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Curse of Night (A vampire and witch paranormal romance) (Thorne Hill Book 5)

Page 25

by Emily Goodwin

  “You didn’t smell alike. Immediate family always has a similar scent.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “I’m glad I don’t smell people.”

  “You also don’t eat people.” Lucas brushes my hair back, exposing the other side of my neck. “Speaking of…” He puts his mouth to my skin, kissing and sucking at my neck, fangs painfully scraping against my flesh in a way that hurts so damn good. He slowly starts to pull my jacket off, and I shiver from the night air.

  “Is it too cold for you?” Lucas asks, putting his lips to mine. We kiss before I answer.

  “Yes, if it wasn’t for the breeze, I could tough it out under a blanket. Though lighting a fire sounds nice, and we haven’t had sex in front of the fireplace while a fire is going yet.”

  Lucas grins, kisses me once more, and then picks me up. I call for Scarlet as he carries me inside, laying me down on the couch and zooming out to the shed to get firewood. We’ve pretty much checked off all other areas of the house as far as places we’ve made love, and we are both very much looking forward to starting a new list once we move.

  I take off my shoes and jacket and get an extra blanket from the bottom drawer of my TV stand and lay it on the floor by the fireplace. Lucas is back in just seconds and puts the firewood in the hearth.

  “I got this,” I tell him, holding out my hands. “Fire, fire, burning bright, keep hot, keep warm, all through the night.” Little embers spark around the logs, and with a pop, they go up in flames.

  “Show off,” Lucas teases, elbowing me.

  “I can’t imagine not having magic,” I say, staring into the flames. “I’d actually have to do stuff.”

  Lucas laughs and pulls me to him, laying us down on the blanket. I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes. The world is still spinning a bit, but being with Lucas is always grounding.

  He’s my rock. My anchor. I love him more than I ever thought was possible.

  I’m going to fucking rip Ruth limb from limb for hurting him.

  “Mhhh, that feels good,” I say when Lucas moves my shirt up and starts rubbing my back. I could easily drift to sleep right now and know if I did Lucas would carry me up to bed. My heart swells in my chest, overcome once again with just how much I love him.

  I snuggle closer, hooking my leg over his. Lucas slips his arms under me and brings me onto him. I run my hand through his hair.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask him, reaching up and pushing my curls back over my shoulder.

  “For you…always.” Lucas flashes his fangs and flips me over, moving between my legs. I smile coyly up at him and pull his shirt over his head.

  “I will never take this view for granted,” I groan, running my hand down his chest. He’s so beautifully muscular. “Or you. I promise you that, Lucas.” Dammit, I’m getting emotional again.

  Lucas’s blue eyes reflect the firelight, and he holds my gaze for a moment before diving down, kissing me hard. I widen my legs, feeling his cock start to harden against me.

  “I will love you forever,” he says between kisses. “No matter how long forever is for us.”

  Tears stream down my cheeks again, and Lucas and I both frantically start removing each other’s clothes. In only seconds, I’m naked beneath him, feeling his fingers sweeping over my clit. The logs crackle and pop, and the heat from the fire causes my face to flush.

  Lucas moves down between my legs, kissing, licking, and sucking until I come. Pleasure floods through me, and he moves back to me, putting his lips to mine so I can taste myself on him.

  “Sit up,” I pant, blinking my eyes open as I try to feebly push Lucas off me. He rocks back, and I climb on, slowly lowering myself onto him, guiding his cock inside me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, tossing my head back so my breasts are in his face as I rock my hips.

  Lucas puts one hand on the back of my head, taking a fist full of my hair. He pulls my head back and puts his lips to my neck, pitching forward so we’re laying down now with him on top of me. We quickly get comfortable, and Lucas pushes his cock deep into me as he bites my neck, fangs breaking through my skin.

  My lips part, moaning softly as he drinks my blood, thrusting into me faster and faster. We come at the same time, and Lucas pulls one last mouthful of blood from my body.

  He licks the wound on my neck as he pulls out, moving to my side. I’m panting, ears ringing, and hot from the fire. And from having sex with Lucas, of course.

  Lucas puts his fingers over the bite wounds, keeping pressure on them until little scabs form. He told me before I knew I was a nephilim that my blood clots faster than most, which is just another reason we’re perfect together. He’s able to only drink my blood because of that, and how fast I’m able to recover from the blood loss.

  “Your blood still tastes sweeter than before,” he tells me, nuzzle his head against my breasts. I bend my arm up, raking my fingers through his thick hair. He takes his fingers from my neck and licks the blood off them. “I can’t put a reason to why, though.”

  “Well, I am pretty sweet,” I say, batting my eyelashes at him. He grins and rolls over, spooning his body around me. “Only sometimes, though.”

  “I prefer it when you’re not.”

  We lay by the fire for a while, just enjoying each other’s silent company.

  “I have to pee,” I groan, not wanting to get up but really feeling those two margs and right now. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “Only if you don’t put clothes on.”

  “Deal.” Smiling, I get up. But as soon as I take a step, my vision goes fuzzy, and dizziness crashes down on me. I throw out my hand, feeling like I’m going to fall, but Lucas gets to me in just a second.

  “Callie?” he asks, brows furrowed with concern. I blink a few times, pushing back the lump that’s rising in my throat. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I just got a little dizzy, that’s all.” I suck in a deep breath and rest my head against Lucas for a second before trying to stand back up. Lucas keeps a steady hold on my arm. “Did you drink a lot of blood or something?”

  “Not more than normal.”

  “Oh, well, maybe it was the margaritas.”

  “Maybe.” He brushes my hair back. “I’ll take you upstairs.”

  “I’m fine,” I press and move out of his embrace. “I’m really thirsty, though, so if you want to get me a glass of water while I use the bathroom, that would be nice.”

  “You’re sure you’re fine?” He laces his fingers between mine.

  “Yeah.” He kisses my forehead, and I go upstairs to pee and clean myself up. Right as I flush the toilet, I think I hear someone talking…someone who isn’t Lucas.

  And is a female.

  “What?” I whisper and grab my robe from the back of the bathroom door. I quickly slip it on and go down the stairs, feeling a little light headed again. I grab the banister and slow down, not wanting to tumble. What is wrong with me?

  Letting out a breath, I hurry down as fast as I can without falling and round the corner in the foyer to see Lucas standing in the kitchen, still stark-naked, and Ruby just a few feet from him.

  Her hands are over her face, and she’s stumbling over her words.

  “Ah, there she is.” Lucas, who knows he’s completely gorgeous and has no issue with nudity, raises the water glass he filled up in my direction. He leans against the counter, waiting for me to come get the water.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask Ruby, tying my robe around my waist.

  “We tried calling you after Evander saw your text about the demon. You didn’t respond and we were worried.”

  “Oh,” I say as I cross the kitchen, taking the water from Lucas. I stand in front of him, feeling a bit possessive over my incredibly sexy, naked vampire. Though another part of me almost wants to show him off. I take the water from Lucas, and he puts his hands on my waist, bringing my butt right up against him.

  Ruby slowly lowers her hand, making sure it’s safe to look. She hasn’t taken a single step, ma
king me wonder if she can. She was never good at astral projecting, and it was one of the things she resented the most about me.

  Suddenly feeling like I’m dying of thirst, I down half the water and then take a breath. “I, uh, didn’t realize my phone was ringing. I’m fine.”

  “I can see that.” Ruby smiles tightly. “You’re sure it’s that particular demon?”

  “Yes,” I tell her and finish the water. I want to turn and refill my glass, but that would expose Lucas, though it’s not like he’d care. “So…he might be working on his own or Ruth might have summoned him.”

  “I thought you were certain she was going after you.”

  “Oh, I am. But I can’t be certain this new demon—B for short—is directly connected to her.” The dizziness comes back, and I lean against Lucas to keep from losing my balance. He tightens his arms around my waist, and Ruby gives me an incredulous look. I close my eyes for a few seconds and wait for the dizziness to pass. “But I’m pretty sure B is trying to see if I’m the nephilim, like the other demon was.”

  Ruby’s lips part, and she shakes her head. “So this new demon, B…what is he going to do if he figures out you’re the nephilim?”

  “I don’t know. Kill me? That’s what the other demon wanted, though…” I trail off. Though other demons have said things to suggest they want me to storm the gates of Hell with them. I’m half an archangel. I possess the power to do so. “Though I don’t know.”

  “It’s nothing good,” Lucas says. “We know that for sure. But whatever it is, he’s not getting it. I won’t let anything happen to Callie.”

  Ruby shuffles back, projection shimmering a bit. She stills, refocuses, and appears solid before us again. “You were right there, though, in front of him. And he didn’t attack you.” Her brows furrow, trying to make sense of it all.

  “I don’t think he was really there,” I say. “Which doesn’t make this a whole lot better.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I bite my lip, thinking back to the night we were attacked. “I think he was projecting somehow.” I go to take a step forward and stop, remembering Lucas is naked behind me. I grab a rag from the side of the sink and hand it to him.

  “That’s not going to cover much,” he says with a cheeky grin. My face flushes. He’s right. I hold out my hand and telekinetically open the cabinet where I keep my towels, bringing a larger towel to him.

  “Put your pants on, get the book, and come back.”

  Lucas kisses my cheek and goes into the living room, holding the towel over himself.

  “I can see why you’re into vampires now,” Ruby laughs. “He’s, uh, very handsome.”

  “He is,” I agree, cheeks still flushed. I refill my water, quickly drink it all, and then go to the table. Ruby’s projection shimmers again as she turns around. Lucas is back in just seconds, wearing his jeans from before and carrying the book. He sets it down and opens it to Bael’s page.

  “Scarlet couldn’t smell him, and when I threw an energy ball at him, it passed right through.”

  “That does sound like astral projection,” Ruby agrees. “But why project? Why not go in for the kill?”

  I scan the words in Latin, trying to find the part I’m looking for. “He was trapped in a vessel and locked away in Hell. It would take some major magic to bust him out. And as much as Ruth has it out for me, I can’t see her with that kind of clout.”

  “You mean power?” Ruby asks, eyebrows going up.

  “Yeah.” I blink rapidly, trying hard to ignore how badly I want to talk to my uncle right now. “So, if the rumors that I’m still alive are going around, maybe he somehow projected himself so he could see me in person.”

  “And sent those root-monsters after you as a way to test you,” Lucas goes on, finishing my thought. “Your blood was able to vanquish them, which would prove your heritage.”

  “Your blood kills demons,” Ruby sums up, and then she looks at Lucas, and I know exactly what she’s thinking.

  “Vampires aren’t demonic,” I say. They’re undead, don’t follow the normal rules, but that doesn’t make them inherently evil.

  “I very much enjoy Callie’s blood,” Lucas says.

  Ruby holds up a hand. “The less I know about that, the better.” She takes a slow step forward and looks at the book. “I think we need to assume this demon knows who you are now.”

  I swallow hard. He has to or must have a really strong inkling. “I think so, too.”

  “And we should also assume he’s coming back. In the flesh.”

  My head bobs up and down, and I look up, meeting Ruby’s eyes. Neither of us have to say it, but if Bael has that much power to summon the root-monsters in astral form, I don’t know how we’ll be able to fight him in true form.

  Our only hope is to find Ruth and stop her before she can figure out a way to get Bael here on Earth. Because in his true form…he’ll destroy us all.

  Chapter 26

  I wake with a start, heart racing. I’m alone in bed, as I knew I would be since Lucas is attending to business. Binx is sitting in the open windowsill, looking out at the forest behind the house.

  “Anything?” I ask, running my hand through my messy hair. I’m still trying to pull myself out of my nightmare where I was back in the research lab, but when the doors to my room opened, Ruth came in along with Dr. Howard.

  Binx lets out a soft meow, letting me know all is still. It’s been over a week since I put a name to the face, and in those days, absolutely nothing has happened.

  Ruth hasn’t attacked.

  Bael hasn’t come back.

  If they’re playing a waiting game to make me go crazy, they’re winning. I flop back down and roll over, trying to get comfortable. But as soon as I close my eyes, worst-case scenarios run through my mind. I roll over and grab my phone from the nightstand, checking to see if Abby just happened to send a text as she was getting attacked by a demon.

  It’s three-thirty a.m., and it’s way too late to contact my sister now. If she’s sleeping, I don’t want to wake her up and freak her out. And if she’s working the night shift at the hospital, I don’t want to bug her and, again, freak her out.

  “Maybe I’ll enchant a mirror so I can check in on her,” I grumble as I lay back down again. The house is quiet, leaving me to believe Lucas is over at the estate, talking to the vampire contractors. They leave right around now, so he’ll be back soon and will be ready to come and get a few hours of sleep. He drank enough of my blood before he left to not need much sleep, but he knows I sleep better with him by my side.

  The plumbing in the master bathroom is complete now, and the tile for the tub and shower is being laid. The counters went in the kitchen yesterday, too, and once the adhesive has had time to cure, the sink can be hooked up, and the kitchen will be one step closer to being functional.

  Hyper-focusing on the house has kept me sane over the last few days, and it’s progressed quickly thanks to our human day crew and the vampires who come to work on it at night. They’re able to move faster than humans, and things have really come together.

  Once the kitchen is done and the master suite is complete, Lucas and I could move in. Though the entire house won’t be heated, and there will be constant construction going on. I’m impatient, excited, and distracting myself with moving might take my mind off things. But it could also put my life in too much disarray, and I’ll be caught off guard.

  Though at this point, I’d rather just be caught, period.

  Yesterday, Evander and Kristy tried every last scrying spell they could think of to try and locate Ruth. Nothing worked. Ruby has been going just as crazy as I am trying to find more info on Bael. And big surprise there: we’ve gotten nowhere.

  Bael was a big bad centuries ago, pissed off enough witches, and got thrown in supernatural prison. The details of how he was locked up were never recorded, probably for a good reason, and as far as we can tell, he hasn’t been set free. The Ley line’s power is steady, which me
ans the gates of Hell haven’t been opened.



  There’s still so much we don’t know about demons, and for good reason. Witches who’ve gotten too close in the past, even in the name of research, have died. But I’m not just anyone.

  And I have a relative who is the literal ruler of all things demonic.

  “I shouldn’t, right?” I ask Binx, who jumps from the windowsill to my bed. He rubs his head against me, purring, and settles down in my arms. I run my hand over his sleek fur, wrestling with what to do. “It hasn’t hurt anything yet,” I argue with myself. “But then again, he’s not really that trustworthy. But why?” I ask out loud. “I’d rather talk to you, Dad,” I say and close my eyes. Please, Dad…if you can hear me, give me a sign.

  Sighing, I open my eyes and grab my phone, scrolling through Instagram to distract myself. I’ve slacked—again—in running Novel Ground’s social media.

  I look through my old photos, think of a snappy caption, and put up the photo. Then I go back through the feed, find one of our better performing posts, and set up an ad to promote it.

  “We’ll go in tomorrow,” I tell Binx. “All of us. We can take some cute photos around the store, and I’ll get everything scheduled to go up for the next two weeks.”

  Binx rolls over, stretching his arms out and wanting a belly rub. I relax as I pet him, and I’m tired and almost asleep again when Lucas comes home.

  “You smell like the woods,” I mumble as he gets into bed next to me. He’s stripped out of his clothes, but the scent of fresh forest air clings to his cool skin.

  “I came home that way. And no, I didn’t see anything.”

  “I assumed. You need to close the window,” I say as he slips his arms around my waist. “The screen won’t keep you safe.”

  “I already did. Go back to sleep, Callie.”


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