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The Lady's Hand

Page 30

by Bobbi Smith

  As if her words had conjured her up, Brandy came through the door right then. At the sight of Rafe sitting at the table talking to her mother, she stopped dead, shock showing clearly on her features.

  "Get out!" she said in a low, frantic voice. She had wondered who the carriage parked out front belonged to, and now she knew.

  Rafe didn't speak, but only gazed at her. She looked more beautiful than ever to him, and he ached with the need to hold her and tell her he loved her. But he saw, too, the panic in her eyes, and he knew he had to be gentle.

  "Hello, Brandy," he said softly.

  "Get out! I want you out of here! You got my letter, didn't you? I'll get you the money! Just go away and leave us alone!"

  "I can't," Rafe said simply, rising and going to her.

  "I think I'll go downstairs for a little while," Libby excused herself.


  But Libby closed the door behind herself as she left the room, and they were alone.

  "What do you want from me?" Brandy demanded, furious that he'd found them.

  "You look beautiful, Brandy," he told her, his gaze warm upon her.

  "I want you to go, Rafe. I give you my word I'll pay you the money back, but please... just go...." Her nerves were stretched taut. This was her worst night mare come true. He had found her, and he had come after her only to take her baby away.

  Rafe sensed the rawness of her emotions. "Brandy, please listen to me. I didn't come here to hurt you. I came because I needed to see you again.. .to talk to you...."

  "About what? About how I'll be free of the marriage in just a few more months?" she challenged him bitterly.

  "No," he said calmly, realizing how desperately he'd hurt her. "I came to talk to you about us."

  "Us? There is no us."

  "I'd like there to be."

  He took her hand, but she snatched it away from him as if it burned her.

  He went on, "Brandy, there's something I have to say to you, and when I'm done, if you still feel the same way you do now, I'll go."

  Brandy moved across the room, wanting a distance between them. It hurt her too much to realize how much she still loved him. For just an instant, when she'd come into the room and seen Rafe there with her mother, looking so handsome and wonderful, her heart had leapt with joy. She'd missed him oh, how she'd missed him. But she kept her back to him now, afraid that what she was feeling would show in her eyes.

  "Brandy..." Rafe began slowly, unsure of himself and of her. "I followed you here because I love you."

  Brandy tensed at his words, but did not move or turn back. She did not trust herself or him.

  "I know you have a lot of reasons not to believe me, but I had to let you know how I felt. In fact, I knew I was in love with you when I came back early from New Orleans that night. I had been ready to tell you then, but you said that you were going to the poker game only because you wanted to get out of our marriage."

  At his words, she turned to look at him, her expression stunned.

  "If you still feel that way, then from this moment on, I want you to know that your debt to me is canceled. You owe me nothing. You are my wife and you are pregnant with my child. I will support you, and take care of you, no matter where you want to live. All I ask is that you let me be a part of my child's life. You said in your letter that you didn't want our baby to grow up as I did, and you're right. I want to be there to love my son or daughter, too." He paused and drew a deep breath. "I love you, Brandy. I want you to remember that."

  He waited for a moment for her to say something ... anything. Each second seemed an eternity, but her only response was silence.

  Defeat crushed him, and his shoulders slumped. He took one last look at her, standing across the room so proud and beautiful, and then he turned to go. His life lay bleakly before him, but at least, for a little while, he had known her love.

  His hand was on the doorknob before Brandy spoke.

  "Rafe..." her voice was choked with emotion. This was the man she loved! He had just told her that he loved her! And he was leaving! Walking out of her life. She couldn't let him go! She couldn't.

  He looked back at her.

  "Oh, Rafe... I'm sorry.. .so sorry. I didn't mean for things to be this way."

  "I know," he said sadly, thinking he should leave. There was no point in going on. "Good-bye, Brandy."

  "Rafe, no...Wait..."

  He glanced back, questioningly.

  "I love you, too," she said simply.

  Their eyes met and then the distance between them was far too great. They flew into each other's arms, man and wife in all ways at last.

  Rafe spun her around, holding her to his heart. "I'm sorry I hurt you."

  "I love you, Rafe, and you love me. Nothing else matters now." She was crying in earnest, unable to believe the joy that was bursting inside her.

  He kissed her then, his mouth settling over hers, telling her of his passion and his need.

  "Oh!" Brandy said in sudden surprise, breaking off the kiss with a most stunned look on her face.

  "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

  "No...But I think your son just let me know that he approves...." Her hand was resting on the mound of her stomach.

  Rafe frowned, not understanding.

  "I just felt him move...." she said in wonder.

  Rafe paled as he stared at her. "`He'?"

  "Of course. We're going to have a son, and he's going to be as wonderful as you are."

  "A son..." Rafe was awestruck.

  She was back in his arms then, kissing him, loving him. They finally broke apart only when things might have gone farther than they'd planned. Libby was just downstairs.

  "We'd better tell Mother," Brandy said with a smile, high color staining her cheeks, her breathing quick and excited, her eyes aglow with happiness.

  "Will you come with me now? Tonight? We can check in at the Planter's House again." His eyes darkened at the memory of their wedding night.

  "The Planter's House?" Brandy gave him a wicked smile. "I think I'd like that."

  "I know I would."

  It was much later that night when they lay together in the comfort of a luxury suite at the hotel. Libby had elected to stay in the boarding house one final night, and so Rafe and Brandy had a night all to themselves. When they'd reached the room, he'd even carried her over the threshold again. Their loving had been poignant and beautiful, and neither of them wanted the night to end.

  Brandy lay with her head on his shoulder and her hand splayed across the hard width of his chest. Her every dream had come true. Rafe loved her and wanted her as his wife in all ways. They were a family.

  "I missed you," she told him, glorying in the warmth of his closeness.

  "I missed you, too. The last time I was in St. Louis I stayed here, and I didn't sleep much because I kept thinking about you and our wedding night."

  "So you enjoyed our poker game, did you?"

  "Immensely," he chuckled. "I've never had that much fun cheating before."

  Brandy sat up and glared at him, her expression indignant. "You cheated?"

  He grinned lustily at her as he snared her wrist and pulled her back down across his chest. "Absolutely, and it was worth it, too."

  His hands traced over her silken curves, pressing her more closely to him. She reveled in his touch. She had missed being with him, near him. It seemed she couldn't get close enough after all this time apart.

  "I suppose I forgive you."

  "Just `suppose'?" He drew her down for a kiss.

  She didn't need to answer him. Her actions let him know he was forgiven.

  The following morning, Rafe arranged for their passage home. They returned to the boarding house to pick up Libby and all their things, and then were ready to go home.

  Libby saw how Rafe and Brandy shared secret looks and smiles, and she knew now that her daughter had found true happiness. She was content. Her grandchild was going to grow up in a loving home with adoring pare

  The trip back to Bellerive was a far cry from their earlier desperate flight. The days were spent in sweet harmony for Brandy and Rafe, loving and learning to love. The nights were heated splendor as they gave each other the perfect gift of themselves.

  Bellerive had never looked more beautiful to Rafe as the carriage made its way up the drive, and George's wide smile said it all when he saw Brandy and Libby emerge from the carriage with Rafe.

  "Welcome home, Miss Brandy," he told her.

  "Thank you, George, and you're right. I really have come home."

  Marc and Claire were married a month after Marc proposed. It was a small, quiet ceremony with only family and a few friends. After Jennette's death, Marc had thought he would never know this happiness again, but Claire's love brightened each day for him and for the children, too, who adored her.

  Charles Martin Marchand came into the world with a lusty cry the following January. Brandy's delivery was slow and painful, but once she held her dark-haired, blue-eyed son in her arms, all the pain was forgotten. Rafe was at her side the whole time. Charles was named after both his grandfathers, a choice that made his Grandmother Libby cry. He was loved.

  The christening was held when he was six weeks old, and his godparents, Claire and Marc, were proud to take on the responsibility.

  Jason and Merrie weren't quite sure what to make of little Charles, for he didn't do a whole lot except cry when he was hungry.

  A party was held at Bellerive after his christening, and it was then that Merrie got to hold him for the first time.

  "Come sit here on the sofa," Brandy told her.

  Once the little girl had settled in, Brandy carefully placed her sleeping son in her arms. Rafe was standing nearby, and he thought he would never forget the look of awe that shone on Merrie's face as Charles came awake and opened his eyes to look up at her.

  "Oh, look, Aunt Brandy! He woke up!" Merrie giggled. "I think he likes me! He's not crying."

  As quickly as she said the words, Charles began to whimper. Brandy took him again, rescuing Merrie from his tears.

  "I like babies," Merrie said, snuggling close to Brandy's side so she could keep watch over Charles.

  "Someday you can be a mommy, too," Brandy told her.

  "Good. I think it will be fun. Papa?" Merrie called, and Marc looked up.

  "What, Merrie?"

  "Since Claire's our new mommy, can we have a baby, too?'

  Marc and Claire shared a quick look of embarrassment and love.

  "Well, er uh, maybe."

  "Good. I want a baby sister. Charles is nice, but I want a girl to play with."

  "Ugh!" Jason said from where he sat across the room, watching the goings-on with a jaundiced eye. "If we have a baby, it had better be a boy."

  "Well, we'll just have to see what happens," Marc said, giving Claire a loving look.

  Rafe was smiling as he listened to their conversation. He gazed at Brandy as she sat holding their son. Life was sweet. He would be forever grateful for the night he'd won his lady's hand.




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