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The Life After War Collection

Page 490

by Angela White

Neil grunted in reluctant approval. “Adrian did a good job on those last stitches. I don’t think it’ll bleed through again if you take breaks while you walk.”

  Samantha was elated. She zipped her coat and took the cane Neil had made from a thick stick. “Let’s go!”

  Neil chuckled. He understood how it felt to be away from the activities he loved. His breaks hadn’t been because of physical injuries, but it had still been hard to be on the outside.

  Kyle joined them, frown taking up most of his face as Jennifer went to Samantha. Both women were obviously uncomfortable as they fought the stiff wind. Kyle glared at Neil and everyone else, but when Jennifer looked over her shoulder at him, his expression faded into tolerant annoyance.

  Neil got that too. No matter how much he wanted Samantha to hide in a tent, he loved her being happy. And she is right now. I can feel it.

  Tonya and Kendle appeared in front of them. Both females joined Jenny and Sam after a quick nod to their men. When Tonya put a hand under Samantha’s arm to steady her, Neil forced himself to relax. Samantha’s team would protect her. They were Eagles.

  Neil felt his spirits lift. He stepped over to Kyle and took the man’s good arm.

  Kyle regarded him in icy confusion. “What are you doing?”

  “Helping an old lady across the street.”

  Neil ducked Kyle’s shove, snickering with everyone else. More Eagles joined them as they strode toward the far end of camp, all grinning. The party wouldn’t last long and there wouldn’t be music, but it would be a celebration of life and survival that all of them needed.


  “Do you want me to keep an eye on things?”

  Angela’s grip tightened on Marc’s arm in response.

  Marc let sleep reclaim him.

  Angela held out for a few more minutes, listening to her team leaders and her conscience. She’d made her choice for tomorrow, but it hadn’t been an easy one. If she’d miscalculated, Safe Haven’s descendants would be crushed and the camp would only have children to defend them. Angela thought about Leeann and Cody, then Missy, Autumn, and Charlie. All of them together wouldn’t be able to fight a group that had been able to kill the parents, so she’d told Leeann to gather the descendant kids who could travel and run. She hadn’t given the terrified girl a location. If they lost tomorrow and were captured, Angela didn’t want to have that information in her mind. Their enemies would already know where Safe Haven was going. It would take a miracle, but there was at least a tiny chance that the kids might survive. Safe Haven wouldn’t.

  We’ll win. Try to sleep.

  Angela allowed Adrian’s wave of sleep to sink in and carry her off.


  No problem. Adrian got away from Marc’s demon. The spirit was patrolling the perimeter with Angela’s witch and neither of them was in a good mood. Both of the spirits wanted him gone and they didn’t care about his truce with Marc. If he stepped out of line in any way, it would be a contest between the demons to see which one could kill him first.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Reality Sets In


  Adrian jumped as Charlie joined him. He hadn’t spotted the boy coming.

  Charlie held out his hand.

  Adrian gave him the sheet of paper without speaking. He also refused to think about anything.

  Charlie put the paper in his pocket. “I already know.”

  “Know what?”

  “I’m being tested. She told me to stay with Safe Haven while you guys run off and fight tomorrow.”

  Adrian didn’t hear the usual defiance that laced Charlie’s every word these days.

  “I want to fight. I also want to be with Tracy.”

  “You’re not alone in that. It’s one of the hardest choices an Eagle ever has to make. Most of the time, we have rules that keep us on the right path, but our emotions blur the lines.”

  “Are the lines right? Is any of this right?”

  Adrian was impressed that the boy had come to that after the last months of stress. “Of course not. It’s survival and that’s more important than any rule when the moment comes.”

  “That doesn’t make it easier to decide.”

  “I know. That’s why it’s so easy to make a mistake even when you’ve been doing this for years.”

  Charlie didn’t care about Adrian’s guilt or half-assed apology. “What will Conner do?”

  “He’ll follow orders, even if it costs Candy’s life.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “We know.”

  “Which means mom planned on me not being here to keep them calm.” Charlie glared at Adrian. “She gave it to Conner, didn’t she?”

  “Why do you care? You’ll be getting to fight and you’ll know Tracy’s safe.”

  Charlie clamped his lips together as he fought his jealousy to figure out his motives. He knew that was important.

  Adrian gave the boy time even though he was frozen and exhausted.

  “I like Conner. I wanted to be sent on missions, like him.”

  “What else?”

  “I hate him because he was sent on a mission and I don’t think I ever will be.”

  “There you go.” Adrian rotated toward the shadows, where Nancy’s warm truck now held his sleeping roll and kit.

  “Hey! Aren’t you going to help me figure this out?”

  Adrian kept walking. “Take the next steps–face it, and then change it. You don’t need me here to clutter your thoughts for that.” Adrian grinned at Shawn, who now had point over the camp. “You know where I’ll be.”

  Shawn laughed. “Yep. Lucky man.”

  “I’ve often believed so.” Adrian took Nancy’s cold hand, sending warmth and desire in thick waves as he vanished into the foggy darkness with her.


  Conner observed the Eagle party from a distance. Morgan had invited him, but Conner had been wise enough to refuse. As Lee’s widow, it was possible that Candy would attend. Conner didn’t want to risk ruining his new chance at a life in Safe Haven. He had refused without telling Morgan that, but he was certain the Eagle had understood because Morgan had clapped him on the shoulder and invited him to sit with the teams at breakfast. Conner had accepted gratefully, but now, studying the party from the outside, he wished he were able to be there without it causing problems. While the group of fifteen wasn’t making a lot of noise, it was sending good waves across camp. They were obviously having a good time.

  Instead of moving closer as he was tempted to do, Conner took an opposite route that would lead him to the other end of the camp.

  Around the boy, his guards noted Conner’s choice and approved of it. Many of them had believed his punishment was a little harsh, but Conner was busy proving that he could be trusted. As long as he continued to do that, he would be accepted no matter who his father was.

  Another former Eagle strode through the shadows, this one going toward the party.

  Daryl and the other men on duty sent sharp glares, but they didn’t stop Kevin from going toward the group who had tucked themselves underneath a semi for privacy and shelter.

  Kevin stopped a few feet away as the people went silent. “Is this a bad time?”

  Quinn gestured toward an empty place. “We were wondering where Dog is.”

  Kevin took the seat, eager to tell them all about his adventures.

  Before he could get started, Greg handed him a bottle. “Hang on until the rest of Kendle’s team gets here. I know they’ll want to hear it too.”

  “Is it okay if I ask about Seth?”

  Kevin’s question was met with frowns and scowls.

  “It’s not a secret. They ran off.”

  Kevin frowned. “They were part of the runaways?”

  Arm aching, Quinn spit into an empty can. “They took off right as we were closing the passages, before the camp split into three factions. We were under attack when they ran off.”

  “That’s not exactly the way it happened.” Greg fil
led in the blanks, still just as angry as everyone else was about it. “Becky ran away and a bunch of the kids followed her. We almost lost them. There was an explosion and people were trapped. We had Mexicans coming in the bottom tunnel and assassins every time we turned around who were trying to take out leadership, and Seth still followed that girl out.”

  “Well, she is carrying his baby.” Neil tried to be the voice of reason.

  Kevin comprehended it was a sore subject and took a healthy swig off the bottle.

  “Here they come!”

  Kevin realized what was going on in anger. Kendle’s team and Ivan’s soldiers were the heroes of the party. He and Jeff had sledded down a mountain in front of an avalanche and Jeff had killed Dirce, but they weren’t being celebrated because they’d left without orders.

  Kevin’s bitterness increased as Ivan and Tommy slid under the truck with them.

  Tommy dropped down next to Kendle, heart warming at her soft smile of welcome. “We made a second round of the guards. Lot of rookies on tonight.”

  “Did you talk to Adrian?” Greg and the other Eagles felt like he should be here and they’d agreed to invite him.

  “He said it wouldn’t be right, but I thought he was gonna cry, so he understands how we feel.”

  Satisfied, Greg gestured toward the parking area. “Boss out?”

  Ivan chuckled. “Like a light. She won’t hear a thing.”

  The senior men rolled their eyes and chuckled.

  “We’ll keep it down. She won’t care.” Kyle took the bottle from Kevin. “Let’s hear about Dog and then some more from Market Town.”

  Saving the best for last. Kevin’s anger increased again. “Dog stayed with Sally. He said he wanted to monitor the herds for another week, but Jeff woke us up shouting, so we rolled out.”

  “We saw that happening on the radar before the quake. I put it in the books. Any idea what’s going on?”

  Kevin shook his head at Samantha’s question. “No, but it was like that everywhere we tried to dump Sally off.”

  “Where did you leave her?”

  “A little town northwest of here. Quiet, remote, and all sorts of farms with root cellars that hadn’t been looted. She should be good for a while if she hides when people come through. Jeff told her to, but we doubt she will.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because she hates people and if they’re descendants, she’ll probably try to kill them.”

  “Why would you leave someone out there to hurt our kind, even if it was a woman?”

  Kevin glanced at Brandon in confusion. “Because Angela said to, of course.”

  That brought silence where Kevin could feel them doubting his honesty. Angered, he rolled out from under the semi. “I’ll be around.”

  The group watched his boots vanish into the camp, each of them worrying. Kevin was a loose cannon–one of the few they had left.

  “It wouldn’t take much to get him to run off again.”

  People nodded at Greg’s comment, but Neil frowned. “The boss wants him here. We need to find out why.”

  “Maybe it’s so Jeff doesn’t kill him.”

  Everyone joined Kendle in the laughter. It had been clear that Jeff hadn’t enjoyed his time with Kevin. Under the amusement was concern over not having enough help to monitor the camp. They needed Kevin to stay, but they also needed Doug and Seth to come back. Those men were trained, experienced. Right now, Safe Haven had more rookies than teachers. The shift at this moment was under the guidance of Zack. When the party was over, half of them would join that tired man and help until dawn.

  Boots crunched near the semi again. The teams watched as a camp woman walked toward one of the rookie guards.

  “Should we stop that?”

  “No.” Neil waved the bottle on. “She initiated it.”

  Understanding Conner was about to be tested, Kendle started to get up, but Tommy put a hand on her arm. “He’s got this.”

  Kendle settled back down, trying to listen instead.

  Tommy knew. He distracted her by handing her the bottle. “Tell them about the fight you had with the chick who held us all naked in the cage.”



  Not all of the Eagles had heard yet.

  Kendle was drawn into the story, forgetting about Conner as she tried to explain how she’d handled the whip-toting slave master in Market Town.


  Candy knew she was being watched. Guards were trailing her in case she’d made a mistake, but the woman wasn’t worried. Being out in the open air had finished clearing her mind.

  Conner stiffened as he felt her approach. Back to the camp and mind on tomorrow’s activities, he still knew who it was. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  Candy stopped a few feet away. “We need to talk.”

  Conner noted Zack as the man made a round of the area. “About what?”

  “About what happened while you were gone.”

  Conner’s heart dropped. “Okay.”

  Candy waited for him to turn around. When he didn’t, she frowned. “You’re allowed to look at me now.”

  “No, I’m really not.”

  Candy understood he was determined to follow the rules of his banishment. She also knew he wanted to stare at her. She could feel him fighting it.

  “You were with me, right? It wasn’t my imagination.”

  Conner hated this choice. The easy way was to pretend ignorance and let her believe it was part of what she’d suffered during her breakdown over Lee’s death and being trapped in the mountain. “Damn.” Conner couldn’t do it. “Yes, it was real.”

  Candy felt the relief that she wasn’t going crazy and a small fear of his power. He had to be strong to be able to reach her over such a distance without anyone knowing.

  “You don’t have to be afraid of me.”

  “How can I be sure of that?”

  “Over time, I guess.” Conner hadn’t budged, aware of a dozen guards now in the area. “Deep down, you already are or you wouldn’t be this close to me.”

  “I feel something for you. It scares me because you’re just a kid and I miss my husband.”

  “You’re lonely.” Conner’s fists clenched. “So am I. I recognize it… I’m drawn to it.”

  “Because you believe we’re soul mates and we can fix each other.” Candy frowned as she said it, hearing how crazy it was.

  “Because I love you.” Conner expected her to leave or call him names. He hadn’t meant to say that.

  Candy considered her options, too tired to think it through as far as she should. “Turn around.”

  Conner braced to be slapped and screamed at, hoping the sentries would remember that she’d come to him. He hadn’t been stalking her.

  Candy noted a young man’s healthy body and shaggy hair that needed a trim. She saw his clenched fists next and realized he was scared.

  The guards also knew. It was all over the boy’s face and in his body language. Whatever Candy said or did here might break Conner’s plan to follow the rules.

  “Angela will officially lift your banishment tomorrow. Did they tell you?”

  Conner nodded his head, allowing himself to breath. “I’m finished with the punishments.”

  Candy expected a yelp of happiness or any reaction other than sadness. “What’s wrong?”

  Conner was staring at the ground. “Not you, right?”

  “Yes, me too.”

  Conner’s joy swarmed over Candy in powerful breakers that caused her to stiffen in guilty pleasure.

  “Don’t do that.” Conner’s whisper was just for her. “Enjoy me, if only for a minute.”

  He slammed her again, letting her feel how much he wanted her.

  Candy was helpless against Conner’s emotions. She didn’t know what she wanted, but she knew instinctively that he could give it to her.

  Conner shut it down, gasping. He hadn’t meant to do anything like that yet, let alone in front of so many witne
sses. He put his back to her again, trying to get himself under control. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not.” Candy glanced toward the semi where the party was now making enough noise to be noticeable. “I won’t be there. You should join your team.”

  With that, Candy cleared him.

  Conner listened to her walk away, heart pounding. He didn’t know where they went from here, but at least it wasn’t back to the dead silence that implied he was a danger.

  The guards around them made a note of it. The demonstration of his emotions had come after he’d been provoked, so there wouldn’t be any charges for that. In fact, Conner could now be around Candy without the tension. It was another problem soon to be solved and the sentries were pleased.


  “I can’t believe they’re all still sleeping. It’s almost 8 AM.”

  Adrian kissed Nancy’s bare shoulder. “Everyone’s happy to be out of the mountain. They’re sleeping it off.”

  Nancy covered his hand with hers and put her cheek against his chest. She listened to his heart, feeling the rise and fall of his chest. There was so much she wanted to say to him, but none of it formed correctly, so she didn’t. She could do that when they parted. For now, she wanted to enjoy being close to someone.

  “Did you and Shane ever…?”

  Nancy shook her head. “We were too busy playing games.”

  Adrian didn’t need Nancy to tell him that this time was just one of those moments that two people sometimes shared. He had often turned to her in the past, but this time, it had been different. She had been waiting for him. Because of that, Adrian had taken the time to make sure she was pleased twice. He was hoping for a repeat performance whenever she needed it, of course. After all, he was a guy. The other thing she needed wouldn’t happen without a real discussion first.

  Nancy lifted her chin as a guard went by. “Will anyone care?”

  Adrian shrugged. “I doubt it. It’s not like you plan to make this a habit.”

  Nancy was relieved he understood. “You have others. Not everyone here wants you banished anymore.”

  “I know, but unless it’s removed, I’ll be spending a lot of time out of camp. When you want to be with me, I’ll be around, but you’ll have to leave camp. Be careful doing that, not because of how the herd will react, but because we’re out in the wilderness again.”


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