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Page 7

by Lily Harlem

  “You might be our chef, but first and foremost you’re a sailor. You and Evan are on first watch. I’ll come up with Lucas and relieve you.”

  Raul opened his mouth as if to argue, but then closed it again.

  “I’ll wash this lot up,” Olivia stood. “It seems wrong the cook has to clear up too.”

  “No. I do it.” Raul went to stand.

  “Sit, sit.” Olivia pressed his shoulder. “I’m sure someone will help me.”

  Lucas stood, looked her in the eyes and nodded.

  “See,” she said. “A willing volunteer.”

  “Two is all you can fit in the galley, so we’ll leave you to it,” Harry said, leaning back and slotting his hands behind his head, so his elbows stuck out to the sides.

  Olivia couldn’t help but scowl at him. She’d bet good money on the fact Harrington Vidal had never rolled up his sleeves and washed dishes in his life. Hell, there’d be servants at each estate his father owned all paid to be at his beck and call.

  What a weird way to grow up.

  She headed down the stairs and into the galley. It was narrow with not quite enough surface area, especially as Raul had left several chopping boards and pans dotted around.

  But within minutes she’d filled the sink and was washing plates.

  Lucas stood next to her.

  “Enjoy your dinner?” she asked.


  “Tired after last night’s shift?”

  “A bit.”

  “I don’t feel too bad. Must have been that lie in.”

  He was silent.

  “Do you think we’ll have fish tomorrow? I spotted a ham in the refrigerator.”

  “Maybe we’ll have that tomorrow then, before it goes off.” He paused. “You should mention it to Raul. He likes you.”

  “He likes you too.”

  “Did he tell you that?”

  She hesitated, then, “Well no, but I can tell he does.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Maybe you should spark up a conversation with him, Lucas.”

  “About what?”

  “I don’t know. Spain? His family. The places he’s worked.” She paused. “Anything really.”

  “Perhaps I’ll do that.”

  “You should, he’s funny. He makes me laugh.”

  “He moves fast, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, it’s like he’s got springs in his feet and can’t keep still.”


  She handed him a plate to dry, as she did so she noticed one of the gas rings was still on low.

  “Oh, watch that,” she said, quickly turning it.

  The switch was stiff and she had to give it a bit of a shove inward before the blue flame disappeared completely.

  “That’s not good,” Lucas said.

  “No, it must be why Raul missed it. Trouble with new boats, there’s always a few teething problems.”


  The rest of the washing up was done in silence. Olivia didn’t push it. Having one small conversation at a time with Lucas was an achievement in itself.

  Once everything was put away and the surfaces wiped, she went up on deck.

  The sky was dark and a small crescent moon hung in the east. Someone had folded the Bimini away and she sat and looked upward, enjoying the blackness dotted with stars.

  ‘Lucas said they shone all the brighter for you.’

  She smiled and let out a sigh. She felt utterly relaxed and it was nice not to be on night watch. She was looking forward to a good sleep.

  “How is my galley?” Raul asked, pulling on a t-shirt, then settling back.

  “All tidy.”

  “You are too good to me, mi niña hermosa.”

  “I try.”

  Mason appeared on deck. “I suggest, Captain, that we shift a degree west, it will put us in line with a tiny crop of islands. Uninhabited, but it might be nice to see land on day three.”

  “Good plan.” Harry nodded and looked down at the compass. He then turned the helm a fraction. “Can’t believe we’ll be on our third day tomorrow. We’ve made good progress.”

  “Yeah, I agree,” Evan said, plucking a pack of cards from the pocket of his shorts. “Who’s up for poker?”

  “Si.” Raul rubbed his hands together and grinned.

  “I’m game,” Mason said, sitting next to him. “What are we playing for?”

  “Let’s make it strip poker.” Evan twitched his eyebrows at Olivia.

  “I think not.” She laughed. “That would leave me at a definite disadvantage.”

  “You call having five blokes admiring your body a disadvantage?” Evan chuckled. The sun had given his cheeks a faint pink hue and his lips were shiny, as if he’d slicked on balm.

  Damn it, the guy could be an advert for healthy, outdoor living.

  “Knowing you lot, you’d club together and fix it so I lost.” She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “I wouldn’t.” Lucas shook his head.

  It was the first time he’d spoken in front of everyone, but Olivia decided not to make a thing about that. “Okay, not Lucas, but the rest of you would.”

  “I think it’s sad,” Raul said. “That you have so low opinion of us.”

  “It’s not that.” She shrugged. “You’re just guys, with lots of testosterone and you like…” She glanced at her chest. “Boobs.”

  “Boobs!” Evan burst out laughing. “Yeah, we like boobs.”

  “What are boobs?” Raul asked.

  “These.” She pointed at her breasts.

  “Ah, boobs!” Raul grinned. “I learn another new English word.”

  “I bet she could teach you some more.” Evan winked at her and dropped the deck of cards into his hand.

  “Probably. But I won’t.”

  Lucas took over the helm and Harry sat at the table, his elbows propped on it and leaning forward. “We play for who gets to take Olivia out on a date in Sydney.”

  “Fine by me,” Mason said.

  “But what if I don’t want to go on a date…with any of you.”

  “Ah, you will.” Evan expertly shuffled the pack.

  She frowned. “And what if I win? What do I get?”

  “To choose who takes you out on a date.” Harry grinned. It was a cocky grin, as though he presumed it would be him she picked.

  “What if I don’t want to choose any of you?” How could she not? She looked around the table. Four guys, very different both physically and in personality, but each gorgeous, intelligent, witty and very eligible. Throw in sweet, sensitive Lucas who was also a lean, strong guy in the prime of his life and just waiting to be discovered, and most girls would be salivating at the thought of being able to take a pick. “No scrap that,” she said. “What if I can’t choose?”

  “What because we’re all so hot it’s an impossible decision?” Harry asked.

  “Well, I guess I’d have to go by personality, and thinking you’re hot might not be the best trait.”

  “Hey.” He held up his hands. “I’m only saying what the gossip mags and my one million Twitter followers tell me.”

  “One million Twitter followers?” Mason said. “Jeez, you really got that much to say?”

  “No.” Harry shrugged and picked up his deal of cards. “But what can I do? They follow me, I don’t follow them.”

  “I bet you get loads of girls desperate for you to notice them,” Olivia said. “All hoping to bag themselves a billionaire.”

  “For the record, I’m not a billionaire, my father is.”

  “And you’ll inherit it some day,” Mason pointed out.

  “Some of it. I’ve got a sister remember. It’ll get halved.”

  “But still be in the billions?” Evan said.

  “I guess.” Harry looked away, a slight crease between his eyebrows.

  For the first time Olivia wondered if he’d like to have grown up in a normal family, with a normal childhood. His must have been one of privilege and indulgenc
e. How had that molded him into the man he was today? Did he regret not blending in with the crowd, or did it suit him to harness attention wherever he went?

  She made a sudden decision to never treat him differently from the other crew, okay he was the captain, but other than that, he was just a guy whose father happened to be stinking rich.

  And damn it, he was cute with it.

  “Everyone know the rules?” Evan asked, turning his hand over.

  “Aye.” Mason nodded.

  “Si. Very well.” Raul grinned as he looked at his cards.

  Olivia looked at hers. Not great, but it would be a start.

  They played for an hour and a half. There was much laughter, quite a few insults and possibly some cheating on Raul’s behalf.

  Mason took a turn at the helm so Lucas could join in and he won his hand quickly.

  “Last game,” Harry said. “It’s getting late.” He glanced at his watch.

  “Ah, but I want to play all night,” Raul said. “I love to play poker. Better with rum but this is what it is.”

  “Nah, last one.” Harry shrugged.

  Olivia pulled her fleece up around her neck. It was getting chilly, she’d be glad to get to bed.

  Her last deal of the pack was a great one, and within a minute she’d won.

  “Bravo,” Mason said.

  “Are you sure you’re not a hustler?” Evan asked.

  “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” She grinned.

  “You must have a prize,” Raul said.

  “Okay.” She paused. “Kind as it is of you all to offer yourselves up for dates in Sydney, what I’d really like is…”

  All five men looked at her. Lucas seemed to have held his breath, and Evan tugged on his bottom lip as if a whole bunch of wicked thoughts were going through his mind. Harry raised his eyebrows and Mason leaned closer.

  “Tell us,” Raul said. “Anything we have, it is yours.”

  “Did I see some hot chocolate in the galley?” she asked.

  “Si.” Raul nodded.

  “That’s what I’d like as my prize. Then to bed….alone.”

  All five men seemed to sag a little as they sat back. Lucas returned his attention to the helm.

  “I will do it for you. I will get your prize.” Raul stood.

  “Thank you.” She passed her cards to Evan who was stacking the pack together again.

  Had any of the guys really thought she’d pick one of them as her prize? Was it so obvious she fancied them all?

  Oh God.

  I do. I really do.

  And I’d never be able to choose between them.

  Chapter Ten

  Raul made the best hot chocolate Olivia had ever tasted. It was thick and rich but not sickly and he’d served it in a tall glass with a sprinkle of marshmallows on the top.

  “This is sheer decadence,” she said. “And delicious.”

  “The trick is to heat the milk in a pan, then stir in the cocoa powder,” Raul said seriously.

  “I’ll remember that.” She took another sip. “I don’t think I’ve ever had something so delicious at sea before.”

  “It’s always good to have new experiences no matter how experienced we are,” Lucas said quietly, his gaze catching hers.

  “I agree, Lucas, I really do.”

  She finished her hot chocolate and then bid goodnight to Evan, Mason and Raul. Harry and Lucas had already gone to their cabins, knowing they’d be starting early to relieve the night shift.

  She slipped off her shoes and set them on deck next to the other few pairs sitting there, by the steps, then headed down.

  After checking the navigation and the gauges, she washed up her glass and put it away. She was suddenly exhausted. The sooner she gave into her tiredness the better.

  She used the bathroom, then settled under her pink covers. She’d worn her white bikini as underwear during the late afternoon in case more dolphins appeared and so slept in that, and a t-shirt. There was no need for fashionable pyjamas in the middle of the Pacific.

  Before long she was lost to her dreams. There were rainbows and dolphins, flying fish and she was being pulled behind Temptress on skis, sailing through the air as if she had wings.

  There was banging, loud banging. Each time her skis hit a wave another loud thump and her body shook. Her name was being called, over and over.

  “Jesus, Olivia, get the hell up, Olivia.”

  She opened her eyes, and through a fog of smoke Evan stood over her, shaking her shoulders.

  “What?” she managed then coughed.

  “We’re on fire.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hauled her to standing.

  Her mind was whirling.

  What the hell is going on? Is this part of my dream?

  She staggered but Evan kept her held close.

  “We’ve got to get on deck,” he said, panic in his voice.

  “The others?” She coughed again. The air was thick.

  “They’re up there. Didn’t you hear the smoke alarm?”

  “No…I…” Why the hell hadn’t she?

  Her throat was on fire as he dragged her to the steps. Flames licked up the walls and ceiling of the galley. She was disoriented. Hardly able to figure out where she was.

  This can’t be happening.

  Evan half shoved, half carried her on deck. Once there she gripped the table and dragged in fresh air.

  “Get her in the life raft.” Harry’s voice.

  “No.” She shook her head. “Need to get down there. Put…it out.”

  “I’ve tried. The fire extinguisher ran out.”

  “So get some damn water,” Evan shouted. “It’s not like there isn’t any.” He broke into a coughing fit.

  “On it.” Mason rushed past her, a bucket in his hand, seawater sloshing over the side.

  “We haven’t got enough buckets,” Lucas said, looking around frantically.

  Harry reached out and gripped his shoulders. “Lucas, forget that. Get Liv into the damn life raft, that’s an order.”

  He pulled in a deep breath and puffed up his chest. “Aye, Captain.”

  “I can help.” Olivia straightened. “Let me.”

  “No.” Lucas gripped her around the waist. “You’re with me. And you’re getting away from the fire.”


  “Don’t argue.” Lucas’s voice was firm and determined.

  Before she knew what was happening she’d been dropped into the circular orange life raft which had been inflated and was tethered to the stern, behind the swim deck.

  She spun onto her hands and knees.

  Lucas looked down at her, smoke swirling around his head and up into the night sky.

  Harry was shouting, Evan too.

  Panic filled the air as thickly as smoke. She held in a sob as the raft jigged up and down on the waves. The rope holding it secure stretched taut to over ten feet so she was dragging behind the boat.

  Lucas’s face shrank into the distance then disappeared.

  “Lucas,” she shouted. “No, come back.”

  She hated not being able to see anyone. And why wasn’t she up there? With the guys, trying to save Temptress.

  Raul appeared holding a bulging sack. “Catch this. Do not let it go.” He pulled the rope, yanking the raft near Temptress again.

  He released the sack, and she guided it into the raft. “What’s going on?”

  “It is not good.” He disappeared as the raft slunk back until its line was extended again.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Lucas face appeared through the smoke.

  “Yes. I want to help.” She started coughing.

  “Get in there, Lucas,” Harry shouted. “I don’t want Liv on her own.”

  Without hesitation, Lucas dived into the water. Within a second he’d surfaced and was climbing into the raft.

  She grabbed his t-shirt and helped haul him on board.

  As soon as all four of his limbs were in, she gripped his sho
ulders. “What the fucking hell is happening?”

  “The galley, it went up. I don’t know why?”

  “That dodgy switch, on the hob.” She clasped her hands over her mouth. “Raul must have turned it back on when he made hot chocolate.”

  “Maybe?” Lucas looked up at the stern.

  Mason was there. Instead of diving into the water like his twin, he climbed down the steps and pulled the raft closer. He climbed aboard, the inflatable shifting under his weight. “She’s beyond saving.”

  “What? No.” Olivia went to stand, but the raft was unstable and her knees weak. She fell back down. “This can’t be happening.”

  The sky was ablaze now. The darkness filled with the glow of the flames sweeping through Temptress. Sparks danced in the air and flickered from the sails.

  “The others, they’ve got to get off.” As she’d spoken, Evan appeared. He released the raft from Temptress, then like Lucas he dived into the water. The reflection of the flames seemed to swallow him into the inky depths.

  Olivia held in another sob. Her heart was clattering. The smoke was making her eyes run.

  Within seconds, Evan had scrambled into the raft. “Harry! Raul!” He cupped his hands around his mouth as water ran down his face. “Harry! Raul! Get the fuck out of there. Give it up.”

  “I should go and get them.” Again Olivia went to stand. She’d have to dive in, get back on board.

  Three large pairs of hands tugged her to sitting. “No!”

  A loud popping noise, like a gunshot, filled the air.

  “She’s gonna blow.” Evan shook his head.

  “Aye.” Mason reached for the oars. “We need to get out of here.”

  “Not without them! Not without them!” Olivia couldn’t ever remember feeling so frantic. She’d had a few scrapes before out at sea, what sailor hadn’t? But this…?

  Lucas and Mason began to row away from Temptress.

  “How can you do this?” She was aware of tears streaming down her cheeks. Her throat was tight, as if cotton wool had been stuffed down there. “You can’t leave them.”

  “They’ll get out,” Evan said. “Have faith.”

  “We have to put distance between us and her. If she blows—” Mason added.

  “When she blows.” Lucas wore a grim expression.

  Suddenly another loud bang filled the air, seeming to flow in waves of noise over the ocean.


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