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My Last First Kiss

Page 100

by Weston Parker

  “No, I’m not doing the face.” He poked me in the side and helped put a few of the groceries away. “How did things go with Darek. Did you guys get in the entire course or just nine holes?”

  His face fell a bit, and he looked to the floor. “There was a little bit of an accident on the course.”

  “An accident?” I clutched my chest, and he nodded.

  “That’s why I’m late. I accidentally knee-capped him.”

  “Knee-capped?” I had no idea what he meant, and the visual images I was getting weren’t helping.

  “Yeah, I accidentally got him on my backswing.”

  “Oh, no, honey. Well, is he okay?” I’d encouraged the guys to hang out a bit in their downtime when it actually lined up.

  “I took him to his car, and he’s supposed to go to his doctor. He had a goose egg the size of a softball pop up. It was hideous.”

  “You let him drive!” I covered my mouth. The story just got worse and worse.

  “He insisted. He got pissy with me, but he’s the one standing in the fucking way. Who does that?”

  “I’ll call him later and check on him. You guys have to be careful.” I pulled him into my arms, and he gave me a quick kiss.

  “Yes, dear. Sorry, dear.” He kissed me again, and I gave him a nudge for teasing at a time like that.

  “You know, I’m going to owe that guy some cookies.”

  “No way, I don’t want him near your cookies. Those are my cookies.” His hands gripped my breasts, and he kissed the side of my neck. “As a matter of fact, let’s go to the bedroom, and you can give me some right now.”

  “I’m talking about out baking class. I’ll do some cookies and brownies and send them over. It’s the least I can do since you tried to cripple the poor guy.”

  “You spoil him. I want you to spoil me a minute.” He had been spoiled plenty, but I liked that he was so protective of me and his cookies.

  “Give me a minute and let me finish putting these up. There’s ice cream; it will melt.”

  “Already put up.” He kissed my shoulder. “All of the cold stuff is. Let’s go to bed. I’ll put this up after I wear you out a bit.” His mouth hit my neck sending shivers down my spine as his hot breath licked my ticklish spot.

  “Mm. Okay. But I don’t think I’m going to make it to the bedroom.” My fingers brushed through his hair.

  He lifted my short dress up around my waist and pushed my ass back against the cool counter. “Good, I didn’t want to waste time either.” He went to his knees, and his mouth covered my panties, kissing my soft lace-covered mound.

  I sucked in a breath through my teeth as his tongue explored the elastic of my panty and his fingers slipped inside and pulled them over to give him better access. He licked my lips, his tongue parting them as he flicked and drove me over the edge of my first orgasm.

  “Fuck,” I let the word slip from my mouth, and he looked up and chuckled.

  “That’s my foul-mouthed little angel. Feels good, doesn’t it?” His fingers were knuckle-deep and thrusting, spreading my channel as it trembled around him, gripping, releasing.

  “Yes.” I threw my head back and let him lap and suck and kiss my folds until I found myself weak in the knees. “I’m going to fall.”

  “No, I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got just the thing to prop you up with.” He stepped back and unzipped his pants to reveal his thick, broad erection.

  He didn’t waste time taking his entry slowly like he’d done when we were first together. I’d more than adjusted to his length and girth.

  His thick, hot cock penetrated me, filling me up and making me weak. My knees collapsed a little, and he spun me around to face the counter. “Let me fuck that sweet slit from behind, baby.”

  “Yes.” I moaned my response, knowing how deep he could penetrate me in that position and how his cock would bang against my g-spot even better.

  I lay on the counter, staring at the trivet that was in front of me as his cock slipped inside me, and his hand came around to rub my clit, and I moaned out as he drove it home, slapping against me. I loved when he fucked me hard, and I loved being manhandled, only because I knew he’d never do anything to hurt me. My orgasm came crashing like a wave to the shore, and I felt the sweet release trickle down my legs as he ground into me nice and deep.

  “I want to fill you up, Maya. Tell me I can.” I’d been making him be extra careful, but now I’d been to the doctor, and my birth control was in full effect.

  “It’s okay. The doctor said you’re all set.” I needed to feel him inside me, soaking me, marking me. And as if he’d been holding it for months, he pumped his cock a few more times and spilled his seed deep inside of me. I moaned and pushed back against him, wanting him to grind it inside of me.

  His mouth closed on my neck as his cock stayed buried deep, and he ground hard. “That was so worth the wait. I don’t want to ever pull it out.” He rocked against me and kept at it until his cock was rock hard and begging for more. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.” I kissed his mouth, and the phone rang.

  “Ignore it, I’m not pulling out, and it might be Darek bitching about his leg.” The phone persisted as he ground his cock deeper thumping my g-spot.

  It stopped long enough for him to take me to my next orgasm which had me spinning around and him carrying me over to our breakfast table. My ass hit the cold table, and he centered himself between the chairs and continued. “Whoever it is, I’m going to kill them,” he said.

  “Not if I do it first,” I vowed, short of breath.

  I came hard, and he collapsed against my tits and sucked my nipples. Soon, after seeing me to the edge again, his cock swelled and filled my depths. “I’m coming, baby.” His cock spilled inside of me, and he collapsed on top of me, kissing me and stroking my hair until the damned phone rang again.

  “For fuck’s sake.” He turned and walked the short distance to my phone and answered. “Yes?”

  I tried to contain my laughter as I waited for him to give whoever it was a piece of his mind. But then his face fell. “You do? Well, hold on.” He handed me the phone.

  “Hello?” I gave him a narrowed glare as he stood pulling up his pants and smirking as I straightened my dress.

  “Yes, Ms. Benton? This is Todd Sutterby down at Fast Fashion Magazine. I wanted to meet with you about your latest designs. I’d like to put you on the cover as the hottest upcoming designer.”

  My heart raced as I tried to make arrangements and James stepped up to my side. His comforting arms went around me, holding me together while my dreams were becoming a reality.

  I ended the call and was speechless for a moment.

  “Congratulations, baby! No one deserves it more than you.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you. This was the perfect moment, and I’m glad I have you to share it with.”

  “The skies the limit, baby. Together, there’s not anything we can’t do.” He pulled me into his arms, and we kissed so hard I thought my heart might explode with joy. I looked into his eyes knowing I never wanted to spend a moment of my life without him.

  “Marry me, Maya.” I pulled away and met his eyes. “I know it’s sudden, but I don’t think I can top this perfect moment, and I’ve wanted to ask you for weeks, I just haven’t decided on the ring.” It wasn’t the perfect proposal, but I didn’t need fancy things with him.

  “Yes. A million times, yes.”

  The End

  Author Note: Last but not least, we’re including one of my sister’s favorite short stories. Song writer rock star. She loves this one. I do too... but she writes music and I play the piano (if you didn’t know). Enjoy. Last one. I promise.

  The Song Writer Rockstar

  Chapter 1

  Her pictures dominated the wall. From her first headshots at the naive age of twenty-two to the most recent award show, they were the focal point for anyone sitting in the luxurious waiting room. As she smoothed her hands over her
skirt and crossed her legs, Addilyn Wheeler sank even deeper into the plush leather couch and studied the pictures. Normally, she would have avoided looking at them, but after six years, she’d finally found some sort of comfort in her fame. After recording seven multi-platinum albums, it was about to time.

  Anyone looking at the progression of pictures wouldn’t see the constant discomfort on her face. Her make-up had matured a bit, but nothing had blemished her creamy complexion, and there were no signs of stress in her blue eyes. The hairstyles had changed. When she first began, she wore her platinum blonde hair short and easily managed, but she’d been instructed to grow it over the years. Now that it fell well past her shoulders, it showed a bit more of her natural curl. There was nothing in the pictures to show the nights that she had cried herself to sleep or the nights that she hadn’t slept at all. Life in the spotlight was tough, but life as a pop star came with its own set of problems.

  After six years, she was finally confident that she’d managed to overcome them all. Although the paparazzi hadn’t given up, they’d stopped so aggressively looking into her life and history as they searched for some scandal. It confounded the public that she could retain a wholesome image in a sexualized world.

  “Are you okay?”

  The familiar voice reminded her that she wasn’t alone. Smiling softly, she looked over at Gianna Flores, her personal assistant and someone she considered a close friend.

  “I’m good. I got a full night of sleep, but I’ve been a little antsy for the past few days. I’m excited to meet with Peter. I’m sure he’s got some great idea for me.”

  Gia raised an eyebrow. “You always told me that if you get comfortable, you leave yourself wide open for the competition to slip in.”

  “It's not comforting as much as it’s excitement. I’m hoping that Peter lets me start writing my own songs. He’s been dangling that carrot in front of me for years.” Addilyn was ready for a change. She wanted to exercise some creative freedom and test her potential.

  “Addilyn!” The familiar male voice greeted her warmly as Peter Homes came out to greet her. He was the man who’d first discovered her, and he’s supported her throughout her career. Of course, he’d also reaped the benefits. The name Addilyn Wheeler, or rather her stage name, America Holder, had made Peter a wealthy man, but she regarded him as a father figure. They fought and argued, but she always trusted that he would do what was best for her. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I had a conference call that ran a little long.”

  After hugging Peter, Addilyn followed him into the office. Gia closed the door behind them. Rather than pictures of his family, plants, or other personal memorabilia, Peter had nothing but awards on his walls and presents proudly displayed in glass cases. A signed guitar by the lead singer of Glass Shards. The first few drafts of the hit song You’re Going Down Hard. Drumsticks. Guitar picks. Microphones. Peter was a successful man, and he was never so humble as to hide it.

  “Addilyn, I can tell that you’ve been unhappy lately,” Peter said as he sat behind his enormous mahogany desk.

  Really? Addilyn frowned. When she’d told Peter that she wanted a few weeks of peace and quiet, he hadn’t pushed her like he normally did. In fact, he’d actually left her alone. So how would he know that she was feeling restless? “I’m not exactly unhappy—“

  “My dear, you don’t have to hide it from me,” he said as he lifted his hand. “I know you. I knew the moment when you said that you wanted a mini-vacation that something was off.”

  Leaning forward in her chair, she gripped the arms excitedly. Now was the time for her to put her foot down. “As a matter of fact,” she started nervously. “There is something that I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Say no more. You want a change, and I am here to give it to you. I would do anything for you. The pop-genre has done well for you, but it’s been six years. I’m sure you’re ready to explore your talents, and I think you’ve matured and you’re ready.”

  “Matured?” Was Peter calling her old?

  “Yes. Country music appeals to a wider audience, and they aren’t always into the pretty teen-boppers. You’re a perfect fit. You have a great voice, you’ve kept a clean image. I have no doubt that country fans would go wild with your decision to switch genres.”

  Addilyn swallowed hard. “Switch genres? Peter, what are you talking about? I’m not a country singer.”

  “Starting today, you are!” Peter came around the desk and leaned against it as he took her hand. “My dear, I’ve seen the look on your face. I know that you’re stressed. You’re worried about a younger crowd moving in and taking away your fans. You’re bored with singing the same types of songs over and over again. This is the perfect solution.”

  Unable to help herself, Addilyn slipped her hands out of Peter’s grasp. If there was one thing that Peter was good at, it was manipulation. She’d seen him work his charm on other people, but she’d never thought he’d do it to her. “Are you trying to tell me that I’m too old to be a pop singer?” Her voice was sharper than she intended.

  “Sweetheart, I would never say that. I’m just trying to help you out.”

  “Really?” she asked dryly. “I don’t want to switch genres, Peter. I want to write my own songs. I’ve wanted that from the beginning, and you told me that when I established myself, I’d have more freedom with the songs that I sang, but every time that I have to renew my contract, it always says the same thing. You get to choose the songs. I’m not bored with pop. I’m bored with your songwriters.”

  Peter’s lips tightened into a thin line, but when he spoke, his voice was still calm and soothing. “I know that you think that you’re established and settled, but pop stars come and go. I want you to feel comfortable, and I think the country will give that to you.”

  Addilyn was no fool. She could see that Peter was rolling right over her desires to write her own songs. “And if I refuse?”

  “I had hoped that it wouldn’t come to this,” Peter said quietly as he stood. Walking over to the window, he clasped his arms behind his back. “My talent scouts have discovered a few new girls that we believe will do well in the pop business. They’re young and edgy, and they’re fresh. It’s time that you moved on to a mature audience, Addilyn.”

  Was Peter threatening to sever their relationship if she didn’t make the move? Standing in outrage, she balled her hands into a fist. She was about to lose her temper when Gia cleared her throat. Addilyn looked over and saw her personal assistant shake her head.

  “May I have a few days to think about it?” she asked quietly.

  He turned with a wide grin on his face. Once again, he was the father figure that she’d grown to trust and love. “Of course, my dear. We’re talking about a monumental move, and of course, you’ll want to think it over. Take a few days, and call me if you have any questions. I’ll be at your disposal.”

  Stiffening, she allowed Peter to hug her. When she stepped back, she nodded her head. “All right. I’ll think it over and get back to you. I appreciate your opinion.”

  Gia opened the door for her and hurriedly followed her out. At first, Addilyn could only seethe in silent anger as she got in the elevator. “Addilyn?” Gia said softly. “Are you okay?”

  “I went to school with Peter’s daughter,” she muttered. “That’s how he found me. His daughter was a dancer, and I was one of the singers. I was twenty-three. I knew that I enjoyed signing, but I’d never thought I’d make a career out of it. That first year, I was too stunned to make any decisions on my own. Peter took control, and I was so grateful for him. We just fell into this pattern where he controlled everything, and I let him. I thought he cared about me, but obviously, he just cares about the money I make him.”

  “Addilyn, I know that meeting was hard, but you can use this to your advantage. You don’t hate country music. I hear you playing it and singing along.”

  The elevator dinged, and the door opened. They stepped out and headed to the car service o
ut front that was waiting for them. A young driver smiled nervously as he opened the door for them. He was obviously new and still nervous about being in the presence of the wealthy. Addilyn didn’t feel uncomfortable talking about him. Everyone in the company had to sign constrictive non-disclosure agreements.

  “What are you suggesting?”

  Gia smiled. “It’s obvious that Peter doesn’t want to lose you. Despite what he’s insinuating, we all know that you’re still young, gorgeous, and extremely talented. He’s looking to make more money by bridging two different genres, and you are perfect for that. Use it to get what you want.”

  Addilyn stared at her. She had no idea that Gia could be so strategic. “Agree to switch genres, and in return, I get to write my own songs?”

  “Exactly. It’s a perfect arrangement. You both get what you want.”

  It was a perfect arrangement. Addilyn leaned back in the seat and smiled. Peter had no idea the door that he’d just opened. Now that she knew she was nothing more than a cash cow to him, she’d stop treating him like family.

  Did he want something from her? Well, she would damn well make sure that she’d get something from him first.

  Chapter 2

  Energizing music blasted through the stereo as Kade Hardy dripped with sweat. His muscles screamed for a reprieve, but he suffered through his final five pull-up crunches before dropping back to the floor. Dust that had gathered rose in the air and swirled with the breeze that swept in from the open barn door. It was early. The sun was barely filtering through the buildings, but Kade hadn’t been able to sleep last night. Since being told that the CEO of Homes Music wanted to meet with him, his mind hadn’t been able to rest.

  Grabbing the towel from the back of the chair, he wiped off his face and turned off the music. The abrupt silence was welcoming. As he walked across the cement to the end of the barn, he pulled his phone out from his pocket.

  I know you’re awake. Don’t ignore more me!


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