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My One and Only (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 10)

Page 19

by Alanea Alder

  Kendrick held up a hand. "He mentioned witches as in plural?"

  Meryn nodded. "He said he wasn't able to find me because I was hidden or something."

  Kendrick looked over to Gavriel. "By Fate?"

  Gavriel shook his head. "At this point I feel like I do not know anything."

  Kendrick turned back to Meryn. "How did you know to put a demon in a salt circle?"

  Meryn brightened. "Netflix."

  Kendrick's mouth dropped, and he turned to Anne. "Magic in your role-playing games, alchemy in anime and now demon hunting on Netflix? Why didn't I know about any of this?"

  Anne's mouth twitched. "We can Netflix and chill later love." Meryn giggled, and Anne winked at her.

  "How can you laugh?" Vivi asked. "How do we face tomorrow?"

  Meryn tilted her head. "We face tomorrow because the alternative is to not face it, which means dying, and I for one, am not done doing all the things I want to do. Like, watching the newest season of Doctor Who or trying the new chipotle flavored Cheetos. I face tomorrow laughing, because if I let them steal my happiness, then they've already won, and fuck that, because I'm going to win."

  Aiden sighed. "You could have said watch centuries worth of sunsets with my mate or tour the Amazon, but you went with Cheetos and Netflix?"

  "Fuck the Amazon! Do you know how many bugs are in the Amazon? Like they don't even have an accurate count of the number of species there are, much less how many individual bugs. Did you know that one statistic says that in the Amazon, bugs outweigh all vertebrates four to one? Like imagine how many tiny bugs it would take to make up four of your huge ass. No way! Fuck that."

  Aiden pouted. "I'm not that big Meryn and I don't have a huge ass."

  Etain leaned in toward his mate and pointed across the table at the Unit Commander and his tiny mate. "That is how we face tomorrow. That is how we laugh. By finding joy in the moment." Etain's mouth twitched at Aiden's expression.

  Serenity rested her head on Micah's shoulder. "We have thousands of moments to look forward to. We can't turn our back on all of them because we're scared of a few."

  He turned to her and whispered. "I am especially interested in more naked Twister moments."

  She blushed and kissed his temple. "You're on," she replied.

  Kari sighed and picked up her iPad. "So, we have a possible virus creating demon leading an army of feral unit warriors, in addition to invisible reapers and mindless garden variety ferals?" She tapped a few times then looked up. Everyone was staring. "What? We might as well be organized about this."

  Magnus was the first one to lose his composure. But his belly laughing seemed to trigger then entire room. They were facing impossible odds, but somehow being with family made it seem like everything would be okay.

  Ellie sniffed. "What do we do now?"

  Micah leaned forward to answer her. "Celebrate." He looked around the table and back to his mate. "Celebrate every moment."

  Micah could see the unconditional love she had for him in her eyes. "Because tomorrow isn't promised," she said smiling.

  He raised her hand and kissed it. "But anything can happen, our future holds infinite possibilities and I intend to enjoy each one."


  Meryn watched the celebration from her recliner in Magnus' antechamber. It was the day after their eventful dinner starring DeLaFontaine. Magnus had gone above and beyond hosting a huge party to celebrate the children getting well. Everyone was focusing on the good things, determined not to let the disturbing news weigh them down.

  Micah and Serenity still had the recently mated glow about them, so the news of a possible demon must not be detrimental enough to burst their sex bubble. Meryn smiled. Who was she kidding? She'd been mated less than a year and she was still enjoying her 'honeymoon' phase with Aiden.

  She eyed Micah's tee-shirt. Lifting her phone she took a picture and uploaded it to her Pinterest board so Dani could copy it later. The shirt simply read.

  1692- Never again- Witches Lives Matter

  She watched as Micah's mouth drop. "What do you mean it was Karen?" he asked.

  Adriel held up his hands. "Do not shoot the messenger. Dimitri told me to tell you that it was Karen and not to worry, he took care of it. He said after Karen found out that Serenity helped to save those stricken by the virus she confessed to putting the snake in your laundry basket. Dimitri says she feels awful because her uncle was one of the ones being treated at the hospital. He said she promised not to interfere with your mating again."

  Serenity eyed her mate. "Who is Karen?"

  Micah gulped. "Well, you could say she is past lover."

  Serenity's eyes narrowed. "Your previous lover put a poisonous snake in your laundry to get back at me?"

  Micah sighed. "The curse of being popular." He frowned. "I wonder why only Karen got upset?

  Serenity gave him an evil grin. "Only Karen? No Twister for you later."

  His mouth dropped. "But Serenity..."

  Meryn's attention was diverted from the Micah's pleading by the twins.

  "Meryn!" Nigel called out, as he ran toward her, Neil, Pip and Avery right behind him. "We found some on Level Six!"

  Meryn sat up straighter. "No way!"

  Neil looked around the room before pulling out a small square object from under his shirt and placed it in her lap. The boys gathered round blocking her from view. Their heads all leaned down.

  "What is it?" Pip asked.

  Nigel watched Meryn intently as she unwrapped the brown paper to reveal a package of small cans. He looked at Pip. "Meryn was telling us about this drink. She said it was fruity like juice, carbonated like soda, but had all the wonderful effects of espresso." They all looked down at the magical liquid.

  "This boys, is Sugar Free Red Bull. Normally I would rock the hell out of some sugar, but strangely enough the Sugar Free version tastes better than the regular one. It has more of a raspberry flavor." Meryn opened the package and handed each of them a small silver can. "You guys enjoy."

  Neil frowned. "What about you?"

  Meryn shook her head. "My little jellybean likes coffee, I don't want to tweak them out on Red Bull." She rubbed her belly.

  Avery nodded. "That's probably a good idea." The four of them looked around and popped their cans. They took their first sips. So far all of them look surprised but pleased. It didn't take them long to finish their drinks.

  "I don't feel anything." Nigel observed.

  Meryn smiled. "Wait for it."

  It hit Avery first. The small shifter began jogging in place. "This stuff is amazing, I feel like I can fly!"

  Nigel and Neil stared. "Whoa," they said in unison.

  "Fly? Really? Do you think it will help me?" Pip asked. "I mean it might help me. I should be able to fly, I am a vampire after all. I do not want to use this little stone forever." He looked at the twins. "Not that I do not think it is amazing. It really is. I just want to feel like I belong you know?"

  "I think that stuff unlocked a new level in Pip's brain," Neil whispered.

  Meryn laughed. "He isn't a video game."

  Avery and Pip clasped hands and began swinging each other around the antechamber.

  "Pip, be careful you don't fling Avery across the room," Meryn warned.

  "Okay," they both said together in a singsong voice.

  Neil looked at Nigel. "Anything?"

  Nigel shook his head. "Maybe it doesn't work on witches?" He sighed and Meryn heard a faint cracking sound.

  "Nigel, I think it's working." Neil's eyes were locked on the stone under their feet.

  The twins stared at the floor as flowered vines poured from the small crack.

  "Wicked," they whispered in awe.

  "Nigel! Neil! What in the gods' names have you done?" Kendrick bellowed.

  "Weeeeeeeeee," Avery giggled, as Pip floated him up near the ceiling.

  "Look Neil, Pip is flying! He's doing it!" Nigel pointed to Pip and Avery.

  "Way to go Pip
!" Neil yelled.

  "Avery!" Warrick shouted. He stayed under his mate his arms out stretched in case he was dropped.

  Meryn sat with her hands clasped in her lap watching as the boys had fun. Before meeting Aiden she never she understood what 'family' meant. But she was slowly learning. Seeing the boys happy, made her happy.

  Nigel and Neil ran from Kendrick and ducked behind Anne who laughed and shielded them from her mate.

  "Kendrick, can you fix this?" Magnus asked, as the plants began to bloom.

  Sebastian smiled. "I think it is a lovely addition."

  Aiden walked over to Adriel. "Any word on how DeLaFontaine was killed?"

  Adriel shook his head. "Marcus said he was asleep and didn't see anything. Leif and Travis swear no one entered the detention cells." He turned to Meryn. "Meryn do you think anything was captured by your cameras?"

  Beside her Sebastian froze slightly as he serving up a large bowl of Magic Pudding. Meryn put on her most bored expression. "Nope, I checked the footage myself, didn't see a thing." She smiled at Adriel and Aiden who turned back to each other.

  Adriel rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybe the demon killed him since he was not needed anymore," he suggested.

  Aiden nodded. "I bet that is what happened."

  "And just for Meryn an assortment of imported coffee infused chocolates," Sebastian said handing her the huge bowl of pudding. "If you give me just a moment I will get them for you." He leaned down and whispered. "Thank you."

  She grinned up at him. "That was some of the sexiest shit I've seen in a while," she said laughing when he blushed. He straightened and turned to Ryuu. "She is simply adorable." He walked away whistling to get her chocolates.

  Meryn wasn't lying. Watching Sebastian stroll into the detention cells past a dazed looking Leif and Travis had been amazing. Watching him use his power to get DeLaFontaine to snap his own neck had been mesmerizing, but the cold detached way Sebastian told DeLaFontaine that he had sealed his fate when he went after his charge had given Meryn life goals.

  Since DeLaFontaine had been scheduled to be executed Sebastian wasn't at risk of losing his soul. She happily munched on her pudding.

  Ryuu nodded his approval. "He is a fine squire."

  "Yup. Makes killer pudding too."

  Meryn stretched her neck trying to see past Aiden when she heard a flurry of noise at the door. Sebastian hurried past her to welcome whoever had just arrived.

  "Father?" Etain said incredulously. Meryn had to practically tip her head back to see all of the fae. He was huge!

  The impossibly sized fae pulled Etain into a hug. "I had your brother, sister and mother stay in Eiré Danu. I was not sure how safe it would be after the portals opened."

  Etain pulled Vivian forward. "Vivi, this is my father. Liander Aerlin. When he passed the role of head of household to me I became Vi'Aerlin, so his name reverted back to our core name," he explained. She nodded. He turned to his father. "Father, I have the honor to present my mate, Princess Vivian Vi'Aerlin. Even though she was born from two of the vampiric royal houses of DuCoeur and DuSang, she has chosen to take my name." He gently placed a hand over her abdomen. "She carries my child, a new fae life."

  Liander's eyes widened. "A thousand blessings on you," he whispered. Then his face dropped and he turned to Etain. "Your mother and sister are going to kill me for making them stay behind." Etain simply laughed. Liander ignored him and placed a glowing hand on Etain's shoulder. "That should replace what you have lost."

  Etain sighed. "Thank you, father. I feel much better."

  Meryn's attention turned to Declan who looked scared of the man and woman in front of him.

  "Mother? Father? What are you doing here?" Declan asked.

  The smaller woman launched herself at Declan. "Where else would we be? Both of my sons were trapped in the city with a shifter virus spreading!"

  "Father, I would like to present Kari Delaney." Rex pointed to her mid-section. "And that is baby Lionhart," he gushed.

  The older version of Declan swept Kari into a huge hug. "Thank the gods you are well."

  Meryn looked up at Ryuu. "I think the vampires woke up since the portals seem to be working."

  "That is probably an accurate assumption denka," he replied.

  The presence of family truly made the celebration complete. Sebastian, Pavil and Hal were truly in their element as they served and entertained so many guests.

  "Here she is!" a male voice called.

  Meryn looked up at Stefan. "Who are you talking to?"

  Seconds later a slightly older version of Stefan stepped into view. His warm brown eyes smiled down at her. "So this is the female with the elusive scent?"

  Meryn glared up at Stefan. "I do have a name you know."

  "Meryn, I'd like you to meet my older brother Cristo Bolivar."

  Cristo dropped down on one knee in front of her so he wouldn't tower over her. He took her hand to shake it and he frowned. He brought it up to his nose.

  "He's doing the sniffing thing," she whispered to Ryuu.

  Cristo's hand began to tremble under hers. She looked up at Ryuu. "I want Aiden," she said unsure of what was happening.

  "I am here," Aiden said taking her hand from Cristo's and stepping between them forcing Cristo to stand and step back.

  "Cristo?" Stefan asked looking confused.

  Cristo looked past Aiden. "Please," he begged. "Let me scent her just one more time. I have to be sure."

  Aiden moved a fraction of an inch and Cristo popped around him. Though his hands trembled his eyes were filled with tears and wonder. "I don't wish to frighten you," he reached down for her.

  Slowly she took his hand and he bent over to smell it again. When he straightened there was pure joy in his eyes.

  "Yes! Yes! Gods! Yes!" He dropped her hand and began to dance around.

  "Cristo, what in the hell?" Stefan demanded.

  Cristo looked to Stefan. "Tell father he is in charge of the pack for a bit. If you want to find out why she smells familiar you have to come with me."

  Stefan nodded. "Okay. Where are we going?"

  Cristo ignored him and looked around the room. "Is Law Ashleigh here? I caught a faint whiff of his scent."

  Law stepped out of the crowd that had formed around them. "I'm here you damn bloodhound. What are you doing to Meryn?"

  Cristo walked over and placed both hands on Law's shoulders. "Law Ashleigh I need you to invoke your emergency password and get Thane to Eiré Danu."

  Law's eyes bugged out. "Look, I can't go into it right now, but we have a ton of stuff going on right now."

  Cristo's tightened his fingers. "Tell. Him. Drop everything and go to Eiré Danu." He stared into Law's eyes. "Trust me, he will want to be there."

  Meryn held up her hands forming a 'T'. "Timeout! What in the hell is going on?"

  Cristo knelt down in front of Meryn and took both her hands in his. "I want to tell you but I can't. I swore an oath that I would not speak of what I know outside the protection of Eiré Danu. Will you please come with me to the Land of Eternal Sun?"

  Meryn searched his face. Like his father and his brother he embodied a sense of truth and loyalty. She let her empathy out and what she saw made up her mind.

  "You're a shield for those behind you," she said.

  He blinked back tears. "I try to be, sometimes I fail."

  "After our party. Give me a few days to tie up some things here, then I will go to Eiré Danu." She shrugged. "The queen wants to meet me anyway."

  Cristo stood. "Perfect! I'm going on ahead to get something out of storage. Gods! I hope I can find it." He kissed her forehead and grabbed Stefan by the arm. "Let's go find father and tell him he's Alpha again for a while."

  "I didn't get any food!" Stefan complained as they walked out the door.

  Aiden stared down at Meryn. "What!"

  She smiled up at him brightly. "Guess what baby? We're going to Eiré Danu!"

  Thank you for reading!
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  Other Books by Alanea Alder

  Kindred of Arkadia Series

  This series is about a shifter only town coming together as pack, pride, and sloth to defend the ones they love. Each book tells the story of a new couple or triad coming together and the hardships they face not only in their own Fated mating, but also in keeping their town safe against an unknown threat that looms just out of sight.

  Book 1- Fate Knows Best- Click Here

  Book 2- Fated to Be Family- Click Here

  Book 3- Fated For Forever- Click Here

  Book 4- Fated Forgiveness- Click Here

  Book 5- Fated Healing- Click Here

  Book 6- Fated Surrender- Click Here

  Book 7- Gifts of Fate- Click Here

  Book 8- Fated Redemption- Click Here

  Reader Feedback- Click Here

  World of Arkadia- Click Here

  Bewitched and Bewildered Series

  She's been Bewitched and he's Bewildered...

  When the topic of grandchildren comes up during a weekly sewing circle, the matriarchs of the founding families seek out the witch Elder to scry to see if their sons' have mates. They are shocked to discover that many of their sons' mates are out in the world and are human!


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