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The Life After War Collection

Page 155

by Angela White

  Adrian grinned at her open declaration of joining his army.

  “What happened to my daughter last night?” Peggy demanded. “Was she beaten like you?”

  Sam wanted to shout the truth, but she did what any Eagle would have. She ignored the woman and walked away.

  Samantha’s guard–Kevin–denied Peggy when she would have grabbed Sam’s arm. He stepped between them. “I wouldn’t do that. She hasn’t had any sleep yet.”

  Peggy glared at all of them, promising retribution.

  Samantha stepped by with a casual nod to Adrian, and received one in return. Behind her, she heard the chatter of angry women heading for the QZ.

  Samantha hit the button on her new belt, the first time she’d used it. “The QZ is under full quarantine until further notice. We’re not sure what the contaminant is yet. No one allowed in or out.”

  “Copy,” the QZ guard replied.

  Adrian and Kevin shared pleased looks. If the other females that signed up were like Angie and Sam...and Cyn, Kevin added wistfully–if the others were as smart, Adrian’s army was about to be unstoppable.

  A minute later, the rookie guard on the parking area was refusing two pissed women entry to the QZ.

  Smirking a bit, Samantha continued on her way to the women’s tents, ignoring the ache in her jaw and the stares her bruises were attracting. You should have cared more when it might have made a difference, Peggy. You deserve to worry.

  Samantha was shocked at the callous thought. Didn’t she have any compassion for a hurting mother? A fellow woman?

  No, not in this case. Becky had been crying out for help, and her mother had been too busy to even notice, let alone react in time to save her. It was a hard lesson that Becky had learned, and Peggy deserved no less.


  “She’ll be okay?”

  “Yes. John said she can do light duty, as long as she keeps healing so fast.”

  The two teenage boys didn’t bother with lowered voices despite the late hour.

  “That’s good then, right?”


  Matt was aware of Charlie’s anger. “Are you mad that she got hurt?”

  Charlie considered, vaguely thinking that Matt only stuttered sometimes. “No. At least, I don’t think so. I’m pissed at Kenn.”

  “Because he hit her before the war?”

  “Because he never has to pay for what he’s done!” Charlie stated angrily. “Someday, that will change.”

  He held out a hand for the usual bottle they had been sharing.

  Matt dropped his eyes. “Sorry. Couldn’t get it this time. My s-source…dried up.”

  “You mean he kidnapped two of our women and got himself killed!” Charlie corrected coldly.

  Matt was shocked. “If you kn-knew I was helping Rick, why didn’t you tell?”

  “For the same reason you didn’t tell anyone about the things I can do.” Charlie shrugged, too upset to lie. “I didn’t want to lose my friend.”

  “Yeah,” Matt concurred.

  After a minute, Charlie broke the grim silence. “Does Adrian know?”

  Matt paled. “I haven’t heard anything yet, but I wasn’t given a schedule this morning…and I might be under guard. Yeah, I think so.”

  “What about your dad?”

  “Not yet.”

  “I could show up when he’s flipping out, try to take some of the heat off you.”

  “No.” The pimply teen let out a harsh sigh. “I earned it. I’ll pay for it.”

  “Like Becky,” Charlie muttered.

  Both boys shuddered at the images. They were old enough to imagine what men did to women. They hadn’t been friends with Becky, but she was their age, and it was frightening to think that she and Samantha had been alone with a slaver.

  “You wanna go with me to check-in? Maybe my d-dad’s heard something from Kyle.”

  Charlie followed Matt, aware of Eagles giving them suspicious looks. Yes, Adrian knew, and Matt’s punishment would come.

  The boys ducked under the canopy and saw Adrian and Mitch in conversation at the rear of the truck.

  Ray–the Eagle on duty here–waved them on. “Bad time. He’ll need to cool off.”

  “He’s been doing what?!” Mitch shouted. “I’ll kill him!”

  The boys immediately fled for the opposite end of camp.

  Mitch continued to spout threats, and Ray approved of Adrian’s casual talk-down that would keep the boy from being beaten. Matt’s drinking problem was partly his father’s fault. He had no right to hurt Matt for the methods used to achieve his needs. Mitch had done the same, only his desires had been attention and respect.

  Across the way, Dale paused in his digging chore and delivered a quick smile.

  Given with a slight tilt of the jaw, Ray’s heart picked up. He’d met Dale right here in Safe Haven, and that was where they were staying. Dale hadn’t been cut out to be an Eagle, but there was a place for him, a purpose other than being one of the herd. Maybe Dale would be good on the fire crew. It was a respected place, more than enough to earn acceptance.

  Off duty soon? Dale sent through code.

  Ray shook his head, motioning back, No. See you after mess?

  Dale nodded quickly, and Ray gave him a lingering smile that sent a flush of happiness over his lover’s cheeks. Ray knew it was likely to cause trouble, but it beat the hell out of ignoring Dale unless they were alone. Honesty, even if it got him thrown out, was the line Ray had chosen to walk.


  “You need to lie down.”

  Angela didn’t protest when Marc slipped a hand under her good arm and gently guided her back to the bed. She had only been up for an hour, but her body was swearing it had been much longer.

  Marc helped her into a comfortable position and handed her a bottle of water, not letting himself run through all of the things that she and Cynthia could have been talking about. Deep down, he was sure he knew. “I should wake you, right? For the service.”

  “Before that. I’ll need time to get ready.”

  Marc settled into the chair next to her bed. “I brought you something.”

  He handed her a purple gift bag. “Picked it up a couple weeks ago.”

  She slowly removed the trappings to reveal a long, thin box with blue velvet covering. Inside was a beautiful gold chain with a small silver pendant in the shape of an A.

  Angela took it out of the box with a smile that filled his heart.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “I saw it in a display and thought of you.”

  Glad to know it hadn’t been taken from a previous owner, she held it out. “Put it on me?”

  “Nope,” Marc denied her in mock regret. “John said not even a bra strap for a few more days.”

  Angela blushed and dropped her arm. She wasn’t wearing one now, and her chest grew pointed under the thin shirt that John had given her.

  Marc kept his eyes on hers, swallowing a crude offer to hold them for her. Some days, being a man was hard.

  Angela caught the thought and flushed darker. “Can you, uh, give me a few minutes?”

  Marc snickered, sending a chill through her gut.

  “Sure, baby-cakes.” He moved for the door. “I’ll hold that thought.”

  Angela gasped, and Marc pulled the door closed before she could recover and fire back. As he went, he motioned a man over to stand guard. When they finished securing the perimeter and putting out the animals, Dog would also be here, ready to eat anyone who came close. The wolf wasn’t any happier about her injury than anyone else.

  Angela listened to the settling camp with one ear, and the thoughts of those moving around the warehouse with the other. The mood was half-glad, half-furious, and she didn’t think it would take much to spark the fuse. She also didn’t think it would take much to put the fire out.

  The camp thought she was dying. If she showed up for the services, they would understand it wasn’t as serious as rumor had implied, like when Zack’
s team had rioted or when she’d been stabbed. The Eagles would know better, of course, but they would spin the story because it served the greater good.

  Pain, thick and heavy, dragged at her and Angela let sleep carry her away for a brief respite with Marc’s gift clutched tightly in her grip.


  “Kyle’s back, Boss,” the radio crackled.

  Adrian headed for the QZ, getting there in time to see Kyle pull in.

  Kyle didn’t look at anyone, didn’t check in, nod to his teammates, or even acknowledge the QZ guard waiting nearby. He got out and went to open the passenger door of his truck.

  The girl climbed down slowly and mutters went around the Eagles. The other slaves had said fourteen, but wearing Kyle’s sweats and Eagle jacket, Jennifer didn’t even appear to be that old. The clothing swallowed her, leaving only a child’s face and a stomach that looked ripe enough to pick.

  Kyle grabbed his kit and gently put an arm around the teenager, helping. It would have been fine except for what the Eagles had been told, and for the way he was ignoring everyone.

  His handling also drew notice from Adrian. It was too familiar, too caring, too openly done. Adrian saw the frowning Eagles on duty, the scowling camp members who were close enough to witness it, and understood Kyle wasn’t going to be talked down from his choice. He’d come prepared for a war, doing it this way to draw first blood.

  And what about this pregnant urchin that had drawn his highest man so hard and so fast? Adrian studied her closely, searching her mind.

  He picked up nothing but energy. Some of it was dark, but enough of it was bright to tell Adrian what he needed to know. She’s one of us.

  “We may have to do something about that,” Neil stated lowly, coming to Adrian’s side. The urge to roll back out of camp was strong for the trooper. There was nothing here for him but guilt. “After what I’ve done...caused, the camp won’t take much of it.”

  Adrian didn’t offer comfort. Instead, he delivered another lesson. “Do you think so?”

  Neil shrugged. “The other slaves we rescued have had nothing good to say. He might be in over his head–enough to not see the consequences.”

  Adrian regarded Neil coolly. “Like me, when it comes to wanting Angela?”

  Neil forgot to breathe.

  Adrian didn’t punish more than he had to. The trooper would be doing that to himself for a long time to come. “What did Kyle say, when you went to him about me?”

  “To trust you,” Neil forced himself to answer, suddenly afraid that he’d lost ground he couldn’t recover.

  Adrian watched Kyle assist the girl into the nearest empty QZ tent and drop the flap against prying eyes. “We’ll honor him the same way. Leave them alone for now.”

  Neil moved away, frowning, but Adrian glanced over his camp in tired contentment. Another of his needed few had come, this one to lead the camp into the next level of progression, the next level of survival. It was another moment of feeling like fate was on their side, and it made Adrian’s determination stronger. When he was finished, this camp of survivors would all be Eagles, even down to the children. The color of their skin, their sex, or even age, meant little other than a new challenge to the camp’s pre-war mindset. It was that individual light inside–the personal value that had allowed each of them to be a survivor–that he appealed to, but it was the same red blood that pulsed through each of their veins that he needed them to recognize. When it did, they would become a country united, able to withstand.


  The sound of the final mission member reaching the warehouse woke Angela with the cheers and crackling radios.

  She immediately found Marc in the dim corner, hand on his gun belt, and knew he’d been standing guard over her. Dusk’s orange glow washed through the shadows, bringing his details to light–that sexy jaw, those full lips.

  “It’s Kyle. Easy.”

  She smiled, stretching gingerly as desire rose. It was another welcome feeling. “You need sleep, too.”

  Marc grunted in response. He’d been thinking about how he had watched her sleep on the trip to Safe Haven, and about how being without the sound of her breathing when they’d been separated had nearly broken him. She was his world.

  Angela didn’t push, reading his dangerous mood. His acceptance was also clear. After this, he wouldn’t hold her back anymore. He would be by her side, helping to give life to Adrian’s dreams.

  “Yes, I will. For you.”

  “Eventually, it will be for them, as well.”

  Marc didn’t grunt this time, quelling a sharp response to keep from upsetting her.

  “So that’s how it’ll be? You’ll close yourself off?”

  Marc snorted, loving her sharp mind and hating it at the same time. “Like I could do that unless you wanted me to.”

  Angela sighed. No, at the rate her gifts were growing, none of them would be able to keep her out. It was isolating.

  “Are you ready?”

  Angela let him help her up. It was time to pay their respects.

  Marc stayed on Angela’s right as they came to the mess, aware of an entire camp observing their exceedingly slow progress through dusk’s glow. He had thought she was hurting at first, but quickly realized that she was showing people she was okay enough to linger. Despite her good act, Marc didn’t think she should even be out of bed, let alone walking around.

  He looked down to find Angela’s gaze on his arm. He’d chosen a black tank top because of the coming work, and she was staring at his arm and shoulder.

  He flexed, unable to resist.

  Angela drew in a quick breath as his muscles tightened into a thick rock. Sexy!

  Marc swept the parking area, hiding a snicker.

  Angela tried to ignore the daze, following his line of sight to find Cynthia standing her first shift with a team. Cynthia would have to work her way up, the same as everyone else. Killing Cesar hadn’t guaranteed her place with the Eagles, only Adrian’s approval to try, and Angela had made that clear.

  Cynthia nodded to her, face expressionless.

  Angela returned the gesture, still marveling over the swift change in loyalty from not only the reporter, but also from herself. Cynthia saved her life. It was still shocking.

  “Do you need to talk to her again?” Marc asked.


  “You sure?” Marc was trying to give all the support he’d denied before, eager to make up for his mistakes.

  “Yes. I will talk to Sam, though, if she’s here.”

  Angela allowed their hands to subtly brush. Even when they were alone together, he stayed covered, and she needed human contact right now more than ever. The black muscle shirt he had on was revealing hard skin and the ability to protect her, ruthlessly, if necessary. He’s still my John Wayne, she thought. That gunfighter’s walk and those matching, ivory-handled Colts only added to the impression.

  Vaguely aware of Angie’s gaze running over him, Marc was doing his own silent check-ins. He was becoming Adrian’s go-to man, and the Eagles wanted him to challenge Kenn for the XO slot.

  Picking out an unguarded corner, Marc motioned to Tucker, who reluctantly went to cover it. Marc wondered vaguely where the rookie’s fresh bruises had come from.

  Finally feeling more comfortable with the authority that Adrian insisted on giving her, Angela keyed her mike. “Man on Point to the parking area.”


  Marc understood she wanted Neil to know who had that spot, even if it was temporary. She was still worried. Why else would she personally be concerned with their security? She was only a high Level One, though, if she wasn’t injured, Marc was positive she would pass her tests. As it was, she wouldn’t be taking them with other Eagles this time. John had already ruled it out.

  “It’s part of my job now.” Angela steadied her legs and ignored her shoulder. “I haven’t picked up anything new–just being careful.”

  “Okay.” Marc was still bothered by it. He had hoped th
ere might be some downtime for her, time they could spend together, but it didn’t appear that fate was going to give them much of it.

  The camp was eerily quiet as the couple reached the mess, full of a respectful awe that one of them found embarrassing. The other thought she could become addicted to it.

  The entire camp had been draped with black crepe paper and every camp member was wearing black clothing to show their respect. Even the table covers in the mess were dark colored, and Angela felt her heart swell with renewed love for them all. The Eagles hadn’t done this, and neither had Adrian or his pets among the women. This was the camp telling the Eagles that they were wanted, that when they gave their lives, the herd wouldn’t just keep grazing–their fighters would be remembered.

  Seeing Samantha wasn’t at the mess, Angela continued to the empty center table amid a resounding cheer. As she neared it, subtly grabbing the edge for support, the camp members who were there surrounded her.

  Marc uneasily let himself be edged away. With a quick glance at the two snipers on the area, he hovered along the far wall and waited for her to be finished.

  Watching, Marc understood that if he agreed to fight for Kenn’s place, these people would love him that strongly, too. It was heavy information to carry around and not act on, because he now knew the way to Angela’s continued affections was through these people. If he did big things for them, she would want him more, and he was wise enough to know it wouldn’t be right to use her emotions that way. He also knew that all was fair in love and war, and this was both.

  Angela let the camp run on for a long minute, understanding they needed it, but she didn’t give them much in the way of conversation. The services were about to start.

  On the hilltop behind Safe Haven, the lines of torch-bearing Eagles were providing escorts through the darkness. Three of their men were waiting, about to become a part of this apocalyptic landscape forever.

  The camp members sensed her sorrow and fell silent, moved back. They hadn’t been there, didn’t know exactly how their men had died, but she did, and it was haunting. She would never view another battle scene the same way.


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