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Mind-A suspense novel.

Page 17

by Danny E. Allen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Perhaps, self-analysis was both what was needed and what was by design. He wanted to show faith in himself and Dr. Doule, as a permission of what he’d done before and what with exception, confidence deemed him ‘worthy’, competent and ranking. He could have been torn between his capability and his recompense but he knew better... And as a doctor the avenues and intrinsic was a concision of how it was now. He’d think of a way to avoid the dispense of his mentor to out-wit the demerit explication in where was once an expansive work. He was done by 2’o clock and prepared for second-floor ward-meeting and management then clock-in time notating new clients, work-schemes as a program enlistment. The sun came-out and shown on the shrubbery on the first-floor pavilion-sunflowers blooming, he went to visit the Director of Coordination. Many-clients were brought in by Dr. Peter and he was their Unit therapist, he was becoming a working ‘enigma’, in many things. He went to check-in on his personal-charges which were in-stay for processing by Unit-doctor in-charge. That was Dr. Peter, a committed professional. How did the askew terms, thought in indefinite, run its intriguing-course... It was something for the books. A resonance of co-function that with revising might lead to a personal-triumph and ‘travail’ in all he did life had always been documented that way...

  Emerging as an unidentifiable indenture to the pro-logic side to what was a defining experience from childhood to full-adult expedition. It was still all up to him. Dr. Doule, was a coefficient in the rationale terms of definition. In a rather colorful-energy but also being ‘stoic’, stamina, and to overt and vector... Yet now, he was letting terms with Peter act-out its recourse. He indubitably, had other things on his mind. It set as a defective with him. He no longer wanted to no why. In his life, which was filled with devotional. Living in his major part of life-in the U.K. Then with duty and accomplish, he was granted transfer where he could discover even more experience, wealth and ability. An inimitability, to forge a new renowned that would give him even greater-prestige. Now, he had been dealing with a young Antwerp who couldn’t deal with his own daily-incursions. ‘He’, was at the top of his field, he tried to teach him everything he thought necessary yet now, he wanted that auspice. In all his-definitions he could only resign to a current-derision.

  As valuable as any thing he understood, was to officiate, an energetic-incursion; enterprise to invoke amenity of a personal-pro-faction. A repletion by innate-ordinal tasks only a proficient to Dr. Doule’s ramification. He remit conferring duty and possible betterment of his-charges. He didn’t just want sufficing ,as an indubitable incite equally, dispelling-dispensing of a calculative, cold-character. Filled-with blind disrepute, the ‘wanted-terms’, those he knew, adroitly. A ‘secret-imperil’ would make his extenuation and supra-par in representation. His energy to ‘head’, heed and as habit had been set-upon him. Dr. P. O. was inwardly, dejected by hindered, artifice in his work. He was skilled yet now, hegemonic. A temptation to consummately, absolve deriving-feelings. A driving, embolden that his-relations to America had be with a reserve. A reserve of desist, and division. His British-point-of-view was one of dawning in-affectation. He had kept his derogatory, opinions to himself. Being a ‘tyrant’, was not his necessary-forte. But his ‘smug’-desisting, had come with an apportion of a ‘grain-of-salt’.

  It could have resided on his legitimate-belittle for the ‘Yankees’. Which had been avoided. An ex temper for the European-mystic and once superior-country’s loyalty. But recognition was growing ‘dim’. And perhaps, he was wrong. He’d came to America to explore and increase his wealth in the innovation of this side of the ‘Pond’. Yet errant was the endeavor to realize this only in his spare-time. An accolade by duties, functions and instilling arising in the docent of a proficient-hospital. A devising of proper-profession, skill and contention to increase hospital, clinic and public-protocol. An actuating into resolving program, proffering that was comprising and successful. An exact-intending effecting the prevalence in promoting, perfecting and professing dimensional-impact. Was this enough? His guises were as a near Doctor-’Emeritus’ of the Unit. He had gained all the abilities that a man of distinguish-could. From responsibilities and skills, as doctor to the authority as Dept.-Head, he was given presiding as professional could be given. Many technical-terms and tentatively instilled, instituted and installed had his ‘hand’ in it. From work to warding, the extenuates by vocal and envision. The scope of a true-convent that had perhaps reached its ‘zenith’. He had many friends at Carsen but also few fellow-intellectuals, his job there had always been in an official-sense. He’d met many interesting-people. Helped to realize many hopes and dreams and now a simple-despot of a ‘change’. ...One he’d hand-picked. Things rarely came-out as they seemed and realized in the facts and temptations affecting anyone’s life.

  Life was ‘full’ and now, did he have an ‘enemy’; the security-Chief lead him to this-decision? Was he to follow it from ‘fit’ to ‘finish’. A fact of flourish, which subdivided as a capitulation and arduous-conviction. Of the ardor and ardent-kind in causative-affliction too, implicit to be an officiate. He pontificated where there’d rarely, been a sufficient ‘chance’ to do. This one incident riled his spirit. In an old-man, that meant a lot. But more was at stake than emotions. In-subordination, was an unwise as a retribution. He was above that, and that which he was not above was the issue of self-sanctity violated and run its course. Being a civil man, he was taught the discipline and sturdiness to act with prudence. Something the good Chief-seemed not to espouse. The Chief was American, probably sold-on his ways and worthy of conspicuous work. But he would have not expressed his feelings without some motion being entertained. Intellectually, speaking he was not complete in term or tentative. Yet it was dead-on, revealing. He, was the Head of the Department. Which meant he was in control, and of suspect in the higher-order of things.

  Discipline, devotion and competence went with the job. Yet what was to be considered: respect or suspect? Effectively, he understood work and reliance counter-posed and dissipated suspicion in the greater-scheme of things. The work, he did could not be unkind. But the aligns of another had to be dealt with. He’d thought to discipline him, he couldn’t prove it but he had it in-effect that the clause-of-effect was a defining-defiance to the both-deposing and dishonest encounter. So was it a complicated-’neither’ nor, or the simple disparage of dishonored-contention. Perhaps, it was all in his best-interest; but was it in the interest of the hospital... Devotion, now took a back-seat in the game of ‘mouse-trap’. It was more than a ‘reality’ of radicalizing but than intercession of a ‘discharger’, to subordinate. A ‘press-pass’ by terms, he wanted seen for what it was: a deterrent-extension. And that extent would be paid-for on its ‘culprit’. That in this trans-amination, the portrayer was going to be punished-properly.

  Then, his great-’investment’, had to be brought to bare. It was going to be a term-of-endearment, however you looked at it... Yet supervision, whether difficult or ‘easy’ came with rules, for both condoner and recipient. A truly, subjugate-rule, commandment. In what interminably, was an excising-by discernment. An idolized ‘prejudice’ to be atoned... Neither he, nor Peter, fully-understood the repercussions, all they knew was there had been an institute of free-talent. But in a nefariousness of scope, it had turned-’inward’. ...Dr. P. O., was as disenfranchised, as Dr. Peter... Somehow, each saw the salaciousness by willing-terms... The Chief, had already spread rumors; by the possibility that Peter was out to ‘get’ P. O. for some reason... That he’d initiated, an indulging-of a ‘fallacy’, against the defending of an average black-laborer. Although, this seemed simply, a ‘complexity’ by ordinate-staff in contentions as over and above, personal-descent. Of the many attitudes and perspectives, which occur in a working-atmosphere. Dr. Doule had been too, harsh. That a black-women had some kind-of ‘spell’-on Dr. McBride. ...And that his family
would possibly, make a disparage as his-duties, had grown. And that the halls were ‘haunted’ against both doctors after Darrick’s death.

  No one wanted to think ‘bad’ about either, but it was entertaining. The board typically, evaded personal-issues as perhaps an over-stepping of bounds. Centricity, of work upheld. Questioning the auspice by lower-rung professionals. Peter, had no idea outwardly, of a problem. But also that if anything, he trusted and was devoted to Dr. Doule. There was no more to discuss, as a doctoral-staff was concern. Yet, the Chief was not fully, convinced he was outside of their professional-realm. Both were dedicated to the institution. And perhaps P. O., was now influenced by the Chief, and was told to keep an ‘eye’ on Peter. As the Chief was the first-’chink’ in the armor of P. O. ...Sometimes ‘guilt’, can run deep. A suspicious-security Chief can be the ‘alerting call’ of a respectable-superior. A superior who would some how subdivide his-issues. ...P. O. began to visualize Peter in his dreams. Of astute board-members becoming evil puppet-masters of the attending-staff, ‘ghouls’, in a dark-hall.

  It began to affect P. O., more than Peter. No one knew this, until P. O. advanced more question to the Chief and his very-’normal’-details of Peter’s heavy-workload, by overcoming-’debt’ in being dutiful and of character. Peter, had forgotten-for the most part, yet as an experience, it carried a bit-of weight. A detaining, and conferring enticement, as a vision-of ‘revenge’. A pre-laid, gestation which, as an honored-heart and drive, was in inhibition. A new-meticulousness to idealize new-reprehension. An anew-revelation to intercourse of premise, pretension. A contention-of conveyed-arduousness. He-made project of a gambit of prevision. Imagining, vindication to follow as recourse. An invention-of vitality and ill-virtue by assimilation was it, a pre-mature law of confiscation by convention. Of ‘deed’ and deeming, a price had to be ‘paid’. As priority to reverse repute-on his-reputation and his-reprise as a teaching-doctor. A provoking, and precarious-pretext in intensity by what had once been a friend, as a mutual-superior and charge. The many-factors, to which a competent-individual becomes a recessive-contention that could have come at a rare-’cost’. Of the mental-collusion of being emotional. Of some inner-baring, to re-quaint the ‘desire’ and ‘dimension’ once a caring, uncertain-discharge, a design by culpability...

  The fully-expressed, in what was inside, there needed to be a self-assured, availing. An inward-resolution to evince once extenuative-terms. An utter, ideal surmising-to expose what was difficult-incidents, straying and disturbing. A quaint-determination that revolved around his redialed, deriving emotion. This erratic, re-dimension confesses of emotional, and demand, in in-ordinate cause. A diametric-exposure of newly recompense, dividing and sub-dividing a ‘reality’ of ramified-ratification. A presiding-revelation of erratic-motive and deferring-contention. An elemental-exposing of irrational-judging; of ill-reverent, dispose and deep-seated reversion. As this was an achieving and empowering to him; was now, in a-strange, contention at a vice of once duty. His many-attainments, were now set-’void’ by the mindless-abjection of a once, student and friend. A transfix-of challenge and condensing-choice, which resolved-in terms of both human-and horrendous-abjections... An ‘idea’ of reversion, and replete-in the proctored-prelude of a perplexing-propensity. Whether he found a illogical in-ordinate or not; what was of past-instilling. He had the intimate-choice that the charter of an impassioned-implication. Dr. P. O. didn’t want to realize the ‘cost’ and condemning of what was a proper-preeminence by an inviolate, descent and interjection. P. O., was ‘wiser’ than Peter, yet to use that wisdom to inflict-upon others would be considered un-professionalism. Yet he used that to plan his area of targeting Peter... He wanted a very serious-intention on others, which as Head-doctor might be done ‘flawlessly’, if done properly. P. O., had retaliation on his-mind. He wanted it all for himself. He had to plot-out what he would do. And in so doing, maintain his-image.

  He wanted it to look-like something else. His educated-mind had many variations... He’d experienced so many legitimate and legal factors to what was in the ‘air’ of judgment. He was only a decent-doctor being given many advantages. By the terms of Dr. Doule’s auspice. ...He’d only, wanted a decency-of terms by which to act in the many times, irrational, U.S.A. He’d seen so many times people, not right, to make personal judgments; be made the ward of what was the virtual-entities, of non-entity. He didn’t include himself; he’d come from the very-rational and logical, U.K. From Arts and Sciences, the U.K. Led and re-found the world. He couldn’t take responsibility-for it all, but the ‘smarts’ and cool-intellect he possessed, could do anything. ...And that anything, was capable. He-wondered what Peter was thinking; as, of the Chief was at most, insulting-him, with his superstitious-claims. ...No, he-wanted it simple and ‘logical’. Where he would realize his-fate. A fate-of a ‘prince’, killed for his crown.

  He-wanted it to be ‘poetic’. ...A wonderful-prize, that was worth having. ...Of such a great-propensity to take advantage of his very-’reality’, as a prominent-doctor. ...When he was a ‘student’, at a prestigious boarding-school, ‘old-school’-mates had caused him many hanging-retaliations for success and deriving improvement. A senseless and consternate edifice that made them ‘stronger’, empowered, and disciplined. Peter, had probably never known such hazing. Yet P. O. knew how fitting in the over-all scheme of things that the weak and insufferable-American, was so needing proper-deposing... A design of the insolent American. It, becoming ‘perceptive’ and pro-seminal. It seemed, a wide-circle of rationality; that at least made his personal-impingent, worthwhile. A precise, prolog to advance and idealize-in what was the ‘energy’ in enigmatic, redemption. Although, his long-training had still left room, for denouncing-calls. ...He-enjoyed the skills, which had accumulated in decency and faith. Yet rarely, demonstrating-irreverence, his feelings were reoriented to an invading, ill-regarding, and revealing. Maybe because he had few-friends, due-to his devoted, self-revolving world; a maddening, derivation, had become a stimulation-of indignant, stridence. Marginal, it never-fitted his vibrant feeling of demur and denigration; making it all too-simple...

  Although, the implication of a negative-image of intensity and intricacy, all to fulfill the deceptive and in-apparent, elicit of presence and proper-perceptional ideal to an image of an in-control doctor, Head and crucial-leader. Such liberal-advances came to be befitting, along a line of mitigation and demurring... An idea and instance, in what is condescension and extenuate-thinking and actions... But this was all an inherent-feeling of ‘adroit’. The overly, played-out ‘reversion’ of terms... It was no more on actual-atonement as any sense of sincerity. He’d once known angry young men in-therapy. There false maladaptive thinking was no more an alluding to fact as an inferring of logic. As a ‘superior’, he knew he both attained as responsibility for his position. It did feel good to ‘atomize’ to settle inherently, by emotional-interrogation. It was an appeal of adjustment which had really, rested in inculcate re-decision.. In all, it was a plot of insistency and not apparentness... An imperative-of psychology, in consistence that laid-upon ‘sparks’ of explication; something about ‘immorality’ affected everyone. That the program of subordinate sufficient and sublime kind-seeped through the ‘cracks’-of, as ordered, senior man-of-duty. Though, his anger emerged, the entitlement was foolish.

  All his incense-energies, lead to the insight-of what a repercussion could be by those caught in inane, infamy. He’d decided that his young-doctor colleague would and should’ve revealed, and taught a lesson; in the distorted-reality, he’d sought. There was ‘nerve’ between him and Dr. McBride. A sense-of respect and intimacy. Which was nothing, Dr. Doule pursued. That the ‘edge’ initiated-by Peter, had been of abjection by Dr. P.O.; perhaps this was the energy-of both, intention and infraction. An ‘oddity’, born-of ‘duty’, complement and contention, in an idea, ‘implicit’. Dr. P. O. fe
lt both the shame-of condition, and in the design of veritable, a defect... He’d been taught many truths about emotions-in work from empathy to anger, there was no falling-into a client’s condition. That his-work, was most important. He’d heard rumors that Dr. McBride had felt for a deceased-housekeeper. This, he saw as an un-inferred, duplicity. Yet it was not totally, without demerit that perhaps dimensional re-quaint could be less than, in-properness. He wanted to assist him in his actual mourning. When perhaps, before he’d been unmoved. He’d known that emotions can run ‘deep’, and the most impeccable-individual, as he could have-asserted.

  His now, odd-nerve, repatriated-to affirm. Yet he’d felt a stridence, against his former-student... That his emotion was set-on him, and discussed in carrying-on the duties of his-profession. A profession as both knew was intimately, as their own. ...He’d thought about ‘Mary Poppins’, as if she was comparable to Peter’s friend... A sad, sobriety and loss; and the unfair-reality of demise and dedication. If anything, he’d gained more than lost. Perhaps, he should have told him, this. A subordinate, eventually, teaching about the ‘stuffiness’ of his being professional. He-figured, he’d think about it a while longer. And the ‘idea’, of a redeeming recompense of social-civility. That, and out of his-profession, should be seen as ‘sincere’ if not succinct. He-wanted to apologize, make things better; but he-knew as ‘victim’ and possible mental-retaliator, one’s emotions can become overwhelming. If anything, it was a ‘lesson’ in humanity, one he-thought, he already easily, surpassed. Yet as ‘psychology’, any emotion can be truly, exceptional. So from this exception, was the need in the overcoming of a personal-distraught. Implying, and envisioning-between two-human beings had to take into account each reverence and resolve...

  Was it to be an implicative, or emanation in the ideal-of situation... An instilling-of proprietary, resolve; which Dr. Doule was acclimate-in. Dr. P. O. wanted-to look-back and examine, the fissures in his-work seeing how dynamically, complete his duties had been. In what was a provision-of personal, ad hoc. ...He-could have thought through his friend’s death; the defense-of a man, who’d turned-out to be her-brother; to the policy-convention, he’d came-through, with ‘flying-colors’. Dr. Peter was just-finishing his social-group when P. O. stood outside his office... ‘Dr. Doule good to see you, again’, his eyes lit-up. He’d looked-up to P. O. for some time; yet he suspected he was not all he’d seemed, yet as they spoke he wanted to reach-out to him. But perhaps, their professional relationship was too-close. ‘Okay, Ole Bean, have a nice day...’ Dr. Doule, lift-deflated. He began to realize that underneath, he was a sore-soul that lived by his own rules. He’d never come across such inner-defection and perhaps unconsciously, he’d contributed-to this... The terms of despair are an ‘Ovid’ on discourse. Yet Dr. P. O., if he was to continue, or feel satisfied he’d act to ‘connect’ with his-colleague. Goodness knows, he’d probably, untwined many relationships in his career. Objectivity wasn’t all it was cracked-up to be. Emotions, P.O. Knew, were same of the most in-civil and erratic emerging-intricacies; the psychology-of-emotions was that they were stilted by or made just-in order to bring one-closer.

  Basic to it all, was the warding re-emulation, sophistication of the many forms of ill-certainty, identified and was a super-ego so designed by intricacy. He’d used his skills though within his circle, it needed to be encompassing. He was keeping personal-intention, on the shelf. He saw this as a ‘chance’ and ‘challenge’, yet it came with a degree of danger. This, he’d covered with the Chief and his-coordinates. And so P. O. had a discord duty, one that would avail-hopefully and functionally. He-felt entitled to outwitted the irascible terms of a perfecting-professional. A sophisticate-precept, he’d bargained that it could be handled by him, and his ‘omen’. The atmosphere was kept smelling of clinic-cleaning fluid. Dr. P. O. had met with the Chief on several occasions and had kept the ‘contentions’ of Dr. Peter’s loss Yet no one was ‘sure’, he was the true-violator and of an opposed-conviction... It was true, the mental-element was adorned with a new-concern. Embellished-by ideas of psychological-implication. A divisional-deriving, to define an in-affect of personal-propensity. An intent to resolve the illusion of impart and imposition. Dr. P. O. had to get to the bottom of the previous-pretense. That still lay between the two-doctors and had been a running, rumor with the staff. P. O. had not developed a reasonable-collusion to the apposition of Peter now in-open détente with his former attaché. Instead Dr. P. O. felt the ‘jilt’ of competent-professionalism, and honor of dedication...

  The ‘ability’ to adopt insipid-things, is usually set on energies never-fully ‘fraught’. An active-chaparral to infuse contention and intentions. What outside the world of wisdom and realization, to afford a reparative, accommodation...had, for so long, been the recession-unexplored by profession... After a while, there were few signs of affix. And eventually, was forgotten by everyone but the Chief and P. O. Some began to think there was no tenure in any sort of guising... So it turned-out, sophistication and sobering became lost on essential-inception. The work eventually, recovered the dimension of the once, again importing. And the compact, delivering of hospital-program and client-investment proved-‘worthy’ and of greatest-benefit. Dr. Peter went driven-into his-work... He-excelled in all areas. Eventually, he’d processed and progressed, in program. An ‘agile’, that proved whatever-happened, before; had been not without a proper re-ratification of the ‘weight’ of accurate therapy-work. The pro-efficiency, had stood in the way of P. O.’s eclectic-revision; of Dr. Peter’s in-ordinate and de-invocation by what had been a ‘polarity’ in consternation... He eventually, revolved-to admit, perhaps it was an inappropriate, discerning.

  The very-definition of ‘skullduggery’, are instances of surreal-duress. Of a following to the ‘seedy’, ill-definite provisions to act-out, in derision. Against impeccable, devalue and illogical, excuse by right and division. To proceed-over in divorce and imposition. Of an impact-through premise, and prognostics. The very thing their work stood for and healed. Yet, as its closeness to, in human-contamination. Which ranges against others, by will and want. A withdrawal to depose, devising to work-on the emotion-of thoughts and impression. The very, reprehensive-digest in, as referring; to the adversarial-insistence. The ‘panoply’-of decision from thought-to act. In implement to devoid-depression in the utter-denunciation, by venue. In what is fore-vision, ‘esthetics’ and deploring... An officiated-deterring, obviated to be de-moralizing. Dr. Doule, was involved in his shrewd client duplicity, yet with all his decorum; could not deduce or interpret the versed-contention of the very human-editing, sufficing-edict. A central-vice to the integrity of mental-prevalence, is the very massive-instance that human thinking comes to be in objective. Dr P. O. had virtually, opened his mentality and reserved his feelings of extricate-triumph and technical-talent to the quite un-enduring, place of lament-liturgy and logic; that in its basic-caption required a devising-logging...

  Peter, had avoided-virtual, disavowal; as did P. O. Yet the meaning-of logic was more set-in emotion and feelings, than in the tracing-trollop of in-veritable, interpretation. Dr. Doule had a-ways to go... He’d interpreted a efface without full-credit. This made for a co-opt-’peeve’ which with a focal-redefinition; he knew to reevaluate the terms of his thoughts and impressions. He did not forget what Dr. P. had done, far from it. There was deep-seated-terms at least to Dr. Doule, in what happened. An intricate-desist for which the designs needed to be re-evolved. He kept a watch on Dr. P., if anything he would again become expressed, re-emulated and displayed. This became a renewed-energy, to inspect Peter’s mental-behavior. If at most, he might need a critical-readjustment. His-opinion was defining and as on authority, he’d make the final-decision to denounce Dr. Peter. The emulation-of choice and voice would fall-short on Dr. P. which as he knew, could happen this would ably, be decided by careful-collision.

  So a
‘pit and pendulum’, was put-into motion by inhibition not ‘choice‘. An emulation-of-duty, technical, and supervision. An implication-of order and ‘ode’, in the peremptory of an magnanimous-entity. Dr. Doule was in-control of entire Units-of faculty. And such Dr. Doule, acted as an assessing by enterprise. A duty of visitation and complicity, that had begun by Head of Doctors Units 1 through 3... In the enterprise of incentive still posted on P. O. He was certain, though his deduction weren’t totally, true. He understood his place in all that. The man he’d given overall, responsibility was now a direct-side, of his once ‘teacher’. Whom was not fully without demerit. Doctor Doule, still had the slight-feeling that as a student, he acted-out of emotion. As disrepute in both ‘logic’ and civil-emotion. Though, Dr. Doule wouldn’t come close to admit it, his-motivations were slightly, empathy-based. As a senior-Head, doctor, psychiatrist and friend; he had to act and be pronounced-in his ‘best’ judgment, that which his-distinguished faculties-ordered and commanded. It would be a difficult-choice, but Dr. P. was walking-on-a-‘line’. What would become of his student, laid-upon him and him-alone. As a doctor-of integrity, was not taken lightly. In the inconspicuous, there was in his-superior’s ‘eyes’, a suspect... That which began by childish-behavior, became the ‘repletion’, by competent-connotation.

  No-one on the outside, could see the behavior-of each. A ‘sully’ of the heart between two-doctors and the ‘spirit’ by in-suffering. But for the ideas, being so fraught with division and definitive. In the areas of dutiful-realm, office and arena. A reduction by principle-avarice and conjecture, being so artifice, fused into devoid of perspective and prospective; to forge an ‘anomaly’ and attitude, it was almost as if the extenuate-terms of work for the two; worked in a cyclic-design. Preeminent, was the worthy digest in the job, career and work. In what was a growing-devising of contention. There, within psyche and on the outside, the professional reality, revolved around descent. A plurality-guises and obstructions, which are inflected-on choice and commandment. A commandment in ‘voice’ and vision. Looking-from the outside of their disloyalty and limited-lament. Dr. Doule, had always been a man of immaculate-’means’. A comprehension of duty and divulging-to remain implemental by choice. What was their ‘re-doubt’, of commiserate accord. In each life there has rarely, been need-for disturbances or aversions; but now there was a possible ‘infraction’.

  The ‘dimension’ of their personal-rebar, was an instance-of fervor and intimate-evasion never before realized. It probably, would take a psychological-examination, of which the two-men were profoundly, astute... An impetus to look-learnedly, inside to find-out; which was: ‘Doctor-heal-thyself’... But without pogrom, came a resort. An implication by fact and foster. What seemed a juvenile-’rebuke’ of emotional-conformity. A ‘tithe’ of terminate to divorce from in singly, anomaly the many deficits-of losses and gains, now a revolution-of repose and riled, reputation. There was not much at-stake but pride and moral-perdition. Yet Dr. Doule, was something more than that. His-history was via discipline, duty, conformity and integrity. The British shied-away from emotion, and thus, moving into civil-dejection. Yet even this was ‘rare’... In this rarity, was the affirmative in compliant-resolve. From the strong-memory of Rugby and Polo, then the assertive-issues of objective and mental-toughness. He and his-past was nothing to be toyed-with. Was it imperative or just, as ominous-conjecture to be motivated-over. It was almost laughable, and ill-lucid. His-emotions were fallible, but was this worth-’discounting’. His colleagues might have even been amused, out of sorts or astonished, but it was ‘him’, in-private.

  He was a bachelor, a civil-servant of device among men. Or was he a house-of-cards waiting to fall or possibly, close to his adversary’s equal. It might be considered complex, or for the both of them hitting a bit of chagrin. And P. O., the mature-one, wanted to be exact in a take-on, Peter, or as well his-violation of professionalism or the tear on the fabric-of respect. He could not be sure. And that insecurity probably, affected both of them. He’d studied human-devoid in all its forms yet rarely, had he’d seen a fellow professional stoop to such ignominy. Perhaps he was so, also. A judicial-civility or dividing that could have been present to them both in a sealed self-subversion. What became inter-version, and un-characteristic. There would be a symptomatic-chiasm that tended to go deep in Peter and deeper in P. O. P. O. was objective to a fault, yet he was seized-by indomitable inferring... The cost of suspicion and predation may be getting the best of him. The many times, the love of his life; his career, had proven it had rarely been tarnished. Yet now, it had been a personal-tarnishing. A disparaging of coda, which Britons had known, too deeply an emote. His dark-energies had been ignited and now things seemed, irreversible.



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