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Double Magick in the Falls

Page 1

by April Hollingworth

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Double Magick in the Falls




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Thank you for purchasing this publication of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  “Who are you?” I ask this time.

  No point in demanding, as it obviously doesn’t get me anywhere.

  “I am Victor Harlow and owner of Vlad’s Bar. Why were you spying on me and for whom?” he demands while tracing a gentle circle on the velvet skin of my wrist.

  Pulling my wrist out of his grasp, as his fingers are doing funny things to my stomach, I turn to look him full in the face. My God, he is gorgeous.

  Short, jet black thick hair, I want to run my fingers through. Ebony black eyebrows arched over silvery green eyes, which are unfairly surrounded by long, thick, black eyelashes. Seriously, if a girl had those, she would never need to buy mascara!

  A long straight nose and full sensuous lips, which look so kissable, high cheekbones and a strong square jaw. He has a beautiful neck and an image of fangs sinking into it flashes before my eyes making me gulp, I drag my eyes lower to his broad shoulders and a large ever so muscled body in a lean tall package. Wow, he is scrumptious.

  Biting my lip, I suppress a moan at the thought of exploring every inch of his delectable body and kissing his sensual mouth. I suddenly realize he’d been saying something, but I have no idea what.


  “Candi, a powerful witch, is sharing steamy nights with a glowing-eyed vampire, Victor, while they hunt a murderer and try to save themselves. Romance. Mystery. Murder. Find it all!”

  ~Linda Joyce, author of Bayou Bound

  “In this fabulous book about a witch, we are drawn into a world full of intrigue, murder, magick and love. I loved this book! It was action-packed and full of surprises. April, you are my new favorite author!”

  ~Anne Gonsalves

  “A unique paranormal, romantic, mystery filled with witches, vampires, and shifters. It grabbed my interest with its quick pace and snappy dialogue. I loved the characters, especially Victor and his effect on Candi.”

  ~Christine Elaine Black, author

  “Immediately you know you're in for a wild ride when the young protagonist reveals that her parents were murdered and she herself is a witch. Candi starts off in this mystery-thriller bound and determined to find out why a group called The Protectors killed her parents.”

  ~Lori Lesko, author

  “Immediately, I was drawn into the gruesome death of Candi's parents and her dark journey to find the group who killed them and why. The author spins this tale in a clever way, with a great blend of characters, leaving you hanging onto the pages waiting for the mysteries to be unveiled.”

  ~Verusha Singh

  Double Magick

  in the Falls


  April Hollingworth

  The Candi Reynolds Series

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Double Magick in the Falls

  COPYRIGHT © 2015 by April Hollingworth

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information:

  Cover Art by Debbie Taylor

  The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

  Visit us at

  Publishing History

  First Black Rose Edition, 2015

  Print ISBN 978-1-62830-735-1

  Digital ISBN 978-1-62830-736-8

  The Candi Reynolds Series

  Published in the United States of America


  To Marian and David Hollingworth AKA Mum and Dad for always believing in me and encouraging me with my writing.

  To my sisters Christine Simpkins and Tracey Mitchell, for your support. Thanks, Tracey, for helping me come up with the title.

  To my nieces Mia and Laila, and all my aunts, uncles, and cousins for your support and best wishes.

  And especially Roisin Hollingworth, younger sister extraordinaire and my personal cheering squad and greatest believer.


  I would also like to give a special thanks to my editor Lill Farrell, editor extraordinaire. Without your help and guidance, this book would not have reached its fullest potential.

  And to The Wild Rose Press for giving me this opportunity to join the family of Roses in the Garden.

  And finally, thank you Debbie Taylor from DCA Graphics for my wonderful cover art.


  October 31st 1999

  Dear Journal,

  My heart breaks every time I think of my mother’s death. I try not to, but it’s only been a couple of weeks, and my feelings are still so raw. It doesn’t help that I’ve been uprooted from my home and sent to live with my grandmother at Paradise Falls. Seriously, where do people get these names?

  It doesn’t help when my father died three years ago in exactly the same way. And the worst part is, I was the one who found them. Propped in a sitting position against the wall, their arms crossed in the front as if trying to hold their intestines in. Except their intestines were carefully arranged around them, looking like gone off sausages. Hearts ripped from their chests.

  Worst of all, was their smiling faces. I learned later their mouths had been stitched in that position. But I can’t get the image of their grinning corpses out of my head. For me, this is the most horrific part of their deaths. It is bad enough someone could kill both my parents, but why in such a horrendous fashion?

  Grandmother Eve has a shop called Magick of Old; she said I can help out on the weekends. Seriously? I’m uprooted from my home and dragged to Timbuktu, and now forced to work in a magic shop. She probably sells those crappy kid’s magic boxes and stuff. Again, what is with the funny spelling? There is no K in magic.

  I just want my life back, and my mum, God, I miss her so much. I’m thinking of joining the army, of starting a new life.

  Every time Grandma Eve looks at me, she gets sadder. My pain is bad enough to deal with. I can’t handle hers as well. Maybe I’m being selfish, but I just can’t.

  Let their spirits find each other in the great beyond, and let them move on to somewhere better. Until I meet them again. Mom and Dad, I love and miss you. I hope you are at peace in each other’s arms. Help me with my decision and convince Grandma Eve to let me go.

  Candi Reynolds

  P.S. Happy seventeenth birthday to me


tober 31st 2000

  Dear Journal,

  I’ve been living with Grandma Eve for a year. Tomorrow I am leaving to join the army. I know Grandma Eve is upset with my decision, but to be honest, this is something I must do for myself. Something I have wanted for over a year. Today is my eighteenth birthday, and I no longer need permission to join. I’m glad for the year I’ve had with Grandma Eve. She has taught me so much about the craft. The K in magick is the way witches spell it to differentiate it from witchcraft, or those who mess about with magic.

  Anyway, I now spell magick with a K. I wonder why Mum never told me we were witches. The only thing I’ll be taking with me is the camera my mum gave me before she died. I don’t need anything else and don’t want anyone to read you. God knows how they would react to what I’ve written. I won’t be writing to you again for a long time, if ever. Well, let’s just leave it at a long time.

  Candi Reynolds

  P.S. Happy eighteenth birthday to me

  Chapter 1

  October 31st 2012

  Dear Journal,

  It’s been twelve years since I left Paradise Falls, twelve years since I wrote in you. A lot has changed. I joined the veterinary corps, and they became my family. But after so many years, it is good to be home. I brought Jasmine back with me. She’s a beautiful Alsatian and she’s my friend, we’ve been together ever since I joined the army. Though I have to admit, Grandma’s face when she saw her was hilarious. I’ve never seen her look so flabbergasted.

  I’m a photographer now, specializing in night shots of wildlife. I still use the camera my mum gave me. Though technically with all the enhancements I’ve done to it, it’s only the shell that’s left of the original. I just can’t say goodbye to it. It’s like my lucky talisman. I’m selling to magazines and getting my name out there. It isn’t mega bucks, but I love it.

  I do some daytime shots, too, but since returning to Paradise Falls, I’ve been helping Grandma in the shop in the mornings. It is a good way to get back into the scene and meet people. I can’t believe I ever thought Grandma’s shop was a cheap joke shop, instead of a true witch’s magick shop filled with ingredients, tarot cards, and so much more.

  I can’t believe my mum has been gone for thirteen years. At times, the pain is so raw it seems like it happened yesterday. Other times it’s like a lifetime ago. I’ve changed so much, hopefully for the better.

  I finally found out why my parents were killed, and to be honest it just seems so pointless.

  My mum, as I told you long ago, was a witch. And my dad was a werewolf. In the supernatural world, you don’t mix with those outside your own kind. Obviously my parents did, which is why they left Paradise Falls.

  They were hunted, and my dad caught and murdered. My mum took me and we fled, but they caught up with her, too. What I don’t understand is the three year gap between the killings, or the ritualistic way it was done. Or truthfully, why I am still alive. Don’t get me wrong. I am thankful, doesn’t make any sense.

  Anyway, I am back in Paradise Falls, this time for good.

  It still hurts my parents were taken from me, and I want to find out who killed them. They had left, why hunt them down over so many years?

  I have to go. Jasmine needs to go for a walk, and it’s a full moon tonight. Everything always looks so much more enchanting and otherworldly under the light of a full moon. Time to take some photos.

  Candi Reynolds.

  P.S. Happy thirtieth birthday to me


  Taking a deep breath, I close my journal. I’d forgotten how good it felt to write in it. As if writing to an old friend. Stretching, I stand and cross the room to the door. Changing my mind, I return to the desk.

  Sliding my fingers along the side, I feel for the slight knot in the wood. A hidden drawer pops open. Placing the journal inside, I remove the hidden cloth covered bundle. I don’t have much time, but feel the need to do a three card spread, with my Midnight Mystic Oracle Cards.

  Card 1: MOONLIGHT.


  It’s time to examine your dreams, and remember them as well. As the answers you seek, are there.

  Card 2: BLOOD MOON.


  Have faith and work hard, but don’t become self-obsessed. Ask for help to achieve your goals, if required. Always be yourself.

  Card 3: WOOD SPRITE.

  Spirit of Nature

  It is time to get back in touch with nature. Explore woods and wildlife. Experience new things, and open your mind to different things. Seek adventure. Rebuild your life and live it the way you desire.

  Huh, okay, ask for help if I need it? Why would I need help? With a puzzled frown, I quickly write down the cards and their translations.

  Quite often, things become obvious later. Putting the cards back into the draw, I close it and leave the room. A full moon is not something to waste, especially when you’re a photographer who prefers taking photos at night.

  I leave Grandma’s house and call Jasmine to me; we walk to the East Bridge where we cross over. Witches do not like their surrounding areas to be photographed. Mainly, I believe, in case they’re up to some hocus-pocus.

  Once we cross over the bridge and car park, we head toward the woods. I hear wolves howling and feel disappointed I can’t photograph them. They’re across town, and most likely werewolves. A full moon, though wonderful, can make werewolves a higher risk than normal. The call of the moon is too strong, and so is the hunt for prey. I sure as hell don’t want to become part of their hunt.

  As Jasmine and I slip into the woods, she suddenly goes still. In the army, you learn to sense danger and always trust your instincts. My instincts scream out a major predator is near. I spot a group of men outside a bar. I don’t know why I can differentiate major predators from simple humans. Witches and werewolves obviously, but humans, though they can be vicious, don’t normally cause this strong a reaction.

  However, my senses keep telling me danger is near, and I need to take care. Suddenly one of them turns and stares directly at me, or at least in my direction. I don’t think he sees me. My senses go on high alert and lust shoots through me. He is gorgeous. Built like an Adonis come to life, he looks dangerous as hell, his glowing blue eyes pull me in, while his full sensual snarling lips, drawn back over huge fangs, assure me I’m right. He most definitely is a predator.

  I have always assumed vampires were myth. Stupid, since I am a witch and I’ve worked with werewolves and shifters, you would think I would have realized, there are, or could be, other supernaturals as well. But hey, you learn something new every day.

  I just learned I’m attracted to a very hot vampire with huge fangs and glowing blue eyes. Who knew? I sure as hell didn’t!

  Keeping low, I quietly ease back, making my way to the other side of the woods with Jasmine securely at my side; I hurry across the car park and over the bridge.

  On the other side, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. With one final look back, I scan the trees, but see nothing, though for just a second, I sense someone watching.

  A sense of change washes over me, as if nothing will ever be the same again. With a shake of my head, I brush away my thoughts and retreat to Grandma’s house. I’ll ask her tomorrow about the vampires, and if she knows of any houses up for sale.

  I need my own space, and I don’t think it’s wise to use the woods across the bridge for any more photo shoots.

  Thinking of the woods brings the vampire to mind. I bite my lip hard to clear my thoughts. I need a run, that’s what’s wrong with me. I’ll have to go for a decent run tomorrow, to burn off the extra energy from tonight.

  I love running, and my body needs it as well. The army was great, all the exercise regimes helped keep me focused, and solutions to problems became clearer.

  I do my best thinking while running, and get a serious case of bad attitude and total bitch when I don’t find the time for a regular run. And hopefully, it’ll get the lust-filled cravin
gs out of my system, too.

  Cutting across the grass, I smell a storm coming.

  “The elements are gathering. It’s going to be a rough night,” I whisper.

  My mum always said that, when my dad smelt the coming storm. She was always right, too.

  “God, I miss you, Mum, and you, Dad, as well,” I say on a breath of a sigh.

  Reaching Grandma’s, I sense she’s back, so I call out a greeting and quickly hurry upstairs so I can get my trainers off.

  Grandma does not appreciate dirty trainers in her clean house. She also cannot understand my need to run. She also believes an Alsatian is not the right pet for a witch, and surely, she can take herself for a run without me! My grandmother has many opinions!

  Quickly putting my camera down, I lament not having taken any photos, but I have a feeling I probably would have been caught by the vampire if I had.

  “I’ll be down in a minute, Gran. I need to ask you something,” I call out.

  Quickly removing my trainers, I run a brush through my long red hair and clamor downstairs to the sitting room, where my gran is waiting, relaxing in front of a blazing fire, the book she’d been reading closed on her lap.

  “Hey, Grandma Eve, I’ve decided that I’m staying put in Paradise Falls. Do you know of any houses that are for sale or rent?”

  Where my gran is concerned, it’s best to just get to the point, she prefers it. Come to think about it, so do I.

  “I’m glad you’re staying, child.” Giving a nod of her head, she continues as if coming to a satisfying conclusion.

  “The old Winters’ house is up for sale, not too pricey since it’s been abandoned for a while. I think you will be well suited to it. There’s even a dog flap in the back door you can use for that dog of yours.” Eve gives a puzzled shake of her head, as if saying why a dog?

  “Thank you, Grandma,” I reply with honest relief. “What do you know about vampires?” I ask with some hesitation. It feels so strange to be wondering. I mean I love reading and watching films about them, but who knew they were actually real?

  “They’re dangerous, and you should stay away from them,” was Eve’s definite, but non-helpful reply.


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