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Billy Budd

Page 10

by Herman Melville

  Not long before death, while lying under the influence of that magical drug which soothing the physical frame mysteriously operates on the subtler element in man, he was heard to murmur words inexplicable to his attendant — "Billy Budd, Billy Budd." That these were not the accents of remorse, would seem clear from what the attendant said to the Indomitable's senior officer of marines who, as the most reluctant to condemn of the members of the drum-head court, too well knew, tho' here he kept the knowledge to himself, who Billy Budd was.


  Some few weeks after the execution, among other matters under the head of News from the Mediterranean, there appeared in a naval chronicle of the time, an authorized weekly publication, an account of the affair. It was doubtless for the most part written in good faith, tho' the medium, partly rumor, through which the facts must have reached the writer, served to deflect and in part falsify them. The account was as follows: -

  "On the tenth of the last month a deplorable occurrence took place on board H.M.S. Indomitable. John Claggart, the ship's Master-at-arms, discovering that some sort of plot was incipient among an inferior section of the ship's company, and that the ringleader was one William Budd; he, Claggart, in the act of arraigning the man before the Captain was vindictively stabbed to the heart by the suddenly drawn sheath-knife of Budd.

  "The deed and the implement employed, sufficiently suggest that tho' mustered into the service under an English name the assassin was no Englishman, but one of those aliens adopting English cognomens whom the present extraordinary necessities of the Service have caused to be admitted into it in considerable numbers.

  "The enormity of the crime and the extreme depravity of the criminal, appear the greater in view of the character of the victim, a middle-aged man respectable and discreet, belonging to that official grade, the petty-officers, upon whom, as none know better than the commissioned gentlemen, the efficiency of His Majesty's Navy so largely depends. His function was a responsible one, at once onerous amp; thankless, and his fidelity in it the greater because of his strong patriotic impulse. In this instance as in so many other instances in these days, the character of this unfortunate man signally refutes, if refutation were needed, that peevish saying attributed to the late Dr. Johnson, that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

  "The criminal paid the penalty of his crime. The promptitude of the punishment has proved salutary. Nothing amiss is now apprehended aboard H.M.S. Indomitable."

  The above, appearing in a publication now long ago superannuated and forgotten, is all that hitherto has stood in human record to attest what manner of men respectively were John Claggart and Billy Budd.


  Everything is for a term remarkable in navies. Any tangible object associated with some striking incident of the service is converted into a monument. The spar from which the Foretopman was suspended, was for some few years kept trace of by the blue-jackets. Their knowledge followed it from ship to dock-yard and again from dock-yard to ship, still pursuing it even when at last reduced to a mere dock-yard boom. To them a chip of it was as a piece of the Cross. Ignorant tho' they were of the secret facts of the tragedy, and not thinking but that the penalty was somehow unavoidably inflicted from the naval point of view, for all that they instinctively felt that Billy was a sort of man as incapable of mutiny as of wilfull murder. They recalled the fresh young image of the Handsome Sailor, that face never deformed by a sneer or subtler vile freak of the heart within. Their impression of him was doubtless deepened by the fact that he was gone, and in a measure mysteriously gone. At the time, on the gun decks of the Indomitable, the general estimate of his nature and its unconscious simplicity eventually found rude utterance from another foretopman, one of his own watch, gifted, as some sailors are, with an artless poetic temperament; the tarry hands made some lines which after circulating among the shipboard crew for a while, finally got rudely printed at Portsmouth as a ballad. The title given to it was the sailor's.


  Good of the Chaplain to enter Lone Bay

  And down on his marrow-bones here and pray

  For the likes just o' me, Billy Budd. - But look:

  Through the port comes the moon-shine astray!

  It tips the guard's cutlas and silvers this nook;

  But 'twill die in the dawning of Billy's last day.

  A jewel-block they'll make of me to-morrow,

  Pendant pearl from the yard-arm-end

  Like the ear-drop I gave to Bristol Molly —

  O, 'tis me, not the sentence they'll suspend.

  Ay, Ay, Ay, all is up; and I must up to

  Early in the morning, aloft from alow.

  On an empty stomach, now, never it would do.

  They'll give me a nibble — bit o' biscuit ere I go.

  Sure, a messmate will reach me the last parting cup;

  But, turning heads away from the hoist and the belay,

  Heaven knows who will have the running of me up!

  No pipe to those halyards. - But aren't it all sham?

  A blur's in my eyes; it is dreaming that I am.

  A hatchet to my hawser? all adrift to go?

  The drum roll to grog, and Billy never know?

  But Donald he has promised to stand by the plank;

  So I'll shake a friendly hand ere I sink.

  But — no! It is dead then I'll be, come to think.

  I remember Taff the Welshman when he sank.

  And his cheek it was like the budding pink.

  But me they'll lash me in hammock, drop me deep.

  Fathoms down, fathoms down, how I'll dream fast asleep.

  I feel it stealing now. Sentry, are you there?

  Just ease this darbies at the wrist, and roll me over fair,

  I am sleepy, and the oozy weeds about me twist.


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