Red, White and Sensual

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Red, White and Sensual Page 5

by Bec Botefuhr

  “You feel this, I know you do. I am not the kind of man to push, heck, I’m not the kind of man to chase a woman, but you…”

  “You don’t know me,” I whisper.

  “I know enough, and I know what I feel when I see you. I just have to lay eyes on you and…”

  “Mr. Harrison, please, I just need to do some work.”

  He chuckles softly. “I love how your cheeks flush when you look at me, how you squirm in your chair, and you really want me to believe you don’t feel a damn thing looking at me? Ok, sweet girl, we’ll play it your way a little longer.”

  Then he leaves the room and leaves me panting with…is that desire?


  The week goes extremely fast, which I’m thankful for. By Friday, I’m looking forward to having a weekend off. Marcus is the perfect picture of mental health right now. One moment he’s as professional as he can be, when we’re in meetings he speaks to me like he speaks to everyone else. Then, when the day is done, and we’re at dinner, he calms down and purrs his words in that sultry, sexy voice of his. Even though I know he’s trying to seduce me, for whatever reason, I can’t help but chat with him when he starts a conversation.

  We just have this kind of connection that allows us to talk so freely with each other. There’s never moments where we run out of words. I hate how I feel about him, I hate that it’s creeping up on me so quickly I can’t halt it. So when I head off to campus on Friday afternoon, while Marcus is in a meeting, I feel a slight amount of relief. I need to clear my head, I need to put myself back in a sensible frame of mind so I’m able to deal with Marcus next week and pause this sexual attraction that’s going too far, too quick.

  When I arrive back at school, people swarm me asking me questions about Marcus. Is he hot? Is he smart? Is he nice? Is he mean? I answer as many as I can before rushing to my room, I wonder if it will be like this every time I come back? When I get to my room, I slump down and sigh. What a week, and I’ve got six more left. I shake my head and walk further into the room, feeling an instant comfort wash over me.


  I smile at the voice outside my door, I guess Quinn found me after my text message from the car, saying I was nearly back. I open the door and he barrels in, wrapping his arms around me and swinging me around.


  “Tell me everything, I haven’t heard from you all week.” He says, putting me down and grinning at me.

  And just like that, my wall breaks and I begin sobbing. It takes Quinn a moment to react, he’s no doubt confused. He leaps onto the bed beside me and wraps and arm around me.

  “What happened?” he asks gently.

  “God, it’s so complicated Quinn.”


  I tell him everything from seeing Ben, to my last night with Marcus. With wide eyes he blinks at me and the pulls out his phone and dials.

  “Raine, get to Sierra’s room now!”

  I roll my eyes and swipe my tears away. Five minutes later Raine comes rushing in.

  “What’s happening?”

  I sit and silently groan as Quinn tells Raine everything I just told him. Her eyes widen and she sits beside me.

  “Marcus wants you to sleep with him?”

  “Not only that, but he wants her as his submissive,” Quinn adds.

  I groan. “I don’t think he wants me as a submissive, he just wants to show me how to trust again.”

  “He’s the Speaker of the house!” Raine cries.

  “I know,” I groan. “I told him no, but he’s so determined.”

  “You need to quit,” Raine says, staring at me.

  “I can’t do that, Raine, I want this chance.”

  “Honey, he’s not just any man. If you sleep with him…”

  “I’m not going to sleep with him!” I cry.

  They both raise their brows at me and I stand, facing them both.

  “It was a moment, it was one kiss and…”

  “You kissed him!” Quinn yells, standing too. “You didn’t mention that.”


  “It was once.”

  “He’s engaged!” Raine cries.

  “I know,” I yell. “I told him no!”

  “Honey,” Raine gently says. “It’s not that we don’t trust you. It’s the whole situation. It’s dangerous. He’s the Speaker of the house and he’s engaged. It’s not something you want to be tangled up in. Tell him no, and if he doesn’t stop, quit.”

  “I don’t want to quit,” I cry.

  “I know, but you have to think of your reputation here. You don’t need to get involved.”

  “I know that, Raine, do you think I don’t know that?!”

  Seeing my frantic expression, she nods and drops the subject. I spend the next hour telling them about the job and the White House. I’m about to head out to dinner with them, when my work phone rings. Staring down at the number, I sigh.

  “Is it him?” Raine asks, with wide eyes.


  “Are you going to answer it?”

  “I have to,” I grumble.

  I pick up the phone and press the little green answer button.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Marcus,” he drawls. “How many times do we have to go over that?”

  “Sorry, Marcus, what can I do for you?”

  “You just left.”

  “My work hours are seven ‘til five, I was finished for the week.”

  “No goodbye?”


  “Are you busy?”

  “That depends.”


  “What you need, sir.”

  “Marcus,” he grumbles. “You don’t follow orders well.”

  “I’m on my days off, I don’t have to follow orders.”

  “I see we still have an attitude problem after our little kiss?”

  I close my eyes. Shut your mouth Sierra, or you’ll lose your job.

  “Sorry, I’m tired. How can I help you, Marcus?”

  “Better,” he says softly. “I wanted to know if you could spare two hours for me tomorrow. I want to talk with you?”

  “Is it in regards to work?”

  He’s silent a long moment. “No.”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t. It’s the only time I have off and I’m exhausted…”

  “It’s two hours.”

  “I can’t, I’ll see you Monday morning. Have a wonderful weekend, Marcus.”

  Then, with every bit of strength I have inside me, I hang up. Dammit, that was intense. The phone rings again, but I don’t answer it. It’s in the rules that my weekends are mine, and I don’t have to attend work. I know I’ll get into trouble for that, but he’ll just have to deal with it. I need this time. I need to think.

  “What did he want?” Quinn asks.

  “It was nothing, now, let’s go and have some fun!”

  “Hey, you guys want to go to the movies?” Quinn asks.

  “Sounds good to me!” I smile.

  My phone chirps and I stare down at it just before we walk out the door.

  Marcus - You can hang up on me, Miss Walters, but we WILL be talking. See you soon.

  What is that supposed to mean? Soon as in Monday, or soon as in tomorrow? With a shake of my head, I drop the phone on the bed and walk out. I’ll deal with Mr. Temperamental later.


  I spend the entire day Saturday with Quinn and Raine. We go to lunch, to the movies and then out to dinner. I’m full and groaning by the time I get back to my room later that night. I slip my shoes off and am about to step into the shower when a knock sounds out at my door. With a sigh, I wrap a towel around myself and answer it.

  I gasp in shock and horror as Marcus stands at the entrance. People are swarmed around him, girls are peeking out from their rooms and teachers have stopped in their tracks. What the hell is he doing on campus, and at my door? My mouth drops open and I blink rapidly as a teacher walks up to my door and stands beside hi
m, her face flushed as she takes in his powerful form.

  “Mr. Harrison, it’s so wonderful to have you on campus sir. Can we help you out?”

  “I’m just here to see my PA,” he says, not taking his eyes from mine.

  “Of course, Sierra, will you dress and meet Marcus downstairs?”

  “No,” he says, firmly. “I’ll speak with her here.”

  He turns and stares down at my teacher, who is now flushing and mumbling something that I can’t make out. He gives her a dazzling smile and says, “I promise not to be a moment, it’s just a work matter.”

  She nods, her head bobbing about frantically. The girls in the halls sigh and giggle as they watch Marcus step into my room and then close the door behind him. I’m still standing and gaping in shock. He smiles at me, then lets his gaze very slowly travel over my body.

  “I see I caught you at a good time.”

  I stare at him, in his blue jeans and casual navy shirt. He doesn’t look so powerful right now, but I still splutter my next words. “What are you doing here?”

  “You refused to answer my texts and calls. I’m your employer, Miss Walters, and you’re not doing as I ask.”

  “It’s my days off!” I cry.

  “Perhaps, but I needed to speak with you.”

  “No, Marcus,” I snap. “Please leave.”

  He looks around the room, ignoring my request. I hold the towel tighter around my body, nervously watching him stare at everything in the room.

  “You may continue your shower, Miss Walters, I’ll wait.”

  I open my mouth to protest, but know I need to get out of this towel so I storm into the bathroom, slamming the door. I shower quickly, then pull on a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top before walking back out. Marcus is sitting on my bed, looking around the room thoughtfully. When he sees me, his gaze burns into me and I don’t even want to know what is going on in that beautiful mind.

  “You look beautiful in casual clothes,” he murmurs, raking his gaze over me.

  I shiver, hating the affect he has on me. He pats the bed beside him and I stare at it with a scowl.

  “I won’t bite, sit.”

  I do as he says and sit, a meter away from him. He looks over at me and smirks, then he begins speaking.

  “You know why I’m here and…”

  “And it’s not going to happen. Please, Marcus, I love the experience you’re giving me, but I can’t do what you’re asking.”

  “I can give you more than a job experience.”

  I glare at him. “You have a fiancé!”

  “Who has her own affairs.”

  “That doesn’t make it right…”

  “Sierra, stop fighting what we both know is there. Let me in, let me help you and show you how beautiful being submissive can be.”

  “No.” I say firmly.

  He growls and glares at me. “You said you liked it once…”

  “Until he over used it. I don’t trust you, because I don’t know you. I’m there to be your PA, not to be your submissive. Now please, just stop.”

  He fills the gap between us in one swift movement. His lips are so close to mine it takes me too long to say anything before he starts speaking again.

  “Do you really want me to stop, Miss Walters?”

  “Yes,” I whisper, staring at his lips.

  “Here’s the thing,” he murmurs. “I don’t believe you.”

  Then he closes his lips over mine. With a whimper, I sink into him. It’s near impossible not to. He tastes so god dammed intoxicating and his body is so hard against mine. His hands slide around to my back, pulling me closer as our lips explore and discover. My moans fill my small apartment and I hate that soon, my back is on the mattress and his firm body is half over mine.

  “Marcus,” I whisper. “No. I don’t want to be that girl.”

  “What girl?” he growls, nipping at my ear while his free hand slides up my thigh.

  “The mistress, the lover, the submissive…”

  He meets my gaze and slides his other finger over my bottom lip. “I’m not a forceful man, Sierra, but I want you so badly it hurts. I want to teach you, to own you, to possess you.”

  “See,” I whisper, my heart thudding. “That’s what scares me.”

  “Let yourself trust me, see that I will never hurt you.”

  “So you won’t spank me if I disobey you?”

  He narrows his eyes. “Of course I will, but I would never hurt you the way he did.”

  “No,” I say firmly. “I won’t!”

  “Ok, so we can set limits. Punishments can be carried out in different ways…”

  “I don’t want to be punished, Marcus, I want to be loved. Just like any other girl. I’m not the one for you.”

  He slides his lips over mine again. “But I think you are, and you know it.”

  “Please, just stop,” I whimper and it sounds so pathetic even I don’t believe it.

  “Just trust me, for one moment. Can you just give me that?”

  I stare up into those deep brown depths, and before I can answer, his lips find mine again. I should be protesting, but when he’s kissing me like this, I can’t. He grips my hands and raises them above my head, clasping both of them in one of his.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he murmurs against my lips. “Just trust me.”

  He uses his free hand to slide up my leg, his fingers gently dancing along my skin as he inches closer and closer to my aching sex. As soon as he finds it, he’ll know I want him. I close my eyes and whimper as his lips graze across the flesh above my breasts. His tongue slides out and he licks gently, causing my body to writhe. When his fingers reach the edge of my shorts, I groan. I’m not wearing any panties, an inch more and he’ll find my arousal.

  “Please,” I whisper.

  “Trust me, if you want me to stop, all you have to do is say the word…”

  His lips find mine again and his tongue slides out to trace my bottom lip, then he plunges it into my mouth and I lose all rational thought. His fingers slide up under my shorts and he finds my damp folds. I groan and I can’t help that my legs automatically part for him.

  “Good girl,” he breathes.

  He slides a finger up my heat and then finds my clit. I groan as he gently puts pressure on my aching nub and begins moving his fingers gently. When I try to free my hands, he shakes his head and looks down at me.

  “Trust me to make you come, sweet girl. I won’t hurt you. If you say stop, I’ll stop. Give me this control, just let me have it.”

  His finger circling my clit again, blocks my reply. I close my eyes and groan as he quickens the pace, gently circling until I’m arching up and begging for release. Then, he stops. I groan and my eyes flicker open. He stares down at me, a small smile on his lips.

  “Control, it’s all about control. Trust me.”

  I cry out in protest when he slides one long finger inside me and begins gently finger fucking me until I’m on the edge again, then he stops once more. I clasp one of the fingers wrapped around my hands and squeeze. A slow sexy smile creeps across his lips.

  “It’s about trust, trust that I know what’s best for you.”

  “How is holding off my pleasure what’s best?” I cry.

  “Because it’ll feel so much better this way.”

  “I can’t see how!”

  He begins stroking my clit again and I curse him as my body builds quickly towards its release. Just as I’m about to come, he lets go of my hands and plunges two fingers deep inside me. I explode in a way I’ve never exploded before. With a ragged cry, my body jerks and I shudder so violently I look like I’m having a fit. My hands tangle in his hair and I whimper his name as I slowly come down from, what is, without a doubt, the best orgasm I’ve ever had.

  “See,” he murmurs. “Trust.”

  I open my eyes and stare at him, my lips feel achy and full, my sex is throbbing and my body is warm all over. He moves so he’s sitting again and he pulls me up with him

  “You aren’t going to try and have sex with me?” I say, confused.

  Usually foreplay like that is a buildup to some seriously hot sex. Marcus grins and stares down at the massive bulge in his jeans.

  “No, that’s not what this is about. That will come in due time, but right now it’s about you trusting me enough to let that come.”

  I stare at him. “This is a dangerous game, not only are you taken, but you’re a very powerful man…”

  “It’s not unknown to the world that powerful men have mistresses’, Miss Walters. I’m no exception.”

  “You do this often?” I snap, hurt.

  “No, I don’t. I have, occasionally, taken another woman to my bed but no more than once.”

  “Why me?”

  He strokes a finger over my cheek. “You fascinate me, and I want to be inside you, quite possibly more than I’ve wanted anything in my entire life.”

  I swallow and run my tongue over my bottom lip. “I still think this isn’t a good idea.”

  “Maybe not, but we’ll just have to wait and see. Right now, I have to go.”

  He stands and his hand rubs over his crotch. The sight is so erotic I can’t tear my eyes away. Seeing him pressing his own arousal with that big hand is just…well…it’s fucking sexy. He notices my stare and smiles.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, Miss Walters, I won’t have any restraint.”

  I swing my eyes up to meet his and the lust I see in his gaze has my skin heating and my cheeks flushing.

  “Now, I have to go,” he murmurs, staring down at the bulge in his jeans once more. “Well, as soon as this goes away.”

  A giggle bursts from my throat and I quickly smother it with my hand. He gives me a lazy, lopsided grin.

  “Is something amusing?”

  “No, sorry.”

  He smirks and then stares back at his jeans. When he’s mostly satisfied, he turns and walks to the door.

  “I’ll see you Monday, sweet girl.”

  Then he opens the door and steps out. I hear a squeak and a moment later Raine steps into my room, flushed and gaping. Marcus looks over his shoulder at me once more, then he disappears and I can hear the giggling down the hall as he moves down them. Raine shuts my door and turns to look at me.

  “Was that…”

  “Yes,” I say, sheepishly.


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