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Boxer Next Door

Page 29

by Summer Cooper

  “Seriously? Have they offered that?” Megan gasped back quietly.

  “No, but it’s all weird, they aren’t fighting or being asses, they’re both acting like normal men interested in a woman. I kept thinking about it last night and was on the verge of begging for it, oh, I’ll tell you later.” Jessie said as both Jax and Liam came over, Liam bringing chairs with him.

  “Liam said you made this potato salad, Jessie. That’s the best potato salad I’ve tasted in years, girl.” Jax said as he handed her a loaded plate, and one for Megan. “I didn’t know what you’d want Sweet Meg, so I brought you a little of everything.”

  Megan twittered as she took the plate and filled her mouth with potato salad in a move Jessie knew was meant to keep her from saying something embarrassing. She’d done it herself. Jessie looked over at Megan and winked, teasing her friend, and Megan spluttered, laughing as she tried to swallow her food.

  Liam walked off, and then came back with two bottled beers, handing them to the ladies.

  “I think you two need these to cool yourselves down a little. Something’s got you all flustered.” Liam used that fake southern drawl again and Jessie howled with laughter, something incredibly funny about the situation.

  The rest of the day went well and Jessie stumbled home with a very tipsy Megan in tow around 2 am. They’d laughed, they’d joked, they’d been serious and discussed Jessie’s past, and the others told their tales, though she doubted anybody would remember the next day.

  Around lunch time Jax and Liam came over to ask the ladies if they wanted to go out for a ride. Megan pleaded with her tummy and head, saying she didn’t want to be sick all over anyone but she insisted Jessie go with them. Megan was curious about how this was all going to turn out and whispered to Jessie that she’d better not chicken out before pushing her friend out of the front door.

  Jessie rode with Jax this time on a bike Jessie couldn’t identify but it looked like the typical biker’s bike to her, even if she didn’t know what the insignia meant. Jax had the same kind of helmets as Liam and they spent the ride talking about him, Jessie insisting he stop making her talk about herself.

  “I don’t think I know what you do for a living, Jax.” Jessie thought to ask.

  “I was a fireman, I worked over in the city, but I left that when my father passed away and left me his bike shop. This bike is one of his creations.” Jax told her, and Jessie was stunned.

  “Wow, you create machines like this? That is awesome. And you were a fireman. Wow, hats off to you Jax, you’ve lived an interesting life so far.”

  “It pays the bills.” He said without giving away that his business was one of the most profitable on the east coast and had netted him a rather large bank account.

  They drove out of the city and into the countryside, the summer air cooling the heat from the pavement of the road. Jessie loved the exhilaration of being on a bike and watched the scenery going by. Before long they pulled off at a farm and drove back into a long stretch of woods to the farmhouse.

  “This is our friend Jakes place. I guess to an outsider, we kind of look like a gang but it’s really just a group of us that get together from time to time. Keeping it closed keeps people from peeking in, asking questions about what we’re doing. Nothing illegal, mind, just things we’d like to keep to ourselves.”

  Jessie found his words ominous but the laughing smiling people around her proved she had nothing to worry about. As soon as the bikes stopped, the crowd gathered around, pulling Liam and Jax to one side with the men and Jessie to the other with the women. Both sides were busy cooking on grills and camp stoves, chatting back and forth as though Jessie had always been a part of the group.

  Jessie learned from watching them all that the women were treated as equals, they weren’t property, as she’d expected from stereotypes about bikers she’d absorbed somewhere along the way. Many had their own bikes, their own businesses, and lived a happily married life. None of them seemed to be the housewife, stay at home and be a doormat type that Jessie’s ex-husband had wanted her to be, something she’d expected the men here would want from their women.

  Jessie wasn’t sure why she expected subservience really but what she saw at that party was nothing like it. If anything the men catered to the women, helping them when they needed help the same way the women did for them. Jessie tried to stay in the background where she could observe what was going on and watched as Liam and Jax joined in a game of horseshoes and other games. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected now but this happy group of people wasn’t it.

  A few hours later, as the sun was going down, Jessie started to get tired. She couldn’t find Liam or Jax, however, so she started wandering around and found herself over by a barn. There were a lot of voices and noises coming from the barn and Jessie assumed the men might be in there. Then she noticed what sounded like moans and delighted cries of pleasure. Her eye widened as she stood still listening at one window placed just over her head.

  Then Jessie heard what sounded like words of encouragement and the cries of pleasure grew louder. Far too curious now she looked around for something to stand on and found a plastic crate. She was just stepping up on it when she felt an arm go around her waist and she was pulled into someone’s arms.

  “Oh madam, I don’t think you’re quite ready for that yet.” She heard Jax say just before his lips came down on hers.

  “But what is it?” She asked when he pulled away. The thought was left over from before his lips came down to hers and stole all of her thoughts but that one. Jessie lifted her fingers to her lips and felt them, marveling at how wonderful Jax' kiss had felt. She could feel a path of warmth burning all the way down to her toes from that kiss. Now what was it she’d asked him about again?

  When a loud shout of satisfaction came from the building Jessie’s eyes widened once more and she looked at Jax. He just chuckled and pulled her away.

  “No. You aren’t ready for what’s going on in there at all, missy. Let’s get you home.”

  Jessie went home alone, disappointed that there were no more kisses in store but she had a lot to think about. Such as that kiss, and what exactly was going on in that barn? Jessie fell asleep with the sounds coming from the barn coloring her dreams while Jax’s kiss was the theme. Except in her dream Liam joined him and they took turns, their tongues exploring her mouth one at a time. Their fingers had both touched her and were travelling down her stomach when a loud banging woke her up.

  “Jessie! Jessie! Get your worthless tail out here!”

  Jessie awoke with fear clutching at her heart. She knew that voice and she knew the sounds of those fists. Her ex-husband had come for a visit.

  Chapter Twenty

  Jessie hid under the covers, not wanting to face what was right outside of her door. She thought these stupid late night drunken visits were over now but apparently Michael had different ideas. She was just about to open the door and tell him to hit the road, but with more swear words, when she heard an odd thump.

  “What the hell, man?” She heard Michael whine.

  “That, sir, is Jessie’s house. It’s not yours. You don’t get to come here in the middle of the night, roaring like an animal for her to get her “tail” outside. She is a free woman and if you are who I think you are then she’s done with you. Now I suggest you leave and never bother her again, unless you want your ass stomped into a bloody puddle on her concrete driveway.”

  Jessie’s jaw dropped as she heard Liam’s voice. The raw anger in his voice, the barely controlled rage, was eye-watering. She’d hate to be Michael.

  “Who the fu…” Michael didn’t get to say anymore because Liam punched him right in the side of his jaw. Michael’s head spun around, and then his body followed.

  Jessie thought she’d best go out before it went too far. Liam was a strong, protective man. He wasn’t going to put up with Liam, she knew.

  “Michael go home.” She said calmly, pulling her robe around her body tightly.
br />   “I was just leaving. Have a nice life Jessie.” Michael’s voice had lost its drunkenness but there was still a slur, a slur caused by a fist to the jaw.

  “I will Michael, kindly fuck off now.” Jessie told him, pulling Liam into her house.

  Liam watched at the door until Michael drove away then went to check Jessie, sitting at her dining room table.

  “Sheesh that guy is an ass, Jessie.” He said, sitting at her table.

  “He is. I’m sorry. And thank you. Would you like a drink? A steak for that hand?” She looked at his knuckles and saw they weren’t even grazed but his hand would probably be sore by morning.

  “No, I’m good, just wanted to check on you. Want me to sleep on the couch tonight?” Liam’s tone was serious but Jessie wanted to make a dirty wisecrack. Liam brought them out in her.

  “I’d prefer you were in my bed.” She slapped her hand over her mouth before grinning and going on. “Sorry. No, I’ll be fine and we both have to work tomorrow so head on home. Michael’s been put in his place at last. Hopefully we won’t ever see him again.”

  “Your wish is my command, madam.” He bowed at the waste, kissed her on the top of the head, and disappeared.

  Jessie went back to bed knowing that Liam was only a house away and there to protect her if she needed it.

  Jessie spent the week exchanging texts with both men, both fully aware of what was going on, and was bursting at the seams for the weekend. They had asked her if she wanted to go back to the farm that weekend. She’d gone over to see Liam at his house, Jax present as usual since Michael’s visit, and they’d discussed the farm more.

  “I think you’re perfectly aware of what was happening in that barn weren’t you?” Jax asked, his fingers brushing against Jessie’s thigh as they all sat in a swing in the backyard, watching the sun go down. Jessie was in the middle of Jax and Liam and her head rested on Liam’s shoulder.

  “Oh, there was no mistaking what was going on in that barn.” Jessie said, her blue eyes swinging around to Jax’s grey ones. Jessie’s eyes shone with excitement while Jax’s were studying her, looking for any hesitation or doubt.

  “If you’re sure then. You don’t have to get involved in anything you don’t want to, no is no, and you’re free to do as you like. Anything you like.” His words held a promise and weight, words that went unsaid communicated loudly despite the silence.

  Her eyes widened and she sat back, thinking of the images she might see.

  Jessie prepared for the night by getting her body waxed, removing everything she wanted gone from the waist down, and bought a new outfit. She was going to be riding the bike so she bought a new pair of denim shorts that barely covered her ass and a corset top, her large breasts almost overflowing the edges. The ties in the back were going to be fun for Jax and Liam to play with, if they kept up their normal playful attitude.

  Jessie met them outside and rode with Liam, loving how their thighs brushed together, and how he would hold her hand when they came to a stop. Before she knew it they were at the farm once more and she was glad she’d decided on lace-up black boots, it was muddy after the previous night’s rain.

  Jessie could sense a change in the air, tenseness as the people moved around her, greeting her with smiles and waves. Jessie could see a variety of people, young and middle-aged alike, pretty, beautiful, and some not so fortunate. Thin, thick, tall and short, and saw a few women and men she knew she’d enjoy watching.

  Jessie didn’t know for sure, nobody had said it explicitly, but she knew that barn was being used for sex and from the sounds of it, that sex was of the group variety with spectators. She’d read about such things online but had never expected to witness it. She wasn’t sure she’d take part but knew if she did she wanted it to be Jax and Liam she did it with.

  Drinks flowed and Jessie had a few over several hours, just enough to help her relax, and she ate with both of the men. After the sun went down Jessie noticed fires being lit in barrels and people breaking off into pairs. She’d sat in a spot with a view of the barn and could feel her arousal grow as couples and single people started to flow into the barn. One woman that had made her mouth water went in and Jessie followed, wanting to at least watch from the beginning.

  Just as she made it to the closed door Jax and Liam stopped her. She stopped when they raced ahead of her, holding their bodies against the door.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this, Jessie? This is grownup time, it’s not a time to sit and giggle with you friends, or to video to watch later. We know you’d never make fun of anyone but that is not allowed either. This is serious business, even when we’re all laughing, and what goes on in there stays in there.” Liam advised.

  “I think I’m ready. If what’s going on in there is what I think is going on, I want in. With both of you.”

  They both inhaled sharply and looked at each other. So Jessie had made a choice, and she’d chosen both. Smart girl their smiles said.

  “Then that’s what you will have my dear. But any time you want to go, with or without us, just say the word.” Liam promised, pulling her close for a searing but gentle kiss before opening the door.

  The barn was an open floor plan, no doors, and obviously meant for human use, not animals. There were swings suspended from the ceiling, sex swings Jessie knew, and the second floor had ladders that reached up to eight separate rooms, each one decorated differently. There were lace curtains, in case the user wanted some semblance of privacy, and one room obviously dedicated to hygiene with sinks, alcohol, soap, and an array of other products such as condoms on hand. Jessie walked up to a wall covered in objects she couldn’t quite see.

  When she got to the wall her jaw dropped. Sex toys, masks, whips, and some things she couldn’t even identify lined the wall. Oh yeah, this place got into their fun and games.

  Liam pulled Jessie around to an area in the middle of the rooms that resembled a living room. More of a viewing area, she thought, as she took a beer from a bowl of ice on a stand and sat down. Her eyes roamed over the rooms, each one full of people. Some only held two occupants, she saw one woman, the woman she’d tried to follow in, being undressed by two men and another woman and her eyes stopped wandering.

  The woman was gorgeous. Not thin but not overly thick, the tall man standing behind her grasping at her waist couldn’t get his hands to meet but her body was nice. Her stomach was rounded, but in a way that was sexy, that spoke of erotic nights and days of indulgence. Her navel was small and pierced, a blue stone winking in the yellow light that barely lit the room. The woman’s arms came up around the man’s neck as he removed her bra and Jessie saw the woman’s round breasts, tipped with dark red nipples, and her mouth watered. She wanted to feel the woman’s nipples in her mouth.

  Jessie sat forward on the couch, her eyes glued to the woman, so she missed the look that passed between Liam and Jax. That look said she was ready for what they offered and they thought it was time to let her into their world. Jax’s hands moved to her corset top and started tugging at the strings, not really trying to loosen them but more to let Jessie know he intended to.

  She reached back and pulled the ties apart, letting them know they could do as they wished with her. Her eyes stayed glued on the woman and Jessie’s eyes widened as the woman’s eyes opened, revealing eyes the same shade of blue as Jessie’s but her face was heart-shaped rather than Jessie’s more rounded shape. The woman’s thick dark brown hair snaked down her back and Jessie longed to curl her hands in it.

  Jessie knew when Liam shifted, pulling her to a couch that faced away from the woman. Jessie wanted to protest but Liam pulled her onto his lap, guiding her to straddle his thighs. Jessie grinned; she could still see the woman from here. Jessie looked back at Jax, sitting alone on the opposite couch and held out her hand to him.

  “Carry on with Liam for now, my sweet. I want to watch you with him.” Jax waved a hand at her, his diving watch glinting at her in the sunlight. Jax went on diving trips to the
Caribbean in the winter.

  The thought that watching her with Liam would turn Jax on turned the heat that had been building in Jessie’s body the last few minutes into flames and she turned back to Liam, her mouth descending on his in an open kiss. Jessie moved against Liam, his hands on her hips grinding her into the erection hidden by his jeans.

  She fumbled between them, wanting to feel his naked flesh. She pulled off his shirt first, letting her fingertips smooth down his nipples, then lower. The graze of her nails against his nipples made Liam’s breath hiss in between his teeth and Jessie stored that away for later.

  She felt Jax then, pulling at her ties to loosen the corset. Her breasts came free and Jax pulled the corset away, leaving her breasts bare. Jessie’s chest swelled as she breathed in deeply. Any of the people in here could look around and see her naked breasts, their light brown nipples hard as buttons.

  She waited, her hand at Liam’s pants button, wondering if Jax was going to touch her. He didn’t so she carried on. Jessie’s hand dipped down, pushing Liam’s zipper down as she went, until her hand was full of his hard, throbbing flesh. He was ready for what she had to offer.

  “We’re clean, both of us. We’re checked regularly but we can use a condom if you’d like.” Liam spoke to her quietly, pushing her hair behind her ear before he kissed the delicate flesh behind her earlobe.

  “It’s alright. I’m clean and on birth control. Tonight I just want to feel you both with nothing between us at all.” She said, taking the chance that Liam was being honest.

  Jessie moved away from Liam, letting her shorts drops, panties with them, as Jax got a view of her pert, round backside. She pulled Liam’s pants away and knelt between his thighs, knowing that Jax was getting a good view of what she had to offer. Jessie glanced up at the woman upstairs one more time and saw the woman was up against a wall, a man’s head between her thighs, as the other man and the woman sucked at her nipples.


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