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The Life After War Collection

Page 484

by Angela White

  Kenn slid the kids into Nancy’s waiting arms and ran with Angela toward the lead vehicles on the small ledge above the path. Marc and Adrian had just finished gassing and loading them. Behind the trucks was a smaller access tunnel that had been closed when they first arrived. While the passage below was being dug, this access route had also been cleared in case Dirce was able to bury the bottom exit.

  Kenn hefted Angela onto the icy platform and signaled Adrian over. “You have point over the boss until we pull out.”

  Kenn joined Marc in front of the three trucks. He was one of the drivers. “Let’s roll!”

  “Wait for me!”

  Angela and everyone else spun around to find Cynthia hurrying toward them with her arms full of books and bags. “Please wait!”

  Coming from the small exit, Cynthia didn’t notice the shadowy figure sneaking up on her.

  “Get down!”


  Cynthia regarded the nun in shock, unable to believe the woman had tried to kill her.

  Angela holstered her gun, heart pounding rapidly. It was the first time she’d used the weapon in months.

  Cynthia turned toward Angela in shock. You saved me.

  Angela started to smile at the stunned reporter, but a chunk of ice broke off the cliff above them.

  Cynthia looked up at the loud cracking noise; not needing the baby to tell her death was coming. She threw her arms up for protection, too panicked to run, but she already knew it wouldn’t matter anyway. The sheet of falling ice was five times her size.

  It hit Cynthia with enough force to drive her into the weak layer of fresh snow that immediately bloomed red.

  “Roll out, Safe Haven. Roll out now!” Neil gave the order as the wave of refugees started to enter the valley.

  Riding with the camp, Kevin tried to open the door of the truck.

  Greg locked it and then grabbed the seatbelt Kevin had fastened out of fear for the rough ride. “She’s gone. We will be too if you don’t fight!”

  A bullet slammed into the windshield and was held. It splintered the glass however, enraging Kevin. He yanked his gun out and began shooting at the nearest refugees, screaming in his mind.

  Greg let go of the belt, needing both hands to force the truck overtop the rusted beetle that tried to block his path.

  Kevin fired with an arm around the windshield, hitting the beetle’s driver through his open window.

  Greg pushed the car aside with the truck’s bumper, glad Kevin was helping. Greg hadn’t believed this many people still existed in the world.

  “Get them out of here!”

  Kenn’s order was already being followed. Safe Haven trucks and cars rammed through the traffic coming in, shooting where they needed to.

  “Keep the kids down! Do not stop!”

  Angela ran, already positive it was too late. She slid through the drifts and sprawled by Cynthia’s body, drawing weak power forward.

  You cannot revive the dead. Even you have limits.

  “Slam you!” Angela shouted, sending the orbs into Cynthia’s barely recognizable body. “Help me!”

  Ordered, the witch added her strength, but there was no response from the reporter. Even when Jennifer tried with her growing gifts, they couldn’t stop Cynthia from dying. Connected, both witches arched violently when it happened, straining against fate.

  Adrian placed a hand on Angela’s shoulder, feeling her pain and Cynthia’s, but also his son’s. “Let them go.”

  Angela did, sobbing, but only because she was empty and had nothing left to give.

  Jennifer allowed Kyle to hold her when she stood, not wanting to break down in front of Autumn, but unable to keep from feeling the misery of her companions. “I’m sorry.”

  Angela nodded, crying against Adrian’s big arm. “Me too. It didn’t have to be this way.”

  “We could have saved him, made him good.” Jennifer swallowed a painful noise. “We needed time.”

  “Fate made the choice.” Adrian was also crying a bit. He had assumed Angela would save his son, so he’d stayed out of her plans. It was a comfort to know that she had indeed wanted the child to live, but it didn’t ease this newest agony. He untangled his arm from hers, for once not feeling a single spark.

  Marc had been observing the scene while he worked on getting everyone into the vehicles. He sent a blast of love toward his mate, hoping to ease her torment. It was also a relief to him that she had intended Cynthia’s child to survive. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t be so upset.

  Angela waited for Marc to get close enough and fell into his arms, unable to stop balling. Not being able to save Cynthia’s baby was like losing her own all over again.

  Marc caught that and quickly led her toward their truck, eager to be away from this cursed mountain.

  Kyle followed his lead, pressing Autumn into her mother’s arms.

  Jennifer tried to put on her calm face as she hugged the child, and failed. “Momma loves you so much!”

  Autumn touched Jennifer’s hair. It’s okay, mommy. It’s okay.

  Kyle’s heart broke and he had to wipe away tears before he could open the truck for his family. When does the pain end? Haven’t we all suffered enough?

  “The island.” Jennifer was using willpower to recover. “When we clear the island, we’re good for a while.”

  “How long?” It was the first time Kyle had used her gifts.

  Jennifer stared at his demand. “Years, baby. Years.”

  Kyle relaxed and went around to the driver’s seat.

  Jennifer locked down on her mind, playing with Autumn’s tiny braid. She’d already searched as far into that future as she could, breaking several magic rules to do so, and Kyle was on a need-to-know basis on that subject. Everyone was, including their leaders.

  That’s an awful heavy weight to carry alone. A voice shoved into her mind with brutal force. And a betrayal.

  Jennifer searched through the windows, as Autumn stiffened in fear. Neither of them had ever felt anyone so strong, so dangerous.

  Kyle caught the vibes and stilled, also searching for the threat.

  Who are you?

  The voice chuckled in her mind. Merely a messenger, young one.

  A messenger from who?

  From He.

  In that moment, Jennifer’s youth could have caused her to say the wrong thing, but her grief only allowed one response. “Why didn’t you save her?”

  Kyle froze, feeling the presence. It was pure light and he was afraid.

  The creator swore us not to interfere.

  And yet here you are. Jennifer’s bitterness was free for everyone to feel now.

  Shall I go?

  Jennifer tried to keep up the brave act. I didn’t ask you to come. I didn’t make the forbidden call.

  Kyle’s hand on her wrist was urgent. “Don’t, Jenny. Don’t make it mad.”

  That hard chuckle came again. I am no threat to you and your family. Now be quiet!

  Kyle jerked, but didn’t speak again.

  Jennifer tried to concentrate, off guard. Was the angel here for her child or Kyle? Both were precious to her.

  Neither, child, the messenger soothed with no change in tone. You drew me with your light. I’m curious.

  About what? Jennifer asked the question warily. She sensed this being had the ability to destroy all of them with a blink of an eye.

  Everything. The Creator sent me to observe those who called him. He wants to love you again. I’m curious if that’s possible.

  Jennifer connected Angela and Adrian to the conversation, aware that they had both gone still and silent.

  Neither of them spoke while Jennifer relayed the message.

  As she finished, Adrian clamped his lips shut, passing it to his successor. Even with all her choices, Angela was still purer than he was.

  Surprising even herself, Angela bowed out of the conversation completely. I’m not worthy to speak with the messenger. Good luck.

  Adrian didn’t
bow out. He wanted to hear everything, but Jennifer didn’t want this chore either.

  None of you are willing to satisfy my curiosities?

  I will. Marc had been listening all along. If I’m good enough.

  The messenger smiled toward Marc, letting him feel the warmth. You are still pure, Marcus. Ease your troubled mind.

  Thank you. Marc took a deep breath. I think I speak for everyone when I say, slam you!

  Everyone froze, even Angela, who was getting it through Adrian.

  I don’t understand.

  Sure you do. Marc snorted, shifting into drive. He abandoned us here, yet we’re the problem. He set up life around a chain of constant violence, but believed the people would be peaceful. He is fucking crazy and we’re all pissed at him. When he apologizes and makes it right, we might agree to talk. Until then, let him go on as if we don’t exist. Been doing it for so long, he won’t even miss us when we wipe ourselves out.

  But...You can’t… The messenger was shocked for the first time in eons. You can’t mean that!

  Listen to the words. Marc spat. Get lost! You didn’t help us before and we don’t want it now!

  The messenger blasted Marc with hot, dry heat that instantly flashed him to the rest stop.

  Did He not care for her at that moment?

  You said you guys don’t interfere. Wonder if your boss knows you break the rules while he isn’t around.

  Stung, the messenger vanished.

  All around them, people were stiffly waiting for retribution and glaring in Marc’s direction.

  Angela’s amusement filled the cabin.

  “Uh, maybe you shouldn’t laugh at him.” Marc felt caution was prudent. “I already took it pretty far.”

  Angela kept on chuckling as she answered. “It’s at irony, Marc, not our messenger. I refused to talk to him because I knew I couldn’t keep from screaming.”

  “And I did it for you.” Marc finished it when she broke into hard laughter again.

  “Yes. All you missed was ‘the wings you rode in on’.”

  Marc chuckled uneasily with her, but he didn’t view as much humor. He may have doomed them all.

  “If anything, you’ve proven we deserve to be treated with caution and respect. We’re not evil. We fight for the good daily, sometimes hourly. Righteous anger is different from violent spewing. He’ll be okay with it.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Every story we’ve ever heard of His anger. We get it from him.”

  “But aren’t we supposed to control it, lock it away?”

  “Not against evil. Anger, like every other emotion, has a place. Sometimes, it helps drive demons away. Sometimes, it reminds a Creator that we think, we breathe, and we feel his absence. You sent a clear message. He was wrong to abandon us here.”

  “I scolded the Creator?”

  “And he may destroy us now, but I believe it will work the other way. The lonely child has shouted for his parent to return and do their duty. Who could refuse?”

  “I challenged him!” Marc was horrified.

  Angela chuckled again. “Never would have thought you had that in you.” She smiled, hoping to ease his tension. “It’s making me hot.”

  Marc scoffed, trying not to snicker and failed. He tugged her over, draping an arm around her shoulder. “I’d tell anyone to go to hell for you.”

  “Not just me, though. You really do speak for all of us now.”

  Marc sighed, coming down from his rage. “God help us.”

  Angela leaned her cheek against his chest. “That’s what we’re all hoping for. This world is exhausting.”

  “It’s not over, baby.” Marc pointed to dust trails that came from fast-moving vehicles. “The next wave of refugees.”

  “Get us out of here.” Angela had already seen that Safe Haven was gone. She’d been aware of a few fights for the road, but the messenger had needed to be handled first.

  Marc shifted into gear. As he got them rolling, there was another awful cracking noise.

  Marc hit the brakes, but it was too late. The ledge under them crumbled, taking the truck with it.

  The other two vehicle’s occupants observed in horror as Marc and Angela were buried under the snow and then swarmed by refugees on foot coming in ahead of the other cars and trucks.

  Kenn hit the gas as Adrian did the same.

  Adrian began to blow the horn on his truck, hoping the refugees below would follow him and leave the wreck. He could feel Marc and Angela already fighting down there, but he couldn’t reach them from this angle.

  Adrian shifted, glad Kenn was on his bumper.

  The passengers in both vehicles stayed quiet and held on as the drivers rammed through incoming cars and civilians, trying to reach Angela.

  Power slammed through the valley, toppling runners, but it didn’t make a dent in the flood of people searching for safety. Hundreds of them poured into the valley, blocking the exit.

  Kenn was glad all of their vehicles were gone, but he assumed they were on their own now. There was no way out of this valley even if Marc and Angela were okay and able to climb onto one of these trucks. The only thing that might save them was magic. Kenn began gathering energy.

  Next to him, Jennifer did the same.

  Kyle held the baby and hoped it was all over soon. He drew his weapon, but there were too many targets around them.

  Kenn ran them over where he could, knocking cars aside to stay on Adrian’s bumper, but the gap was getting bigger.

  Shiny on the hill! Shiny on the hill!

  Kyle found the glint of light and knew it came from the glass in a scope, not the barrel of the gun, though a few high-polish finishes or plain stainless steel materials could be guilty. Kyle went with the most likely reason. Should have gotten a kill flash or a scope shade. Kyle threw himself overtop Jennifer and the baby.

  The bullet plunged through the window an instant later, hitting Kyle’s shoulder. Blood sprayed the rear glass.


  A second slug dove through the windshield, hitting Kenn in the chest.

  Jennifer scrambled for the wheel as Kenn grunted and let go.


  “I have to go.” Ivan slowed the rig, pulling out of the line.

  “What are you doing?” James hated to disobey orders.

  “She needs me. I can hear her screaming.”

  Peter frowned as Ivan spun the truck around. “Maybe that’s why she likes you. You can hear her when we can’t.”

  The other soldiers in the truck made personal vows to get Angela to bond with them so they could also hear her. Ivan’s desperation was coming off him in waves that his team wasn’t used to and they wanted to be able to share it with him. They also wanted to be sure it was worth risking their lives for.

  Behind Ivan, the second tank followed them. The soldiers didn’t want Ivan’s crew to have all the fun.

  Some people were chasing the convoy and Ivan enjoyed running them off the road with the big tank. “Someone get on the gun, but don’t go full retard. We’ll need the ammo.”

  Catching the excitement, James hurried to claim the firing position. He adored any big guns.

  Not allowed to break radio silence, Eagles watched the soldiers take off with shouts and curses at being abandoned.


  “I don’t see the boss!”

  “Where is Kenn?!”

  The radio was a garbled mess of shouts and cries as Jennifer steered the truck into Adrian’s rear end. She couldn’t reach the brakes.

  The crash was over fast, spraying small parts across the melting snow. Jennifer slammed it into park as Adrian ran toward her.

  Conner slid behind the wheel in his father’s place and hit the gas, determined to reach the fighting and help. Flames and bursts of blue power were coming from the other side of the collapsed ledge, but Conner couldn’t view the actual battle yet. He tried to hurry but not get stuck as more trucks and cars came through the valley entrance.
br />   Jennifer pulled Kenn over into the floorboard as Adrian shifted into drive and got them rolling. Refugees were pounding on the door and trying to climb in the open window as she sat up.

  Jennifer punched a leering face, knocking the guy off the truck. The window went up too slow for her, catching another man’s finger in the glass. She let the window down enough for Kyle to slam his gun into the man’s skull.

  She and Kyle shoved the body out and got the window up, both hating Autumn’s screams. Squished between them and splattered in blood, the baby wasn’t happy, but she hadn’t been harmed. Jennifer wanted to comfort her, but she ripped open her kit and grabbed a tourniquet for Kyle.

  Adrian bumped into Conner as the boy got stuck, knocking him free, but not taking his place. The trucks bounced along the rocks and ice, finally reaching the edge of the collapsed ledge. Refugees swarmed them, beating on the metal and glass.

  Conner ran into the group of refugees who were shooting guns at Angela and Marc, sliding to a stop in front of them.

  Adrian’s truck shuddered to a sliding halt on the other side, creating a long, temporary wall of protection.

  Marc shoved Angela toward the opening truck door, following her up as a shield. As soon as she was in, he brought up his real shield and studied the tunnel. He wanted to know who had done this.

  Right above the tunnel, another flash glinted.

  Angela yanked Marc down as Conner hit the gas.

  The bullet slammed into the roof of the truck and skidded into a refugee who had crawled under Adrian’s rig. “Test your shield later!”

  Marc had to laugh. “Okay.”

  “Which way?!” Conner was trying to stay calm, but it was harder this time.

  Marc pointed. “Straight through the center. We have an escort.”

  Conner and everyone else was overjoyed to spot two Safe Haven tanks rolling back into the crammed entrance of the valley. Armed with huge tires and .50 caliber guns, the soldiers were enjoying themselves now. Refugees ran as the big slugs plowed through the traffic without mercy.


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