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Jack Addison vs. a Whole World of Hot Trouble - The Complete Series

Page 11

by K. A. Merikan

  Jack licked his lips and petted the back of Roux’s fluffy head, enjoying its weight on his shoulder. He wouldn’t mind being held like this more often. “That’s okay. I used the pheromones to lure them away. I’m a big guy. Jack Addison can take it, and all that.”

  Roux pulled away to look at Jack, and his eyes were so big, glossy and green Jack’s heart stopped at the cuteness. “Why are you putting on such a brave face? Those monsters deserve to rot for what they did to you. I can’t wait to report them to the negotiators.”

  No. Jack Addison could not be known as the guy who got fucked by five werewolves and lived to tell the tale. “Yeah, please, don’t. I appreciate that you haven’t mentioned the spider egg thing to anyone, but this might be even more embarrassing,” Jack said and put his hand across Roux’s mouth to make the point, and the chat’s ears fell. The pillow-like lips were just adorable.

  Roux shook off Jack’s fingers. “But this will mean they remain unpunished! Do you really want them to get out of this with a slap on the wrist for crossing the border?

  Jack moved his hands up through the furry coat covering Roux’s entire body, until he cupped his pretty face. “Look, Roux. It really wasn’t all bad. I mean, the five of them were a bit of a stretch, pun unintended, but it kinda felt nice at times,” he said, licking his lips. Would Roux understand what he wanted to say? That he was fine with fucking creatures now?

  Roux cocked his head and blinked a few times. “Wait. What? But… but werewolves.”

  Jack took a deep breath and rubbed his thumbs across Roux’s cheeks. “I’ve never told this to anyone, but being away from my family really broadened my horizons. I like experiencing all kinds of new things, and I really, really like fur,” he told Roux, combing his fingers through his thick hair. “And I am sore now, but I wanted to have sex with a werewolf anyway, so I guess... no harm done?”

  Roux just stared. “Y-you like fur? As in… sexually?” He ran his padded hands over Jack’s neck. Their touch was aggravating to Jack’s skin, and while he was too pumped out to want sex just yet, it did give him a tingle in his balls.

  “Roux, I’ve been thinking about you for a long time. I imagine your fur tickling my skin, and your tail wrapping around my thigh as I press my dick to your soft stomach,” he said, breathless from the excitement of finally saying all this out loud.

  The whiskers, and even the few long strands above Roux’s eyes bristled. “What? Why? When?”

  “I guess I’ve had a thing for chats since I met you. You’re so graceful, and elegant, and your fur is much softer than any other creature’s I’ve touched.” He growled, pulling Roux closer until their bodies were aligned. “I’ve met other chats, but all of you are so skittish. Especially the men. You don’t want to get to know any humans, and I’m trying my best.”

  Roux hissed. “Trying your best to what? Fuck a chat? Seriously? I thought you’ve been raped and mauled, and now I’m finding out that it’s fine because you’re so into fur? What else? Did you have fantasies of being jerked off with padded hands? You are unbelievable!” He moved away, but could only go so far with the snare around his ankle, so he meowed in helpless frustration. “I will not be objectified.”

  Jack definitely had fantasies about being jerked off with chat pads, but who wouldn’t have? They were so fucking cute it was obscene! “What? Don’t say that. It’s a preference. When men say they like blondes that doesn’t mean they are objectifying the hair, right?”

  “Unless they’re specifically looking for blondes to fuck because of their hair. I’ve met humans like you, Addison. I am not a novelty. And stop keeping me prisoner. Get me out!” He whined, increasingly agitated and twisting into positions that obscured his crotch. Only now it struck Jack that, despite the fur, Roux was technically naked, and while his dick was hidden, Jack caught a glimpse of the fuzzy ball sac, and his lips went dry.

  “I... I’m not. I’ll set you free, and we can talk. Don’t get so defensive,” he said and picked up the sword, which felt unusually heavy. He pressed the button that made the blade vibrate and slammed it down, breaking the mechanism that kept the snare shut.

  Roux scrambled for his clothes with his tail between his legs. “Is that why I found you with the gnomes? Thrill-seeking?”


  “No, come on, Roux. It was just a way to sneak up on them, okay? This is different. You are completely sentient, and we have a lot of in common. It’s not like you have anyone.”

  Roux bristled even more as he put on his ripped pants and pulled his tail through the hole at the back. “Oh, thank you for acknowledging I am, in fact, sentient. You’ve got some nerve, Addison. And why do you assume I’ve got no one? Am I desirable, then, or not?”

  Jack followed him, not sure how to deal with all this anger. And why were they back to surnames? “You would have said. We talked a lot all day. I don’t have anyone right now either. We could... explore together.”

  “No way! I am done here. I don’t even care about the prize. I can’t believe this is why you pretended to like me.” The last word came out as a whimpery meow. Roux picked up his bag.

  “Prete―no, Roux. I do like you. I like you, and your fur. I like both, okay?” Jack tried, grabbing Roux’s shoulder, weirdly hurt. “I literally saved your ass tonight.”

  Roux stepped Jack’s way with a hiss. “So what? I should put out for my savior? I owe you a fuck? How much do you value that at? I’ll pay you back.”

  Jack clutched at his hair. “Oh, Gods! This is unreasonable. When I lured them away from you, I didn’t know if they weren’t going to eat me for dinner, did I? I was afraid for you, don’t you understand that?”

  Roux took out the flare pistol and shot it into the sky. “They wouldn’t have attacked me in the first place if you hadn’t pulled my tail.” The red smoke burst above them, signalling to the negotiator where they were.

  Jack hissed, losing his patience. “Oh, so everything is always the fault of the human, whether he had good intentions or not. Maybe we should be sent away from our own dimension, because we hurt you all so much!”

  Roux threw the pistol to the ground and grabbed the last piece of his scattered clothes, the jacket. “Maybe you should!” He hissed so viciously his gums showed, and turned around, walking off in quick strides, despite his limp.

  Jack could’ve followed the stubborn creature, but that would’ve meant deserting his bounty of werewolves. He’d won that fair and square, and not without effort.

  “Come on, Roux! Don’t go! There were five of them, all big. We don’t know yet, I might as well have internal bleeding,” Jack called out, but when Roux wouldn’t answer, he went on, “Don’t you need this bounty more than me?” he said, dragging his sword over the ground as he approached the spot where the werewolves all lay cuffed.

  No answer came from where the chat had disappeared, so there was no point wasting his breath. How had they gone from the cuddles to this mess? Why was everything always supposed to be his fault?

  Since the werewolves were still sleeping, he put on his spare pants. He wasn’t about to make a handover to the negotiator butt naked. He glanced over the thousand bruises and scratches on his body. No one needed to know they weren’t the outcome of a fight. Definitely not the negotiator, who might or might not pass on this story as juicy gossip. It would only take so much time for this to reach Father’s ears, and he’d then go on to start some crazy anti-werewolf crusade.

  Jack gathered his things and waited, watching the pink dye glinting in the sky above. He couldn’t believe Roux bailed on him like this. Typical chat, too focused on his own reality to notice someone else’s. And skittish, too.

  Jack considered eating his breakfast when a low whine tore through the air, sounding like the most painful of complaints. Jack saw the pup stir, attempting to rise, despite the silver on his wrists.

  Jack sighed. “It’s not gonna happen. Be still or you’ll hurt yourself.”

  The young werewolf rolled over to face Jack, h
is yellow eyes wide. “No, no, no! Don’t take me! What’s going on?”

  He couldn’t have been more than twenty with that smooth face, and relatively narrow limbs. “You are not allowed to leave the reservation without permits. Your kind attacks others, as evidenced by last night. You should have stayed home.”

  The werepup wriggled uselessly in the cuffs like a fish on sand. “I didn’t mean to! Ota said I was old enough to roam. Please let me go, I don’t want tagging. I’m scared,” he whined, and the tears rolling down his cheeks reminded Jack of Roux’s sobbing and desperate hugs.

  Roux did care about Jack, no matter what he said as he was leaving.

  Jack rubbed his face. “You should all know the law. There is no excuse for what you did last night. Let it be a lesson,” he said, slowly approaching the pup.

  The omega nodded. “It will be, I promise.”

  Jack hesitated, standing over the trembling young man, who’d likely come here following his elders, perhaps not even aware that he’d crossed the border. Did he deserve the punishment of being tracked for the next ten years?

  “Will you promise me you’ll never do this again? If you want to roam, do so in human form, during the day,” he said, and when the guy frantically nodded, Jack freed his hands. He supposed he could make it an exception.

  As soon as the guy jumped to his feet, he hugged Jack and gave his ear a lick. “Thank you. I won’t forget this,” he said, and ran off into the woods.

  Jack looked around, standing above three sleeping werewolves who’d all come because of him at night. He shifted his weight, enjoying the slight burn in his ass. He’d repeat this someday. Maybe. In different circumstances.

  And as for Roux? They were bound to cross paths again.

  Next time on Jack Addison vs. A Whole World of Hot Trouble:

  Will Jack finally flirt his way into a chat's bed?

  Will Roux keep the truth about the werewolf incident to himself?

  And where do venators go on vacation anyway?

  Jack Addison vs. Centaur Pimps

  Jack Addison Vs. A Whole World of Hot Trouble #4

  K.A. Merikan

  “Can I get a ride on your back?”

  “Only if you get me a drink first.”

  Jack Addison’s career as a monster hunter is blossoming, and so is his experience in dealing with all kinds of interesting species. But one creature still remains a mystery to Jack—the feline-like Roux Chat-Bonnes. His fellow venator has been avoiding Jack since their successful werewolf hunt in Bohemia, but a man can only pine for so long, which is why Jack decides to vacation on a Greek island famous for its centaur population.

  Eager to get intimately acquainted with one of the hooved beauties, Jack instead uncovers a cruel plot that will change his view of human-centaur relations for good.


  Themes: pride, experimenting, centaur, vacation, dreams, self-discovery, tolerance, fame, monster hunting, interspecies relations

  Genre: M/M romantic erotica, horror-comedy

  Erotic content: Scorching hot, explicit scenes

  Length: ~15,000 words (Episode 4 in the serial)

  WARNING: This story contains morally ambiguous characters and scenes of sex that might be considered taboo.

  Previously on Jack Addison vs. A Whole World of Hot Trouble:

  Jack Addison might come from a line of legendary monster hunters and scientists, but real life taught him that the world isn’t what he’d been told all his life. After encountering the alluring Nessie during the annual hunt, he’s opened up to the idea of dating nonhumans.

  Away from the strict segregation of his country, he meets all kinds of creatures, each more interesting than the last. Jack’s thoughts keep drifting to his rival, but since Jack got gangbanged by a pack of werewolves and admitted to having liked it, Roux has been avoiding him. Perhaps a vacation among centaurs could improve Jack’s mood?

  Chapter 1

  “My Dear Son,

  I hope your voyages are treating you well. Your mother and I have recently returned from our annual vacation in Florida, and with great sadness I must admit we might have to choose a different destination next year. The beaches that used to be our refuge from daily struggles have been overtaken by deep sea creatures who are in the process of building a large underwater city in international waters! A man can’t even go to the beach anymore without being submitted to the sight of tentacles freely wiggling in the sand.

  Those abominations don’t know language, as they lack tongues, and even fingers. Instead, they communicate with crude gestures and by drawing pictures in the sand. For whatever reason, the local pactors refuse to use force, since it’s a new species that we can’t yet form quasi-intelligent dialogue with. If you ask me, the authorities have left their balls in their mommas’ homes. They just let those illegals on shore and hide their heads in the sand. The world has gone mad.”

  Jack sighed, stretching in his sunbed as the nearby waves gently touched the shore. Maybe he should visit Florida next time he was back in America? He wouldn’t mind getting acquainted with more tentacled creatures. After all, Father didn’t need to know everything. Shaking his head, he read on.

  “I am working on these issues though, because somebody has to. Humans have gotten so complacent they forgot that we need to master our world, not crack open more inter-dimensional holes and invite creatures who will never integrate. I am lobbying for the training of more venators so any cracks between worlds may be promptly sealed. I am convinced that it’s the lack of sufficient manpower that causes the issue of new species invading our resorts en masse. And, as numbers of venators rise, so will the sales of Addisons, but I digress.

  Most of all, I wish you a good time on vacation in Greece. You sure need it after the feat of slaying the gorgon of Athens. I couldn’t be prouder of you, son. Please, stay safe. I’ve been to Greece before, and those centaurs they have there can be quite a rowdy bunch. Watch out for them.


  Your father”

  Jack folded the letter before stuffing it into the pocket of his backpack. He would definitely be mindful of centaurs, considering this was an integrated beach, and there were lush tails swinging everywhere.

  Hidden in the shade of a large green parasol, Jack slurped his cocktail and lowered his shades, taking in all the large, muscular asses on show. This was his first day here, and he was overwhelmed by the relaxed atmosphere. Granted, he hadn’t met that many centaurs in the old town, where his hotel was located, but there was plenty of them parading along the promenade, their lean legs rising high with each step they took.

  One female centaur winked at him, but he made a point of not staring at her naked breasts when he smiled back, because he’d specifically come to the beach to spot the males. In town, the creatures wore poncho-like cloaks to avoid offending the human populace with the sight of their private parts, but at the beach, rules were much looser, and Jack was ready to spot some centaur cock. Would they be more human or horse-like? A mix of both? No one wrote about this in textbooks!

  He was momentarily distracted by the sight of a huge male centaur with thick, furry legs approaching two human women, with colorful cocktails in hand. His organ wasn’t visible in its entirety, but the sheath and balls were definitely there. Jack felt himself salivating when one of the women petted the stallion's calf, urging him to rest between them. It wasn’t something people advertised, but Jack had heard rumors that the Greek towns with large populations of centaurs were a destination for adventurous pleasure-seekers, and that centaurs were keen to meet humans of all shapes and sizes.

  Jack sat up in his sunbed at the sight of a centaur with a sleek golden coat and a white tail. Most of all, the human side of him was lovely too—all blond locks and blue eyes. Jack wasn’t even specifically attracted to centaurs, but wasn’t it all just so marvelously curious? Species intermingling, fur under his fingers, cocks of all types, creatures with such a variety of preferences. He was truly
in a wonderful, wonderful place.

  He was so entranced by the golden centaur that he hadn’t noticed another one sneak up on him. If a centaur the size of a shire horse could even sneak up on anyone. This guy didn’t make Jack smile as widely as his brethren. With a stern face and bushy eyebrows, he didn’t make an amazing first impression. Then again, maybe the centaur wasn’t here to make amorous connections but was selling something? Jack wouldn’t mind some feel-good herbs for the evening.

  “Hey there. Travelled from afar? I’m Dru.”

  Jack stretched his body lazily and had some more of the milky cocktail. “America.”

  Dru smiled wider. “Oooh! First time in Greece? Admiring the views?”

  Jack wasn’t sure whether Dru meant the coastline or centaurs, so he chose to stay vague and nodded. “I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

  Dru crossed his arms, discreetly pointing out the centaur with the golden coat. Sadly, he was walking away down the beach with a human. “He really likes spending time with your kind, if you know what I mean.”

  Jack snorted, already feeling the effects of this second alcoholic drink. “Yeah? Is he broken in?”

  Dru smirked. “Ha! A connoisseur then. Would you like to meet one that isn’t? I could arrange that.”

  Jack frowned. “Like... a human-virgin?”

  “Yep. One that’s never had a human. Centaurs are such a curious bunch, it can be hard to find one like that here.”

  Jack sat up, more curious by the minute. “And you know who to ask? You must be the guy everyone knows, right?”

  Dru nodded, looking pretty happy with himself. “I’m a local. If you’re up for something really special, I even know a pony up for a good time. But he’s only staying on the island until midnight.”


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