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Boxer Next Door

Page 85

by Summer Cooper

  Before she knew it, she was ignoring her instincts to grab a bagel and load it with cream cheese while having her morning coffee; instead, she was lacing up her running shoes and hitting the pavement. It was beautiful outside and she was glad she had made this decision the second she stepped outside.

  Her conditioning was not quite as bad as she thought it was, but she still felt that she needed to be in much better shape. After about a mile her legs felt like they were ready to fall off and the pain in her side was becoming almost unbearable. She had not stretched nearly enough and she was quickly learning that lesson, but it was a valiant effort for her first day back to jogging. As she walked back to her apartment she made the vow that she would start jogging at least two miles every day and hope to have that stretched up to five miles with six weeks. It was a lofty goal, but she was dead set on it. It would feel good to achieve this.

  The day flew by and before she knew it she was arriving at Richard’s luxury, penthouse apartment. He greeted her at the door and the instant she stepped inside she could smell the amazing food that had been prepared. She wondered if Richard’s butler was as good in the kitchen as her parent’s butler, but from just the aroma of the food that he had fixed, she was going to have to say ‘yes’ to that one.

  Angela had actually spent the entire day pampering herself, mostly as a distraction from watching the clock all day as she nervously awaited Richard’s response to what she had to tell him. She also realized that she had been neglecting a few of the bare essentials that any self-respecting model had to stay on top of.

  First, she went to Nail City to get a manicure and a pedicure. It had been a few months and she could instantly feel what she had been missing. The stress of life just seemed to wash out of her as the staff went to work on her.

  After her nails were taken care of she went to the beauty salon for a touch-up. Her hair just needed a trim and she wondered if her regular guy, Alejandro, could work some magic and make something special happen. Of course he did. He was a master at doing very little and making something pop in an unexpected way. Her hair had the same style but there was some obvious life breathed into it.

  Finally, she had treated herself to a spa day with a deep tissue full body massage and a paraffin dip on her hands and feet—it was spectacular. After all of this, she had time to run home and grab a quick two-hour nap before she had to get ready for her date with Richard.

  Now here she was in his apartment wearing her best dress. She knew that she looked good enough to awaken a man from a coma and she could tell by the way that Richard’s eyes popped out of his head at the sight of her that he felt the same way.

  “Well, hello,” Richard said.

  He instantly wrapped her in a warm embrace and kissed her gently on the lips. It was a soft, sweet, greeting kiss but it was still as electrifying as she remembered it being in the hansom cab.

  “How are you?” Angela asked.

  “I am much better now. You look even more incredible than usual. How is that possible? It’s blowing my mind away,” Richard said.

  “Well, thank you. I have to return the compliment.”

  “I’ll accept,” Richard said with a smile. Only he could pull off a statement that cocky. She couldn’t help but smile at the cheek of it.

  The dinner was fantastic. The butler, Daniels, prepared a luxurious four-course banquet: caviar with crab, potato and crème fraîche to start; pan-seared scallops with a cauliflower purée; a slow-roasted lamb rump that was so succulent it melted in the mouth; and a delicious salted caramel tart with quince curd ice cream. Angela had not indulged in such amazing food—and certainly not so much—for a long while and she realized that it might have been counterproductive to her new commitment to health and fitness.

  After dinner, she and Richard retired upstairs to his billiard room. He had told her of his love for this game and she had to admit that she had always been a fan as well. But she wasn’t prepared for exactly how good he. She was starting to see a pattern here; Richard was apparently better at everything than everyone else. But he was not the least bit cocky about it—that was what she loved.

  It had been a while since she’d had the stick in her hands, but she came back to it naturally and she actually won a few rounds, though she had the feeling that Richard was holding back some for her benefit. She thought that was rather sweet.

  After the game, they sat down on the leather sofa on the side of the room near the mini bar and Richard mixed together a few martinis. As they sipped their drinks, Angela felt the part of the evening she had been both dreading and looking forward to.

  “So, I sense that something is on your mind. You did say there was something you wished to speak to me about,” Richard said as he sat down with his second martini. Angela was still on her first.

  “Yeah, this isn’t easy for me to say,” Angela began.

  “Just out with it. That is the easiest way to say something difficult. There’s no reason to let it build within you where it’s doing damage. Let it out,” Richard said.

  Angela took a deep breath. “I really like you, Richard. In fact, I find myself falling very strongly for you, and I hope you feel the same way as I do.”

  Richard sat his drink down and held her hands in his, “I do, Angela.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that, but there is something I have to be truthful with you about,” Angela said. She took a deep breath, “I’m a virgin.”

  Richard flinched for a second, but it was more of a look of surprise than shock or judgment.

  “I see,” Richard said. “You aren’t experienced in the ways of love.”

  “No, not that way.”

  “There is nothing to be nervous about,” Richard said.

  He leaned forward and kissed her softly. His lips were magnetic, drawing her whole body towards him as his hand gently nudged her closer, resting on the small of her back. Her body began to get warmer as her thoughts swirled around her head.

  His kiss was getting stronger and deeper—she loved it. His hot mouth pressed on hers, his tongue entering and grazing across her own tongue. It was all too much and she felt her entire body begin to give in. She wanted this so badly. She needed this. It was everything that she had ever thought it could be and it was all right here and it was ready for her right now. All she had to do was surrender herself to it and just let go. Let go Angela. Let go. The voice echoed in her head but she knew that was not the real her, and she just could not allow herself to listen to it any longer.

  Angela pulled her head back and stood up, pacing in front of the couch. She tried to catch her breath and allow her body and hormones to return to their normal state.

  “What’s wrong?” Richard asked.

  “I can’t do this. I have to finish telling you what I came to tell you.”

  “Are you putting an end to us, Angela?” Richard asked.

  “What? No. I don’t think so. I don’t want that. I’m falling completely in love with you, I’m sure you can feel that,” Angela said.

  “I think I do.”

  “But there’s more I have to tell you if we’re to continue on with this,” Angela said.

  “Okay, I’m all ears,” Richard said as he leaned back on the couch.

  “I want my first act of physical love to be on my wedding night.”

  Angela breathed heavily, relishing in the weight that she had just taken off her shoulders. She waited for Richard’s reaction. His face was neutral; his eyes were calm, yet serious. She wasn’t getting a real read on him here and the silence was unbearable as he squinted slightly as if he were deep in thought.

  “I understand,” Richard said.


  “Yes, of course. I understand how you feel and I absolutely respect that.”

  “I’m so glad to hear you say that,” Angela said. “But what does that mean for us?”

  “What do you mean?” Richard asked.

  “Well, do you still want to pursue us? I mean, it is possible t
hat what we have might never reach that level.”

  Richard smiled at her warmly, “Angela, I feel closer to you than I’ve felt to any woman in so long. I don’t just want your body; I want you. I think what we have is special. I know that given enough time it can turn into something that most only dream of. I trust that enough to give up the physical pleasures of the flesh for what we have.”

  Angela wiped her eyes as the tears began to fall down. She could not believe those words were leaving Richard’s lips. Was he really serious?

  “Oh, wow... that is such a relief,” Angela said.

  Richard stood up and wrapped her in his arms. He kissed her softly on the lips again and held her face to his. His warmth was so sweet and kind. Angela felt that when she was in his arms like this that there was nothing in the world that she couldn’t do and nothing in the world that could harm her. It was the safest she had ever felt. She had not even realized that she felt insecure a lot of the time until she was being held by Richard and this overwhelming sense of peace was washing over her.

  “Has this been worrying you? You should have talked to me sooner,” Richard said.

  “Well, we only just started to make our romantic feelings known to each other. I like to take things slow and I was sure that you would turn from me,” Angela said.

  “Well, I guess I still have a few surprises up my sleeve to keep things interesting for you,” Richard said.

  He pulled a small remote control out of his pocket just then and pressed a button, flooding the room with romantic music. Angela had to laugh; Richard was right—he was full of surprises.

  As they danced the silence between them was sweet and warm; it was not the least bit awkward or strange. After everything that had been discussed, Angela thought it would have been a bit tense but it was as smooth as silk—it just felt right. Richard was the guy she thought he was; she was beginning to understand that now. She could sense the slightest bit of hesitation that was dwelling deeply inside of her starting to retreat. With everything that everyone had told her about him all these years and with what she herself had seen from him in public, it made sense for her to harbor some reservations about him, but since they had become romantic her expectations were repeatedly blown away.

  “I have an idea,” Richard said as she looked deeply into her eyes. His smile was as inviting as always and there was a playful curiosity dancing behind the beauty of his eyes right then.

  “What’s that?” Angela responded playfully.

  “How about we go away for the weekend? I have a beautiful home in Hawaii and I haven’t been there in a while. It’s been crazy at work for so long that I’m getting a bit burnt out; I could use the break and I could really use the company.”

  Angela thought for a moment. This could be serious, “It sounds enticing, but what about what we just spoke about?”

  “What about it? I have plenty of space there; you will have your own room. It will be a blast: we can surf and enjoy the fine food on the island. Have you ever been?”

  “Once, when I was eleven. I loved it. They have the bluest, clearest water I’ve ever seen. It’s like another world down there.”

  “That it is. What do you think? Will you accompany me?”

  Angela mulled it over for a few moments, but Richard’s charm proved to be too much for her to say no.

  “Okay, but you behave yourself,” Angela said as she kissed him.

  “Oh, I’ll be on my best behavior,” Richard said between kisses as they continued to dance. Her head started to spin a little bit again, but she smiled at the feeling. It was something she was probably going to have to get used to with this perfect specimen of a man she was falling in love with.

  She closed her eyes and listened to the music moving their bodies back and forth. Angela rested her head against Richard’s strong chest as they danced slowly. It was the perfect end to a perfect evening.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Angela stepped out of the billiard room and almost stepped right into another body standing there totally unexpectedly. She caught herself before she fully collided into them, their figure just a blur as Angela grasped wildly to hold onto something to keep from falling to the hardwood floor close to the railing that overlooked the twenty-foot drop to the first-floor living room at the foot of the winding staircase.

  As her bearings came to order, she noticed that she had almost bumped into Naomi standing there. She was definitely the last person Angela expected to see right there at that time. It was getting late and Naomi had her own apartment six blocks away that her father had given her as a graduation gift. Angela still found it odd with all the things that Richard did for his daughter how she could still treat him the way she did. Now that Angela and Richard were becoming an item it was really starting to piss Angela off.

  “Whoa, Naomi. I didn’t see you there,” Angela said.

  “Too busy with your head in the clouds with my father, I see,” Naomi said.

  Angela felt her heart sinking at the realization that Naomi had heard them. She knew why Angela was there; if she didn’t then she was going to have questions anyway as to why Angela was there at that time of night. How much had she heard, though? Angela realized that this was a confrontation she had been dreading, but it was good to get things out in the open. It was silly to hide them away like children.

  “Naomi, wait a second, you don’t know what’s going on,” Angela said.

  “Oh, I can put two and two together just fine. I thought there was something up with you two. I could see it at the party and at the country club, but I didn’t really believe it. There was something different about the way you were with each other. Looking back now, it all makes sense. You’re sleeping with my father. How dare you...”

  “Naomi, I’m not sleeping—“

  “Save it!”

  Angela was wondering what was taking Richard so long in the billiard room. He had asked her to go downstairs and they would have some dessert before she went home if she wished. He was going to put away the pool sticks and clean up the bar really quickly. Surely he heard the commotion here; Naomi was getting really loud.

  “I know what is going on. How could you? You think that now my dad is helping you with a modeling career and that entitles you to sleep with him? You know how I feel about my dad and what he’s done to ruin my life!”

  “You’re being so childish; you always have been. Your father didn’t ruin your life. Your mother left because of her; not him. She could have stayed close by and been a part of your life. You just refuse to see it. She is the one who tossed you aside; your dad has always been here!” Angela argued.

  Naomi slapped her hard across the face, part of the blow landing on her ear. The entire world sounded like one huge beep as the sting of her fingers echoed the blast on her face repeatedly. The pain was sharp and biting but was quickly turning to a dull, throbbing ache. The anger welled up in her and Angela was hell bent to return the blow as she pulled back, stepped forward and began to swing her hard right hand.

  Something was pulling it back.

  Her head shot back to see Richard standing there holding her arms and pulling her away from Naomi. He suddenly released Angela and stepped in between the two girls as Naomi came forward apparently ready to mix it up some more.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Richard shouted.

  “Why don’t you ask your new whore?” Naomi shouted.

  “Wait just a minute. You will not speak to her that way,” Richard said in that commanding tone of his.

  “Whatever. I’m done with this!” Naomi said as she started to march away.

  Angela could now tell that Naomi was drunk as her steps were shaky and for a second she wondered if someone should have been helping her down the steps, but her anger prevented her from caring very much right then. How dare Naomi attack her that way and call her a whore. All because she was a spoiled brat who refused to see what a bitch her mother really was. Nothing would ever get through to her.

  “Are you okay?” Richard asked, looking at the welts that were no doubt on her face now. The pain had subsided to a numb tingle but the shock of it all was the real damage. Angela felt angry, hurt, betrayed and heartbroken at the loss of her best friend.

  She just didn’t get it. When would Naomi come around? When would it happen?

  The front door slammed as Naomi walked out.

  “She isn’t going to drive is she?” Angela asked.

  “No, she would never do that. She isn’t that stupid. I’m sure she’ll have my driver Bailey take her home.”

  “Good,” Angela said.

  Ten minutes later Angela was sitting at the mini bar having another drink as she waited for the events of the evening to settle down inside of her mind. She was thinking about all of the stupid little events and bouts of mischief that she and Naomi had gotten into since they were kids. Were those days gone forever now? Was there no getting back to the way things were? She just didn’t know. It was quite possible that she had just lost her best friend for good.

  “I just don’t get why she hates you so much. Surely she has to be over it all by now,” Angela said, shaking her head. “I thought I understood the extent of it, but the way she was tonight makes me wonder. I just don’t understand her rage.”

  “I do,” Richard said.

  Angela looked at him. There was something about his demeanor that said he had more to tell her than she probably should know. There was something else going on that she wasn’t aware of.

  “What? What is it?” Angela inquired.

  “I’m telling you this because I value your friendship with my daughter and I value our relationship as well. You’ve always been a great friend to her and she has those in short supply. I would never forgive myself if I didn’t at least try to keep this for her.”

  “What’s going on?”


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