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Legacy (Heroes of the League Book 12)

Page 13

by Frank Carey

  He awoke in his room, his body drenched in sweat. He reached for the light switch but had to stop until his hands stopped shaking. Finally, after a few moments, he turned on the light.

  Around him, the bedclothes were scattered about as if a bomb had gone off while the sheets were wringing wet. He grabbed a scanpad from the nightstand and used it to check his vitals. He never knew an elf's heart rate could go that high. "Computer, medical emergency, but keep it quiet."

  "This is Dr. Ross, Night Shift Physician on Call. Can I help you?"

  "Harmon Aymar, I think. I need to talk to someone familiar with my psych profile. Code alpha-tango-zero-zero."

  "One moment..."

  Harm sat as the shaking threatened to return.

  "Harmon, this is Dr. Zernon. Do you remember me?"

  "Yeah, you’re the Sokuhl who taught me relaxation techniques. Doc, something bad is happening."

  "Did you scan yourself?"

  "Yeah, a minute ago."

  "Can you transfer the data?"

  "Sure, just a second."

  Harm put the scanpad next to the comm set and sent the data.

  "Excellent. Can you come to my lab? The directions should be on your pad."

  Harm looked. "Yeah, let me take a shower..."

  "Come now."

  Something in the doc's voice frightened him. "Be there in five."


  Harm sat in the exam room and read gossip magazines while waiting for Dr. Zernon to return with the lab results. Unlike most exam rooms, this one had up to date reading material.

  There was a knock.

  "Come in?" Harm said as he put down the magazine.

  "Harmon, data retrieved from the wreckage of the Vengeance along with your labs confirm my initial diagnosis. Your clone is suffering a major breakdown and he's dragging you down with him."

  "How is that possible?"

  "All evidence points to his body coming from one of Dir. Muntz's advanced laboratories. Muntz created a clone which was a perfect copy of your body, too perfect. For years now, you and Atmar have been experiencing a kind of permanent twin-link. I think the stress of maintaining that link is killing your clone."

  "And if he dies?"

  "May I be blunt?"

  "Doc, I chose you as my follow-on physician because you are the bluntest being I have ever met. No hemming. No hawing. Just plain, simple truth."

  "Thank you. I consider that a high complement. To answer your question: you will die. There is no way to put a positive spin on this fact."

  "Since I'm here, can I assume you have a solution?"

  The doctor sat down, throwing his notes on a counter. "With your permission, I would like to bring Ciara in on this."


  "Because the solution I want to propose is so dangerous that it requires her approval to even talk about it."


  Zernon stepped outside while Harm went back to his magazine. He and Ciara returned a short time later. Ciara sat down next to the elf. "How are you feeling?" she asked, frowning.

  "Depressed, filled with guilt, worthless. Other than that, I'm doing great."

  Ciara glanced at the doctor. "Basically, his neurotransmitters are being depleted faster than his body can replenish them, and the depletion is accelerating as Atmar falls further into madness. This depletion is causing depression in Harmon and madness in Atmar. Projections show they will flat line in four days, at which time the two of them will experience total neural shutdown. They will die."

  "And the Neurobprazine treatment will fix this?" Ciara asked.


  "Neurobprazine is a highly experimental drug developed for the treatment of severe neurological dysfunction. It is a cocktail of drugs delivered by nanorobots via an auto injector. We have two injectors stored here on-station, but the treatment is still undergoing simulation trials."

  "Great!" Harm said. "Give me an injection."

  Zernon grimaced. "I wish it were that simple. For a normal patient, we would hospitalize them and give them the treatment under the strictest of medical supervision."

  "Why can't we do that with Harm?" Ciara asked.

  "In the case of multiple personalities, the treatment knits them back together by remapping neural pathway. The bots go through the brain while looking for personality fragments. They reintegrate these fragments into the primary."


  "In Harm's case, they would use the twin-link to literally drag Atmar back into Harm where he would be integrated. The two of them would have to be in physical contact at the time of injection. This transfer would kill the clone instantly, which means if the reintegration fails, Atmar would be trapped in Harm's body. There would be a battle over who controls the body, a battle which would kill both of them."

  "What about Losira?" Harm asked.

  "The training and treatments she received after your kidnapping will nullify any adverse effects your death would have. Luckily, you are the prime of the pair. Your passing will only cause a sense of sadness, which will lessen with time."

  Harm got up. "OK, then. Get me the injector, and I'll go deal with Atmar while the rest of you deal with the Alue coming through from the other side."

  Ciara jumped up on a chair and grabbed the elf by his lapels. "How do you plan to get there, elf?"

  "Oops, forgot to submit the report. I solved the problem with moving between the universes. The Space Vixen II is being fitted with a field adapter as we speak."

  "How many ships do you have, and why not use the Algonquin?"

  "I have a few ships squirreled away here and there. We used the Gonc for testing the prototype. It'll take a few days to put her back together, so I brought the Vixen out of storage and had her fitted with the first production model of the drive adapter."

  "Well, then problem solved. We send Team Eight in the Vixen to retrieve Atmar. We bring him back here and perform the procedure in an operating room filled with people who can save your elven ass."

  "Ciara! I..."

  "You, sir, will listen to me. For the first time since we met, you will follow my orders, understand?"

  Harm dropped his head. "Yes, ma'am."

  "Good. Doctor, prepare the injector. Team Eight will leave in twelve hours. Harmon, you are now assigned to desk duty. Don't you have a meeting to go to?"

  "Yes, a meeting with the Directorate. If memory serves, you are a senior member."

  "Why yes, I am. Which means you can't skip out on this one."

  "I'll be there."

  "Good. Then I shall see you there. Doctor, always good to see you."

  "You as well, Director."

  She walked out.

  "Doc, is there anything you can give me to alleviate the depression?"

  "I don't dare start you on antidepressants. I suggest sleep and please, avoid stressful situations."

  "Doc, you do know what I do for a living, right?"

  Zernon cocked a single eyebrow.

  "Right. Got it. Sleep and no stress. Copy that."


  The directorate of the League of Planetary Systems sat around the table and talked among themselves while they waited for the rest of the attendees to arrive. "I still find this directorate model to be an odd form of government," Talus, the prime director said as he munched a nutribar. Like all Alturans, it was his treat of choice.

  "Give it time," Ciara said. "The moment you get used to it, it'll change. Though large, the League is still young. You know, we could try an empire model."

  "Been there, done that," Septus, the Olympian, said. "How do you think we ended up at war with our colonies?"

  "Sorry we're late, directors," Royce said as he and Harm walked into the room.

  "Not a problem, General. We were just discussing our latest form of government. Harmon, or is it Prince Lucien these days?" Raunt, the Goranthi, asked.

  "For you, old friend, it will always be Harmon, just Harmon," Harm said as he sat down next to Ciara. He proc
eeded to greet everyone around the table, having worked with or for most of them over the years. "So, how are we running this shindig?" he asked Ciara.

  "Informally. What did you find out so far?"

  He sat back and reported his findings.

  "So, we have two groups of people, each trying to enslave the other."

  "Yep," Harm replied. "The Alue can control the computers while the Logash can build their power supplies. The Alue need the Logash's computer networks to breed while the Logash need the Alue's help to explore the stars. So, would someone care to enlighten me as to what the Alue problem is?"

  The room filled with an uncomfortable silence. "The Logash queen and Agendor have convinced many in League government that the Alue are a threat."

  "Kayla is a clueless little git who needs to learn how to be a leader," Harm blurted out. "She would be wise to apprentice under my sister. The Alue born in this universe are not a threat to anyone. I have worked with most of them over the years, and I can assure you, they are not dangerous. I will remind you that Roscoe saved the Protector during the Venecia incident. In fact, Commodore Thurgood has given him a field commission as commander."

  "Harmon, we are aware of the Alues' contributions to the League. The Logash have pointed out the possibility of the Alue turning against the League if and when hostilities erupt between the two universes," Talus explained calmly.

  "Ciara, remember your Earth history?"

  "Yes, but I don't see how that applies."

  "Slavery. The Holocaust. The Japanese internment camps during your World War II. The treatment of Muslim Americans during the early 21st Century. Raunt, hunt any Tralaskans lately? Oh, lest we not forget, the Martok-Erdexi-Halcyon mess we were drawn into by the Tralaskans. Anything ringing a bell? Don't we all have more than enough blood on our hands? I tell you what, I will personally vouch for the Alue. They step out of line and you can shoot me on the spot."

  "Harm, this isn't funny," Ciara said.

  He stood up and leaned over, towering above her. "I'm not joking. You all want to follow this path, then I'm willing to be the victim waiting for you at its logical end."

  "Mr. Aymar!" Talus said, banging his gavel on the table. "Enough! If you have nothing constructive to add to this discussion, then I must ask you to leave."

  "Are you going to carry-out this ill-advised exercise in violating the rights of League citizens?"

  "We plan to detain the Alue until such time that we determine it is safe to release them."

  "Then good day to you all, and may whatever god you pray to have mercy on your souls," Harm said as he stood up and walked out of the meeting.

  "I request a five minute recess," Ciara said as she ran out the door after her friend. Once in the hallway, she looked around for Harm, but the corridor was empty. "Where did Harmon go?" she asked one of the guards standing next to the door.

  "He headed that way, ma'am," the guard replied with a tilt of his head to his right. "Ma'am, permission to speak freely."


  "I've known the elf since I started work here. In all that time, I have never seen him so angry. I thought his head was going to explode, ma'am."

  "Not good. Sergeant, security alert. Find and detain the elf."

  "Yes, ma'am!"

  She walked over to a comm panel and activated a link. "Dr. Zernon, this is Ciara. I've just initiated a security alert on Harmon. He's acting erratically. I want you to standby."

  "Understood, Director."

  "Dammit," Ciara said as she went back to the meeting.


  Marta watched a freighter pass by the lounge window while she waited for Harm to join her. Ciara had called and told her what happened at the meeting, so she knew her husband was in a foul mood. This lounge was where he went when he was angry; he found something calming about watching ships pass by in the endless night of space.

  "Where is he?" Losira said, storming into the lounge like an old spinster looking for a little dog.

  Shit! Marta thought to herself. "My Queen, who are you looking for?"

  "Your husband, Lucien. That worthless git just pissed-off the Directorate. I gave him one job to do, and he blew it. Now, I have to fend off the Directorate while he sits around on his dead ass building shit no one ever uses. What the hell was I thinking when I made him prince? I think that freak, Atmar, took Lucien's sense when he..." Losira stopped when she saw the look of horror on Marta's face. "Dammit," she whispered as she slowly turned to face her brother. He stood in the doorway, his face utterly blank. "Lucien..."

  "I am truly sorry for any trouble I have caused you." He turned and walked out.

  "How dare you!" Marta growled.

  Royce took this moment to walk into the room, unaware of what just transpired. "Did I miss something?"

  "Everything," Marta said as she tore her EMEF shoulder patch and nametag from her uniform and handed it to the big elf. "I plarking quit, effective immediately. The family will be out of the residence by the end of the week. I wish you both good day," she said as she stormed out of the room.

  Royce looked down at his hand, then up at his wife. "What the hell just happened?"

  "Where's Harmon?" Ciara said as she ran into the room. "Security said they saw him heading this way."

  "You just missed him," Royce said while giving his wife a hard look.

  "We had a tiff," Losira said. Ciara was shocked to see that Losira was actively avoiding eye contact with her husband.

  "Oh, and Marta quit," Royce reminded her.

  "What the plark did you say to him?"

  "How dare you..."

  "Listen, young lady, your brother isn't doing too well, and I need answers."

  Royce hurried over. "What's wrong with the elf?"

  Ciara told both of them. "I need to get him into the infirmary and under sedation until we can get Atmar back where he belongs. Now, what the hell did you say to him?"

  Losira explained. Ciara waited until Losira finished before calmly walked over to the wall comm and making a call. "Security, this is Devlin. Apprehend Harmon Aymar immediately. No deadly force, but knock him out if you have to. Secure his ships and I want guards on his lab. Inform me the moment you have the elf in custody. Devlin out."

  She turned back to Losira. "Considering the circumstances, you may have unwittingly killed your brother. Perhaps the next one will be more to your liking. Good day to you both."

  Ciara walked out without another word.

  "What have I done?" Losira whispered before falling into a chair where she sat, weeping uncontrollably. Royce walked over, sat down next to her, and took her into his arms. "You didn't know."

  "I should have known. That moron was shielding me, protecting me from the pain he was feeling."

  "It's his way."

  He held her as she continued to weep.


  Hoping Harm had returned to their quarters, Marta ran down the hallway and into their room, but found it empty. Exhausted, she sat down on the couch and put her face in her hands. "Harm, where the hell are you?"

  "Here," he said. He sat down beside her.

  "How the hell do you do that?" she asked as she took him in her arms and kissed him.

  "It helps being able to see in the dark."

  "What the hell's going on?"

  He explained about him and Atmar.

  "Oh my God. We need to get you to the infirmary." She tried to get up, but he gently stopped her.

  "I can't do that. I've got something to do, then I'm leaving."

  "Leaving? Why?"

  "To retrieve Atmar."

  "No, no, no, no, no! You are not going to run off and kidnap your clone."

  "Marta, I can do this. I can fix this."

  "Fix what?"

  "Fix me, so that Losira won't have to be so damn disappointed in me."

  "What has she done to your mind?”

  "She's done nothing. Look, I've got to go. I love you Marta McMurphy. Always have. Always will

  She pulled out a pistol, but he was faster. She collapsed as the stun charge took effect. He picked her up and made her comfortable before kissing her on the head. "Computer, medical emergency in the Aymar-McMurphy quarters. General McMurphy has been stunned."

  "This is the infirmary. A team is on their way. Harmon, this is Zernon, stay..."

  Harm was out the door before the doctor could finish.


  "I demand council representation under the laws of the League!" Roscoe yelled as he was forcibly shoved into a lounge.

  "You will be visited by your appointed lawyer in due time," Talus said as the guards left the room. "Enjoy your stay. I suggest you don't try to escape. The walls are shielded, and the guards have been ordered to shoot to kill. Good day."

  "What the hell is wrong with these people?" Ruby yelled while pounding on the door. "We aren't a threat to anyone!"

  "Except for the Logash. They are playing the events from two million years ago to their fullest," Roscoe said as he sat down on a couch. "Damn them to hell..." He was interrupted by the sound of blaster fire from outside the door followed by two loud thumps, as if two large somethings had hit the floor. "What the hell..."

  The door opened, and Harm walked in. "Hey, guys. What's shakin?" He dropped a large rucksack on the floor and opened it.

  "Harmon?" Ruby said as she peeked around him. Outside, two Katalan guards slept leaning up against the corridor wall.

  "Hey, girlfriend. Everyone OK?" he asked as he pulled a large device from the sack and set it on the floor.

  "We're fine," Roscoe said. "Is that what I think it is?"

  Harm pressed a button on top the device. Lights flashed and beeps sounded before a bright green light came on. "Yes, yes it is."

  "What is it?" Ruby asked as several of the Alue nodded.

  "A mark nineteen portable InterWeb complete with eighteen petabyte storage and FTL enhanced networking capability."


  "An InterWeb in a box," Roscoe said as he ran his hand over it. "I helped Harm test it a few months ago."

  "What's it used for?" Caleb asked.


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