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Back In The Saddle

Page 8

by Desiree Holt

  She was lounging in the tub, sipping at a bottle of beer, her hair piled on top of her head, the candles flickering, when she heard Chance come through the door.

  “In here,” she called.

  “Wow!” He lounged in the doorway, his Stetson pushed back on his head, arms crossed and a hungry look in his eyes. “I could sure get used to coming home to this every night.”

  “That right?” She answered him casually, but her heart was hammering. She knew they were going to talk about their relationship and she just hoped he wanted the same thing he did.

  “Damn straight.”

  “Why don’t you start by hopping in here with me right now? This tub’s big enough for two.”

  He was out of his clothes in seconds, climbing into the still steaming water and positioning himself behind her, his legs stretched out on either side of her. Molly lifted the wash cloth she’d been holding in her free hand and passed it over her shoulder to him.

  “I’ve just been waiting for you to get here and wash my back.”

  “Always glad to oblige a lady.”

  She could feel his hard cock bumping against the cheeks of her ass as his strong hands rubbed soap into her back and sluiced it off with the wash cloth. Every nerve in her body was standing at attention and begging for his touch.

  But she had something to run by him before she let herself fall into this sensuous cloud.


  “Mmmhmm?” His hands moved around to cup her breasts, his thumbs rubbing back and forth against her nipples.

  “My father said something real strange to me yesterday.”

  His hands stilled. “About us? Or me?”

  She shook her head. “No. Well, maybe, in a way. He told me John Trammel’s leaving the ranch. Moving to Arizona.” She paused. “He told me the ranch manager’s job is mine if I want it.”

  She felt the sudden tension in his body, then his thumbs resumed their tantalizing movement.

  “What did you tell him?”

  “Nothing yet.”

  His teeth nibbled on the tender spot where neck and shoulder joined. “Are you thinking about it?”

  “I never thought he’d make me a part of Hayes Ranch operations. But I’ve got a business degree. I know ranching. I’d really like to do it. Except…” She bit her lower lip.

  “Except what?”

  His hands began rhythmically squeezing her breasts and disrupting her concentration.

  “It would mean we’d probably be thrown together a lot. And I didn’t know how you’d feel about it.”

  Her heart tightened painfully as she waited for a long time for his answer. Had she been misreading everything so badly?

  “I think you should do it,” he said at last and bit down on her neck.

  She shivered. “You do?”

  “Uh huh. It goes right along with what I planned to say later on.”

  “Oh?” Her heart resumed its normal beat, but anticipation skittered through her. “And what’s that?”

  “Later,” he teased. “Isn’t that what I said?”

  They made bathing a sensual activity, washing each other and teasing each other until they were both ready to explode. At last Molly reached her toe out and pulled up the drain stopper and let the water drain away. Chance climbed out of the tub and wrapped a big towel around himself, then lifted her and dried her off carefully. Tossing the towels aside, he carried her into the bedroom where she’d already turned back the covers.

  “Dinner can wait a while, right?”

  “Yes.” She reached up and touched his cheek. “What did you have in mind?”

  He lay down beside her, turning her to face him, his fingers stroking her cheek.

  “Molly, I know we’ve only been…together for a couple of nights, but we’ve known each other forever. And I’ve wanted you it seems for as long as I can remember. But the timing was never right.” He chuffed a breath. “I tried to make it work with Sabrina. The things I like in the bedroom turned her off, but the plain truth is, she wasn’t you.” He kissed her softly, then licked her lips with the tip of his tongue.

  “What are you trying to tell me?” She searched his eyes, trying to find some answers there. “That the sex between us is great? I think we both know that.”

  He cleared his throat. “I’m not doing this very well. Molly, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I’m hoping you want the same thing.”

  Her pulse was racing. “So, are you saying…”

  “I love you, Molly. I want to be with you forever.” When she didn’t say anything, he frowned. “Am I making a mistake here? Assuming something?”

  She finally found her voice. “No, not at all. I love you, too, Chance. And I want the same thing.”

  “Thank god.” His voice dropped. “I wasn’t sure until this minute that you felt the same way. Loved me like I love you. I can’t wait to show you how happy that makes me. Right now.”

  “Oh?” Her mouth curved in a slow grin. “And how do you plan to do that?”

  “Like this.”

  The kiss was deep and powerful, his tongue searching every surface of her mouth while his hands stroked her back and his body pressed against hers. One hand moved up to thread through her hair, holding her in place so his tongue could work its magic. When she was almost totally breathless, he lifted his head and shifted their bodies around on the bed. Before she realized what was happening, she was flat on her back, her legs raised, and Chances mouth was doing wicked things to her pussy.

  He licked her everywhere, lapping the length of her slit, teasing her clit with the tip of his educated tongue. Thrusting that tongue inside her, mimicking what he wanted to do to her with his cock. Molly clenched his hair in her fists and arched her hips up to him, riding his tongue until she felt only the sensation of it inside her and the heat it spread through her body.

  When he sat up abruptly, she cried out in frustration. “What are you doing?”

  “Easy, sugar. I just wanted to get you ready for the big show.”

  He turned her over and maneuvered her until she was on her hands and knees, the pillows stuffed beneath her to give her support. Very slowly he eased the plug from her ass, his hand cracking down on the flesh as soon as the toy came free.

  Molly jerked, then wiggled her ass at him.

  “You like that, don’t you.” His laugh was low and sensuous. “And I love doing it. I love to see that skin nice and pink, streaks running down to your pussy.”

  His hand came down on her again, and yet again.

  By now, between the wonderful things he done to her with his mouth and the spankings, she knew she was dripping wet. And needy. She wanted him badly enough to beg for it if she had to.

  “One more for good measure,” he said, bringing his hand down to her flesh again. “Then we get to the main event.”

  She was trembling with arousal, wishing he’d hurry before she self-destructed. In a moment his fingers were prodding her anus, slicked with something cool. When they slid inside her, the fit was tight but not painfully so. He slid a third finger in beside them and scissored them, stretching her tissues, rubbing in the gel.

  “That plug’s done its job, darlin’. You are so ready for me.”

  Then his cock was prodding at her, pressing against her. His hands were on the cheeks of her ass, spreading them wide.

  “Deep breath, Molly. Just like we did with the toy.”

  She hauled in as deep a breath as she could. When she let it out, Chance pushed forward, slowly and steadily, until his cock was completely inside her. There was a brief flash of icy hot pain, but pleasure soon overtook it. Dark satisfaction crawled up through her, seeping through every pore, lighting every single nerve ending.

  “Reach down and touch yourself.” Chance’s voice was so thick and raw she almost didn’t recognize it. “Go on, sugar. Do it.”

  She moved one hand down between her legs and found her clit.

  “You just rub that little bundle of nerv
es,” he told her. “And when I say so, pinch it real hard. Okay?”

  She nodded, unable to say one thing.

  His hips set up a rhythm motion, moving his cock in and out of her dark channel, slowly at first, then faster and faster. The sensations clawing through her were unlike anything she’d ever felt before. She moved her body to the same tempo, riding his cock, taking him as deep as she could.

  The orgasm was like a living thing twisting up out of her belly, reaching, reaching, reaching. Chance’s hands tightened on her as he pounded into her.

  “Now, Molly,” he shouted. “Do it, now.”

  She pinched her clit as hard as she could…and exploded. Chance gripped her hips as his cock flexed and pulsed inside her and her cunt spasmed again and again. She fell forward, unsure if she would survive the aftermath, Chance moving with her. The only sound in the room was the grating noise of their breath seesawing in and out of their lungs, although her heart was pounding so hard she was sure it, too, could be heard.

  It could have been minutes or hours when Chance finally rolled to the side, taking her with him, still connected to her. He kissed her neck, brushing away the damp tendrils of hair. Then her cheeks, her ear, biting the soft flesh of the lobe.

  “You’re mine, Molly Hayes. And don’t you ever forget it.”

  “Same goes,” she managed in a whisper.

  “It’s been a tough ride,” he said, “but I guess you could say we’re both back in the saddle again.”

  “I’ll ride with you anytime, cowboy,” she murmured.

  And for the first time in as long as she could remember, Molly knew she was where she belonged.

  About the Author

  Desiree Holt has lived a life of excitement that brings the color to her writing. She was a summer fishing guide, a summer field hand where she was one of only three women working, a member of a beginning ski team that skied in competition (and no, no broken bones!). She spent several years in the music business representing every kind of artist from country singer to heavy metal rock bands. For several years she also ran her own public relations agency handling any client that interested her.

  Desiree is twice a finalist for an EPIC E-Book Award, a nominee for a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, winner of the first 5 Heart Sweetheart of the Year Award at The Romance Studio as well as a CAPA Award, winner of two Holt Medallion Awards of Merit, and is published by four different houses. Romance Junkies said of her work: “Desiree Holt is the most amazing erotica author of our time and each story is more fulfilling then the last.”

  Visit Desiree at


  Also Available

  Cocked & Loaded


  Desiree Holt

  When Jamie Randall kicked the dust of Amen, Texas from her heels, she swore neither the town nor the bad boy she'd given her virginity to would ever see her again. Yet here she is, returning under a cloud of disgrace, not a penny to her name or a soul to welcome her—least of all the sheriff.

  Jamie Randall—a decade hadn’t lessened the bitter taste of her name. Zane Cameron had only been good enough for sultry summer sex. But the local hell raiser is the sheriff now and determined to run her hot little body off the worthless piece of land her father left her and right out of his sleepy little town. Just as soon as he scratches a twelve-year-old itch.

  Explosive passion changes Zane’s mind, but before they can explore their feelings, strange events threaten Jamie and it becomes obvious someone else wants her out of the way. Dirty money, cold-blooded murder, and deadly secrets interfere with Zane’s plans to convince Jamie to give him a second chance.

  Chapter One

  Zane Cameron stared at the figure walking out of the supermarket. He lifted his sunglasses just to be sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. When he heard she’d showed up two days ago, he was sure someone was pulling his leg. But no, there she was. Jamie Randall. Big as life. Not even a hint of shame or embarrassment for either her leave-taking or her current situation.

  The last time Zane saw her she was a flowering eighteen-year-old who’d teased him with her body, then left town so fast her heels kicked up a cloud of dust. All she left behind was a drunk for a father and stinging words for Zane. And, of course, a bitterness and resentment that built up in him all these years.

  Now here she was again and he smelled big trouble.

  He watched her wheel her cart to her shiny dark blue SUV. A symbol of her ill-gotten success. The worn jeans and old Texas Tech T-shirt were little camouflage for what had become a lush, ripe body. Thick blue-black hair pulled back in a ponytail bounced as she moved. Huge sunglasses barely concealed the tight set of her face. And where he’d expected her walk to still be graceful and tempting, now it was purposeful and angry.

  Five feet four inches of sexual dynamite that he hoped wouldn’t blow up in his face.

  No one could miss the fact that Jamie was mad at the world, both about being home and the circumstances that brought her here. Well, no madder than he was at the way she’d left, despite everything between them. Or everything he’d thought was between them.

  She loaded the groceries into the truck, climbed in, and slammed the door. He didn’t need to follow her as she roared out onto the highway. He knew exactly where she was going. What he needed to do was get his anger under control, the rage that always bubbled up whenever he thought of her. A rage heavily colored with lust. In twelve years, that feeling had built itself to quite a level.

  Get over it. She wasn’t worth it then and she’s not worth it now.

  So why, after all these years, did his traitorous dick still get hard whenever he remembered her naked body? Why did his hands twitch, remembering the feel of her young breasts in them? His nose still remembered the scent of roses and honeysuckle in her hair. His mouth, the taste of her tempting juices. One would think by this time he’d have himself under control.

  Except Jamie Randall was like a festering sore inside him, one he needed to lance and get rid of, once and for all.

  All these years, he’d been able to deal with the way she’d just flat out left him because she’d been far away in a different life. But to see her every day now, to know the contempt she’d held him in, would be an impossible situation.

  No way was she coming back to Amen, Texas and twitching her ass in front of his face. She left town once. He planned to make sure she did it again. Jamie Randall would have to leave whether she wanted to or not. Only this time it would be on his terms and not until he’d satisfied a twelve-year-old itch.

  Easier said than done, cowboy.

  He cranked the engine a little too hard, and pulled away from the curb, heading out on the dusty highway. She should be home by now. There was no time like the present to get on with business, but it wasn’t business he was looking forward to.

  All the way to the scrubby patch of land her father had left her, Zane talked to himself. Face her. Get it over with. Move on.

  The caliche driveway leading to the old Randall house was potholed and bumpy, a sign of long neglect. The house itself was a reflection of the man who’d lived there, alone. Decaying, rotting away, making a pretense at something but not quite pulling it off.

  He pulled the department’s big Expedition in behind Jamie’s smaller SUV and cut the ignition. As tiny as Amen was, he hadn’t been in this house since Jamie left town. He didn’t even want to go there now, but the whole mess from the past was like dry toast stuck in his throat.

  Suck it up, man. Speak your piece and get it over with.

  Taking his time, he climbed out of the car and walked up the cracked cement path. The inside door stood open and, through the screen door, he could see her moving around in the kitchen. Gritting his teeth, he raised his hand and knocked on the wood door frame.

  “Go away.” The words had a harsh bite to them. “No curiosity seekers allowed today.”

  Zane cleared his throat. “Jamie,
it’s Zane Cameron.”

  She froze in place, then turned in his direction. For a moment, he wasn’t sure she’d even come to the door. Finally, she padded over the wood floor on bare feet, slowly, not rushing. He guessed she wasn’t any more anxious for this meeting than he was.

  “Well, well,” she drawled. “Nice of you to drop by, Sheriff. Did you come to arrest me?”

  “I came to talk to you. How about letting me in?”

  She shook her head, the tight, angry look still on her face. “I don’t think so. I’m in no mood to play Twenty Questions today.”

  “Damn it, Jamie. Open this door.” He pulled, but the door was latched on the inside.

  “Go away. I can’t think of anything we have to say to each other.”

  “Oh, I have plenty to say. Open the damn door, or I’ll break it down.”

  Nice going, asshole. Smooth.

  She stared at him through the screen. Then he heard the snick of the latch being released and she stepped back to allow him to enter.

  “Okay.” She posed arrogantly in front of him, hands planted on her hips, mouth in a thin line. “Say what you came to say and get the fuck out of here.”

  It was obvious she’d been working. A few wisps of her hair had straggled loose from her ponytail, clinging to her cheeks like threads of fine silk. A smudge of dirt decorated her straight nose, and a thin scratch marred the smooth, tanned skin of her slim forearm. As unglamorous as a woman could look, yet somehow, she was more tempting than if she’d been wearing a slinky dress and high heels.

  Zane had to resist the urge to stare at her breasts, outlined by the soft T-shirt material. Mature Jamie Randall’s breasts were making his mouth water and his palms itch. But they also made his dick want to stand at attention again so he shut down his mind. All he needed was an erection right now. Then again, maybe that was exactly what he needed. “Nice language you’ve learned since you’ve been gone.”


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