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Jack Addison vs. a Whole World of Hot Trouble - The Complete Series

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by K. A. Merikan

  Jack Addison vs. a Whole World of Hot Trouble

  The complete series

  “Any monster is a lover if you’re brave enough.”

  Jack Addison. Son of a world famous monster hunter. Irresistible jerk. Monster-curious.

  Roux Chat-Bonnes. Ginger. Furry. Claws like razors and a tongue to match!

  At just nineteen, Jack’s fresh out of a prestigious academy, set to make a name for himself as a monster hunter in a world where people need protection from strange and dangerous creatures.

  Raised to see nonhumans as monsters to be eradicated, or at the very least—inferior beings, he soon finds out that he’s been taught lies, and his initial distrust of creatures turns into fascination that goes beyond anything his father could imagine.

  After an encounter with a giant spider, Jack falls down a rabbit hole of affairs with werewolves, kitsune, a centaur, a merman, a tentacle creature called Nessie, and even a vampire!

  But all of those dalliances fade in comparison to his one true heart throb—Roux Chat-Bonnes, a cat-like being, and his most vicious rival. As brave as he is infuriating, and as furry as he is sexy, Roux is the moral compass Jack wishes he didn’t have.

  If he ever wants to win Roux’s heart, he needs to prove that he’s more than just a handsome jerk sneaking around with any monster he can get his hands on, but a man brave enough to do what’s right, even if it makes him unpopular. Even if that means standing up to his famous father.


  Themes: living up to expectations, pride, dreams, self-discovery, tolerance, fame, monster hunting, inter-species relations, enemies to lovers, opposites attract, prejudice, tentacles, centaur, merman, mermaid, kitsune, Siberia, trust, vampire, Transylvania, werewolf, drugs, Paris, deception, secrets

  Genre: M/M romantic erotica, horror-comedy

  Erotic content: Scorching hot, explicit scenes

  Length: ~115,000 words

  In this serial, each episode encompasses a single event from Jack Addison’s career, but while they are partially self-contained, the romantic arc and Jack’s personal journey, develop over time, so it’s best to not read the stories out of turn.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living, dead, or undead, events, places or names is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher. Uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without a permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law.

  Text copyright © 2018-2019 K.A. Merikan

  All Rights Reserved

  Editing by No Stone Unturned

  Cover design by Natasha Snow

  Table of contents

  Jack Addison vs. Man-Ravishing Spider

  Jack Addison vs. Nessie’s Tentacles

  Jack Addison vs. a Pack of Horny Werewolves

  Jack Addison vs. Centaur Pimps

  Jack Addison vs. Merman Seduction

  Jack Addison vs. Asexual Vampires

  Jack Addison vs. Foxy Lies

  Jack Addison vs. Catnip Dealers

  Jack Addison vs. Doing the Right Thing



  About the author

  Other books by K.A. Merikan


  This crazy story was first published on our Patreon. We would like to thank our 3$+ patrons for making some of the main character’s choices for him. While we prepared a storyline for each of the choices, it was up to the patrons to blindly decide which of the events would end up happening on page.

  In this serial, each episode encompasses a single event from Jack Addison’s career, but while they are partially self-contained, some of the arcs (the romantic arc, Jack’s personal journey) develop over time, so it’s best to not read this story out of turn.

  Many of our shorter or less commercial works are available on Patreon first, so if you would like to have access to them, please consider supporting us.

  Kat and Agnes Merikan

  Jack Addison vs. Man-Ravishing Spider

  Jack Addison Vs a Whole World of Hot Trouble #1

  K.A. Merikan

  “Please write down my name. Jack Addison.”

  Jack Addison. Son of a famous monster hunter. Grandson of a celebrated inventor. He has a lot to live up to, but his ego is as big as the expectations of his family. At just nineteen, he’s fresh out of a prestigious academy, set to make a name for himself in a world where people need protection from strange and dangerous creatures.

  During the annual hunt for the Loch Ness monster, Jack finds a rival in Roux Chat-Bonnes, a cat-like being who recently joined the same profession and is set to steal the bounty—and fame―from under Jack’s nose.

  Jack won’t let that happen. He sets out on the hunt alone, but the creature that he finds in the cave near Loch Ness doesn’t have tentacles. Instead, it’s got hairy legs, eight black eyes and a taste for human flesh.


  Themes: living up to expectations, pride, dreams, self-discovery, tolerance, fame, monster hunting, inter-species relations

  Genre: M/M romantic erotica, horror-comedy

  Erotic content: Scorching hot, explicit scenes

  Length: ~7,500 words (Episode 1 in the serial)

  WARNING: This story contains morally ambiguous characters and scenes of sex that might be considered taboo.

  Chapter 1

  The damp cold soaked into Jack’s clothes, biting his skin as he walked down the path spiraling between the trees. The coachman who had brought him here from the nearest train station had told him that all the other venators had already arrived at Loch Ness, but Jack wouldn’t let that stop him from kick-starting his monster-hunting career with the most prestigious event worldwide.

  So he might have boarded the ship for Europe a little bit too late. Big deal—what counted was that Halloween lasted for another twelve hours, which was more than enough time to collect the bounty for Nessie’s head and become another bright star in the Addison family tree.

  As he followed the winding track, his feet gradually sank into the clouds of vapor that obscured the undergrowth. The loch itself, visible in the dying sunlight, was also partially hidden by the thick fog, providing cover for the monster that only left the depths once a year.

  The sound of music and voices ahead gradually became louder when Jack neared the shore, and the cheerfulness of it all started to drill its way under his skin. Could it be that someone already had got the bounty? Was he too late after all? But when Jack left the trees behind and saw the large inn by the dark waters of the lake, there was no carcass in sight—only empty carts, cages, and human silhouettes in lit windows.

  He sped up, eager to step into warmth. He hadn’t thought his outfit through all that well, and the short leather jacket meant that the wind kept licking his back through the shirt. Then again, life was meant for living, not dreading a pinch of cold. Most importantly, he had his pistols, his family sword, and the latest Addison device, which would give him an advantage over other venators and lead him to the hell hole Nessie had crawled out from.

  He pushed the door of the Monster’s Head open and stepped inside. He didn’t expect the Scottish to recognize him, since he’d lived in New York most of his life, but he was sure
there was no venator alive who wouldn’t recognize his last name. After all, the device they all carried had been named after its inventor, Jack’s late grandmother.

  The music he’d heard on the way came from a gramophone in the corner, but a large contingent of the people gathered sang to the lively melody while sampling beer, as if this was an opportunity for socializing, not the annual hunt for the Loch Ness monster. Almost fifty years since its first appearance, Nessie had only been captured by photography and sketches, and there was no way to predict where exactly it would appear this time, but Jack was still disillusioned by the behavior he was witnessing.

  Was no one even trying to stay in adequate shape for tonight’s hunt?

  And worst of all, with the commotion, hardly anyone noticed his presence. Quite tall and muscular, despite being just nineteen, he had the kind of charm that drew the attention of women and men alike. To top it all off, his wide smile full of even, white teeth, sunshine hair, and blue eyes in a lightly tanned handsome face ensured that even without his last name being mentioned, he never drank his beer alone.

  The inn was filled mostly with other venators—something Jack could recognize by the emblems sewn on their clothing, but they all ate and drank in groups, talking in many languages he did not recognize.

  “Hello, love. If you need someplace to sleep, we only have hay mattresses left,” said a busty blonde woman with a thick Scottish accent. She approached him out of nowhere, dressed in civilian clothes and wearing a dress with a neckline slightly deeper than propriety would normally allow, she was likely a member of staff.

  “What? You don’t have rooms available? But the nearest town is an hour away!”

  She sighed and patted his chest. “You must be new to this. There’s only so much space available at the inn. I could accept a down payment for next year. Many choose to sleep in the barn.”

  Ha! Next year. There would be no hunt next year, because Jack Addison would catch and behead Nessie tonight. Especially since everyone else seemed to only be there for a good time over beers and whiskey.

  This conversation did seem like a good opportunity to drop his name though. “Yes, please write down my name. Jack Addison.”

  No reaction, just a smile. How demotivating. But a man sitting by the nearby bar gave Jack a curious look and poked two of his friends, both of whom were also venators.

  “Addison? Like ‘The Kraken’ Addison?” the guy asked in a polite accent that sounded exactly like Jack’s only English professor at the American Institute of Interdimensional Studies.

  Pride swelled in Jack’s chest, and he approached the men with a smile. “I am his son.”

  The Englishman squeezed Jack’s hand. “Hector Collins. And these are my former schoolmates, William Tucker and Drake Nguyen.”

  William tapped the bar counter, trying to draw the attention of the pretty young barman who had so many orders to complete that his cheeks were glistening and rosy despite the cold. “What are you drinking, Addison?”

  Jack licked his lips, sliding his gaze off the barman’s neck and to his new friends. “Oh, I’ll have coffee.”

  All three English men laughed to the point of slapping their knees.

  “Good one, Addison. Keeping your wits about you, eh?” asked Drake.

  Hector gaped and touched the thick handle of Jack’s two-handed sword. “Is this… is this the sword that ripped open the Kraken?”

  Jack smirked and reached back, pulling Gouger out of the sheath on his back. “The very same. You can touch it, but be careful, it’s extremely sharp.”

  “Can I have some butter, please?” someone asked in a strong French accent behind Jack’s back, and he wouldn’t have paid it any mind, if it wasn’t for seeing his new friends exchange curious glances.

  What could be more interesting than the legendary Gouger? Jack wanted to sneak a peek at the guy, but once he looked over his shoulder, everything else was forgotten. He put the sword back into the sheath.

  A chat. A real-life chat!

  He'd read about them in the first Monster Manual written by his dad. The textbook had since been redacted to call them 'creatures', but that didn't really change what these non-humans were.

  About Jack’s height, but much more slender, even in the long leather jacket, the chat was ginger with a few white stripes on his head. The massive ears that twitched in attention hid white tufts that would have been cute on a normal cat, not this man-sized critter. His paws were white, as if he were wearing gloves. A ridiculous notion for a creature that was more animal than human. Did the fluffy fingers really hide killer claws?

  As the barman served the chat a freaking plate of butter cut into squares, Jack stole a glance at the chat’s back, and there it was, sticking out from the folds of the leather coat—a long ginger tail as furry as the rest of the creature. More disturbingly though, on the back of his coat, the chat wore the crest of the Paris Academy for Interdimensional Matters, Europe’s largest school dedicated to venator education. Had he won it in a game of cards? Because he sure as hell couldn’t be a venator.

  “Can I help you?” said the chat, and caught Jack’s gaze with his massive green eyes. Wow, even his spiky canines were the enlarged version of what one would expect to see in the muzzle of a domestic cat. And the same could be said of the chat’s face. It looked like a large feline head. A well-bred one, but still that of a cat. Though this one’s features were somewhat elongated, with a pronounced dip above the pink nose.

  Jack’s father would have said that creatures had no place among humans. Jack did not agree with that statement nearly as strongly, and he’d seen glimpses of them in London and Birmingham, but they should’ve been kept from joining a profession that was all about keeping their kind in line. Besides, being a venator required not only physical prowess but also brains, something creatures were lacking when compared with humans.

  “You shouldn’t be wearing this,” Jack said, pulling on the chat’s coat.

  The chat slapped away his hand, and despite the gesture being aggressive, Jack couldn’t help a silly smile at how the inside of the creature’s hand felt like a padded cat paw.

  “Excuse me? Are you questioning my credentials?” The chat straightened on his strange legs that ended with large paws, not shoes. He supposed footwear was unnecessary when you were an animal.

  Jack sensed people’s eyes on him, and it fueled his confidence. He gestured at the chat. “That emblem you’re wearing. The Paris Academy for Interdimensional Matters is a serious institution, and only a graduate should have the honor of representing it.”

  The chat squinted, and his whiskers bristled. “My name is Roux Chat-Bonnes, and you better remember it. I am most definitely a graduate of PAIM. Top of my class, in fact. What would make you think otherwise?”

  Another young man approached them and pulled on Roux’s sleeve. “Come on, Roux, it’s not worth spoiling your night over,” he said in heavily accented English. He too, sounded French.

  Jack shook his head. Unbelievable. This thing actually had human acquaintances. It was a far cry from back home, where creatures and humans didn’t intermingle. Even venators in training had rarely met a creature before they took the practical classes toward the end of their education. “No venator academy would accept a chat.”

  His new friends looked at him with somber expressions, but didn’t join the conversation. What was up with that?

  “You’re years behind the rest of the world across the pond,” said one of the few female venators present. “PAIM is currently educating two non-humans, and some other schools are considering opening their doors to them too. And good. What’s the point of missing out on talent over prejudice?”

  That statement elicited some groans, and the merry singing mostly stopped, leaving space for loud conversations.

  Drake pulled on Jack’s jacket. “Can’t we just enjoy ourselves? No point in discussing this when the issue is so miniscule.”

  But Jack would not give it a rest. He was an
Addison, and he would not back away from a rightful fight when everyone was watching! “It’s a great shame that the Institute bowed to outside pressure instead of keeping to its principles.”

  The tiny, but still audible growl coming from the chat gave Jack the satisfaction he was craving. “Maybe you should go back to America then, so you don’t have to endure looking at me.”

  Jack snarled. That was exactly the kind of entitlement creatures exhibited when allowed to integrate into human society. “Why would I? This is my world. You are only a guest.”

  Drake’s hand tightened on Jack’s shoulder in warning, but why was he keeping quiet? Father would have been embarrassed if he’d known Jack had spoken to a chat, because even that implied that they were equals. Maybe that was the reason for all the silence?

  Roux dragged his claws over the counter. Was this meant to be a threat? The audacity! “We share this world now, and we’re all responsible for keeping it stable.”

  “Oh! A pussycat will be teaching me about my world now?”

  A few of the Frenchmen hissed, shaking their heads, and the fur on the chat’s head bristled. “What did you call me?” He grabbed the rapier at his side and pulled it out of its sheath with a metallic sound that made the barman freeze.

  Some of the venators stood, others just watched, but the music was now completely off, leaving a tense silence that did not belong in a room full of people.

  Was no one going to intervene?

  Behind Jack’s back, Hector cleared his throat and slid off the stool. “All right, I’ll be off. Need to tend to my horse,” he said and rushed to the exit, followed by William. Drake stayed behind, but he backed away, standing closer to the table where all the French people sat.


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