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Page 17

by Sky Corgan

  He took me by the hand, leading me to the bed. I sat on the edge as he pulled open the bedside table drawer and took out the box of condoms. I watched in fascination as he tore open the package and slid the condom down his length. I'd never seen a guy put one on before, but he did it effortlessly.

  “Lay down,” he told me, and I did, feeling rigid. Dominick smirked as he stood over me. “You look nervous.”

  “I'm not,” I lied.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “I wouldn't be in here if I wasn't.”

  “Alright.” He crawled onto the bed beside me.

  It seemed that with every inch closer he got, the faster my heart beat. Was I really ready for this? This was what I had always wanted, to lose my virginity to Dominick, or at least get to sleep with him. Yet no matter how many times I had fantasized about it in my head, it hadn't prepared me for the real thing.

  He crawled between my legs, pulling one of my thighs over his hip. My fingers twitched as the trembling wanted to return. For as horny as I was, I was scared. Was it going to hurt? Would he be able to figure out I was a virgin? How would he react if he did?

  “Are you alright?” He eyed me suspiciously.

  “Yes,” I replied quickly, sounding annoyed. My hand reached up to tangle in his hair, drawing him to me for a heated kiss. He can't know how nervous I am. He can't know I'm a virgin. Just fuck me already. Please.

  My mental telepathy worked. He inched forward, and I could feel the heat of his sex drawing closer to mine. My clit throbbed as his glans clumsily searched for my entryway, sliding down until he was lined up perfectly. When he pulled away from the kiss, his eyes were full of lust, and I could sense a hint of nervousness as well.

  For a split second, I found myself wondering what he was thinking. Then all thoughts were erased by searing pain as he pressed forward. I gasped, feeling my entire body tense up as he pushed into me. Suddenly, the pleasure that had been pulsing between my legs transformed into fire as he broke through my virgin barrier.

  Our eyes met, and he looked completely shocked. For as much as it had hurt getting it in, the fullness I felt having him inside of me made up for it. We were locked together perfectly, and my pain melted into emotional euphoric bliss.

  “You're a virgin,” he said, his voice sounding anything but happy about the fact.

  “No,” I breathed.

  Almost as quickly as I had felt him penetrate me, the fullness disappeared. Dominick knelt in front of me, looking at the blood on the condom. Then he furrowed his brow, and I knew he was pissed. The perfect moment was ruined.

  “You lied to me.” He scowled, crawling towards the edge of the bed.

  “Dominick, no.” I shot up, grabbing him by the arm.

  “Why didn't you tell me?”

  I cowered. “Because I knew you wouldn't do it if you knew the truth.”

  “Of course, I wouldn't. Your first time should be with someone you love, someone your own age.”

  “It is with someone I love,” I insisted. “You remember all the stuff I said when I was drunk. It wasn't a lie. I love you. I've always loved you.”

  He sighed, sitting on the side of the bed with his head in his hands.

  My cunt throbbed with pain, but the tear I felt in my heart was far worse. I was scared to touch Dominick, but I knew that if I didn't he might leave, and that would destroy me. I knelt behind him, wrapping my arms around him and pressing my face against his back.

  “Please, Dominick,” I whispered. “This is my first time, and I've always wanted it to be with you. Don't ruin it for me.”

  I could feel his body relax. He put his hand on top of mine, drawing it to his lips for a gentle kiss. When he turned to me, I could only see remorse.

  The lust was gone from his eyes, but he followed me onto the bed anyway. I laid beneath him and winced as he pressed himself back inside. His body moved on top of mine, slow and careful. While the fullness of having him penetrate me turned my pleasure sensors back onto overdrive, I couldn't help but feel a disconnect from him. Something was wrong, not physically but on an emotional level. We were no longer in sync.

  I tried to ignore it. This was my moment, my moment to get what I had always wanted. I closed my eyes and moaned shamelessly as the friction between our bodies drove me toward the best orgasm I had ever had. When the contractions began rolling through me, I wrapped my arms around Dominick, holding him close, loving him.

  He must have felt it, because he picked up the pace. My pussy sucked at his cock as he pumped into me until his body stilled, and I knew he was spent. He laid on top of me with his head turned away from my face, panting heavily. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and it soothed me.

  Despite the rockiness of our coupling, I felt oddly happy. I had gotten what I wanted. Now that we'd had sex, Dominick belonged to me. Finally. Tonight was the first step in having a life together. After I finished college, we could get married and then have kids. Life would be perfect. Just as I had planned it.

  He rolled off of me and got up to go to the bathroom. I watched his backside with giddy admiration. So hot naked. Maybe we can do it again after he has time to recharge.

  I heard the shower turn on and grumbled internally, wishing he would have asked me to join him. Well, I guess that means no more sex tonight. There was no point in getting upset about it. Instead, I decided to go to my own bathroom and get cleaned up. My thighs were sticky, and the scent of sex was strong on me. I was sure Dominick wouldn't want to crawl in bed beside me smelling like that after he'd had a shower.

  While I bathed, I thought about Dominick's reaction to my virginity. Shouldn't he have been happy? Didn't all guys want to sleep with virgins? He had acted strange, but I was pretty sure he'd get over it.

  I scrubbed between my legs, feeling the soreness there and watching the blood swirl around the drain. There wasn't as much as I had imagined there would be, which was good. Hopefully, I didn't bleed through onto the mattress. I had only been staying with Dominick for a few weeks. It would suck if I had already ruined both of our mattresses.

  By the time I finished my shower and returned to Dominick's room, he was laying in bed asleep. The sheets on the bed had been changed, and my side was made up as if he hadn't expected me to return. I frowned, pulling my side of the bed down before carefully crawling in. Part of worried about waking him up, but the other part of me wanted to cuddle. Isn't that what you were supposed to do after sex? Oh well. Tonight had been far from ordinary. I would take what I could get, and being in Dominick's bed was enough for now.

  When I woke up the next morning, there was an empty spot beside me. I sighed, hugging Dominick's pillow to my chest and inhaling his scent. Thanks to the change of sheets and his shower, his pillow smelled like fabric softener and shampoo.

  After lying there for a while, I pulled myself out of bed, feeling giddy and renewed. I was a new woman. It's amazing how having sex for the first time can make you feel, especially if it's with someone you love.

  With a mischievous grin, I peaked around the door to Dominick's office, practically wiggling as I thought about all the naughty things I'd like to do to him. Hopefully, he'd be interested in taking a mid-morning break for some playtime. I was sore, but not too sore for a romp between the sheets.

  “Morning, sunshine,” I purred.

  “Morning,” he replied, not even bothering to look at me.

  My smile faded. Had I done something wrong? Shouldn't he be happy and horny and welcoming me into his arms?

  “How are you this morning?” I asked, the joy quickly draining from my voice.


  “Oh, sorry.” I walked back into the kitchen, my heart sinking into the pit of my stomach.

  Dominick had never gotten mad at me for going into his office before, but today he sounded genuinely annoyed—and distant. Maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

  I tried to ignore his grumpy mood, taking my mind off of it by
starting breakfast. Dominick came out of his office to eat, but he was no warmer towards me. It seemed like he had totally forgotten what had happened between us. Had I dreamed it all? The soreness between my legs told me no. If it had happened though, then why was he acting so strange.

  The rest of the weekend went on as normal. Dominick treated me the same as he always had, which made me feel incredibly awkward. There was a strange silent tension between us. I hoped he would want to talk about things with me at some point, but he never approached me for conversation. If anything, it seemed like he was trying to avoid me.

  On Monday, I was surprisingly happy when Victor didn't show up to class. I needed to get everything off my chest. It was girl talk time, and this wasn't something I could share with my sister.

  “Have you. . .” I asked Carmen hesitantly during lunchtime while I watched her unwrap her sandwich.

  “Have I what?”

  “You've had sex, right?” I tried to sound more casual.

  “Yes, of course.” She shifted in her chair, and I could tell the subject made her a bit uncomfortable.

  “What was your first time like?”

  “That's an odd question.” Carmen set down her sandwich to think for a moment, and then she gasped. “Kim, are you trying to tell me you're a virgin?” she whispered, though it was still loud enough for most of the people sitting around us to hear.

  I cringed. “No. I mean, not anymore. I was, but . . .”

  “Who was he?” She perked up. “Anyone I know?”


  “It wasn't Victor, was it?” I could hear a hint of anger in her voice.

  “No.” I shook my head. “It was Dominick.”

  “Oh. My. God. I knew he wasn't really gay. Kim, you dirty girl. He's almost old enough to be your father.”

  “That didn't stop you from wanting to sleep with him,” I nearly growled at her.

  “No. But it's so scandalous. Rich older man. Young inexperienced woman. Didn't you tell me he used to be in love with your sister?”

  “Can we not talk about that?” I groaned. Maybe this was a bad idea.

  “So, how was he?”

  “Good, I guess. I don't know. He's been acting weird ever since.”

  “Well, that's strange.” She looked away thoughtfully, then shrugged, taking a bite of her sandwich as if she no longer cared.

  “That's why I kind of want to know what it was like for you. How did the guy react afterward? Was it romantic or . . . I don't know.”

  “My first time was with a drunk guy at a party. He never talked to me again afterward.”

  “Oh.” I felt almost bad for asking. Perhaps my experience wasn't the worst. “It's just weird. Like, he was all for it until I told him I was a virgin. Well, I didn't really tell him. He kind of figured it out when he . . . you know. But then he completely shut down. I had to practically beg him to come back to bed with me. I thought everything was alright when we finished up, but he's been acting strange ever since. I'm starting to think it was a mistake.”

  “Maybe he just has other things on his mind right now. I doubt he regrets it. Guys love sleeping with virgins.”

  “That's what I thought too. Dominick isn't like other guys though. He got really mad when he found out I was a virgin.”

  “I don't know what to tell you, Kim. Authors are a strange breed. I wouldn't over think it though.”

  “It seems like he's trying to pretend it never happened.”

  “I seriously don't know what to tell you,” she repeated, sounding annoyed.

  I had hoped talking would make me feel better, that Carmen would have some kind of insight into the way men acted, but it only made me feel worse. The conversation for the rest of the meal shifted toward Victor and whether I thought that Carmen had a chance with him or not. It kind of frustrated me. I was in mental anguish and really needed advice and support, neither of which she was willing to give.

  As weird as it was, I really wished I could talk to Tammy about all of this. What would she think though if I told her that I had sex with Dominick? Would she be mad? Would she hate him for it? I didn't want to find out.

  In the end, I decided to swallow my misery. If Dominick could pretend like nothing had happened, then so could I. It would be less of a burden on Tammy if I stayed with him. And besides, it wasn't like he was being mean to me. He was just ignoring me. It was no different than before. No different than before, I thought with a sad sigh.


  The week went on as normal. Dominick treated me no differently than he had when I first arrived, and I did my best to pretend like nothing had happened between us, even though it was silently eating me alive. I was never happier when he got called away to another meeting about the film on the following Monday.

  There would be no reckless masturbating in his bedroom this time around. That's not to say the desire wasn't there. Even though we kept our distance from each other, I still had a deep yearning for him. The night we had slept together played through my mind like my own personal porno every afternoon before bed.

  Oh well. Deep down, I had always known we were never meant to be. I was lucky things had gone as far as they did. Even though he had reacted adversely, I didn't regret losing my virginity to Dominick. He was still the only man whom I felt that had deserved it.

  It was time for me to move on though. The dream was over, and reality was calling my name. School was more important than love or sex. I would buckle down with my studies, get my degree, and go on with life. History would repeat itself. As Dominick had only been a stepping stone in my sister's life to get her from point A to point B, so he would be a stepping stone in mine.

  While I was glad that he would be gone for a few days, it kind of sucked that it happened during the middle of the week. With the semester in full swing, we had all kinds of homework, so there really wasn't any time to go out after school. I spent the majority of the afternoons doing homework, which left little time for anything else besides watching television. Nothing good seemed to be on though, so I decided to venture into Dominick's office to look for something to read. Romance had never interested me before, but between Carmen gushing about Dominick's books and the new movie deal that was going on, I was a bit curious.

  I found Behind Her Green Eyes in the middle of the bookshelf. Part of me groaned as I picked it up, eying the thick spine with apprehension. Do I really want to get into this? Will Dominick get mad at me for reading it? Meh. Who cares? I don't have to read the whole thing, and if he asks about it, I'll just say I was bored and couldn't think of anything better to do.

  I took the book to my room, flopping onto my bed as I creased the spine to read the first page. To my surprise, the story was rather captivating, though I got a sick sense of familiarity from it. I found myself staying up past my bedtime to see what would happen next. Then I stowed the book away in my backpack to read between classes.

  My heart sank as I read page after page, yet I couldn't put the book down. It was like I was reading the deepest part of Dominick's feelings, invading his privacy all over again.

  The story was about a boy and girl from a small farming community. Throughout the girl's life, the boy was always there for her. They grew up together, and he fell deeply in love with her. She didn't feel the same way though, and eventually she ended up moving. The boy was sad. He stuck around their town for a few years until he realized he couldn't ignore his feelings anymore, that he'd never love another woman for as long as he lived. Determined to get the woman back, he tracked her down, but by that time she had already met and fallen in love with someone else. Through good old-fashioned romance, kind words, raunchy sex, and loving reflections, he managed to convince the girl that he was the better choice. At the end of the book, the two got married.

  I was thankful I finished the book at home. By the last page, I was sobbing. Not because it was such a happy ending, but because I knew the characters so well, too well. The woman was Tammy. The man was Dominick. An
d the other potential love interest was Marcus. I could tell that Dominick had poured all of his heart and soul into the pages, bleeding them out like an open wound. This is how he had wanted his life's story to end. But instead, all he had gotten was me.

  No wonder he was so distant. Maybe he had only slept with me because I reminded him of Tammy. He would never love me. It would always be her. Only her. For as long as he lived.

  That night was absolutely horrible. Negative emotions raged through me, slicing at my heart like a knife. Was I destined to grow up angry and bitter like Dominick had? Sure, we weren't the same people, but I felt the same desire for him that he felt for her. Ever since I first had any sexual inclinations in my mind, they had almost all been about Dominick. And yet, he didn't see me that way. He had never seen me that way. I was pretty sure that even when he was fucking me, he wasn't seeing me that way.

  When he returned from the airport the next day, I felt like an empty shell. All day, I had been walking around like a zombie. Carmen and Victor noticed it, and I didn't even have enough emotion left in me to get mad when Carmen blabbed that I had slept with Dominick. On any other day, I would have been furious. I would have thought she was a bitch. Today though, all I could think about was my sorrow for Dominick, and about how I had messed everything up between us by pursuing him. I should have just been happy being Kimlet. That's who he needed me to be, not some replacement for my sister. I would never be her. He would never love me. Those words echoing in my mind were what killed me the most. He would never love me. Part of me felt used, but the other part of me felt like I deserved it. One thing was certain. I wouldn't be able to go on living with Dominick if I didn't talk to him about this.

  “Hey,” I said as I stepped into his car that afternoon. For once, the eyes on my back didn't bother me. Then again, people were getting used to seeing his Maserati in the parking lot, so it wasn't as bad as it had been before.


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