Red, White and Sensual

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Red, White and Sensual Page 4

by Bec Botefuhr

  “Oh and why is that?” I say, curious.

  “Because you’re here.”

  My cheeks flush and a nervous giggle erupts from my mouth, which I quickly squelch. Did I just giggle like that? Jesus. What is wrong with me? What is wrong with him?

  “You find that amusing?” he grins, tilting his head to the side.

  “No, I just…I didn’t think I was that good to have around.”

  “You are to me,” he says, meeting my eyes and causing shivers to break out over my skin.

  “Well, um, that’s good to know. I’ll get started now.”

  He gives me another heart breaking grin as I rush into my office and gently close the door. Jesus, this is not how I thought my time here would go. If I didn’t know better, I would say Marcus Harrison is flirting with me and worse, I think I like it.


  Marcus is busy most of the morning, but he comes back midafternoon in a bad mood. When I peer out the office door and see him pacing the room, I carefully walk out.

  “Are you ok?”

  “No,” he grumbles.

  “What’s wrong, can I help?”

  “My fiancé pulled out of a business dinner tonight, I have to go and I can’t go just looks bad.”

  “Do you want me to call Rose and see if she can find someone else?”

  His eyes swing to me and brighten. “You’ll come with me.”

  I gape. “Me? Oh no, that’s not a good idea.”

  “Why not?”


  “Have you got a dress?”

  “Yes, but….”

  “Good, you will attend the dinner with me. No arguments.”

  I was just opening my mouth but at his words I close it. “Yes sir, of course.”

  He shoots me a look and I turn away, focusing my attention on my fingernails.

  “Be ready at six. You can go now and organize yourself, I know I haven’t given you much time.”

  “What’s the meeting for?” I ask.

  “Just usual business, six o’clock, don’t be late.”

  “Yes, boss,” I mutter as he storms out.

  Magic. Cranky boss, awkward business dinner. Nothing wrong with that!


  Luckily for me he gave me time to get ready because it took me a good three hours to find a dress, do my hair and make-up and talk myself up for the part. I know I am just there to look pretty, but it’s nerve-racking all the same. When Marcus collects me at six, I can’t help but take in his perfect black suit and the way it hugs his body. His dark hair is still damp from his recent shower and it’s perfectly messy, giving him that rugged but oddly professional look.

  “You look utterly gorgeous,” he murmurs, taking my arm.

  I flush the entire way to the car waiting outside. I feel heat radiating through me as the tender touch of his hand on my arm cascades through my body. When we get in the limousine to head out, I feel nerves begin to flurry around in my belly, I hope I don’t say or do anything stupid. Marcus is on the phone the entire way to the restaurant. When we arrive, the door is opened for me and I step out into the warm night. Marcus follows a moment later and takes my arm. People on the sidewalk click pictures and call out to him, it’s like they just appear out of nowhere. It’s kind of creepy really. Do they just sit all day waiting for a famous person to walk past?

  Marcus simply smiles, answers basic questions and then proceeds to walk into the restaurant. We go through the beautifully decorated space, and to a private area out back. When we step through the wooden doors, three men are at a table decorated with a gorgeous red table cover and the finest china. A crystal setting surrounded by candles is perfectly set out in the middle of the table. All three men stand when Marcus enters and when they turn, I skid to an abrupt halt. Marcus stares down at me, no doubt about to hiss at me for stopping so suddenly.

  My skin pickles and I can’t seem to make my legs move. My world begins to spin as I lay eyes on the man who ruined me. Benjamin Ford stands just five feet away from me and by his expression, he’s as shocked to see me as I am him. Soon enough though, his lips curl and his eyes narrow. I feel sick, I’m going to throw up all over Marcus’ shoes. I want to move when Marcus begins speaking to one of the men, but I can’t hear anything he’s saying, eventually he stops and turns to me.

  “Miss Walters, are you ok?”

  I can’t breathe, I can’t. All I can see are those eyes on me, those grey eyes I once loved. Ben hasn’t changed an ounce, his hair is still that thick blonde, his skin still that beautiful olive. To look at, he’s an extremely attractive man. Behind the scenes, he’s a monster.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” I whisper. “I need to leave.”

  Marcus is staring at Ben now and his eyes flicker back to me.

  “If you’ll excuse me gentlemen, I won’t be a minute,” Marcus says.

  I stare at Ben once more and he smiles at me, which only makes me want to throw up even more. Marcus leads me to a private back room and closes the door.

  “What is going on?” he asks, turning to me.

  “Please,” I say carefully. “I just want to go.”

  “Miss Walters, you will tell me what that was about.”

  His eyes are stern and it frightens me, which is my undoing. With a shake of my head, I turn and hurry out of the room, muttering an apology. If he fires me over this, so be it, I can’t stay here and I can’t talk to him right now. He calls my name but I don’t stop. I rush out past the other men and out the front door. Ben is behind me by the time I get to the limousine.

  “Sierra, it’s really you.”

  I spin around. “Leave me alone!” I cry.

  “I haven’t seen you for a year, but oh, I’ve missed you.”

  He steps forward and I back up until my body is pressed against the car. I shake my head, desperate to just escape him.

  “Why are you here with Marcus? Sierra, about…”

  “Go away, Ben,” I whisper hoarsely, not wanting to hear it.

  “Mr. Ford, is there a problem?”

  It’s Marcus, thank god. Ben turns and stares at him and then forces a smile onto his face.

  “No, I was just seeing if she was ok.”

  Marcus eyes him suspiciously. “Well, I’ll take it from here, meet me inside and we’ll continue with the meeting.”

  “Of course.”

  Ben gives me one more stare, before he turns and walks inside. I feel my knees becoming weak. Marcus walks over and grips my arms, moving me to the side so he can open the door. When it’s open he gently pushes me in and instructs the driver to take me back, and then he meets my gaze and says, “This isn’t finished, keep your door unlocked, I’ll be in your room in a few hours.” Before slamming the door.

  I cry the entire way home, feeling a wound in my heart re-opening once more.


  I don’t bother changing when I get back to my room, instead I sit by the window seat and stare out. Seeing Ben again rattled me and I can’t seem to calm my emotions. I don’t even know where to start. I hear my door open a few hours later but I don’t turn. I already know who it’ll be and I really never wanted him to know this about me. I’m here for work, nothing more.

  “What happened back there, Miss Walters?”

  “My name is Sierra, make up your mind on what you want to call me.” I whisper, brokenly.

  Marcus shuts the door and walks in further, finally I turn. His brown gaze searches my face for long moments before he says, “Stand up.”

  I do as he asks, not wanting to disobey someone so powerful. I’m his employee, I said I’d do as he asked. I walk over and stop in front of him, he leans down closer and asks again. “What was that about?”

  “It’s really nothing to do with you, and I don’t mean that in a disrespectful way.”

  “You ran out on a meeting, in front of some very important people, it has everything to do with me.”

  I cringe and look up at him. “I know

  “He’s your ex-lover, isn’t he?”

  I nod, looking down.

  “Miss Walters, while I appreciate that love and relationships hurt, if you behave like that again in my presence, I’ll have no choice but to fire you. If you couldn’t deal with the situation, you could have spoken to me instead of making a scene. I know that it hurt to see someone you once loved but…”

  “I didn’t love him!” I spit.

  Marcus jerks and glares down at me. “Excuse me?”

  God dammit.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said….”

  “You will think about your actions and rectify them before the next time I need you to accompany me somewhere. Petty relationship issues are not my problem, there are many people that would love this job, Sierra. Remember that.”

  Then he turns and begins walking out, and my emotions get the better of me and I snap. “Petty relationship issues? You know nothing!”

  He stops and turns, his eyes wide with shock and fury. His expression is so thunderous, I step back.

  “I ask that you pack your things and leave, I won’t tolerate this kind of disrespect.”

  I gape at him and tears stumble down my cheeks. Before I even realize what I’m doing, I turn and begin lifting up my dress.

  “Miss Walters, what are you doing?” he snaps.

  I close my eyes and keep lifting until my dress is up around my waist. Then, I grip my panties and lower them. I hear his hiss and wonder if it’s because I just exposed myself to him, or if he can see the scars. I stand like that for long moments, my legs tremble and I can hardly breathe. My chest constricts as I wait to see what he’ll do. I can’t believe I’m doing this. I can’t believe I have my panties down and I’m showing him my backside.

  I hear him move and I expect him to go to the door and demand that I leave for exposing myself to him but instead, he steps forward. A moment later I feel the softest touch of his finger as he traces the fading, purple scars on my backside. They’re ugly, I’ve learned to accept that but I’ve never shown them to someone else before. I don’t even know why I am now.

  “What happened?” he whispers.

  I close my eyes and drop my dress, and then slowly I turn. I expect to see pity on his face, but he isn’t showing anything at all. His face is perfectly blank.

  “It’s a long story and…”

  “What. Happened?” he growls.

  I stare at him for long moments, unsure if I should tell him. Ben is obviously involved with him and I don’t want to risk a war happening over something that has nothing to do with this job and my being here.

  “Look, this has nothing to do with my work. I just wanted you to see why I got upset that you called it petty…”

  “I won’t ask you again,” he snarls. “What happened?”


  “Now, Miss Walters.”

  I close my eyes and tears continue to run down my cheeks.

  “He was a dominant. We met, we dated and I fell for him, it wasn’t love but it was getting there. He began showing me the dominant way of life and at first, I loved it. Then he started getting angrier, tying me up for longer, whipping me for everything and it became a form of abuse. He used to whip me daily, but one time…he saw me out with my best friend, who’s a male, and he flipped. When I got home that night, he acted normal, he was sweet and loving, I didn’t know at that point that he’d seen me. I let him tie me up, I had no idea he was angry at me. It was the biggest mistake I ever made. He whipped me so much it scarred me but he was careful not to make it visible to anyone else, it’s why it’s on my backside. He left me tied up for nearly two days, bleeding and in so much pain…”

  I look up at his gaze and it’s so wild I want to step back.

  “Look, I know this isn’t your problem and the way I behaved tonight was out of line. I understand if you want me to leave, but I just wanted you to know that I’m not the sort of person to react like that over nothing. Benjamin scares me to a point that I can’t make my own legs move. I will pack my things…”

  Suddenly Marcus is in front of me and his hands are on my cheeks. I gasp at the contact and try to wiggle back but he holds my face firmly in his hands.

  “Did you take this further?”

  “I didn’t give his name, but I called the police. They wouldn’t really listen to me because I let him tie me up, I let him…”

  “No,” he rasps. “Don’t you ever say you let him hurt you. Being a dominant is about knowing when to stop, it’s about control, it’s about having your submissive trust you and respect you. He wasn’t practicing it correctly, it was of no fault of yours.”

  I feel my eyes widen and I struggle to free myself from his grips. Marcus is a dominant, of course he is, how could I not know that? I stumble backwards and the fear in my eyes has him rushing forwards.

  “No please,” I gasp. “Don’t.”

  “Sierra, what he did isn’t what it’s about. Being a dominant is about knowing what your woman wants and giving it to her. It’s about allowing her to submit and to trust you.”

  “No!” I cry. “It’s about abuse and a power trip.”

  “No,” he says, stepping forward. “It’s not.”

  I scurry past him and grip my suitcase. “I’m leaving, I’m sorry to have wasted your time. I won’t bother you any longer…”

  “Sierra,” he says in a firm tone. “Stop it.”

  “You’re a dominant Marcus, I can’t…I just can’t…”

  “I’m not like him, I assure you.”

  “It’s all the same!” I cry. “I lost every bit of self-respect and control I had because of him. I can’t be in that sort of environment again.”

  He cuts me off when he grips my arms and hurls my body up close to his. I cry and squirm but he doesn’t let me go. I shove at his chest, desperate to be away from him. Before I realize what’s happening, his lips are on mine. I never saw it coming, I never suspected he would do something like this, so I slump in complete shock.

  He moves his lips gently, stroking mine with his own. Electric bolts run through me, bolts I never thought I’d feel again after what Ben did. Unable to contain the emotion flooding me and the desire pooling low in my belly, I reach up and grip his head, deepening the kiss. His tongue slides over mine, teasing and flicking it so gently I can hear my own whimpers becoming desperate. His hard body is pressed against mine and I can feel his erection against my belly.

  When he finally pulls back, I’m panting and my eyes are wide. What the hell just happened? He runs a finger over my bottom lip and his eyes meet mine. “You fascinate me, Sierra, and I want to show you that it’s not what you think. I want you to trust me. I want you to let me show you…”

  “Show me?” I whisper.

  “Let me show you, that what he did was wrong…it’s not how it goes…”

  “No,” I cry, pulling back. “No, I’m not here to be your sex slave, sir, I’m here to be your PA and that’s what I’ll be.”

  “Don’t pretend you didn’t feel what we just shared. Don’t pretend that you haven’t felt the fire since you first ran into me.”

  “You’re getting married!” I cry.

  He meets my gaze. “That’s the least of my problems.”

  I stare in horror. “No, I won’t…”

  He steps forward and I step back.

  “Here’s the thing, Sierra,” he whispers, stepping closer. “I always get what I want, and I want you.”

  “That’s not why I’m here,” I say in a small voice.

  “I know why you’re here, I also know you felt what I felt. Let me show you how beautiful it can be to let someone take control.”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head as he stalks closer once more.

  “Yes, Sierra.”

  “I don’t know you, not only that but you’re the Speaker of the house for Christ sakes. I’m not going to be a mistress and I’m certainly not going to be a submissive.”

  “And y
et, part of you so desperately wants to….”

  “You’re wrong,” I whimper.

  He strokes a thumb over my bottom lip. “No, I’m not. You just don’t realize it because you’re so afraid. I won’t push you, Sierra, but with time, I know you’re going to admit you feel the passion I feel when we’re near each other. That kind of passion doesn’t just happen for no reason.”

  With one last heated look, he turns and leaves the room and I crumble to my knees. The problem is, I don’t know if it’s because of desire or fear.


  The next morning my head hurts and my body hates me as I move from the bed. I’m achy and sore, even though I’ve done nothing to warrant it. I dress slowly, painfully, not wanting to hurry the process of having to see Marcus again. What can I say? What will he say? I just don’t know how this is going to end. I have to end it though. I really do. When I’m fully dressed, I order my breakfast and make my way to the office. Just breathe, it will be fine.

  When I get in, Marcus is sitting at his desk. He looks up at me and his gaze grows hooded. God damn him for looking at me like that. I say nothing, I just rush into my office and shut the door. Breathing a sigh of relief, I turn on the computer. A moment later, Marcus walks in. He doesn’t knock, he just swings the door open and stands in the door way, staring at me.

  “Did you think about what I said last night?”

  I glare at him. “You’re not serious?”

  “Of course I am, I want you. I want to teach you, to show you, to taste you, to suck you, to fuck…”

  “Enough!” I cry, throwing my hands up. “You’re getting married, does that matter at all?”

  He stares over at me, his face goes suddenly hard. After a moment it softens, I don’t know if he even realized a flash of anger and a little pain showed on his face at the mention of his soon to be wife.

  “She’s not my problem.”

  “Then why are you with her?” I snap sarcastically.

  “Life isn’t always easy, Sierra.”

  “No shit,” I grumble.

  He shoots me a glare and then walks in further, he stops at the foot of my desk and stares down at me with so much sex and desire in his eyes, it has me turning away, unable to hold his gaze.


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