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CEO'S Secret Baby: A Standalone Surprise Pregnancy Romance

Page 22

by Iona Rose

  ‘We’re done,’ Leah had written in the text. ‘I won! My legs are about to give out.’

  I laughed out loud at the news, much to Garrity’s surprise.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  I filled him in.

  “Wow! That’s great news,” he said.

  “Amazing news.” I beamed.

  “What are you both doing after work today? I’d like to buy her a drink.”

  I cocked my brow. “You want to buy her a drink?”

  “Of course! What were you expecting? That I’d buy you one too? You’ll pay for yours.”

  “Well, I’m declining,” I told him.

  “C’mon man. Who knows when next I’ll be here?”

  “From your pattern so far, I’d say in about two weeks.”

  “Carter,” he called. “I’m serious. She seems very special to you. I want to meet her, officially.”

  “Well you can’t, at least not tonight. Her friend is having an engagement party and we have to be there.”

  “Great! Can I come along?”

  With an inward groan, I dialed Leah’s number and was a bit surprised when she picked up.

  “Hey,” she said.

  I could hear the breathlessness in her voice. “How’s it going down there?” I asked.

  “Overwhelming. It seems like the whole world is congratulating me. I need you. Why aren’t you here?”

  “It’s your moment. I don’t want to distract others from that. I’ll have all night to congratulate you.”

  I heard a sudden cough then and remembered that Garrity was in the room. I gave him a sour look and turned away. “We’re still on for Tracy’s party tonight, right?”

  “Yes we are,” she replied.

  “Mark Garrity wants to come along, my CFO from Minnesota.”

  “Oh, I know him. Of course, he can. I’ll talk to Tracy about it.”

  “I was hoping you’d say no,” I said.

  “I heard that!” Mark called out. “Thank you, Leah! See you tonight.”

  “Did you hear him?” I asked her.

  “I did,” she said, sounding amused. “Tell him I said he’s welcome.”

  “Sure will.”

  “See you at 6?”

  “See you at 6,” I replied.

  “Oh wait, I have one more question,” she said. “I didn’t bother asking before because I wasn’t too sure I’d win, but what position am I going to be promoted to in the new Ad Department?”

  “That’s between me and the management team.”

  “Carter!” She called out.

  “I love you, Leah,” I told her.

  Her silence at the sudden declaration was deafening.

  “See you later,” I said with a grin and ended the call.

  I returned to Mark but just as I took my seat, her text came in. ‘I love you too, Carter. Thank you for believing in me.’

  My heart felt like it was going to burst but I pushed the phone away, as I tried my best to focus on Mark.

  “What position is she going to hold in the department?”

  “How does Creative Director sound?” I asked. “It lines up with her interest and her past performance. I think she’ll excel at it.”

  “Sounds great to me.” He nodded.

  Chapter 35


  I walked into my new office and could not believe the space I’d been granted.

  It was a small corner office in the north wing of the building, and for a moment, my legs felt just a bit shaky. I needed Carter here, but he was already on his flight back to Minnesota.

  A knock sounded at the door. I turned to see a bouquet of flowers through the glass wall… I knew who it was. “Come in,” I called, and to my amusement, he hid his face behind the bouquet.

  “Thanks, Jeremy,” I said, as I began to unpack my personal items from my box. The first was the framed picture of my love. The one we had taken at the park, with our faces imprinted with the paint covering of the others palm, and other splotches of lavender and red.

  “They’re not from me,” he said. “I wouldn’t know that your favorite flowers are orchids.”

  “Ah,” I replied. He was right. Only one other person would, and it made my heart ache even more. I felt overwhelmed, by everything and longed for him to be here with me. A simple hug or a stolen kiss and my feet would feel like they were on the ground.

  I took my seat, needing to breathe.

  Jeremy laid the massive bouquet on the desk. “I’ll get you a glass vase for that at lunch time,” he said. “That’ll be my congratulatory gift.”

  “I’ll accept it,” I smiled as he took his seat opposite from me, and looked around in wonder. “The Godfather sure didn’t hold back with this bit of luxury for his girl,” he said, as he gazed at the wall to ceiling windows behind me. “I would be so freaking jealous of you right now but what’s the point? I’ll probably be in here more than you will.” Lifting his legs, he placed them on my table as he leaned into the chair with complete abandon. His laughter filled the space.

  It and his presence that allowed me to breathe just a bit more easily.

  His gaze on me also sparkled with fondness as he said once again, “Congratulations, Leah. You truly deserve this.”

  “Do I?” I asked nervously.

  “You do, and no one can contest that. The only thing contestable is how you landed the Godfather when the rest of us weren’t even given a chance. I still can’t believe he moved here because of you,”

  My heart softened even further. “I have no idea why either. Fate, I guess.”

  “Well, she’s a bitch because she’s still holding out on me.”

  “Be a little bit more polite to her and maybe she’ll shower even better favors down on you.”

  “I’m not holding my breath.” He rose. “Gotta get back to work. I’m going to have my lunch here by the way.”

  “Hell no! The office’s gonna stink.”

  “I’ll get you some scented candles. The overpriced kind.”

  “No!” I refused.

  He was already on his way out, shutting the door behind him.

  Once again, leaving me alone and immediately, I reached for my phone to reread Carter’s texts from earlier that morning.

  ‘Boarding,’ was the last one he’d sent.

  And then on his way to the airport. ‘Have a great first day love... you deserve this win. Don’t forget about me though.’

  I smiled at his words. As if I could. A while without thinking about him would do me more good, than he could imagine.

  I turned around to hide from the gaze of the floor beyond, and placed my hand on my stomach. I would begin to show in a few weeks, and no doubt, he would notice.

  We still had a long way to go, to fully understand each other but I guess that’s what a lifetime was for. But would he be willing to go that distance with me? This was my grand concern.

  He had already leaped over so many boulders for me, but would this one be too high? I wished I had the confidence to tell him now, but fear swarmed my heart, even as I strongly believed I didn’t have to worry.

  But there was always that skeptic in the back of my mind, ever waiting, and expecting people to fail me. Nevertheless, and regardless of whatever happened from henceforth, this baby was now mine. He or she had turned from just my slip up with a fling, to a child I’d made with someone that... was in my heart. Someone whom I knew I was already in love with. And this made all the difference to me. Someone whom I had now found was truly worthy of being the father to my child.

  No matter what happened from here on out, he or she would be loved from the depths of my soul.

  Two weeks later, I took a sick day off so I could get a long weekend.

  Guilt pricked me as I drove home that Thursday evening, especially given my promotion and all the new responsibilities that came with it. But I needed a very long weekend, and Friday night was just too late a start with Carter.

  I drove straight to the air
port from the office and boarded the 7 pm flight headed to Minnesota.

  My hands trembled as I secured the seatbelt across my waist, in my preparation for takeoff, and as we did, I couldn’t help but realize this would be the turning point. This weekend, I was going to tell him about the baby, and it worried me that perhaps there would be too many surprises for him to deal with. Nonetheless, he needed to know and it was the right thing to do.

  He wasn’t even aware I was coming to Minnesota, but a few nights earlier, I had managed to extract the information that I would be welcomed.

  I also knew his home address, so the plan was to take a taxi from the airport, straight to his home. Then I would call him to find out where he was. The main goal was to have him open his door at the sudden knock, and find me in front of it, hopefully without a nervous smile on my face.

  The plane took off, so with my hands resting over my stomach, I shut my eyes, and tried to get some sleep.

  * * *


  I was losing focus.

  The day had been too long, with countless meetings and fires to put out, but I needed to finish with the restructuring proposal for our Chicago office. I turned yet another page, and the words blurred in front of me.

  I had worked at the same mad pace ever since I’d returned here, jam packing as much as I could into my days because the sooner things were sorted out, the sooner I would be able to get back to Leah.

  Putting the report down, I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

  It didn’t go through.

  This seemed odd. I checked the time and saw it was just a little past 9 pm.

  She would be at home right now, or perhaps she was still at the office... she had mentioned how focused she was with the new state tourism account I had passed onto her.

  Joseph would definitely no longer be at the office but perhaps Jeremy would know of her whereabouts. A few minutes later, I had him on the line, and could hear the shock in his tone at my contact.

  “Yes, this is Jeremy… s-sir. Is there a problem?”

  “I apologize for startling you,” I replied. “But I’m not able to reach Leah. Did you see her before you left the office?”

  “No, sir, I did not,” he replied. “She left before me. She also took a sick day off for tomorrow.”

  My nerves tightened with concern. “A sick day? She wasn't feeling well?”

  “Not that I know of, but she told me not to worry about it. That she was fine.”

  “Thank you, Jeremy,” I said, and ended the call. From then on, I pushed the report aside and rose to my feet. I immediately dialed Tracy and went over to the windows overlooking the brightly lit city skyline.

  She picked up after the third ring, also surprised that I was contacting her.

  “Have you heard from Leah?” I asked. “I can’t reach her, and it seems she took a sick day off from work for tomorrow.”

  “Uh…” she said. “I t-think she’s all right. She’ll probably contact you soon.”

  I cocked my head at her response. “‘Has she been active on your group chat within the last hour?”

  “She uh—I’m not sure, let me call you back.”

  Before I could protest, she ended the call and I was left staring at the disconnected phone. I became worried then, impatience and frustration welling up inside of me.


  I suddenly heard a call from behind me. I turned around to see that it was my secretary, Meredith. “Your call with Chicago is in ten minutes. We’ve already set up in conference room 3. We’re just waiting on you now.”

  “Everyone’s seated?” I asked.

  “Yes, sir.”

  I groaned inwardly, close to cancelling the meeting, but it had taken a village to put together. So I headed over to my table, and quickly wrote down a note. I grabbed my jacket, and at the door, handed the note over to her. “Keep calling this number, and when it goes through, introduce yourself as my secretary and ask for Leah Peters. If she’s the one that answers, ask her if she’s okay and relay that I’m fucking pissed that I’m not able to reach her.”

  “Yes, sir,” she replied.

  I went on my way.

  Chapter 36


  I received Tracy’s text message just as I arrived at the Minnesota airport.

  ‘Leah! Carter called! He’s incredibly anxious that he can’t reach you. Have you landed? I just told him that I’d call him back, and hung up.’

  I was just about to respond to the text, when a call came in. It was definitely not a number on my contact’s list, but one from Minnesota. Perhaps it was Carter. So I picked up, but instead heard the smooth response of a woman’s voice.

  “Miss Leah Peters?” She called.


  “I’m Meredith, Mr Edward’s secretary. He’s in a meeting right now so he can’t contact you directly, but he’s been trying to get in touch with you for the last hour. Is everything alright?”

  I sighed, remorseful that I had caused him to be so worried. I wondered then if it would be best to just inform him of my arrival, but I couldn’t make up my mind. “Everything’s fine,” I replied. “Please tell him to give me a call the moment he’s available.”

  “I will,” she said and hung up.

  I found a taxi then, and after giving him the address to Carter’s apartment complex, I settled in the backseat and sent a reply to Tracy. Carter was still in a meeting at work, but I had all the information needed to access his building and apartment.

  In our phone conversations, I had hinted at a surprise visit and cajoled him to facilitate its possibility.

  So a half-hour later, I arrived at the high rise apartment building in downtown St. Paul and walked into the glistening reception, I gave my name to the front desk and hoped to God that Carter had registered my name as one of his acceptable guests.

  “Miss Leah Peters.” He nodded “I have you right here. You can go right ahead ma’am.”

  I thanked him. I knew Carter wasn’t home, but I still got even more nervous as I approached his apartment on the seventh floor. I would go in to wait for him, and hopefully, he wouldn't be too startled upon his return at the stranger in his house, and club me to death before it registered that it was me. Just to be sure of his location though, I decided to give his secretary another call. It was pretty late so I wasn't sure she would pick up, and was pleasantly surprised when she did.

  “Miss Peters?” She answered.

  “Hello? Yeah, this is Leah Peters. I’m calling to check if Mr. Edwards is still in his meeting.”

  “Yes, he is,” she answered somewhat coldly.

  “Oh alright, thank you.” I replied and ended the call with a face. Perhaps her tone was just naturally that curt, or she was cranky from still being at work so late.

  The elevator door dinged open and I stepped out with my luggage. I watched the numbers on the doors for his, and then turned the corner. Given the arrangement, it would be at the end of the hallway.

  I lifted my gaze however, and I froze.

  He was already home.

  The door was slightly ajar, and his hand on the knob.

  He was wearing a baseball hat over his head and smiling at someone. Suddenly, long painted fingernails came out of nowhere and settled on his chest. A woman appeared, her bone straight dark hair swishing behind her. She pushed him against the frame of the door, and in moments, their lips were locked together in a ravenous kiss.

  Her ass was grabbed, and something in my heart shattered.

  I immediately began to turn around, almost desperate to be out of there before either of them spotted me. But in my haste, my ankle twisted on the heel of the shoes I had on, and I went down.

  I landed on my knees, barely managing to break the fall, though my hand shot out to the wall for support. I glanced back in alarm, and saw that they had both turned their attention towards me. In the near darkness I met Carter’s hooded, green gaze.

  He just watched me quietly as t
hough viewing a spectacle. There was absolutely no emotion, not fear, or shock or remorse.

  “Was she coming over here?” the woman asked.

  “I have no idea,” he said.

  She smacked him on his chest.

  “Hey!” He protested.

  “Who the fuck is she?”

  “How the hell would I know?” he shot back.

  I got up and wished so badly that I could throw something at him, but I couldn't give up my shoes or purse. So I got my things together, and faced him. “I don’t ever want to hear from you again!” With that, I turned around and ran as quickly as my sprained ankle would let me.

  I felt myself disintegrating inside, and could only pray I would be able to hold it together until I at least found a taxi to take me back to the airport.

  I pounded on the elevator’s button as I reached it, terrified that he would come after me. It was the next most devastating thing in the world that could happen at this moment, because if he did, I wasn't sure what I would do to him. But a damage free ending for either of us was not going to be among the options.

  The car arrived and I jumped into it.

  Someone arrived in a taxi just as I ran out of the building, and I was grateful for that bit of favor.

  I got in, and was soon on my way back to the airport. I tried to push away the barrage of sorrow and confusion, but it seemed as though a thousand nails had been hammered and lodged into my heart.

  I kept my eyes on my phone as I prayed over and over again that there would be a flight out of the town tonight. The only one I was able to find, a few minutes later, was scheduled to depart in an hour, and was at an exorbitant, business class price.

  Without any further thought, I booked it and mentioned to the driver that a heavier tip would be in the cards if he doubled his speed, and brought me to the airport in time for the flight.

  I rolled the window down, and tried for my own sake to remember how to breathe.

  I broke down midway through the flight.


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