Book Read Free

The Life After War Collection

Page 160

by Angela White

  Chapter Seven

  Lines in the Sand

  May 31st

  Outside Wichita, Kansas


  Adrian paused outside Kyle’s tent, eavesdropping.

  “Who said it?!” Kyle was clearly upset.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Jennifer answered nervously.

  “It does to me. Eagles don’t act that way!”

  “It was a quick remark. Please let it go.”

  Adrian knew the mobster wouldn’t. Someone had crossed his line.

  “Do you need anything before we roll?” Kyle suddenly sounded calm and collected.

  “The trucks are still open.”

  “Not really.”


  “Fine! I need some pads because I keep pissing when I walk. Happy now?”

  “What else?”

  “Can I write it down?”

  “You can come and point.”

  “I had enough fresh air at the shower line yesterday where they all stared at me and didn’t talk. No thanks.”

  “That will get better.”

  “It’s been more than two weeks, Kyle. If it were going to get better, there would be signs of it.”

  “Give Adrian time.”

  “Time for what? If he’s as good as everyone keeps saying, then won’t he banish you for wanting to claim me?”

  There was a tense silence that Adrian chose to break by tapping on the flap. “Anyone in?”

  “Yeah, Boss.”

  “Oh, great.” Flustered, Jennifer concentrated on folding and packing the mound of baby clothes into the trunk. During the time she’d been in Safe Haven, moments like this were all she had accomplished. She was learning how to act normal again, but she wasn’t sure that she would ever feel it on the inside.

  Adrian swept the mix of personal items in the tent. Kyle’s usually neat home had become a chaotic mess of Eagle gear and baby items, and it spoke volumes about how his top Eagle felt. Adrian stared at him for a long minute.

  Kyle had known a sit-down was coming. He and Jennifer had remained in the QZ for the entire two weeks, getting to know each other and avoiding everyone they could. The camp had finally expressed enough displeasure that Adrian was being forced to step in.

  “It’s time.”

  Kyle sighed resignedly at Adrian’s words. “Our next break day?”

  “By evening mess, tomorrow,” Adrian ordered.

  Kyle’s expression tightened, but he didn’t argue. Once they were outside the QZ, Safe Haven would separate them more than Kenn and Marc already were. Kyle had duty over the QZ again as they broke down for travel and then only a short break before taking over Point until dawn. After that, he would have to sleep, but it was better than not seeing Jennifer at all.

  “It’s the right thing,” Adrian reminded his top killer.

  “I know,” Kyle agreed reluctantly.

  “Good. You’ll take care of it?”

  “Of course.” Kyle turned to Jennifer. “This is our leader.”

  Jennifer reluctantly stood up.

  Adrian noted the pink cheeks and the tense body language, but also the way she subtly put Kyle’s body between them. Learning to use him already, the leader thought. “I’m Adrian.”


  She leaned forward instead of coming closer, wobbling awkwardly, and Kyle’s tanned hand was instantly there to steady her.

  He immediately let go, but Jennifer grabbed his arm, staring up anxiously.

  Adrian felt the pull of her magic, and the layers of selfishness that coated her.

  Kyle used the will of an Eagle and pushed the glare back to think. “I told you that’s not needed. Stop blinding me. I won’t abandon you.”

  Jennifer cringed at multiple secrets being exposed, and Kyle gently slid her under his arm. “Shh...he already knew.”

  She didn’t ask how, just sheltered against Kyle’s side and waited to be banished.

  Adrian wasn’t upset upon discovering the extent of the situation. Kyle knew what was going on and the girl obviously wanted him close. The camp was reacting to the ugly rumors of the other former slaves. They needed Jennifer’s side of the story, but they couldn’t have it yet, and that’s why Kyle had kept her here.

  Kyle rubbed Jennifer’s arm as she trembled, looking down in protective tenderness.

  Okay, it wasn’t the only reason Kyle had sequestered them, Adrian amended. But Jennifer was encouraging it. To use him? Maybe. Her plans after the babies came were shielded from him.

  “Because I don’t know what I’m doing yet,” Jennifer confessed. If Kyle said Adrian was worthy of complete trust, she would give it, but her head stayed buried under her mobster’s thick arm. “I was going to take the kids and leave after the birth, but they’ve settled in here now and...”

  She drew in air. “They don’t need me anymore.”

  Kyle fought to keep from saying anything.

  “This camp needs you,” Adrian stated, the words giving Kyle permission to start bringing her in. The sooner she was under control, the better.

  “You could just chain me up!” Jennifer spat, fearing Adrian, but also drawn to him despite herself. He was the first person like her that she had ever met. Her mom hadn’t been able to do any of the things she could–no one had.

  “There are dozens of us here,” Adrian informed her and watched fear come first. Resentment was second, and Adrian understood that Jennifer might be harder to blend into his herd than the others he had settled. Being tossed into the wild without her baby, or worse, before she could give birth, seemed to be her biggest concerns. Adrian didn’t pick up fear about anything else.

  “That’s because I don’t have any.” Jennifer stood up straight, allowing this man to meet the real her–the ruthless survivor. “I stay back because I loathe your sheep for their weaknesses. It’s noble that you try to change them, but I only have scorn for people like that.”

  Kyle’s hand fell away and he automatically took a step to the side at the tone, repelled in the same way that he was often pulled closer to her light. She was dangerous. He knew, respected it.

  Adrian studied the newest addition to his ever-growing goodie bag of power. Where did this one belong?

  Jennifer’s eyes went straight to Kyle.

  Adrian shook his head, quickly developing an edge of respect for this young girl. “You need a goal. You don’t need a handler.”

  “No, I don’t, but...” Jennifer sighed. Why hold back now? “I do better if I have one.”

  Kyle stiffened, again fighting to remain silent, and Adrian decided Neil was completely wrong. The mobster hadn’t been blindsided at all. Kyle knew what he’d found, what kind of love they might share if he had the strength to fight for her.

  “Why him?” Adrian asked.

  Jennifer flinched, but didn’t give an evasion. He wants me.

  “Many men will want you.”

  Kyle stiffened.

  “Not the way he does,” Jennifer answered slowly, thrilled to be communicating this way in front of Kyle. He didn’t seem to be confused or angry at all. He wants my babies, too.

  Ah. Adrian understood that choice, approved it even, but that didn’t stop his usual words to all the battered females who came to his refugee camp.

  “I’ll keep him away from you.”

  Kyle’s hands clenched, but Jennifer actually blanched, and Adrian entered those young halls only as far as he had to. He had to be positive she wanted this. The future depended on it, and he listened closely to her thoughts. alone here. No Kyle to keep me from going crazy while I wait for the birth. No Kyle to hold me while I cry or make me laugh to start the day. No Kyle to help me raise Cesar’s children, to help me make them good!

  Panic was beating in her head, and Adrian withdrew, satisfied.

  “So long as you want it, Kyle will be your settling partner during the day. In the evenings, it will be one of the females.”

  Jennifer smiled in relief,
looking directly at Adrian for the first time. “Thank you.”

  Both men tensed, instantly lured by her happiness.

  Adrian had no trouble pushing it away, but he was aware of Kyle having to fight even her unconscious draw.

  “Are you sure you can do this?”

  Adrian’s tone said that if Kyle snapped, he would face the same punishment that he’d dealt to so many as Safe Haven’s top Eagle.

  “She has a gun. She’s not to be without it.”

  Adrian understood that was more for defense against the men in camp. Jennifer hadn’t told Kyle that she could control the strength of the draw...

  Adrian raised a brow. “Can you?”

  Embarrassed, Jennifer slowly shook her head. “Not always. I try, but it...”

  “Gets hungry,” Adrian filled in when she paused.

  Jennifer’s eyes blazed for a moment of searing heat and desperate longing. “Starved.”

  Adrian felt that protective need finally hit and gave her a comforting smile. “Dream-walk. They won’t know.”

  Kyle, who’d had Angela’s witch in his dreams on more than a few nights, growled. At Adrian.

  Adrian’s demeanor turned curt. “Should I separate you now?”

  Kyle backed down, loathing the idea of her taking energy from any man but him. Where had this side of him come from?

  Jennifer’s head dropped again, and she slowly slid back against Kyle’s arm. Why was she made this way? She didn’t want men to notice her. Maybe if I never smile again…

  Picking up the thought, Adrian effectively manipulated things. “You have one of my highest men, pulling him away. His own team already views you as a threat. Find something useful to do for me, soon. Without that, the camp will get ugly.”

  “And if we can’t find her something they’ll accept?” Kyle demanded.

  Adrian responded to the challenge with the truth. “They’ll hate her. I’ll have to send her out of here, or she’ll be hurt. We won’t tolerate one of us hurting the dream.”

  Meaning the other gifted people here would run her out, not the camp. Against that, she didn’t stand a chance.

  “I’ll leave now,” Jennifer stated fearfully.

  Adrian was still looking at Kyle. “You’re going, too, right?”


  “No, I’ll go alone!”

  “I’ll track her.”

  “Are you claiming her, Kyle?”



  Adrian studied them, picking up the fear and the attraction. “This could go bad. You’ve considered it?”

  Kyle was tortured. “If I’m already damned…”

  Adrian grunted, allowing his disgusted side to show. “Stay close to her as long as she says okay, but hear me, Eagle. The second she says no, you’d better back right up!”

  Adrian left the tent with a stunned silence in his wake.

  Jennifer sank to her knees. Unlike Kyle, Safe Haven’s leader scared the hell out of her. “I’m bad news. You should stay away from me.”

  Kyle tensed. “Is that the official request? ‘Cause once you make it, Jen, I’m gone.”

  “Why don’t you have a woman here?”

  Kyle’s mouth dropped open, stunned by the quick topic-change. “What?”

  Jennifer flushed. “You don’t, do you?”

  “How do you know?”

  Jennifer peered up at him. “I read people–men–very well.”


  She quickly lowered her eyes. “If you had a woman here, you might have raped me, and then let me die.”

  Kyle wasn’t sure what to say. What could he? She was almost certainly right. He’d never felt anything this strong.

  “Why haven’t you picked a woman here?”

  “Why does it matter?” he evaded.

  Jennifer looked at him curiously. “I’m not sure. I just know that it does.”

  Despite being uncomfortable, Kyle refused to deny her anything, even information. “I feel nothing for them beyond lust. I never have. You’ve woken something else.”


  My humanity, Kyle thought, but he wouldn’t share something so dooming with someone that he needed to keep a slight advantage over. She couldn’t understand how dark his soul really was until she had the desire to fill it with her light.

  “I’m not sure,” he said finally, open fascination bleeding into his tone. “I only know that I’ve never had it, and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t sacrifice to make you willing.”

  Jennifer blushed, feeling very female as her breasts tingled. Being pregnant had its own side effects, but the heat in Kyle’s gaze had her body stirring against her will. She’d been Cesar’s main Puta. There was little left for Jennifer to understand about sex, and that included desire and her reactions to it. She’d never felt closer to the evil man than while she was shuddering in his arms, forced to enjoy his touch, his often painful attention. It was terrifying to think of going through that with Kyle.

  “I would have already said no to anyone else,” she said, unable to completely refuse what he was begging her for.

  Feeling guilty for manipulating, Kyle grinned harshly in the dim light, allowing her to see a bit of the animal he thought of himself as.

  Reading it, Jennifer stiffened her chin. She’d been with evil long enough to recognize it, and Kyle wasn’t that. He would never get as ugly with her as Cesar had. As for Kyle’s promise not to force her, she was old enough, had been devastated enough, to understand that fate didn’t usually let people keep rash words. She’d been hurt before and survived. What was a little more pain, if it meant her children would have a good life?

  “They can’t find out what I am. The lies we’ll have to tell will keep the rumors growing.”

  “Yes,” Kyle agreed, admiring her even more than he already had, but fearing her, too. She now held the power to destroy him.

  “You’re not worried about trouble over me?”

  “Counting on it,” Kyle stated bravely. “Because everything they’ll say will push us together in defiance. And, in time, you won’t be using me–you’ll want me around for more than just my protection or the sense of safety that I provide.”

  Fear, sharp and thick, welled up in Jennifer’s throat. He knows!

  Kyle stayed still, giving her time to read that he wasn’t angry–that he’d counted on her reacting this way. “I know what I signed up for with you...witch.”

  Jennifer didn’t say anything. There was a bond between her and this killer with the lonely soul that she wasn’t sure about, but there was no denying the strength. She didn’t want to be away from him.

  “I have to go again. I have duty.”

  Loneliness settled its familiar claws into her chest, but Jennifer didn’t protest. “I’ll be fine.”

  She was looking better, sunken face starting to fill out, skin taking on the healthy glow that came from the development of life. Kyle didn’t think he’d ever seen anything more beautiful. “You can’t hide in here.”

  Jennifer shrugged. “I know,’s safer.”

  Kyle’s heart broke, and he stepped closer, stopped at her instant flinch. “Everyone’s busy getting ready to roll out.”

  She didn’t answer, and Kyle pushed, “The babies need fresh air.”

  “I’ll go,” Jennifer agreed miserably. Another shower would feel good, but the taunts would cover her clean skin in shame.

  Kyle hated forcing her to do things that she didn’t want to, but the boss was out of patience and so was everyone else. Kyle left reluctantly, torn between her and his duty over the QZ. He moved through the packing camp with a scowl that discouraged eye contact and absolutely forbade conversation.


  “Can I have a minute?”

  Adrian didn’t pause on his rounds. “Walk along.”

  Cynthia fell in, hiding her soreness. She’d been attending classes every day and the workouts were hard.

  Always known for looking li
ke a reporter, as well as acting and sounding like one, it drew attention to see Cynthia striding across the camp in calf-high black boots, black jeans, and a rookie Eagle jacket. She wore her gun low on her hip, hair high on her head, and she didn’t hesitate to speak her mind. The camp was used to that last part, but not the words. Hearing Cynthia defending a camp rule, or Adrian, was a shock still flying though Safe Haven.

  “I need to say something.”

  On his way to the kids’ area to help carry and direct, Adrian moved them away from the passing members who were busy loading their vehicles. He knew what came now. “Go on.”

  “I was wrong about you.”

  “Yes.” Adrian met her eye. “And no.”

  Cynthia was startled, unable to speak. She was so used to being on the outside! This feeling! More!

  “I didn’t know you were supposed to be one of us, Cyn.” Adrian delivered another revealing wave of light, making sure she was firmly where he needed her. Once the effects had been mapped out, he’d easily found a place for their reporter. “I’m sorry for missing it.”

  The last of the bitterness rolled off her shoulders. “I’m on the right side now.”

  Adrian grinned, reminded of their hours together. “Side, front, top…”

  Cynthia smirked. “I knew I had that part of you pegged right.” She lowered her voice, sweeping the content people around them. “Wonder how many of Safe Haven’s females have fallen for it?”

  Adrian’s affectionate gaze lingered here and there, some surprising, some expected.

  “Enough to keep me fighting for the future.”

  “What about the ones who conceive or become obsessed?” Cynthia asked carefully.

  Adrian sent out that magnetic draw, the one that had pushed her over the edge as he whispered his gratitude.

  “I love them.”

  Cynthia let him go, trying not to hope for it, and failing. Being the mother of Adrian’s child would guarantee a woman priority whenever shit hit the fan. But more than that, it was an eighteen-year bond to the leader that any of the females here would kill for–including herself.

  Not Angela, the reporter corrected, sweeping the training area. That Eagle was slowly walking by on her way to direct traffic. Marc on her heels, and their occasional warm look was a confirmation that Adrian’s desire wasn’t going to make any difference. That one had made up her mind, and Cynthia applauded the choice. Adrian might be the more powerful of the two, but Marc would give a woman his all.


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