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NightFall: Book One: Bloodlust Is the Cure for the Immortal Soul

Page 14

by Anastacia Kelley

  Zane considered himself lucky never to have become a slave of Eldra. If he had, he wouldn’t have lived to see his twentieth birthday. He would have let them kill him before he was turned into a slave. He had worked too hard to overcome the other prejudices he was faced with every day. And that was tough enough as it was.

  So, Zane was now Arathoseous’ apprentice. He showed Zane the ways of the world. Taught him everything he knew. Educated him on some of his past. On how it was for him growing up. Though, intentionally omitting some parts in which Zane feared to question.

  Zane listened to Arathoseous’ every apt word. Consumed all the lessons for which he was tutored.

  Arathoseous was grooming him for greatness. He had told Zane this as they made their way through one of Arathoseous’ many gardens.

  “You have come to love the life you now live and the harem of women you were rewarded, do you not, Zane?” Arathoseous asked, stopping in front of a flowing fountain. He put his hand into the water and watched it cascade over his fingers.

  Zane looked around the place he now called home. Looked at his harem of women lounging near a pool of water, cooling off in the heat of the sun. “Yes. I have come to treasure everything. Every lesson I have learned from you. The wonderful friends I have made. The women that follow me. Satisfy me.” The corners of his mouth curved upwards in a genuine smile. “I do not think life could get any better. It is perfect the way it is.”

  Arathoseous placed his hand on Zane’s shoulder. He said earnestly, “What if I told you that it can be even better?”


  Zane shook his head. He cursed himself for allowing his mind to travel back to his days as a human, living with Arathoseous, his second father. His simple days as a puny human were gladly over. He had more pressing matters to attend to right now.

  He had found out all he needed to know at this time. Now, he needed to go home and think of his next plan of attack, be it mental or physical. He would figure that out later.


  Saldivar stopped abruptly. He sensed a change almost immediately. Someone was here. No, not someone. Some thing. He knew it was not human. He scanned the festivities but did not see anything out of the ordinary. That didn’t mean that something was not, however.

  Deep down, Saldivar felt a doom a thousand years old. It had not grown weaker but seemed to fester into something too big to fight alone.

  Van turned his head in the direction of Saldivar’s gaze.

  “Mon ami, what is wrong? Is someone else here?” Van asked, picking up on Saldivar’s distress almost instantly.

  Saldivar’s nostrils flared. He sucked in a considerable amount of air. It was indeed another nightwalker. But where?

  Van, tapping into Saldivar’s mind, knew what it was. He just wasn’t sure who it was.

  Saldivar turned his attention back to Van. “Yes, Van. I feel the presence of a nightwalker.” His jaw clenched. “We are not the only ones here.”

  “Do you know who, Saldivar?” Van asked.

  Saldivar shook his head roughly. “I can certainly sense one. Any maybe a faint presence of another. But it’s extremely weak. It is very odd.”

  “Why is that?” Van wanted to know. He had never heard of a weak presence before.

  Saldivar explained quickly while scanning the area once more. “With a nightwalker the feeling is either there or it isn’t. There is no ‘in between’. This one feels slight. The other one is like a slap in the face.”

  Van seized Saldivar’s shoulder in panic. “We should hurry back to Indea and Simone.

  Van didn’t have to elucidate why. If a nightwalker knew they were here and that they were with humans-Eternal Entities, no less-they all could be in danger.

  Simone and Indea would have no clue as to what was going on. Van and Saldivar most certainly did not want them finding out this way. That kind of shock might never wear off.

  Van and Saldivar would rather walk into the sunlight than have either of the girls hurt or even killed because of their association with nightwalkers. Right now, they had to find a way to protect them.


  Raven decided to leave Bastille Day a mite earlier than planned. She had urgent business to take care of. It seemed Zane was in his own little hallucination. Which made it even easier to slip out undetected. She had no problem shutting her mind off to Zane, especially when he was so focused on what Van and Saldivar were doing.

  This was the first time she’s ever seen Saldivar. Rather sexy looking with that rock hard body and gorgeous amber eyes that looked like liquid gold.

  Too bad Zane had taken part of his transformation. Saldivar was off limits. Zane would shred her to bits if he found out she had the hots for Saldivar. For Van, too, now that she thought about it. She didn’t feel ashamed one iota. She wasn’t related to Saldivar. Zane was her biological father where as Saldivar was an adult when Zane transformed him. Saldivar had belonged to actual human parents long ago.

  Zane must think he’s so terribly clever. Telling her Saldivar was her brother in a way. Raven rolled her obsidian eyes and let out an annoyed sigh.

  Raven made her way out through the back. When she was confident no one was watching, she bolted a few miles to a private phone booth where no one could hear or see her. She would be able to tell if someone was coming well before they got to her. That way, she could hang up before they were able to eavesdrop.

  Mr. Hobbs picked up on the second ring. “Yes?” It was as if he was expecting the phone call.

  “It’s time to expose a little more skin. As you well know, I can only go so far. If you want more abstruse facts, you will have to nudge Mr. Brant in the right direction. Convince him to get Simone to write an in-depth piece on Van and Saldivar. If he needs a reason, tell him to say that it’s because he wants a story on the night life in Paris and that he’s heard of ‘Club Paradox’. And that it seems like the place to be,” Raven instructed. “Like I said, we want to unmask just a small piece at a time. We’ll put the puzzle together once we have all the right pieces in place.”

  “Of course, Miss,” Mr. Hobbs spoke in understanding monotone.

  Raven replaced the receiver and quickly sprinted back home, hoping to get there before Zane did. He would eventually find out, there was no mistaking that. She just hoped he wouldn’t make it like she had never existed.


  Van and Simone walked ahead, leaving Saldivar and Indea to their own privacy. They walked side by side down the now vacated sidewalks. Everyone else was still living it up at Bastille Day.

  It was just after midnight when they had decided to leave the festivities. They had had all the fun they were going to have in public. Now they wanted some well earned alone time.

  Indea and Saldivar strolled leisurely in silence, taking in the beauty of the night. The sweet smell in the air.

  Saldivar reached out and very gingerly took Indea’s hand as if he were afraid he would crush it if he grabbed any harder.

  Indea let out a soft laugh. “Saldivar, I’m not made of glass. I won’t break.” She gazed into his molten amber eyes intently. “I promise.” Just to prove her point, she squeezed his hand with a little more force.

  She looked at him like she could devour him and the firm squeeze she gave his hand made a zing of arousal travel all throughout his entire body. His manhood started to feel the effects of being in such close proximity to this sexual creature. His pants suddenly became a little too cumbersome.

  Not out here, he willed and pleaded with his body. It seemed to have a mind of its own. Indea was holding his hand, not stripping in front of him, for Pete’s sake.

  You’d thing that by how his body reacted to Indea’s simple touch she was nude and dancing seductively around him. But that’s what the Eternal Entity did to a vampire.

  He wanted badly to taste her lips. Tease the supple flesh. He wanted…..needed just a slight touch. He didn’t want to ravish her just yet but the temptation was near killing him. He was too worried about hurting
her. Given his centuries of strength, it wouldn’t take much. However, if she was transformed, he wouldn’t have to worry about it any longer.

  Saldivar was out in a public place. Surely, he could control his urges out here.

  Couldn’t he?

  Saldivar brought his thumb to Indea’s mouth and ran it across her bottom lip. Slowly. Painfully slow, testing her reaction to him. “I do not think you would break,” he said thickly, his voice taking a much huskier tone.

  Indea’s eyes widened and glazed over. She noticed Saldivar restraining himself from ravishing her right here on the sidewalk. She could see a wild passion light his eyes. It made the amber color turn to liquid gold.

  Indea quipped silently to herself that she wouldn’t complain about how she got the scratches on her back. She could imagine herself and Saldivar making hot and sweaty love right where they stood and right where they would fall, loving each other’s bodies in whatever position they landed.

  Saldivar’s golden eyes now looked fiery and his pupils almost engulfed the irises. It made him look dangerous and sexy and feral all in one.

  Indea licked her lips. A kiss. She could settle for a tiny kiss.

  Saldivar’s thumb disappeared halfway into Indea’s velvety mouth. Her tongue lavished the tip. He slowly pulled it out, watching her reaction. He saw the pulse of her neck beating profusely. Her breathing came out in short soft pants.

  Before either of them could take another breath, Saldivar crushed his mouth to Indea’s, taking in her cry of surprise. A second later, the surprise was replaced with fervor. She snaked her arms around Saldivar’s neck, pulling him even deeper into her wanting mouth. She was finally able to run her fingers through his inky black hair. They had been itching to do so when she’d first met him.

  Saldivar moaned, the vibration of his dark, rich sound pulsating over Indea’s loved bruised lips. She opened her mouth, inviting his tongue to play with hers.

  Saldivar wrapped his muscular arms around her small waist and pulled her up until her feet were no longer touching the pavement.

  Indea could feel his erection press boldly against her inner thigh. Dangerously close to her own aroused womanhood. She was already moist from wanting him. Her blood boiled with a powerful urge to go farther.

  It was true they barely knew each other, but there was something about him. Something she couldn’t seem to resist. Each touch he bestowed upon her made her body come alive. She had never felt so alive.

  Saldivar gently put her back on her feet. She felt his biceps flexing as he lowered her, making sure every inch of her body was connected with his. He pressed his face into her neck. His mouth watered at the thought that he could easily pierce her soft skin and drink from her and she wouldn’t care. But he kept the reins tightly around his lust for her blood no matter how badly he wanted it.

  Indea felt his hot breath tickle her flesh. She closed her eyes and sighed when he smelled her flushed skin.

  They still held each other as Saldivar lifted his head to meet Indea’s gaze. They were heavy lidded and glossed over from pleasure.

  “My dear Indea.” Saldivar’s voice started out a bit shakily. “I’m afraid you make me forget what control is,” he admitted openly.

  “Is that such a bad thing?” Indea teased.

  The corners of Saldivar’s mouth curved upwards in amusement. “No. I suppose not.”

  They disconnected from one another, and now walked hand in hand through the empty city.

  “You must really rely on your control,” Indea surmised, breaking the silence.

  “Why do you say that?” Saldivar wanted to know. He was beginning to see that Indea picked up on things rather quickly. She could tell what he was thinking at times. It was scary thinking she could read his mind and she wasn’t even transformed yet. Her perceptiveness made his mind falter at times.

  Indea thought on it for a moment before answering. “Just the way you are. How you carry yourself. Your stride. I can see that you hold back. I just don’t see why. It’s as if you’re afraid of something. I don’t know what that is.” Then, she stated coyly, “Your kiss blew me out of the water, so to speak………”

  Imagine what it would be like when I make love to you, Saldivar wished he could tell her.

  “……but I could tell you kept a secure hold over yourself. Almost if you were worried about hurting me. I’m not a China doll, Saldivar. And I don’t think you’d ever harm me.” Indea said with conviction that tugged at Saldivar’s heart.

  “You are right. I would never hurt you for anything.”

  Indea smiled and leaned closer to Saldivar as they made their way home.


  Van kissed Simone affectionately at the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow, my sweet.”

  Simone nodded and waved before stepping into the Skys’ home.

  What a wonderful day, Simone thought happily to herself as she made her way to her room. She had so much fun with Van. He was smart and he made her laugh. He was sexy and he knew his way around a pair of lips.

  It’s not fair, she pouted inwardly. Here she was, having the time of her life and she was due back in Alabama in nine days. She wanted to get to know Van even better and nine days wasn’t going to cut it. She wanted to share more stories with him. She wanted him to make love to her. Wild and passionate love. Given how he kissed her, she could only imagine how he would be in bed.

  Her head would probably explode. Along with the rest of her heated body. She had to take a deep breath just thinking about it.

  She walked into her room, opened her laptop and sat down to read her e-mails and to catch up on some writing.

  Just two. Both from Mr. Brant.

  “‘Dear Simone,’” the e-mail read. ““I’m so glad you’re having fun. You deserve it. ‘Club Paradox’ sounds fascinating. It’s great that you’re having an excellent time. Which brings me to the point. An international piece for our newspaper would bring in a wider range of readers. So, I’m sure you’ll be elated to hear that you will need to stay in Paris for a few weeks.’”

  Simone’s breath caught in her throat. It was all she could do not to jump on the ceiling. More time in Paris! She could barely contain herself as she read Mr. Brant’s other e-mail.

  “‘Dear Simone: I hope things are going well for you in Paris. It sounds to me like Van and Saldivar are your two new best friends.

  “‘Since they run the club and it has gotten rave reviews, I want you to do an in-depth piece on each of them. They sound like a great couple of guys to know.

  “‘I can’t wait to read about them.

  “‘Take care. Be safe. And have fun!’”

  Simone would be more than happy to write about her two new found friends. She was ecstatic that Mr. Brant took a genuine interest in them. They were important to her.

  She elected to e-mail an attachment immediately while the thought was still fresh in her mind.

  She would e-mail Mr. Brant first. She read out loud as she typed:

  “Dear Mr. Brant: Yes. I am having the time of my life. Thank you for asking. I wish you were here to soak up some of the fun I’m experiencing. I’m glad to at least paint you a picture with my stories.

  “You’re right. Van and Saldivar are just awesome. They are wonderful to get to know. I hope that one day you’ll be able to meet them.

  “I’ll be more than happy to write a look into their lives. They’re simply charming. Van and I seemed to have grown closer. Saldivar and Indea are out now as I write to you. They’ve really hit it off. And I think, so have Van and I.

  “I really do appreciate you letting me stay longer. And I appreciate you always being there for me and looking out for me. You’re like a father to me. You’re the best.

  “I’m sending you my story via attachment. Hope you like it.”

  Simone signed off and closed her computer for the night.


  Mr. Brant felt a huge stab of guilt pierce his heart as he read Simone’s e-mail. Her
last statement about him being a father to him nearly sliced his heart in two. He felt like such a heel.

  How he hated deceiving her. Using her to get information on Van Pirone and Saldivar.

  What could he do? Mr. Hobbs was paying him rather handsomely for doing this. It didn’t ease the utter shame he felt though. But he couldn’t help but wonder why Mr. Hobbs wanted to know about a couple of guys who owned a club in Paris. And, also, who was Mr. Hobbs’ source? Why was he paying all this money to get it? Was it even his money to spend?

  Deep in his gut, Mr. Davis Brant knew this couldn’t be on the up-and-up. People who usually paid a boat load of money for what seemed like simple information and were desperate to keep it a secret had more sinister things in mind.

  Mr. Brant didn’t like the smell of things around here. Too fishy.

  Yeah, maybe he was getting paid and maybe he felt lower than dirt but before he gave Mr. Hobbs the information, he would read the stories and do a little investigating on the down low of his own.

  Simone was like a daughter to him. He didn’t want to let her down. She’ll probably find out what he was up to eventually. She was too smart for her own good. He could only hope forgiveness for lying to her and using her like the creep he was right now. He was positive he could amend things. Maybe, just maybe, he could turn things around before he was too deep in the hole. He was already wading knee deep in the crapper as it was.

  The fact that Simone had already grown close to Van made it worse. He must really be something. She hadn’t been in Paris that long. He certainly didn’t want to ruin their chance at happiness.

  Right now, the only choice he had was to wait. Wait and hope for the best outcome.


  The days seemed to fly by as both couples learned more and more about each other. Sometimes, they all went out together and other times, they preferred to just be alone with each other. Mainly to kiss and neck when no one was around.


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