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Boxer Next Door

Page 22

by Summer Cooper

  He didn’t even care whether she meant singular “you” or plural “you”. He closed the distance between them and put his arms around her. Her sobs wet his shirt. He held her even tighter.

  “Adam, I’m so sorry,” she whispered, stepping back just enough to look at him, her sad eyes only inches from his. His compassionate brown eyes looked intently at her.

  This time it was Jacky who pulled him in for a kiss.

  “I think it’s ready now,” Jacky said as she turned off the tap in the giant bathtub in Adam’s master bedroom. “Come here,” she said, caringly looking at him.

  Adam obeyed, bringing his broken body closer to her in the candlelit room. She sat on the edge of the bath, one hand playing in the steaming water distractedly.

  She reached towards him as he stood in front of her, slowly unbuttoning his torn shirt, one button at a time.

  “Oh Adam, what did you do?” she asked as he revealed the bruised body beneath. She threw the shirt onto the carpet-less floor. He really never did get around to decorating the place. At least there was bath.

  “It’s nothing serious, merely scrapes and bruises. I think I drove into a stationary car when I came around the last corner too fast. But it wasn’t really fast at all. I never did learn how to drive that thing properly.”

  She put her hands tenderly on his chest. She was crying again, she couldn’t help herself.

  “Hey, Jax, don’t stress. I’m fine, promise. The car looks worse than I do. I never liked it that much anyway. It wasn’t my color,” he said, forcing a chuckle.

  “I don’t know what I’d do if I had lost you…”

  “But you didn’t. I’m here. Lesson learnt. I’ll take an Uber next time.” He knelt down in front of her, pulling her head down with his left hand so he could kiss away her tears. “I cannot stand to see you cry. I never could. It breaks my heart, something much harder to bear than a broken body.”

  “Silly man.” She laughed through her tears, pulling him towards her. He was still kneeling on the tiles below her and she pulled him towards her chest. He rested his face in her warm bosom as she stroked his hair.

  She stood up and so did he. In the dim flickers of the candle light, she unbuckled his jeans, pulling them down. Adam stood in front of her in his white briefs, his body still perfectly toned despite the thin scrapes of dried blood from the shattered windscreen that had landed everywhere.

  Jacky pulled his underwear down as well, for the first time getting a sight of his beautiful cock only inches from her face. She smiled, looking at him in such an exposed state.

  Adam got into the bath, clenching his teeth as his wounds sunk into the warm water. He closed his eyes, lowering himself in slowly, his body parts disappearing one section at a time into the dark water. He slid all the way in until he was completely covered in the burning water, head and all.

  He came back up moments later, opening his eyes to stare at Jacky, water running down his face, dripping from his soaked brown hair.

  He smiled and grabbed her close with a sopping hand, pulling her face to his as he passionately kissed her.

  She didn’t even care that her new green dress was getting wet. So was she, in more ways than one.

  Jacky pulled away, taking the sponge lying on the side and carefully dipping it in the water. She gently washed the blood off his body, massaging the sponge over his tender flesh.

  “Why did you come back, Jax?” he asked earnestly as she worked her way over his body, her arm disappearing under the water too.

  “I’ve been asking myself that the entire time but I honestly don’t know.” She stared deeply into his eyes. “I just know I had to see you.”

  He pulled her closer for another kiss. Jacky completely lost herself in the moment, unable to hide her feelings for Adam any longer.

  Adam pushed her away and pulled himself out of the water. She stared at him confused, uncertain about what was going on. Did he not want her?

  Neither of them said anything.

  He wrapped one of the giant white towels over his toned, dripping body. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Even in the dim lighting, he was unmistakably handsome. She’d never looked at Adam in a sexual manner, but now she didn’t know how she’d ever look at him differently.

  He took her hand and led her away from the bath, leaving sopping footprints along the passage to the master bedroom. The giant room was bare except for a mattress on the floor. She didn’t know what else to expect but she also didn’t spend too much time thinking about it.

  All she could think about was how fast her heart was beating, how her pulse raced as she followed him to the tangled sheets on the mattress. The towel fell off as he lay down, his naked body sprawled on the expensive sheets. Adam pulled her down on top of him. She was still fully clothed in her damp green dress, the tight fabric clinging to her erect nipples.

  She hunched on top of him, his semi-erect penis pressing against her. He snaked his hands around her back, gripping the dress’s zip firmly as he tugged it down her naked back, splitting the dress in two as it fell over her shoulders, wet fabric clinging to her excited body.

  He ran his hands over her bare ass before pulling the dress over her head in one smooth sweep, discarding it on the bare wooden floor at the top of the three-story mansion he called his castle. His castle that now finally had a princess—one it had needed for so long. It was suddenly a fairy castle instead of a grim hideaway for a beast.

  Jacky wasn’t wearing any underwear under the now-discarded dress. She’d been in such a rush to get here, she bought the green dress and threw away everything she was wearing from the awards night still. The dress and sneakers. No underwear.

  She never expected the visit to go this way. But then, what did she expect?

  Her entire body felt on fire as he pressed her naked figure against his, devouring her lips in his. The feeling was almost unbearable, the anticipation. As he hungrily moved his lips to her left nipple, sucking them, teasing them, biting them gently but firmly, she felt her knees give way under her. His hard cock dug into her stomach. She could feel herself getting wetter.

  His other hand cupped her right breast, quickly kissing it before rolling her onto her back. Adam swung his leg over as he kneeled on top of her, slowly parting her lips beneath him as he guided his hard cock to her greatest desire. Despite his size, he slid right into her, slowly as her body accepted every inch of him.

  Jacky let out a groan as he pressed himself deeply into her, grabbing her tight ass towards him. He rhythmically rocked his hips, bending down to kiss her as he increased his pace. He pulled away a bit, only far enough to reach his hand down to her crotch, finding its way to her clit like a child on a treasure hunt. Another involuntary groan escaped her but there was nobody hear them for miles. They were inside Adam’s kingdom now and he was entering into hers.

  She could feel her body building towards a slow climax that built up rapidly as he moved inside her, massaging her clit between his gentle fingers in perfect unison. She had never felt so swept away before in her life. It felt like she was high, completely drunk, but she knew she was sober. He carried her away in his quickening rhythm.

  He opened his eyes suddenly, staring deeply into hers. In a perfect moment of climax they looked at one another, taking in each other’s faces, their essence in that exact second of release. He would never forget how she looked in that moment. His elation would always be imprinted in her mind.

  She didn’t know how loudly she screamed but she knew she screamed the moment he came inside her, at the exact moment that her body erupted in ecstasy! The perfect build-up to the perfect release.

  He fell down in a beautiful exhaustion next to her on the mattress. They were both panting.

  Adam held her tight as their sweaty bodies heaved up and down together, just enjoying the moment, the afterglow.

  She’d never had a cigarette in her life. But she suddenly felt like she could enjoy one.

  Chapter Eight

  It took a few seconds for the knocking in her dream to become a real sound as Jacky slowly awoke in the early morning sun. She moaned and turned around on her side, wrapping her naked body further into the warmth of Adam’s figure that still lay slowly breathing in heavy sleep pressed against her. She never wanted to leave the comfort of the mattress. For an instant her world was okay. But only for a moment. The knocking on the door grew more insistent.

  Adam groaned, rolling over as he slowly woke from his slumber. His entire body was in pain. The whiplash from his drunken excursion had finally sunken in.

  The knocking carried on, almost violently.

  “Jesus,” Adam moaned, forcing his body up from the floor. He sleepily picking up the towel from the floor, only noticing it because he stumbled over it. He wrapped it around his naked waist as he walked to the door.

  Jacky sleepily rolled over, slowly waking up, trying to piece her surroundings into a story. All it took was Adam’s smell on the bedsheets to remind her of where she was. She smiled, despite herself. It smelled like soap and passion spent.

  She was shaken out of her sleep instantly when she heard the familiar voices shouting downstairs.

  It was Nick. Fuck.

  She jumped up, pulling her dried green dress over her head and zipping it up as best she could.

  Jacky ran downstairs as fast as she could. But by the time she got to the two men, they already had one another by the chest. Rather Adam had Nick by the shirt, seeing as Adam wasn’t exactly wearing a shirt, or anything else except the towel that was still somehow tied around his waist.

  “Stop it!” she shouted at them but neither paid much attention to her desperate cries. It was like they didn’t even notice her there, despite her being the object they were fighting over.

  “What the fuck, Nick? What are you doing here?” Adam shouted, pushing Nick. He stumbled backward, the door hitting him between his shoulder blades.

  “You’re such an asshole!” was Nick’s only response as he ran towards Adam again, trying to punch him in the face. Adam ducked. They knew each other too well. Too many years of play fighting together; they knew the other one’s next move. Still, they tried.

  “I’m the asshole? You’re the one who can’t help but stick your dick into anything that moves,” Adam retorted, this time actually landing a punch on Nick’s jaw, albeit a sloppy shot that didn’t do much damage. His body was still in slow motion after the chaotic day before.

  Nick wasn’t in much better shape either. He’d been up since Jacky sped away from him in the taxi. He knew where she was going but there was nothing he could do. He pretended that he didn’t care. She was just another hookup. He went to the strip clubs. He saw his usual women. But nothing could get his mind off Jacky and the time they shared in Prague. Nothing had ever felt so real before. No other woman could erase that feeling, or at least the memory of that feeling, from his mind. It was the first time in his entire life that it all finally made sense. He felt comfortable in his world, content. The only feeling better than fleeting happiness.

  But she was gone. She’d run away to Adam. The only woman who’d ever mattered and she chose his best friend instead. Serves him right, he thought. All those years of treating women like amusements…

  Still, he couldn’t get the feeling of Jacky on his skin out of his mind, no matter how much he drank, no matter how much he stared at naked has-been-goddesses parading their worn-out naked bodies around the scarcely lit poles.

  By the time the sun came up and the barman ushered his drunk, exhausted ass outside, he was near mad with confused rage. Or at least it felt like rage but he had no idea what it was. He had never felt this feeling before. But all he knew was that he had to have Jacky; his life would be meaningless without her.

  He knew he’d find her there. Part of him had hoped he wouldn’t. But he knew enough to go to Adam’s house before even checking hers. He still wasn’t sure when he used his remote to get onto the property. But when he saw Adam open the door in that towel, deep claw marks running down his naked chest, that’s when he knew.

  But it wasn’t the scratches that gave Jacky’s presence away. It was the look on Adam’s face; rather the aura radiating from him. He’d never seen his friend look so relaxed, so at peace, happily spent. He recognized the look instantly.

  He was never normally a violent man but something inside him snapped and he flung himself at his friend and business partner. He felt betrayed.

  “Guys!” Jacky shouted again. They took no notice of her.

  Luckily there was no real furniture in Adam’s house so there was nothing to trip over as they pushed each other around semi-violently.

  “Like you didn’t stick yours right up there too, you cunt!” Nick shouted, pushing Adam into the wall right next to Jacky on the stairs.

  “It wasn’t like that, don’t cheapen it!” Adam retorted angrily.

  “Oh so when I do it, it’s cheap, but when you do it, then it’s suddenly all deep and meaningful? Fuck that!”

  They were so busy with their petty, childish fighting that they didn’t notice Jacky storm out the door in tears. They didn’t even notice the door slam behind her as she ran away from the house, sobbing.

  “Why do you always want every damn girl I like? Like it’s some competition? You always get whatever you want. But not this time. She’s mine!” Adam shouted.

  “Well, what does she want? Let’s see who she picks. I can bet my half of the company that it’s not going to be you!”

  This was the exact moment that they noticed that Jacky was no longer there.

  It broke the spell. Adam sighed and sat down on the stairs, dropping his head into his hands. “This isn’t getting us anywhere,” he said.

  “What are we going to do, dude?” Nick asked, his anger subsided. Neither were ever very good at acting tough. They’d grown up too cushioned and nerdy for that. He sat down on the singular couch in the room, not too far from the stairs. Somehow, neither had fallen over it during their struggle. But then again, none of that was very coordinated.

  “This is silly,” Adam said. “We’re completely fucking this up. This isn’t going to make anyone happy. Poor Jacky. She must feel even more confused right now.” He was always too empathetic for his own good. He was genuinely concerned about Jacky.

  “What happened to your face, by the way? You look like shit,” Nick said, getting up and grabbing two beers from the fridge. He handed one to Adam on the stairs.

  “Thanks. You don’t exactly look too hot yourself. You smell like smoke and cheap whores.” He opened the beer and took a deep swig.

  “Yeah, that about sums it up.” Nick sat back down on the couch, opening his own beer. “Christ, we’re both useless at being billionaires, aren’t we?”

  “It’s gone right to our heads,” Adam admitted.

  “We need to fix this,” Nick said.

  “Yeah, but can we please get something to eat first. I’m famished. Neither of us is in any state to do anything about this now.”

  “Fair enough. But I’m driving. Your car is fucked up, man. You could’ve just told me you didn’t like the color.”

  “I did, you never listened.”

  “Sounds like me. Guess breakfast is on me then.”

  Chapter Nine

  Jacky went back to her apartment for the first time in what felt like lifetimes. But she couldn’t stand being around her things now. It all seemed so foreign to her. She was driving herself crazy thinking about the previous few days, replaying the events through her mind over and over again.

  Each experience was so magical in its own way, how could she ever decide which one she preferred? She’d always thought that she would know when she found the one, it would feel right. But both Adam and Nick had made her feel so alive. Each in their own way.

  Thinking about it just made her feel like a whore. That’s what it looked like after all. The country girl runs away from her boyfriend at home to go stay with the billionaires. Just so she could
fuck one in a fancy hotel in Prague, and then the other one the very next day in his mansion. Just a gold-digging whore. What a life.

  But she knew it wasn’t like that. She didn’t know what to do with herself at present. She didn’t feel like eating. She couldn’t sleep. She didn’t even want to read.

  So she did the only thing she could think of. She packed her bags and got on the first bus home. Back to her parents’ house. It was about a six hour bus ride. But she enjoyed the passing of scenery and time. It gave her time to think, sorting through the puzzle pieces.

  Her mother didn’t need much warning to prepare for her arrival. Jacky phoned her in tears, saying she wanted to come home. Her mother asked no questions, just got the bed in her old room ready again. She’d been waiting for her to come home for a visit but Jacky seemed to have gotten so caught up in her new city life.

  When Jacky got to the station, both parents were waiting for her with open arms. She plastered a smile on her face that her mother saw through immediately but asked no questions. Jacky got onto the back seat of her dad’s beat up Chevvy as they drove the familiar streets to their humble home. The one just down the road from Adam’s place.

  It was hard to be back home. It all felt so different now. They drove past the school. Past Nick’s house. The church… Adam’s house… Finally, her dad turned into lane she’d seen so many times in her life. It was like coming home. It had been the longest she had ever been away from home before and it all still looked exactly the same. But so much had happened in her life since then.

  She walked up the stairs to her old room slowly, promising to be down for lunch later. She closed the door behind her, relieved. But she couldn’t run away from her own mind. It had followed her around the country.

  She didn’t go down for lunch. Her mother couldn’t get her out of her room until breakfast the next day, assertively ushering her to the kitchen to sit down behind the plate overflowing with pancakes and bacon.


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