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Sly: Jagged Edge Series #4

Page 5

by A. L Long


  Trying to wrap my head around what just happened, I poured a small portion of shampoo in my hand. The way Sly and I just went at it in the kitchen was like a couple of teenagers with raging hormones going wild. I wasn’t even thinking when I told Sly to trust me. I was pretty sure he was clean, but that was still no excuse to have sex unprotected. My chances of getting pregnant were next to impossible, but there was still that small chance that it could happen.

  Everything about this man clouded my judgement. I couldn’t think straight. The minute he placed his lips on mine, my inner self was held hostage to his touch. I knew I couldn’t have a long-term relationship with Sly. It was like giving him over to Carlos myself. The minute Carlos found out about Sly, he would use it against me to get what he needed.

  Rinsing the shampoo from my hair, I decided then that no matter how much I wanted this man, I needed to end this thing with him. Speaking of the sexy man himself, there he was, standing in all of his naked gorgeousness. My thoughts of letting this man go just flew out the window as he stepped inside the small shower, pressing his hard body next to mine. Grabbing the bath sponge from its cradle, he took my vanilla-scented body wash and squeezed a small amount onto the sponge. Gently massaging it between his fingers until enough lather was built up, he softly began rubbing the sponge across my body, beginning at my shoulder and down my arm. Reaching the valley between my breasts, he lingered there while caressing each breast with tender loving care. The touch he had on my body only brought more wetness between my legs.

  Dipping his head, he placed light kisses on my shoulder and continued to the base of my neck, sending my body even further into the land of complete bliss. Everything he was doing I knew I needed to stop, but I could only stand there under his power and let him have his way with me. My body was his. No more could I fight the pleasure my body hungered for. No more did I have the will to say ‘stop.’

  Turning my body towards him, I pressed my taut nipples to his firm chest. I needed to feel him as much as he wanted to feel me. Taking the sponge from his hand, I placed one hand on his broad shoulder while gliding the soapy sponge down his chest. Before the soap could cover too much of him, I lowered my mouth to his erect nipple and began kissing and sucking, feeling the beating of his heart beneath my hand as it rested on his chest. Just the feel of his flexing muscles under my hand had me going crazy with need for him.

  Lifting my body closer to him, our lips joined as one before I could finish my exploration of his perfect body. Not even the fact that the shower was only meant for one person stopped him from taking what he needed. As he slowly entered me, I couldn’t help but want more of him. His strokes were so smooth and gentle that every time he moved deeper inside me, I wanted him that much more. Reaching the ultimate freedom, my body shook, delivering the most euphoric release I had ever shed. Just as my body began to relax, Sly was met with his own release, muttering softly, “Fucking amazing.”


  My body was totally drained from the two bouts of the most incredible sex I ever had. I had no idea that it could be so wonderful. Coming back to reality, I needed to get my mind around what was happening. I was really beginning to have feelings for this Sly, which I knew I absolutely couldn’t afford to have.

  Quickly drying off my body and getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen where Sly was pouring us a cup of coffee, Grabbing the mug with ‘Hers’ written on the side, I said in a serious voice. “I don’t mean to kick you out, but I have a lot of things I need to do today.”

  With one of his ‘what the fuck’ looks, he replied, “Just like that. After the mind-blowing sex we just had, you’re pushing me away.”

  “Look, Sly, here’s the deal. I have a lot going on right now, and having a clingy guy with insecurities is not my thing. Yeah, the sex was great, but that’s all it was,” I lied.

  “I’m out of here. And just for the record, I have never been clingy or insecure,” he pointed out.

  Gathering his things, he opened the door and left before I could take back what I said. Taking a moment to decide whether or not to go after him, I rose from my seat, opened the door, and jogged down the stairs, hoping to catch him before he was gone. Pushing the door to the building with full force, I watched Sly’s Jeep pull away from the curb. It was too late, he drove off, and I didn’t have time to apologize for what I said. I didn’t even have my phone with me to call him.

  Feeling totally defeated, I turned to head back to my apartment. Walking along the sidewalk, I noticed a black Escalade pull up to the curb. I couldn’t see who was inside because of the dark windows. When the window lowered and a hand slowly gestured for me to come closer, I knew it could only be one person calling me over: Carlos Giordano. The one man who brought nothing but bad news my way.

  Stepping up to the window, I saw the disgusting man sitting inside like this was no more than a friendly visit. “Nikki, how is my little Firefly?”

  “What do you want, Carlos?” I asked with a seething breath.

  “Just checking in on my investment, and to make sure you’re keeping up with your training. I’ve been a little concerned with your actions lately. Taking off with no word was not a wise move. I hope you haven’t forgotten your obligations,” he advised.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll get what’s owed to you. Soon you’ll be fully paid and out of my life for good.”

  “Now, Nikki, no need to be so ugly. I kind of like our little connection. I would hate to lose that.”

  “Yeah, well the feeling is definitely not mutual,” I hissed before turning away from him and back to my safe haven.

  Grabbing my arm before I could make my escape, he ordered, “I suggest you watch your tone with me. I might find it necessary to add an additional incentive to make up for your rude behavior.”

  Watching the Escalade drive off, I flipped him the bird. I thought for sure I was in for it when the brake lights came on, but instead the SUV continued down the street. God, how I hated that man.



  I wasn’t sure what had got into my little spitfire, but I knew there was no way Nikki meant what she said. The heat that was exchanged between us was not that of someone who wasn’t looking for anything. I wasn’t going to let this thing we had between us go. It felt too good. Too right. There was no way I could let a feeling like that go.

  As I pulled around the corner, I knew something bad was going down between whoever was in the black SUV and Nikki. Even though the conversation lasted a few minutes between them, I knew the second the hand reached out and grabbed her arm that the guy doing the grabbing was not willing to let Nikki go. I only wished I had parked on the other side of the street so I could get a clear view of the plate. I guess getting the first three digits was better than not having anything at all.

  Pulling out my cell, I decided to give Peter a call to see if he could find out anything on the partial plate I got. Certainly there weren’t too many black Escalades with the first four digits ‘FCA-5’ on them.

  When I was finished giving Peter the information to check out, I sat back and waited for something to happen, namely Nikki leaving her apartment building. I was getting restless, but she finally appeared after I waited for about an hour. Watching her head down the sidewalk, I waited until she was far enough away until I could stay a safe distance behind her so she wouldn’t suspect that I was following her. Based on the direction she was walking, I had a pretty good idea where she was going.

  Parking across the street, I watched as she entered the gym. Trying to be patient, I sat in the Jeep for about fifteen minutes before I decided it was long enough. When I opened the door to the gym, Nikki was already in the boxing ring, sparring with another female about the same height and build as her. Leaning against a cement post, I stayed hidden as I watched them go back and forth popping blow after blow at each other. Nikki was landing most of her blows while the other girl missed most of hers. It didn’t surprise me, the way Nikki mov
ed around, taking full control of the area. She was quick on her feet, ducking and swaying with full concentration, anticipating when and where the other girl's punches and kicks would happen.

  Watching Nikki was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was ten times better than watching an MMA fight on television. Fully engrossed in the two of them fighting, I didn’t notice the muscular black man step behind me.

  “Enjoying the view?” he asked, crossing his arms across his thick chest.

  “Yeah. Who’s the girl fighting Nikki?” I replied.

  “That would be Carly Burns. She’s one of the best MMA fighters here, aside from Nikki. You interested in a little action?” he asked.

  “Action?” I questioned.

  “Yeah. There’s a fight coming up next Saturday. Supposed to be the fight of the season. Nikki is favored to win 15 to 1. She’s fighting an undefeated fighter from Chicago by the name of Black Jewel.”

  “Wait, are you saying Nikki is fighting this woman?” I clarified, not believing what he just said.

  “You got it. It’s taking place at the old refinery. So do you want in on the action or not?”

  A hundred bucks later, I was in and out of money. I still couldn’t believe that Nikki would be involved in illegal underground fighting. This was something that was normally seen among men, but to have two women going at it was unheard of. After I paid the guy, I remained behind the concrete pillar, watching Nikki take this girl out. With my attention on Nikki doing her footwork on the other side of the ring, I didn’t see two men approach the ring until they climbed over the ropes to assist Carly, who was out cold. For this being a practice fight, Nikki was definitely letting off some steam.

  When Nikki was satisfied that Carly was okay, she ducked under the top rope and headed to the locker room. The minute she was out of view, I knew it was my chance to leave before Nikki saw me.

  Driving to my place, I still couldn’t get a handle on why Nikki would feel the need to fight. I totally got that given where she was currently living, she needed some sort of protection against the hoodlums living there. Taking my cell, I needed to find out if there was any information on the partial plate I gave to Peter. I knew it had only been an hour since I spoke to him, but this information couldn’t wait.

  “Hey Peter, any word on that partial plate?” I asked impatiently.

  “Not yet, bro. It’s going to take some time to match what you gave us to the SUV,” Peter replied.

  “I know, I was hoping you would have something,” I paused. “Hey, Peter, do you know anything about underground fighting?”

  “Not much. Only that it’s illegal as hell. I do know one thing, most of those fights are run by Mafia-related entities. Why you ask?”

  “No particular reason. Just wondering. Let me know as soon as you get anything on that plate.” I said, ending the call.

  I knew I probably should have let Peter in on what I found out about Nikki, but I needed more facts before I said anything. Mostly, the reason behind Nikki fighting in the first place.


  So the best way to get to a woman was to woo her with all the things women liked: chocolate, flowers, dinner, and a night out on the town. The only problem was, I wasn’t sure if Nikki was the kind of woman who would be interested in any of those things. I decided my best bet would be to introduce them one at a time. I just didn’t know which one would work the best. Maybe I was thinking along the wrong lines. Maybe a Yankees game would be more suitable for her.

  Slipping on my jacket, I headed out to check out the new place Lou’s cousin had available. I had already put down the deposit of six hundred dollars just to hold it until I could check it out myself. Lou was already waiting outside the apartment building when I pulled up. Even though the building had its own parking garage, I thought it best to just park along the street.

  Shaking his hand in a brotherly way, I gave him a half hug and said, “Thanks for talking to your cousin, bro. I really appreciate it.”

  “I think it will work out for your girlfriend. What’s the deal with you two anyway?” Lou inquired.

  “Long story, bro,” I confessed.

  “Well, she must be pretty special for you to fork over the dough to secure this place.”

  “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” I didn’t want to elaborate any more on what Lou said. All I knew was she was worth helping. Maybe getting her this apartment would be the woo factor I needed to win her over. I just needed to figure out a way to let her know that she was moving.

  Heading inside the building, I could already tell that this was one hundred times better than the place she was currently living in. For one thing, it was secure, with the access requiring an entrance key, unlike the building she was living in, where the only security she had were the numerous locks she had on her door and the bars on her windows.

  The vacant apartment was located on the fifth floor. It might be a little bit of a chore getting her stuff in the elevator, but if worse came to worse, there still were the five flights of stairs. Lou’s cousin gave him the key to the apartment I was supposed to look at. I had never met the guy, but I guess he was a slumlord and had several apartment buildings that he owned. Unfortunately, his obligations were in a different place at the moment.

  As Lou unlocked the door, I could smell the fresh coat of paint. The lighting in the apartment made it bright and cheery. This was a positive change from Nikki’s apartment, which was dark and depressing. My only conclusion as to why she preferred the darkness was because it was her way to close herself off from the rest of the world. Stepping further inside the apartment, it had been partially furnished. The furnishings were simple, but nice. It made me wonder if the rent was going to be more since it had been newly furnished. Seeing my concern, Lou patted my shoulder and said, “It’s included, bro.”

  “How is it that you manage to know what I’m thinking?” I asked.

  “Because your face is easy to read.” Lou confessed with a small chuckle.

  Smiling back at him, we walked over to the kitchen. Once again, the appliances were simple but nice. It was also pretty good sized, at least twice the size of Nikki’s current kitchen, if not more. The openness may have had something to do with it, that and the floor-to-ceiling windows that brought in the sunshine.

  Moving down the hallway, I noticed that there was an intercom system mounted to the wall, along with what looked to be an alarm system. Checking out the panel, I looked over to Lou and said, “This is nice. A step up from her current security.”

  Shaking his head, Lou stepped past me and said, “Let’s check out the bedroom. I think she will be really satisfied with it.”

  Walking into the bedroom, I immediately knew without a doubt that this room was way bigger than the shoebox Nikki slept in, and with an ensuite bathroom, this was by far a better option for her. Looking inside, there was a shower and a tub. I could picture Nikki surrounded with bubbles with me behind her, caressing those gorgeous breasts of her.

  With a half smile, Lou chucked, “Yeah, pretty great,” like he knew exactly what was on my mind.

  Finishing the tour of the apartment, I clarified, “So let me get this straight, the apartment and the furnishings are only $1200 a month?” I asked.

  “Yup. That, plus first and last months’ rent,” he added.

  “Tell your cousin I’ll take it.” I said with confidence. Even though Nikki had no clue what was in store for her, I knew without a doubt that she would love this place.

  “You sure about this, Sly?” Lou asked with concern.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Once I let her know it is either here or moving in with me, I’m pretty sure she is going to accept it,” I replied.

  “Okay, bro. It’s all yours.”

  Lou handed me the keys to the apartment with a grin. I had a funny feeling he thought I lost it. If he saw the dump that Nikki was living in, I knew he would understand why I was doing this. Call me crazy, but I just couldn’t wait around for something bad to happ
en to Nikki. Now the only thing I needed to do was convince her to forget about the fight that was scheduled to take place next Saturday. I had to find a way to let her know that I knew.



  When Sly called me to let me know not to make any plans, I had no idea what he was up too. I wasn’t even sure if I would be up to doing anything, the way my body felt. Carly gave me a run for my money the way she was sparring with me, but when I planted my fist against her temple, I thought for sure she was gone. Watching a lifeless body laying on a sweat-riddled mat was something I never wanted to see again. If it weren’t for Carlos and the debt I owed, I would never step another foot in a ring again.

  Lost in my thoughts, I heard a light knock on the door. Pulling my phone from my pocket I could see it was 5:00 p.m., which could only mean that Sly was on the other side. Opening the door, there he stood, in 6’4” magnificence. Moving to the side, I allowed him in before telling him what was really on my mind. “I’m not sure what you’re up too, but this doesn’t change things between us. Just friends, remember.”


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