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Hexed With Sass

Page 4

by Lia Davis

  As if sensing her change in mood, Wes tugged her close and lifted her chin with a single bandaged finger so their eyes locked. A brilliant smile formed on his lips, alluring her. “Don’t worry, it won’t be long before they’ll suffocate you, too.”

  She couldn’t help but tease him back. “I look forward to it.”

  He tightened his hold on her. She sucked in a breath at the surge of energy that sparked between them. His gaze danced with delight and one corner of his mouth lifted. “Careful what you wish for.”

  Before she could respond, he pressed his lips to hers. Tingles of desire skittered across her skin and fluttered in her belly and lower.

  Wes broke the kiss to trail his lips down her jaw to her throat. A small whimper slipped through her lips. She sank her fingers into his hair, fisting a handful encouragingly. “I haven’t wished for anything yet.”

  When he lifted his head, he stared into her soul with eyes that blazed with desire and she swore she could see his wolf behind the fire. A spark of need flared the magic inside her to life, electrifying. Tightening her grip on his hair, she pulled him down to claim his lips.

  His large, strong arms wrapped around her waist, drew her closer as he deepened the kiss and pushed his tongue between the seam of her lips. Their tongues met and tangled in an erotic dance. A soft moan escaped her.

  Tingles ran over her skin and desire bloomed in her abdomen. A moment later, Wes lifted her skirt by running his finger up her outer thigh. He squeezed her hip and pushed his jean-covered erection into her.

  Gods. Yes. She broke the kiss on a gasp and rotated her hips.

  Just then, the front door swung open. A fierce growl rumbled from Wes. “And so it begins.” Wes released her, fixing her skirt before facing the larger man filling the doorway with a snarl.

  Pepper’s cheeks heated. The man looked too much like Wes to be anything other than related to him. She did a quick check of her skirt and was unsure if she should sit or run out the door.

  “My, little brother, you didn’t say how pretty she was.” Wes’s brother entered the house, not bothering to close the door.

  Wes stepped in between him and Pepper. “Back off.”

  She jumped at Wes’s deep, commanding tone. It glided over her like a whip cracking way too close. She shook but didn’t take her eyes off them.

  His brother didn’t seem fazed by it. He just raised a brow and locked gazes with Wes. After several moments, he lifted his hands in the air and stepped back. “At least introduce us.”

  Wes stared, his jaw working as if he were considering his reply. After a long pause, he stepped aside and muttered out, “Pepper, this is my brother, Rolan.”

  Pepper glanced from Wes, who refused to meet her gaze, to Rolan. A warm smile lifted his lips and he gave her a short nod. “So you’re the witch who cursed my brother.”

  She flinched and wrapped her arms around her middle. Averting her gaze to stare at the carpet, she nodded. In the next moment, Wes rushed Rolan, tackling him to the ground. Pepper squeaked but before she could say anything, a tall brunette female entered.

  “You two need to take it outside.” She crossed the living room and held out her hand to Pepper. “Hi, I’m Ruthanne.”

  She was stunning. Her brown hair was pulled into a ponytail but her bangs framed her eyes. She had the same blue eyes as her brothers. Pepper took her hand and offered a weak smile. “I’m Pepper. It’s nice to meet you. I think.”

  Flicking her gaze to the still open door, Pepper tried to find Wes and his brother in the dark. No luck. “Will they be okay?”

  “They’ll live.”

  Pepper glanced at Ruthanne then at the door. The female smiled and motioned to the sofa. “Let’s get comfy and use this time for girl talk.”

  A flash lit her eyes and Pepper’s heart kicked up a few beats per second. This was about the curse. It had to be. What a way to enter a family. Curse your mate.

  Sitting on the edge of the sofa, Pepper picked at her fingernails. “I didn’t mean to curse him.”

  “I know that now.”

  Pepper snapped her gaze to Ruthanne. That was when she noticed the slight swirl of magic in her gaze. Oh yeah, Wes said she was mated to a witch. The other female was reading her. It should’ve bother Pepper more than it did, but she was actually relieved. She didn’t have to explain herself so much. “Wes mentioned you were mated to a witch. I can see his magic in your eyes. Is that because you’re bound to one another?”

  A soft laugh escaped her as she darted a glance to the door. “My mate shares his power through the bond, yes. Just as I share my strengths with him.”

  Another reason not to mate with Wes. He didn’t deserve to be tied to a demon. Suddenly, Pepper wanted to go home. Why did she agree to meet his family? There was nothing she could do to fix what was done. A gentle touch on her forearm drew her attention back to Ruthanne.

  “At first, I was furious you cursed Wes. But Carter pointed out that it could have been a lot worse.” Ruthanne leaned in and sniffed. Really? Why was she sniffing me?

  When she sat back with her brows drawn, she asked, “You’re not a powerful demon.”

  “Because her powers are bound.”

  Pepper turned to the door. A dark-haired man stood just inside staring at her, a crack of dark and light power swirling around him. He tilted his head and moved to the sofa. Pepper stood and backed away from him. Her skin crawled and it became hard to breathe, just like every time she went near the dark magic journals in her attic. Dark magic licked her skin. She shivered and hugged herself, rubbing her upper arms with her hands.

  They want to harm you. Kill them before they kill you.

  She shook her head, shaking off the voice whispering in her mind. No. She wasn’t a killer. Panic set in, and she shook. The walls started closing in. She had to get out of there. On the heels of that thought, she bolted for the door and ran into the woods.

  She stopped several yards into the thick trees and fell to her knees. Taking deep breaths, in and out, she relished the cool evening air. Tears fell down her cheeks and she sank into herself. What was going on? Was she falling ill like her mother? Now that she cursed someone?

  She was being punished for it.

  Fear froze her to the bone, making her shake all the more. Sinking to the forest floor, she curled into a ball.

  Several moments passed. Maybe it was minutes because she started to drift off. A warm blanket falling over her roused her, then arms scooped under her and lifted. Wes’s spicy, woodsy scent enveloped her.

  “I got you.”

  She snuggled into him. Then there were other voices, talking one after another.

  “What’s wrong with her?” A male voice. She couldn’t place who it was.

  “She needs the Healer.” A female voice. Ruthanne?

  “No. Shifter Healers can’t help her. Her powers are bound and could be coming back online.” A male. Pepper shivered and knew it was Carter.

  Wes growled, his chest vibrating against her ear, and he moved faster with her. “Carter, you keep your distance for now.”

  Movement stopped, then a warm hand settled on her cheek. “Pepper.” She didn’t respond right away. Fear, doubt, embarrassment made it hard to form words. What would she say? “Pepper, talk to me.”

  Wes’s tone held a little more of a command. She opened her eyes and met his concerned blue stare. After a moment, she scanned her surroundings. She was back in Wes’s living room, only the lights were dimmer than before. Rolan hovered too closely and Wes pushed at his brother with his foot.

  “What’s wrong with your demon?”

  Wes growled, but it was Ruthanne who gave the command. “Get out, Rolan.”

  “Fine. I’m gone.” There was a pause. Pepper glanced at him. His brows were knitted together. Compassion and worry shone from behind his blue eyes. “Call if you need anything.”

  Ruthanne came into view and took her hand. “Honey, do you want some tea?”

  Pepper nodded a
nd pushed against Wes, wanting some space. Relief washed through her when he seemed to know what she needed. He moved her to sit on the sofa next to him. She met Carter’s stare from across the room. There was no judgment. She sighed and brought her knees to her chest, making sure her long skirt covered everything. “Sorry.”

  Carter gave a half shrug. “When your powers are unbound, everything will be clearer. Have you suffered from panic attacks before?”

  “No.” Which was odd. She’d always been the strong one, especially since Ruby left. Pepper had to take care of her mom and manage the house. She couldn’t remember a time when she was scared…

  A ghost of a memory long buried surfaced. She was a toddler, maybe two years old. Every sound made her jump. Her father’s voice and presence made her quiver and hide. Darkness surrounded him.


  She blinked and met Wes’s stare. “What?”

  “You were shaking.”

  “I’m fine.” Pepper glanced up just as Ruthanne handed her a cup of steaming tea. Notes of orange blooms drifted up, teasing her senses. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Ruthanne said and sat next to her on the sofa.

  Pepper held the warm cup in her hands and watched how Wes threaded his bandaged hand through his hair. Then she remembered a friend from school who had the gift of helping flowers bloom and bring life to sick plants. Touching the bandages, she said, “This isn’t a bad thing. You could learn to control it and use it at your will.”

  Carter unfolded his arms. “She’s right. It could be useful.”

  Chapter Six

  Wes stared at his brother-in-law. Useful? Was he serious? “How am I supposed to control this?” He held up his hands. “I can’t keep my hands wrapped. I need to be able to touch things. Without turning them into plants.”

  Ugh. How did he get into this mess? He listened to his wolf, followed the scent of their mate. He glanced at Pepper beside him and frowned. She’d resumed her earlier position of hugging her knees. Part witch, part demon. He should be angry, yet he couldn’t blame her. Especially after discovering she didn’t know about her dark half.

  Besides, Carter had parents who were both light and dark witches. He still had a pure soul.

  Reaching over, Wes linked his fingers with hers. “Everyone needs to leave. You’re welcome to come over tomorrow.”

  Carter gave a short nod. “I have to work tomorrow so I’ll see you in the evening.”

  Ruthanne stood. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Wes growled low. He hoped it wouldn’t be too early. By his sister’s tone, she was plotting something. Wes was too tired and too concerned for his mate to care about his family’s plans at the moment.

  He followed Ruthanne to the door. After she stepped outside, she turned to him with her eyes studying him with concern. Wes blew out a sigh. “I need your help.”

  A slow smile lifted his sister’s lips. “You don’t need my help. Just follow your heart and don’t be an insensitive jerk like most males tend to be during the mating dance.” Then she left.

  He closed the door and faced Pepper. She cradled the tea in her hands like she used it for a security blanket. Advancing toward her, he willed her to look at him. As if sensing him, she locked gazes with him. When he reached her, he sank to his knees on the floor in front of her. “Talk to me.”

  Pepper lifted her gaze and met his. She opened her mouth, then closed it. He waited, pushing the wolf back from demanding her to tell them what she was thinking. After a long few moments, she spoke. “Is Carter a demon?”

  “No. His mother is a dark witch and his father a white kitchen witch.”

  Her brows dipped and the corners of her mouth did the same. When she didn’t say anything right away, he offered, “Carter uses dark magic only when he has to and it is only for the right reasons.”

  “I see.” She fell silent again and damn if he didn’t want to shake her into telling him what the fuck was going on in her mind. Finally, she said, “He is right. My powers are waking. I shouldn’t be here. They are unpredictable. I don’t want to be around people to find out they are more fully online.”

  She lowered her bare feet to the carpet and pushed at him to move. He stayed where he was with his arms caging her in. No way in hell was she leaving him. “Stay, please. Just for tonight, and tomorrow we’ll figure out what to do.”

  Shaking her head, she continued to push his arms. “I can’t.”

  He closed the small space between them and cupped her cheek. A sigh slipped from her slightly parted lips and she leaned into his touch. She feels the pull. Use it to our advantage. Wes agreed with the wolf. They needed to keep their mate now that they’d found her. They had a lifetime to figure shit out.

  “You’re mine. I’m yours.”

  She pressed a finger to his lips. “Stop.”

  “Why? I know you feel it.” He slid between her knees. Her green eyes narrowed slightly. “Don’t deny that the pull to mate is strong.”

  “Witches mate for life.”

  “So do wolves.”

  “I’m a demon.”

  It was his turn to narrow his gaze. “You are not a demon. Your father might have been, but that doesn’t mean you will be evil.”

  She fell silent and still. He took the fact that she stopped pushing him away as a positive sign. Lifting her chin with his index finger, he stared into her green eyes. “I can’t let you go even if my life depended on it. You’re mine.”

  Not giving her a chance to reply, he pressed his lips to hers and thrust his tongue past her lips. She melted into him as the tension drained from her muscles.

  He scooped her up, one arm under her knees and the other at her back, and carried her to his bed. Laying her down, he stared into her eyes. A haunting gaze peeked out behind the wall she tried to keep up. He saw through it to the beautiful soul she hid.

  He caressed her cheek and frowned at the bandages. Pepper smiled and began to remove them. Settling between her legs, he waited. “So how am I supposed to control this curse? That is if I decide to.”

  She flicked a glance at him then focused on the wraps around his hands. “I guess through meditation. You could learn to search for the magic that controls it and learn how to direct it where you want. You could learn to shut it off at will.” She fell silent for a moment, then added, “It would kind of be like shifting.”

  “My wolf’s soul coexists with mine.”

  “It’s almost the same with magic for a witch. It’s in our blood and without meditation and focus, it could take over. It is why some witches turn to dark magic. They don’t control the need for power.”

  Hmm. He hadn’t thought of it that way. It was the same when a wolf went rogue. “That makes sense.”

  He wasn’t sure he wanted the gift of growing plants, but he’d file the info for now.

  After she removed the last of the bandages and tossed them to the floor, he framed her face in his hands and waited. No flowers. He smiled and kissed her quickly on the lips, the chin, and then trailed his lips down her neck to her collarbone. Her soft groan filled his dick with more need. His wolf howled inside his head.

  Rising onto his knees, he pulled her to sit up and removed her shirt, then playfully pushed her back against the bed. A burst of laughter escaped her and she covered her bare breasts. “You’re still not wearing a bra.”

  “I don’t normally. I’m small so I don’t really need to.”

  Gripping her hands, he held them over her head and bent to kiss each nipple before cupping one breast in his free hand. “A handful. They’re perfect.”

  Fire burned in her green gaze. He could get lost in her eyes. “The desire between mates is known to last a lifetime. I could bring you to orgasm several times a day for the rest of our existences.”

  Her cheeks colored a rose pink. She made an attempt to roll her eyes but failed in trying to dismiss his words. It must be the same with witches. He knew it was the same between Carter and Ruthanne, the
y were sickening at times. And he finally knew why.

  “You say pretty words.”

  “They’re true.”

  He rose to his knees again and tugged her skirt and panties off. A low growl left his throat as he took in her modest curves bared to him. “Beautiful and mine.”

  Lowering himself between her knees, he nipped at her inner thigh. She jerked then shuddered. He trailed his tongue up that thigh to her soft lips. She fisted the sheets and lifted her hips slightly, asking him to lick her.

  He dipped his head and complied with her silent command, licking her from base to clit. Her thigh muscles jerked. A smile lifted his lips and he covered her with his mouth and sucked. A soft cry of pleasure came from her and her hips moved in circular motions.

  Inserting two fingers inside her, he pleasured her with his tongue and fingered her. Her breaths came in short gasps as she reached climax and fell over the edge.

  Raising her body, he nipped at her skin along the way. His wolf wanted to bite her, claim her. Yet, she told him not to earlier and he’d abide by her wishes, for now.

  He got off the bed and removed his jeans, then settle back between her thighs. He guided his cock to her entrance and she let out a moan. “Wes, please.”

  With a quick thrust, he entered her and hissed out his own groan. So. Fucking. Good. Pepper rotated her hips as he pumped in and out. Desire made him dizzy as the pleasure built. His balls tightened, but he held on. “Come for me,” he whispered in her ear as he cradled her head and pumped his hips, slamming into her.

  “Yes,” she breathed out a moment before she clawed his back and every muscle tightened. Then she screamed out his name as the orgasm slammed into her.

  With one last thrust, he roared his own release.

  He let out a shuddered breath as he fell beside her, hugging her closely. “I never want to leave this bed. I’m officially kidnapping you as my sex toy.”

  She laughed and snuggled into him. “You’ll feel different once I’m a havoc-reaping demon.”

  “Nah. It’ll be more fun chasing you.”


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