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The Life After War Collection

Page 469

by Angela White

  Jamie stood up. “I didn’t do anything. We were talking.”

  “I told him I’m not going.” Candy kept working. “If he comes out before morning, I’ll scream.”

  Kenn nodded and went to the ladder.

  Kyle glowered at Jamie until the man was back in his area. The mobster wanted to do more than deliver a warning.

  Kyle nodded at Candy and joined Kenn. They would stay on this level for a while and visit it more than they had planned to.

  Candy went on with her labor, searching for Tonya’s notebook, but also gathering little items she knew were needed or treasured by someone. When morning came, she would be able to give some smiles to residents and begin repairing the damage she’d done to herself since Lee had died. She didn’t know what would come after that, but she knew nothing could come before it. The foundation of an Eagle determined everything else in Safe Have and Candy was determined to have everything she’d laid out to Jamie. She wanted to be on Pitcairn. Once she was, the island would be her home. They would never get her to come back.


  Ray snapped awake as a warm body crawled in with him. He recognized his mate’s smell.

  Ray tensed, expecting Dale’s knife to slide between his ribs.

  “Don’t speak. At all.”

  Ray nodded.

  Dale put his arms around him and put his cheek against Ray’s shoulder. They stayed still, listening to each other, feeling each other.

  Ray cried a little. He understood Dale had needed to hold him one more time before they were separated.

  Dale went straight to sleep, not experiencing Ray’s pain as he’d been able to in the past. It was really over.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Honor First


  Across from Ray and Dale, the prisoners in the tarped-in area were talking in low tones. They’d woken a short time ago and faked sleep when Kyle came through.

  “Shift change is coming. We’ll act then.”

  Dylan glared at Oliver. “You blew it by getting caught. Now, we won’t have anyone on the inside.”

  “That’s why we’re attacking them when the shift changes. If we don’t, we’ll be killed or tossed out in the cold with nothing.”

  “Who are we grabbing?” Simon was no longer the leader of anything. His balls had never hurt this much. “They have all the magic users on the top floor.”

  “The reporter is down here in the cubby where Jennifer was stashed. She’s carrying a descendant.”

  “But everyone wants the kid dead.” Dylan wasn’t eager to experience what Simon had.

  “Not the mother. She’ll do what she has to.” Oliver was determined to get what they needed to survive. Once they left Safe Haven, there wouldn’t be any more easy meals or warm beds, and these men needed to accept that.

  “Maybe. What about the other guards?”

  “We’ll go out through that top passage.”

  “If we can get by the top level, you mean.” Simon didn’t want to agree, but they were positive to be killed or reclaimed in the next day or two. He shuddered.

  “We’ll start a fire down here for them to fight. We know how they fear fire now.”

  “Hey, that could work!”

  “I know, right?”

  The trio continued to make plans, not budging from their sedated, sleeping positions. They were hoping the next sentries would also do a fast check, like Kyle had done. If the Eagles had come into the tarp, they would have noticed the uneven breathing of nervous prisoners getting ready to attack.


  Cynthia hadn’t crashed yet. After spending the day digging through the rubble, she was tired enough to sleep, but she didn’t want to. She’d come across a copy of her last newspaper edition before the earthquake. Containing the petition and her accusation against the descendants, it had reminded her of all of the things that had been wrong before her life had been spared. She didn’t understand why Angela hadn’t killed her. I didn’t imagine my life being in danger. I’m not prone to irrational behavior and I don’t believe mountain sickness exists.

  She did believe in mental breakdowns, however. It was obvious that she’d had one, but that didn’t mean her reasons for it were unjustified.

  Cynthia pulled the next notebook over, flipping pages in an attempt to identify who the author was. After she finished, she would give the books to their owners, most of them. She was hoping for leadership pages.

  Cynthia ignored the smells and sounds outside the cubby. She had a lantern and a bottle of water. That was all she needed right now. Despite holing up on the bottom level, Cynthia wasn’t staying in this mountain. There was no way she could tolerate living here, but she also felt unsafe with the Islanders. That meant being alone, but she wasn’t certain that she would be up to that even if she wasn’t pregnant. All that left was for her to find a way to tolerate Safe Haven. Adrian had once been a light in the darkness for Cynthia. She was hoping the leadership notebooks would prove that he and Angela did have the best interests of the camp at heart, that they were good and worthy to be followed. Cynthia wasn’t sold on that, but the camp had split into three factions. That meant no one was certain, not even the descendants who had no choice but to follow the Alpha and their converts. That wasn’t enough for Cynthia.

  Seeing the book in her hand was a light, flowery script, Cynthia set it aside. It appeared to be female handwriting, but not Angela’s. Their boss had a heavy hand that was sometimes hard to read–making it easy to believe she had been a doctor before the war.

  Cynthia grabbed another notebook, noting the no-longer glossy eagle on the front. That’s what I’m hunting.

  Outside the cubby, the sound of footsteps began to echo. The changing of the guard was quiet other than footsteps that crunched over debris from the small tremor. The bottom level wasn’t being cleaned the way the top level was.

  Sounds of a struggle snapped Cynthia’s attention from the notebooks. She glanced around in guilty fear, worried that one of the descendants knew she had Angela’s notebook.


  There was a loud grunt and then a dull thud, then quiet.

  Cynthia stepped to the cubby entrance.

  “Get her.”

  Too late. Cynthia was grabbed by the arm and dragged into the middle of the bottom level. She saw three sentries on the ground and three of the runaways standing over them.

  The man holding Cynthia spun them toward the other two. “If you scream, you lose the baby.”

  Cynthia recognized the bluff, but she wasn’t positive that she wanted to fight and endanger her child.

  “Get their guns.”

  Simon and Dylan also took the Eagle kits from the bodies. She couldn’t tell if the men were dead or not.

  Cynthia was dismayed to realize that the bodies on the ground were the new shift of guards. There wouldn’t be a check-in for at least half an hour. Not wanting to, but not seeing another choice, Cynthia woke her son. Mommy needs you to send a message.

  Sleepy waves of dangerous power filled the bottom level.


  Kyle slid down the ladder, once again taking splinters. Jennifer was relaying the scene to him, but Kyle had known there was a problem because there were three sentries on the bottom floor. There was supposed to be two. Allan hadn’t come up yet.

  Kyle slid to a stop, hand going to his holster as he took in the situation. Oliver had an arm around Cynthia’s neck. His two henchmen were pointing their stolen weapons and they had three men down. Weber, one of the Runaways that Kyle had believed was still in the mess, stepped from the shadows of the waste corridor with a gun in his hand and a grin on his cracked lips. “Take us straight to the top and do it right now.”

  Kyle gestured toward the guards on the ground. “Leave them alive and I won’t shout. You hurt anybody on the way and I’ll wake every descendant in here.”

  “You’ll be shot before they reach us and so will she.” Oliver shoved Cynthia in front of him.

“I’m willing to die here. Are you?” Kyle was furious. He wasn’t bluffing.

  Simon stepped away from the sentries. “We don’t want to hurt anyone. We want out.”

  Oliver shoved Cynthia ahead of him. “If anybody attacks us, she’ll die.”

  The small group went up the ladder in silence. Kyle was connected to Jennifer, feeding her everything that was happening. He assumed she was relaying that information to Angela but there were no incoming instructions. It didn’t take Kyle long to figure out that he was supposed to do what he’d always done–defend the camp. When we get to the top level, have Shawn, Morgan, and Ivan each grab a man.

  Hang on with that. The boss said it’s covered.

  Kyle was relieved to hear it, but he stayed ready to help.

  As they reached the mess level, Simon went to the entrance. “If you’re going with us, get out here now!”

  He came back alone, scowling and muttering about being betrayed. He gestured toward Kyle. “Get up there and get the door open.”

  Kyle hurried up the ladder and was out of sight.

  “You shouldn’t have let him go.” Oliver pushed Cynthia toward the ladder. “You next.”

  Cynthia also climbed quickly, but she didn’t try to get out of sight. Her son was telling her that someone was at the top of the ladder and wanted her to duck and roll as soon as she reached the floor. Cynthia was trying to figure out how to do that and cushion her stomach.

  The ladder shook as all five of them climbed at the same time. Above, there were no sounds to alert anyone.

  Cynthia reached the top and pulled herself up onto the floor. She dropped onto her knees and crawled toward the residence chamber where a line of bleary guards were standing.

  “Grab her!”

  Kenn hurried out of the shadows. Sliding on his ass to the ladder, he used his huge foot to kick it free of the new anchors that weren’t as strong as the first ones had been. He kicked again, using repeated blows until the ladder broke free.


  “Stop him!”

  Kenn kicked once more and sent the ladder careening into open space with the four men on it.

  Sounds of the ladder and bodies crashing down three levels of the cave brought everyone awake. Kenn stared down, listening for the call. As the bad guys had cleared each level, sleeping guards had woken and taken up posts in tunnels and cavities to be a surprise if any of the prisoners escaped.

  “We’ll need a body crew down here.”

  Not needed, the extra sentries went back to their uncomfortable beds and uncomfortable dreams.

  Kenn got to his feet and went to check on Cynthia.

  Cynthia was huddled on the ground near Shawn’s feet. She peered up at Kenn in tired confusion. “Am I safe anywhere?”

  Kenn gestured toward the reading chamber, where most of the adults were. “You should be okay in there.”

  Cynthia understood it was a test of her loyalty, of her decision on remaining with Safe Haven, but until an official invite came from the boss, she couldn’t do that. “I’ll stay here.”

  “You’re still better off up here than you were on the bottom level.” Kenn went to join Kyle, who was giving an update to the boss.

  For one moment, the old Kenn burst out in a flash of jealousy that couldn’t endure the boss being surrounded by Kyle, Morgan, and the new men. He hated being on the outside in any way. “Four problems solved and it didn’t take any of your pets to do it.”

  Everyone stared at Kenn in surprised disapproval.

  Jackass. Angela slammed the door. Three hours was not enough sleep.

  “I wish you wouldn’t push her that way.” Adrian came from the passage behind him, followed by Charlie. “She’s almost gotten to the point where she can forgive you for some of the mistakes, but not if you keep doing stupid shit like that.”

  Adrian ignored Ken’s automatic protest and gestured to Kyle for the update. “Let’s go to the mess so she can sleep.”

  Kyle had no problem with that. He was glad things had turned out as well as they had. It bothered him that he hadn’t been expecting issues. Before they came to this cursed mountain, prisoners wouldn’t have been able to fool him by faking sleep.

  Adrian understood. He wanted to offer comfort or advice, but the only thing that would help any of them at this point was to get out of here. Every time they had to eliminate another traitor or threat, their own mortality flashed before their eyes and reminded them that if they made a mistake, they would be eliminated the same way. Some days, that was easier to deal with than others. For Kyle, it was more difficult. The mobster was upset with himself for not being able to prevent Jennifer from being used as a hostage and for shooting her in order to save her. It was a choice that no one should have to make for someone that they loved, but Kyle had been forced to do it repeatedly since he joined Safe Haven. During Angela’s time at the rest stop, Kyle had absorbed all of her misery and then some. Despite being a hardened killer, he was also sensitive and needed someone to talk to. Adrian doubted that the mobster would accept him in that position now, even in these limited circumstances, but he was determined to try anyway. Once Kyle settled down and Neil accepted the fact that sometimes bad things happen to good people, the council would reconnect.

  “Body removal.” Adrian gestured at Charlie.

  Charlie was out of sight a few seconds later, eager to get that done. He didn’t like the chore, but he also didn’t mind it. Simon had been dangerous. It was good to know he was dead.

  Adrian caught the thought and reminded himself that he needed to have that in-depth conversation with the boy. Angela had arrived in camp already understanding most of the big picture, so it had been easy for her to pick out the right choices and the wrong ones. Charlie didn’t have the wisdom of age to guide him.

  Adrian went to the corner of the mess that had the laptop and switched on the computer. While it loaded, he monitored the citizens in the mess. The rest of the Runaways were huddled in the corner together. They’d been chased from their area by ants and then put under guard. All of them assumed they were going to be punished for Simon’s actions. Adrian didn’t believe any of them would choose to stay with Jimmy or go with Angela, but they hadn’t supported Simon when it mattered most. Nothing would happen to them if they didn’t try to repeat his behavior.

  The computer finally loaded and Adrian typed in Jeremy’s old code. The screen flashed to a view that was haunting.

  So many!

  It was impossible to count how many bodies were out there. In some places, they were stacked three deep. In others, it was impossible to determine where the stack began and where it ended. Sprawled in every position imaginable, the dead consisted of every age and race. It was awful to think that Safe Haven’s survival had depended upon so many Americans dying. Wasn’t there some other way we could’ve handled this?


  Adrian winced at Angela’s curt response. It was obvious that Marc hadn’t gotten her back to sleep.

  The witch is watching things. I’ve been thinking a lot. If they were good, fate would have spared them to help with repopulation, don’t you think?

  Adrian shrugged, staring at the bodies of young and old alike. I don’t know anymore.

  Now is not the time for you to lose faith in the grand plan, Mr. Mitchel. Get to work or join the Runaways.

  Adrian grunted. Yes, my queen.

  Angela broke the connection between them, like he’d known she would. It was hard for him to fight the need to comfort her, but while she was in Marc’s arms was the wrong time to try. Especially since Adrian could feel Marc’s demon patrolling, waiting for another interruption. The fury coming off Marc was impressive, but it paled in comparison to the witch now invading the mind of the reporter sleeping not far from their door. Adrian hoped Cynthia was okay now, but he didn’t stay with the witch or try to interfere. Instead, he replayed their last conversation before the earthquake.

  “You shouldn’t be down here.” Adrian sat up o
n his bedroll as Cynthia came around the bend in the drafty corridor. He looked for her guard and didn’t find one. “And you’re alone? Oh, wonderful.”

  Cynthia ignored his sarcasm and nervousness. Despite being their grand poohbah, he didn’t know what she wanted. Asshole, she sniped mentally while flashing a bright smile. “I’d like to interview you for the Quest Chronicles. Got a minute?”

  “Got permission?” Adrian frowned as she took a seat on the boulder across from his bedroll.

  “Would I be here if I didn’t?”

  Adrian sighed unhappily. “No. I guess not.” He yawned and stretched, aware of Cynthia’s cold gaze going over him like a shark scenting chum. There was no heat in her heart for him though, other than hatred.

  “I am sorry.” He was.

  “Did you even consider claiming me and your baby?” She already knew the answer.


  Cynthia took out her notebook and pen. “Neither did I, so you know.” She smirked at him. “I want Marc.”

  “Who doesn’t?” Adrian sighed again, bitter. “He’s fucking perfect, right?”

  Cynthia bobbed her head, eyes glittering like a snake. “Yes. He’s kind and trustworthy. Two things you can’t be.”

  “Not in my job description.” Adrian’s voice was harsh. “He got the good guy role before I ever came into the picture.”

  “Aww. Suffering from comparison, are we?” Cynthia taunted happily, eager to pay him back for the disappointments.

  Adrian reached for his smokes, but didn’t pull on a shirt or jacket despite being out of the warmth of his blankets. He wasn’t cold right now. He was angry. How dare Angela put me through this! How dare she put Cynthia through it after the reporter saved her life!

  “I felt the same way at first.”

  Adrian understood the baby’s power was allowing Cynthia to read his thoughts. He frowned as he realized this wasn’t the first time. “Is that why Kip is gone?”

  Cynthia blanched. “No! He died in the explosion at the den.”


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