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The Fredorian Destiny: Book 2 of the Evaran Chronicles

Page 19

by Adair Hart

“I called for backup with my panic button, but no Kreagan law enforcement came,” said Andia.

  Evaran narrowed his eyes. “I hope you do not mind, but I accessed the network from the Fredorian embassy before heading out. The local Kreagan station received your call.”

  Andia drew her lips flat. “This was planned, then, by someone with the authority to have it ignored.”

  Evaran nodded. “Possibly. We can go over Delkis’s device more in detail on the Torvatta. I am sorry for the loss of your guards.”

  “Did you know them?” asked Dr. Snowden.

  Andia looked down. “I didn’t personally, but they were my responsibility. They were loyal. The owner of this restaurant is dead as well. I knew him for a long time. He didn’t deserve this.” She sighed. “I will have another shuttle come out and clean up. We can notify the Kreagan authorities again when we get back.” Her eyes flared. “They won’t ignore me this time.”

  Evaran gestured toward the Torvatta. “We can take my ship. There may be others out here still.”

  Dr. Snowden, Emily, and Andia followed Evaran into the Torvatta and then to the command center.

  After a few moments, V joined them and took his spot at the front console. He faced Evaran. “I have bound them and placed them in the main room.”

  Evaran nodded.

  Fifteen minutes later, they were back at the Fredorian embassy landing pad.

  Andia stood up. “I need to handle some business in regards to this.”

  “Understandable. Do you wish for us to accompany you?” asked Evaran.

  Andia shook her head. “I’ll be fine. The embassy is the only place, outside here, that I truly feel safe. Thank you.”

  Evaran nodded, and then he and Dr. Snowden headed off to the planar cartography lab.

  Andia watched them go, then turned toward Emily. “I don’t wish to be alone tonight.”

  Emily grabbed Andia’s hand and half smiled.

  They walked out of the Torvatta.

  On his personal ship, Seeros walked onto the command center, where Yuldaris and a few Covendrin mercenaries worked at consoles. He placed his hands behind his back and surveyed the multiple screens. They were a few days away from the ancient Kreagan home world. He knew that although Kreagans were not allowed back on the planet in case of the portals, they still held military bases there. Caution would be needed.

  Yuldaris stood up and walked over to Seeros. “We have new information. I was just on my way to see you.”

  Seeros nodded. “Report.”

  “The Kreagan inspector known as Silva has submitted a report to Senator Kraas. It is a bit … unusual.”

  “Unusual how?”

  Yuldaris smirked. “He claims that Evaran talked to a great selector.”

  Seeros smiled. “How is that unusual?”

  Yuldaris jerked his head back. “I may not believe the great selector is a god, but I can’t ignore that it had a hand in the development of humanoids. Only one person is to have ever talked to one.”

  “The founder of the Way of the Great Selector. Yes, I know the story. Emperors could also talk to them as well. Of course, having an Arkaron makes it a bit easier.”

  “According to Silva, the great selector is but one of many.”

  “That’s correct.”

  Yuldaris eyed Seeros. “None of that is unusual to you?”

  Seeros shook his head. “I have talked to the great selectors before, so no, it isn’t. What the Kreagans claim is a god is merely another species to me. They didn’t like me. They would have spoken to Evaran and probably liked him. He is very charming when he wants to be.”

  Yuldaris swallowed hard. “I see. There is another report on an encounter with a matter mage.”

  “Now that is a term I haven’t heard in a long time. What was the outcome?”

  “They took him away to a matter mage colony in another galaxy,” said Yuldaris. He laughed. “Not sure this guy is all there.”

  “Interesting. I thought the great selectors had wiped them all out. Appears one slipped by them.”

  Yuldaris’s eyes widened as he licked his lips. “The report says they called the great selectors by the name deathlights and there was a war with them.”

  “Yes, I remember the war well.”

  Yuldaris tilted his head. “That must have been long ago. Otherwise it would be all over the galactinet.”

  “I’m much older than you think. What else was in the report?”

  Yuldaris gulped. “They found the second colony ship and retrieved an Arkaron crystal off of it. The ship had something referred to as a portal stone, and they were attacked by some type of transformed creatures. That ship must have been at least five thousand years old. No way anything could have been alive on it.”

  Seeros nodded. “The work of the Malazim. They caused the mass exodus on the ancient Kreagan home world. It would appear one of their conduits was still on the ship.”

  “Yes … well … one of those transformed infected the Kreagan ranger Rakar, but Evaran healed him.”

  “The Torvatta’s medical nanobots would have made quick work of the Malazim’s biological infection.”

  Yuldaris ran a finger down the flat screen-like device he had in his hand. He pressed on a section of it. “And this Andia Kiggs. It appears she went to dinner with Emily Snowden and was attacked by unknown assailants.”

  Seeros narrowed his eyes. “Bounty hunters?”

  Yuldaris shook his head. “According to these reports, it looks like an inside job.”

  Seeros walked over to the guardrail that separated the command center from the entrance area of the room. “Someone else is trying to capture them. Could be for the bounty I placed, or maybe something else.”

  “There is a small note here that Kreagan law enforcement was notified during the attack, but they did not arrive until much later.”

  “Definitely an inside job,” said Seeros as he looked around the control room. “What else?”

  “They have two more crystals to get, then will head to the ancient Kreagan home world. One requires time travel, the other is in the Draidjen system,” said Yuldaris as he chuckled. “These reports are outlandish. Time travel. That’s ridiculous.”

  “To the temporally unaware, sure.”

  “You’re serious?”

  Seeros smirked. “About Evaran and time traveling? Absolutely. We can’t do anything about those last two crystals.”

  Yuldaris interacted with his device, and the planet in the Draidjen system appeared on one of the screens. He pointed to it. “We can head there now. It will be a while, though. On top of that, it’s the Draidjen system. They are quite hostile.”

  Seeros shook his head. “No. Evaran will be there and gone by the time we get there.”

  Yuldaris jerked his head back. “They’re on Kreagus now, though. That planet is at a minimum a month’s journey. We can make it there before them.”

  “Now you’re beginning to understand the capabilities of whom I seek. However, get me a list of mercenaries from Xibia. They are close enough that maybe one of them will get lucky. Patch me through when you find one that you consider worthy. As for us, continue on our current course.”

  Yuldaris looked at the ground for a moment, then looked back up at Seeros. “I’ll take care of it.” He cleared his throat. “Don’t you think it’s odd Evaran is letting someone report on everything they are doing? He has to know that any party interested in that information will be listening in.”

  Seeros looked at Yuldaris. “And that is what he wants. He wants me to know. Forward the full reports to my workstation in my quarters.” He wheeled around and exited the command center.

  Dr. Snowden stared at the ceiling as he lay in bed. He had slept in later than he normally would. Emily would have had her run in by now, and he wondered what time she got in after helping Andia in the embassy. A grin crept onto his face as he thought about the planar cartography lab that had soaked up hours of his time the day before. Zooming in and out
across the stars was as simple as standing in the center of the lab and moving his hands around. It was addicting. He showered, dressed, and then headed to the conference room.

  Evaran sat at the head of the table as he always did, and Silva and Rakar sat in their usual spots.

  Dr. Snowden walked over to Rakar and put his hand on his shoulder. “Rakar! Good to see you’re up and about. How are you feeling?”

  Rakar glanced at Evaran, then looked at Dr. Snowden. “Much better. You travel with a powerful friend.”

  Dr. Snowden smiled. “Don’t I know it. Evaran’s been inside my head too.”


  Dr. Snowden chuckled. “It was me and Emily’s first time meeting him. Ours was a virtual simulation, though.” He looked around. “Speaking of which, where are those two?”

  Evaran looked up from the console he had been looking at. “They are on their way. Andia said she had some last-minute business to take care of.”

  Dr. Snowden nodded and headed to the replicator pad. He grabbed his usual breakfast and cup of coffee and sat in his normal seat. He took a sip of his coffee. “So, any news on who those guys were last night?”

  “Kreagan law enforcement is still looking into it,” said Silva.

  “Mm-hmm. Well, at least it can’t be ignored now,” said Dr. Snowden.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” said Silva.

  “Evaran confirmed that they received communication from Andia last night, but no help came. The help that came was me, Evaran, and V.”

  “They are a busy unit.”

  Rakar snorted. “In this district? It would have been a quiet night. No, if it was ignored, it was meant to be ignored.”

  Silva glanced at Rakar. “That’s a bold accusation for a ranger to make.”

  “And an informed one as well.”

  Dr. Snowden liked Rakar. Rakar spoke his mind and showed him that not all Kreagans were alike. Dr. Snowden’s attention focused on Andia and Emily as they entered the room. Emily was smiling from ear to ear, and Andia looked bright-eyed. He nodded at them. “Well, glad you two could join us this morning.”

  “Rakar!” said Emily as she rushed over and hugged him. Andia followed her over and shook Rakar’s hand and patted him on the back.

  “Glad to see you two are well,” said Rakar, smiling.

  Andia took her seat next to Evaran while Emily sat next to her.

  “No breakfast?” said Dr. Snowden.

  “I already had breakfast,” said Emily as she swatted Andia’s arm.

  Andia and Rakar laughed.

  Dr. Snowden drew his lips flat. He seemed to be missing some inside joke. “Oh. Well then. I will just finish my breakfast. I’m glad you’re here and safe, though.”

  Emily smiled and then reached out and squeezed Dr. Snowden’s shoulder. She then faced Evaran. “So, what’s next?”

  “I was able to determine a method of scanning that will help us locate the other crystals. I have updated the Torvatta’s systems with it, so it should be available to any scanner connected to it, like my ring and your suits. I scanned Kreagus while everyone slept, and the crystal is not on the planet.”

  “In the past, supposedly, right?” said Silva.

  “Yes, however, I took the time to go through various time periods to scan Kreagus. The result is that the crystal is gone the first month after the colony ship lands. I suspect it is we who take the crystal, but cannot verify that. However, since it is gone after the first month, if we do take it, then the timeline should have already adjusted for that. I was careful not to go too close to when we will be going there. Otherwise we could encounter ourselves. I must warn everyone that any action taken in the past can have a ripple effect toward the future, so we must be cautious,” said Evaran. He glanced at Silva. “Is Senator Kraas aware of our plans?”

  “I updated her with my reports. I didn’t know you were scanning the planet, so that wouldn’t be in there.”

  “Her thoughts?”

  Silva cleared his throat. “She is uncertain on the accuracy of my reports.”

  Andia chuckled. “Means she doesn’t believe it. I’m not sure I would either if I were in her place and read about traveling instantly across vast distances, matter mages, the great selector, and the transformed on that ship.”

  Silva looked down. “Yes. Well. My reports are accurate.”

  Evaran nodded. “I am sure they are.” He interacted with his ARI, causing a projection to shoot up from the table, showing Kreagus. He pointed to a red dot pulsating on the surface. “That is where it landed. They had a rough first month. Historical records speak of a disease that infected the colonists after they landed. The base for the cure came from a type of algae that grew on the walls in a nearby cave. It was discovered by Captain Mrakus Li Born, a hero in Kreagan history. Kreagans are immune to the disease now, but back then, it was deadly. That immunity will be helpful when Silva and Rakar infiltrate their camp and meet with Captain Mrakus, then.”

  Silva snorted. “Excuse me?”

  Andia chuckled. “It makes sense. You’re both Kreagans, and you wouldn’t arouse suspicion like the rest of us would.”

  “Yeah, I think if any human walked up to them back then and asked for one of their holiest artifacts, it wouldn’t go over well,” said Emily with a grin.

  Silva eyed Emily down his nose. “For once, we are in agreement.” He turned toward Evaran. “I don’t … know about this. I’m still not entirely convinced we are even going there. Even if we do travel in time, how do you propose we get access to the crystal?” asked Silva. “They aren’t going to just hand it over.”

  “You can tell them you are there to collect the crystals for safekeeping per military protocol.”

  Silva narrowed his eyes. “That would seem a bit out of place, don’t you think?”

  Rakar shook his head. “Actually, that might work. Captain Mrakus only knows that he had to safeguard it until it was retrieved. We can tell him that we started with them first.”

  “So if we are there a day before it disappears, what happens if it disappears before we can get to it?” asked Silva, facing Evaran.

  “Perhaps then we will learn what happened to it. I do not know when it disappeared exactly, but going to the point where they have just begun to disassemble the ship for construction would be a good start, roughly two weeks after they landed,” said Evaran.

  “We can do this. It’s for our people,” said Rakar, tilting his head at Silva.

  Silva paused as he looked at Rakar, and then nodded. “Fine. For the record, I think this is dangerous to mess with history, assuming we actually will be going back in time. We would also need a change of clothes to fit that era.”

  “You can select it from your room’s clothing replicator. It has clothing from that era in the clothing selections. It sounds like we have a plan. Let us head to the command center,” said Evaran.

  Dr. Snowden looked around the room and noticed everyone nodding. He stood up and half smiled. “As Emily would say, let’s do this.”

  Emily drew her lips back, then laughed. “I don’t sound like that!”

  Evaran stood up and touched his ARI, causing the projection to fade. “You do a bit.”

  Emily shook her head while smiling.

  Dr. Snowden smiled as he exited the room. After a few minutes, they assembled in the command center and took their usual spots.

  Evaran interacted with the chair arm. “V, take us out.”


  The Torvatta lifted off and ascended through the atmosphere. Dr. Snowden squinted at the light shining off the domed city as it faded into the distance. After a few minutes, they were in space, looking down at Kreagus.

  Dr. Snowden faced Evaran. “I know we are about to travel back in time, but can we view it from the roof?”

  Evaran nodded. “Of course, if that is your wish. An interesting choice. I will accompany you.”

  Emily stood. “I’m going too. So is Andia.”

/>   Andia cocked her head back as she stood up. “Well, I guess I’m going too.”

  Dr. Snowden stood and looked at Silva. “You coming?”

  Silva shrugged. “At this point, why not.”

  Rakar stood. “Count me in.”

  V turned and faced them. “I am down.”

  Emily giggled as Silva stared at V.

  They proceeded to the rear of the ship, then took the elevator to the roof. Once assembled on the roof, a smaller version of the front console shot up from the center of the roof. V took a position in front of it.

  “V, proceed to the time coordinates I have sent.”


  Dr. Snowden walked to the edge of the guardrail. His breathing slowed as he tried to focus on Kreagus just underneath them. Kreagus began to fade, as did all the stars he could see. His heartbeat ramped up.

  “What’s going on?” said Silva.

  “We are moving through time,” said Evaran.

  After a moment, it was pure black around them. Dr. Snowden swallowed hard. He had seen this before, but being able to see everything disappear was beyond anything he could imagine.

  After a moment, Kreagus and the stars eased back into view.

  Silva rushed to the guardrail and looked down at Kreagus. “What happened to Kreagus?”

  “We are back in time, when Kreagus had jungles.”

  Dr. Snowden looked down at Kreagus. He could see why Silva was concerned. Seeing the planet go from the dull brown and white to a lush green would have been confusing. It was mind-boggling to even fathom how the Torvatta could go through time. The ship had not even moved. Just there one moment in time, shimmer, then in another point in time. On top of that, it stayed relative to Kreagus. He figured if it had just went back in the same spot it was, they would be out in deep space somewhere. He shook his head and looked at Evaran. “You will need to explain how the Torvatta can do this sometime.”

  Evaran half smiled. “Sometime. We will need to head inside since we will be in stealth mode.”

  With a swipe of Evaran’s hand over his ARI, the console slid back into the roof’s floor.

  Dr. Snowden ran two fingers across his lips as he scrutinized the roof’s floor. It was semitransparent, and he did not see how or from where the console could have come. He looked around and saw Rakar, Emily, and Andia headed toward the elevator.


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