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Page 22

by Sky Corgan

  “You want dessert, right?” I asked, pulling my hand away from him before placing it further up his thigh, my pinky finger practically pressing against his groin. Dominick tensed, looking around uncomfortably.

  “Of course I want dessert, but not here.”

  “Let's go back to the room, then.”

  “Here comes your drink.”

  The waitress placed it in front of me, glancing at where my hand was on Dominick's inner thigh. If there was any question in her mind what our relationship was, she had her answer now. He's mine. Stop looking at him. I smirked up at her, hoping to see some hint of jealousy. Her eyes were lifeless as she asked Dominick if he wanted something else and then moved on to serve the other customers. Disappointing. Oh well.

  “You should have ordered another one. It will loosen you up a bit,” I told him, removing my hand from his lap to grasp my glass and take a long swallow.

  The Cucumber Cooler tasted like heaven on my tongue. A grin crossed my lips as I thought of another cucumber I wanted. What was wrong with me? Maybe I shouldn't have drunk so much after all. It was making me stupid again.

  “I'm already loosened up,” he said, watching me as I chugged down the rest of the drink.

  “Alright. Done.” I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, then internally cringed at how uncouth it looked.

  Yeah, I'd definitely had enough. While I was still brave and horny, I was starting to forget myself. The last thing Dominick needed was for me to embarrass him.

  We waited in awkward silence for the bill, and then I clung to his side as we walked back into the hotel, partially because I needed help walking and partially because I was feeling possessive. It seemed like every woman in the room was looking at him. Then again, the men were looking at me. He didn't seem jealous at all, keeping his eyes forward as we walked.

  Thankfully, when we reached the elevator, we were the only people going up. As soon as we stepped inside, I grabbed the front of Dominick's pants, working to pull his zipper down.

  “What are you doing?” He gave me a disapproving look.

  “Making your fantasies a reality,” I told him, trying to be sexy, though the effort fell flat. If anything, I sounded like a slurring drunk.

  “We're not going to fuck in the elevator,” he whispered to me as the door began to close.

  “Why not?” I pouted.

  “Because we don't have enough time.”

  “But there was enough time in your book.”

  “That was a fantasy. This is reality. Time doesn't move as slowly in reality.”

  “Well, there should at least be enough time for a blow job.” I reached into his pants and wrapped my hand around his flaccid cock.

  I had never given Dominick oral before. He'd never asked for it, and I'd always been too shy to go for it. Now though, there was nothing stopping me. My inhibitions were gone, my mind was in adventure mode, and my mouth was craving something flesh flavored and hard.

  Dominick tensed, pressing himself back against the wall. “We can't do that here.”

  “Why not?” I ignored him, pulling his length out of his pants and giving it a few strokes. His skin felt like velvet beneath my fingertips, and for all of his words, his body was making it clear that he enjoyed my touch.

  “Someone else might step into the elevator.”

  “We're going up. No one else is going to step into the elevator,” I tried to reassure him, moving back so that I could kneel.

  Almost the second my knee bent, the elevator lurched to a stop. Damn. He had been right. The elevator ride had been too short for anything fun.

  Dominick grabbed me by the hips and pulled me against him. That's when I noticed the couple standing on the other side of the door. They gave him and I a quizzical look as they stepped into the elevator, then turned to ignore us and pressed a button for the next floor up.

  My heart was beating faster than the hooves of a thousand horses. Dominick's cock was still out of his pants, pressing hard against me, hidden by my body. Now fun was melting into terror at the thought of being caught. What would happen if they found out what we were doing? Would they report us? Would we get kicked out of the hotel? If we did, it would be all my fault.

  The elevator door closed, and I stood as stiff as a corpse against Dominick as it continued its ascent to the next floor. For as fast as the elevator moved, it felt like it took forever just going up one story. Dominick smiled at the couple as they exited the elevator, and we waited for the door to close again. Almost as soon as it did, he was pushing me away and shoving his dick back into his pants before zipping up.

  “I warned you that was going to happen,” he grumbled.

  “I didn't think. I'm sorry.”

  “It's fine. You can make it up to me when we get back to the room.”

  “How can I make it up to you?” I looked at him, completely confused.

  “You know,” he replied, and suddenly everything was alright again.

  Dominick wasn't angry. We hadn't gotten caught. And everything was going to be okay. To top it off, I was still going to get laid. Yay me!

  When we reached our floor, there was a skip in my step. Sure, I had completely blundered with the elevator. Perhaps some things were better left to the pages of novels. But sex was our reality, and it was going to happen regardless if it took place in an elevator or a bed.

  As soon as we got inside our room, I began to shed my dress like a snake sheds its skin. Dominick watched me with an ear to ear grin. When I was down to my underwear and pumps, I grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom. We fell onto the bed together, kissing viciously. I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him to me, being as sloppy and aggressive as I dared. All I wanted was fucking. Good, hard, carnal fucking.

  I clawed at the buttons on Dominick's shirt in frustration, silently cursing them for being so damn difficult. My drunk fingers were far from deft, and the buttons were being more than a little resistant, as if their very existence was put in place to deny me the feel of his naked skin.

  “Hate this shirt,” I growled, wanting to bite at the buttons and chew them off.

  For some reason, I felt very bitey. Mmm flesh. Yes, I would definitely have to sink my teeth into Dominick. What would the movie director think if he showed up tomorrow with bruises all over his neck?

  Realizing that I was struggling, Dominick sat up to unbutton his shirt the rest of the way. I moaned softly as inch after inch of muscular pale flesh was revealed to me. He looked absolutely delicious and devourable, a sexy dish designed for my enjoyment.

  “I'm thirsty,” he said as he tossed his shirt to the side.

  “Thirsty for sex?” I teased.

  “Thirsty for liquid refreshment.” Dominick crawled off the side of the bed, making me pout.

  “Can't it wait until after?”

  “I don't think I'll last until after. I don't think I even have enough liquid in me to sweat.”

  “That's not a bad thing.” My eyes followed him longingly as he headed for the door.

  “Do you want anything?”

  “Just you.” I watched his body move, seeing him as if it was the first time. Every minute movement made a muscle flex somewhere on his body. I wanted to kiss all the lines cut into the surface of his skin and drag my tongue along them.

  He disappeared around the door, but my mind lingered on the image of him standing there shirtless. Just the thought of all the naughty things I wanted to do to him caused a needy throbbing between my legs. Soon, he would be moving on top of me, pounding out his pleasure, the friction driving me absolutely wild.

  It took everything in me to be patient, but I laid there, letting the cool air pet over my heated skin. The bed was amazingly comfortable beneath me, and I found myself snuggling down into the pillow, allowing my body to relax. My eyes grew heavy as the minutes passed on, and the carnal fire inside of me began dying down into a smoldering ember. It wouldn't take much contact for the flames to ignite again, but other parts of me
seemed to be shutting down as well. I watched the door, waiting, trying to keep my eyes open. Lying down was making me sleepy, but I knew I had to stay awake. Dominick would be returning soon, and then we would tear that bed up like it had never been fucked on before. Of course, I was sure it had been fucked on before. An expensive hotel room like this was made for fucking in. We'd do it up right though, put everyone who came before us to shame. My mind drifted to all the crazy sex that had probably happened in the room. Starlets and prostitutes and business men. Maybe we couldn't outdo them. And if we did, we'd never really know.

  Thoughts turned into dreams, my body losing the battle of consciousness. Before I knew it, I was opening my eyes to darkness, my head spinning with an excruciating headache. I patted the side of the bed, searching for Dominick, but he was nowhere to be found. Then I looked at the clock on the bedside table and groaned. It was six in the morning, and I was wide awake with a hangover. At least, I hadn't vomited on myself this time.

  Very carefully, I rolled out of bed, pulled on a nightshirt, and tiptoed into the living room where I found Dominick curled up on the serpentine sofa, snoring away. He had stripped down to his boxers, but the curve of his body on the sofa looked uncomfortable. For a few moments, I thought about waking him and making him come to bed with me, but then I decided to leave him be. I knew he had a big day and could probably use all the sleep he could get.

  Trying to be as quiet as possible, I grabbed a bottled water from the refrigerator and returned to bed for a long morning of miserable tossing and turning. My body was being stubborn. For as much as I wanted to go back to sleep, it just wasn't happening. At least closing my eyes made the spinning stop, so I simply laid there in silence, waiting for the sun to come up and wake Dominick.

  Thankfully, he was an early riser. About two hours later, I heard the sound of his footsteps. I opened my eyes and groaned when he entered the room.

  “I didn't get my dessert,” he commented with a smirk, which only made me feel worse.

  Alcohol had yet again turned me into a blubbering blundering idiot. Would I ever be able to drink in his presence without waking up embarrassed the next morning? I was beginning to doubt it. For all of my big words and raunchy actions the night before, I had fallen short on delivery. Surely, Dominick had been less than happy when he'd returned to the bedroom and found me passed out. I really didn't want to think about it.

  He stepped into the shower, and I took the opportunity to raid the Munchie Box for some breakfast cookies. There was no way I was going downstairs for breakfast, not with how I was feeling. The world wasn't spinning quite as much, but I still had a headache from hell. Too bad they didn't have a medicine cabinet in the room. It had everything else.

  Once Dominick was finished with his shower, we traded places. I smelled like a mix of alcohol and sweat. No wonder he hadn't wanted to sleep with me. By the time I finished my shower and was toweling off, Dominick was already dressed and sitting in the living room, waiting for time to pass before he had to go out and meet with the movie director.

  “Feeling better?” he asked, looking up from his ereader.

  “All I have left to do is sleep again and the process will be complete,” I replied, sitting down beside him.

  “What time did you wake up?”


  “Ah. Not feeling too well, are you?”


  “I told you you should have stopped drinking.”

  “And I told you it's my vacation.” I leaned against him.

  “It's not much of a vacation if you spend the majority of it hungover.”

  “The hangover isn't that bad,” I paused for a moment, feeling embarrassed. “I'm sorry about last night.”

  “It's fine.”

  “No. I wrote a check with my mouth that my ass couldn't cash.”

  “You wrote an IOU that you'll pay off tonight.”

  I blushed at his words. “Is that so?”

  “Mhm. I tend to get frisky after business meetings.”

  “Is that so?” A lecherous grin spread across me lips.

  “That is so.” He stood, leaning down to kiss me on top of the head. “Behave yourself today. I have no idea how long this meeting will last, but it shouldn't be too long.”

  “You're leaving already?”

  “Yes. The limo will be here to pick me up at ten.”

  “Alright.” I tried not to pout.

  “Don't look so sad. You knew I had business to attend to. Don't you have homework to do?”

  “It's not ideal to do homework with a hangover,” I grumbled.

  “Perhaps you should have thought about that before you tied one on last night.”

  “Vacation.” I scowled, tired of listening to him trying to be fatherly. I found him least attractive when he acted this way.

  “Responsibility,” he replied, looking at me nonchalantly before grabbing his jacket and heading for the door.

  The day was boring. When I wasn't lying in bed or watching TV, I was staring out the floor to ceiling windows in the sitting area, watching as people went about their daily business, searching the crowd below for movie stars. Part of me wanted to go explore, but the other part of me was too afraid to leave the hotel room. It was strange thinking about how insecure I was without Dominick or my sister around. Perhaps it was because I was in an unfamiliar place. Maybe it was because I didn't have any money to really do anything. I wasn't sure, but I wished I was more adventurous.

  Eventually, I was able to go to sleep, and when I awoke at two o'clock, my hangover was pretty much gone. Then it was back to being bored and looking for something to do. I had hoped Dominick would return in time for us to get some sightseeing in, but by three o'clock, I realized that probably wouldn't happen. A bit depressed, I finally sat down to do my homework. When that was done, I raided the Munchie Box again and then went to stare out the window some more. Perhaps I could see Dominick when the limo dropped him off.

  There was a lip against the wall where the space had been carved out to accommodate the serpentine sofa. Out of extreme boredom, I decided to turn the television onto a music channel and climb up onto the lip to dance in front of the window, wondering if anyone down below could see me. At that point, I didn't really care. I was just looking for anything to do to keep me occupied, and dancing around in front of all of Hollywood seemed entertaining enough.

  I couldn't even hear the sound of the door opening over the music, and I didn't see Dominick's reflection in the window until he was right behind me wrapping his arms around me. When his hands touched my sides, I jumped, startled, but as soon as I realized it was him, my body instantly relaxed. He leaned in to kiss my neck, and I craned it, allowing him easy access. It was no joke that he was frisky after meetings. I could feel his erection through his slacks pressing against my nightshirt.

  “What are you doing, silly girl?” he purred into my ear.

  “Being silly,” I replied, grabbing his hands and moving them up my body.

  It was a dangerous move to make in front of the glass, overlooking the world. My mind was still in not-giving-a-fuck mode though, and his mind was obviously far beyond that.

  Dominick's hands groped my breasts, eliciting a moan from my throat as his fingers roughly needed into my soft flesh. Then they traveled down, pushing under my shirt to touch my skin.

  A man walking below glanced up toward the window. Whether he could see us or not, I couldn't really tell, but it suddenly made me feel very self-conscious. I spun around to face Dominick. He took a step forward, causing me to press my body back against the glass.

  “Maybe we should take this to the bedroom, stud,” I teased him, tugging on his tie.

  “I rather like it right here.”

  “Someone might see.”

  “Let them see.”

  “I thought you didn't want that.”

  “And I thought you did want that. At least, that's what you seemed to want last night,” he said before craning his head to a
ttack my neck with kisses. While his touch aroused me, my mind kept going back to the man who had looked up. What if he could see us?

  “I was a lot braver last night,” I confessed.

  “Maybe you'd like another drink.”

  “I thought you said I shouldn't drink anymore.”

  “And I thought you said this was your vacation.”

  His hands were persistent, gripping at the bottom of my nightgown and pulling it up over my head. I didn't want to seem childish, so I went along with it, lifting my arms, so he could take it off, though I felt embarrassed knowing that everyone on the street could see my naked back. They were about to see a whole lot more of me if Dominick had his way.

  “I'd rather take this to the bedroom,” I told him, wrapping my arms over my breasts in paranoia.

  Dominick sighed, “You're only going to live once, Kim. So what if they see us? What are they going to do?”

  I shrugged. “I don't know. Report us?”

  “To who? We're in the privacy of our own room.”

  “But they can see us on the street.”

  “Only if they look up, and not very well. I thought you wanted to be more adventurous.”

  His words stung, for some reason. I did want to be more adventurous, but perhaps it would be better if I was eased into it. The alcohol was gone from my system, and with it the bravery I needed to do crazy stuff like this.

  Dominick grabbed my wrists, pulling them away from my chest. My body instinctively gave resistance as confusion took over.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, a bit annoyed.

  He raised my arms above my head, and when he started to turn me around to face the window, I began to panic.

  “Dominick, no,” I told him, trying to be stern.

  For as much as I struggled though, he was stronger. Before I knew it, he had me pressed against the window, my breasts and body making a fleshy display for all the world to see. I closed my eyes, partially afraid of the height and partially scared that someone below was staring up at me, seeing me in that shameful state.


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