love. Stupid, fickle emotion. People fell in and out of love all the time. She should be grateful that a mating wasn’t based on love.

  Except, Moroco had loved Fancia so much that even after she used him, he sought revenge for her death. And stupidly, she found herself wanting that. Craving it. For someone to love her like that. With everything.

  “I would rather come with you. We are in this together, right?”

  He shook his head. “You need rest. You need to stay off your feet. I know it is hard for you to allow someone else to care for you, but in this I must insist. You will remain in this bed and not move except to use the toilet.”

  “These guys don’t have a toilet, it’s a big hole in the ground.”

  “You know what I meant.”

  “I know we’ve been mated less than twelve hours and you think you can boss me around.”

  An argument. This was safer territory for her. She didn’t enjoy feeling vulnerable and uncertain. But anger, that was an emotion she was only too familiar with.

  He gave her a firm look. “You will do as I say, Saffron. I am your mate now. I am in charge of your health. Now, if you are a good girl, I shall reward you when we get home.” The look in his eyes made her breath quicken. Shit, she’d gone from feeling uncertain to angry to horny in less than five minutes.

  This mating stuff sure could mess with a girl’s mind.


  As soon as he returned, he knew she had disobeyed him. He was tired, he was dirty, and he was hungry. Yet all those irritations drifted away as he stared down at her. He knew he should be upset that she had so blatantly disregarded his orders. He should punish her. The thought made his body tighten. His shaft, which always hardened around her, pressed tightly against his pants. He’d thought about her all day, worried over her, wondered if he had made the right decision in leaving her alone. What if something happened to her? What if someone hurt her? It had pushed him into getting back to her quickly.

  Now, his relief at finding her safe and in one piece was quickly morphing into a desire to push her back, spread her legs and claim her.

  “You’re back early. I wasn’t expecting you for another few hours.”

  He guessed by the way she was panting slightly that she’d had to race to get into bed.

  “Were you successful? Did you get through to Zerconia?”

  “Yes. They will be here within the next three or four days.” He eyed her steadily. “You were told to remain in bed.”

  She pressed her hands against the furs covering her. “And I am in bed, aren’t I? Why are you frowning? Shouldn’t you be pleased?”

  “Oh, I’m very pleased. I didn’t want to have to punish you when I returned.”

  She scowled. “Punish?”

  “Yes.” He moved to her feet, raising the furs and checking them. At least they were still bandaged. Although the bandages looked a little dirty. He unwound them. “Would you like to know what I would have done?”

  “What?” Her eyes had widened, a slight look of alarm filling them.

  “I would have stripped you naked, inspected every inch of you to make certain you were unharmed. Then I would have had you lie back on the bed where I would bring you to the peak of pleasure time and again, pulling back just as you were about to come. Then I would have taken my own pleasure and left you aching and in need all night.”

  Her mouth dropped open and she stared at him in shock. He studied her feet, pleased to see they were healing nicely. “I’ll leave these bandages off for a while and rewrap them in the morning.”

  He stood and grabbed a rag. “I’m going to go bathe and find some food for us. Is there anything else you require?”

  “No. Moroco!”

  He looked back at her. “Yes?”

  “You wouldn’t have done that!” There was a nervous note to her voice but also something else. Excitement?

  “Yes, I would have. By the way, you have smudges of dirt on your face and your hands. You might wish to wash them off. Most of the women do after they’ve been working in the garden.”

  He left before his smile broke free. There, that would give her something to think about while he bathed.

  She stared after Moroco in shock. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t. Besides, he didn’t know for sure that she’d left this bed. She looked down at her dirty hands with a grimace. Well, if he hadn’t come home earlier than expected, she’d have had time to wash herself first.

  It was his fault she was in trouble.

  And what right did he have ordering her around, anyway? She didn’t need to rest. Although she had been a little grateful when she’d seen him entering the village from the fields, as her back was aching a bit from bending over and her feet had been sweltering in the bandages.

  But she wouldn’t tell him that. Wouldn’t do to let him have the upper hand. He already thought he got to order her around.

  And punish her.

  That thought actually made her shiver. She rose and moved to the basin of water, quickly washing herself. A dip in the river would be better, but she thought that might be pushing things.

  When he returned, she was dozing lightly. The scent of food soon roused her.

  Moroco frowned as he sat on the bed facing her, putting down a platter loaded with roast meat and vegetables. “You overdid it today.”

  “Lying in bed? Doubt it.”

  “Do not lie to me.” She paused in the act of bringing a piece of meat to her mouth. The dark note in his voice told her he meant business, but not in a sexy way. “It is the one thing I will not tolerate.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I get that. Sorry.”

  “When I give an order, I expect it to be obeyed, Saffron.”

  “I think I’ve mentioned I don’t take orders well.”

  “If you had gotten the cuts on your feet infected you could end up very ill. There are no regeneration chambers on Equin. You could die.”

  “Okay, hold up. I get that things are primitive here. But it’s a few cuts on my feet, I haven’t been sliced apart. And I’m not going to get horribly ill and die, all right?”

  This was kind of an overreaction and completely unexpected. He needed to calm down or he was going to give himself a heart attack.


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