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My One Night: An On My Own Novel

Page 16

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  “Between the two of us, we’re excellent about putting our parents’ worries and damnations into our decisions. And we should stop doing that.”

  “Easier said than done,” I whispered.

  “Tell me about it. But if we make a conscious effort, maybe we can pull through this in the end.”

  I kissed her softly again, but I didn’t let it go any further. Instead, I held her close, and we lay there, talking about our weeks and just breathing, living.

  She sank into me, and I felt the tension release from her. I wondered what the hell we were going to do when we realized that we were no longer just being casual.

  Though perhaps, in the end, there had never been anything casual about us.

  As I had thought before, I was falling in love with Elise Hoover. And I had no idea what would come of it.

  Or what would happen when she realized what I felt.

  Would she run? Or would she stay, possibly frightening us both.

  Chapter 16


  * * *

  “To finishing the hardest exam of the semester,” Dillon said and clinked his glass to mine. I took a sip and sighed at the sweet taste. We were at the Connolly Brewery and each drinking root beer. It wasn’t exactly a fancy date consisting of champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries, but it was what we needed. The two of us sitting in a corner at a place that felt like home to Dillon and was quickly becoming one of my favorite spots. We still each had a couple of months until we hit twenty-one, so there was no drinking the true wares for us yet, but we didn’t need alcohol to have a good time. Aiden was in the kitchen, making us a special meal that wasn’t on the menu in celebration of us finishing our exams. I was grateful for what was on its way because I was starving, and I knew that anything Aiden made would be extraordinary.

  “I think your stomach just growled. Thinking about Aiden’s meal?”

  “Your brother makes amazing food. I can’t help it.” I said, blushing.

  “Well, thank you,” the chef himself said as he walked towards us, plates in hand.

  “You’re eating what I give you, and you’re going to like it,” he grumbled to Dillon, though the light in his eyes danced.

  “Thanks,” Dillon said dryly.

  “You’re welcome. Behold, your dinner.”

  He explained each of the meals in such detail that I wondered if he was also a writer in his spare time. My mouth watered with each additional item mentioned, and then my eyes widened as Cameron brought even more.

  “How are we supposed to finish all this?” I asked.

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure we’re going to be sneaking bites when you’re not looking,” Cameron said, joking.

  Brendan showed up with yet another set of plates, and I shook my head. “There’s enough here to feed an army.”

  “The Connollys are their own type of army,” Dillon said dryly.

  “And you know, your guy here could probably make food nearly as good as I made.” He raised a brow at Dillon. “I said nearly,” Aiden growled out as Dillon’s eyes brightened.

  “That’s nice of you,” Dillon said. “I feel all warm inside.”

  “Well, you’re about to feel full. So eat, be merry, and happy exam day.”

  I shook my head as the brothers walked away and then looked at the smorgasbord in front of us. “I feel like the rat on Charlotte’s Web when he’s singing and dancing among all his food.”

  “Please do not use that comparison out loud when Aiden’s around. He may kick you out of the brewery forever—and me along with you.”

  I blushed. “Yeah, as soon as I said it, I realized it was wrong, but I couldn’t help it. It all looks amazing. I don’t know where to start.”

  “Let’s just dig in. My mouth is suddenly watering to the point that I’m going to drool on the table, and if I do, Aiden will kick us out for another reason.”

  I snorted, and the two of us dug in. The Connollys did indeed stop by the table, taking a small plate away with them. I knew that Aiden probably had more food in the back, but they had wanted to join in. The bearded bartender I had met at one point was also there, coming over with his wife just to say hello.

  I knew the other customers probably wondered who we were and why we were afforded such treatment, though most seemed to know who Dillon was and waved and said hello. They congratulated us on passing our exams, and it felt like we were one big family.

  Much better than my actual family, who I hadn’t talked to since our disastrous dinner. Not that I wanted to, but it would have been nice to text them and let them know that I had passed, and things were looking up.

  Only I wasn’t sure they would allow that to happen.

  By the time we were done, I was beyond full and leaning on Dillon’s shoulder, happily sated and sleepy.

  “We should get you home,” he mumbled. “I know you don’t have class in the morning because it’s your off day, but there’s still more papers to finish. Sadly, the semester must continue on for a little bit longer.”

  “Don’t dampen my mood,” I whispered.

  “I’m sorry.” He kissed the top of my head, and we slid out of the booth. Dillon’s brothers had already cleared away everything, but when I reached for my wallet, Aiden was there in a flash, growling.

  “If you think you’re paying for any of this, I’m going to have to slap my brother for you. I would never hit you, but Dillon’s fair game.”

  My eyes widened, and Dillon rolled his eyes. “Be nice. You’re going to make her think that we’re a weird family.”

  “That ship sailed long ago,” Aiden added dryly. “Have fun tonight. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. And if you do, do it twice.”

  I laughed and couldn’t help but hug Dillon hard at the blush on his cheeks.

  “I swear they’re doing their best to embarrass me as much as possible now since they missed out on most of my teenage years.”

  “At least they’re consistent,” I said, laughing. “Come on, let’s head home.”

  “Your place or mine?” Dillon asked.

  “As my bag is already in your truck, yours.”

  “I didn’t want to assume,” Dillon said quickly. “You’re okay with spending the night?”

  I blushed. “Of course. We’ve done it before, after all.”

  “That was sort of an accidental falling asleep thing. This is planned.”

  “You have a bigger shower than I do. Another reason we’re picking your place.”

  “I see. It’s not about me and wanting to spend the night and having way too much fun. It’s all about my shower.”

  “I’m so glad you finally learned the truth. Yes, I’m having an affair with your shower.”

  “It’s the removable head, isn’t it?” he asked, his voice low.

  I stumbled and fell into him. “Dillon!”

  “What? You’re the one who started it.”

  “But I didn’t think you’d end it with an orgasm in the shower joke.”

  Safely in the truck, I knew my cheeks were bright red.

  “As I’ve given you an orgasm in my shower before, I don’t see the problem here.”

  “Oh my God,” I mumbled, shaking my head. “You know, I’m getting better about freely talking about sex, but sometimes I can’t help but giggle like a schoolgirl.”

  “It’ll only get worse once I start giggling like a schoolgirl,” he said dryly, and I laughed.

  “Only two more weeks of exams, and then we’re finally free.”

  “Until the next semester.”

  “And the next,” I said, sighing. “So, what are you doing for the holidays?” I asked as we made our way south from downtown Denver to the university.

  “Staying here as usual. I’ll be working most of the time, but we’re closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We want to make sure the family and staff have a chance to spend time with their families.”

  “That’s great. I love that some places are open because not everybody has somewhere
to go, but since yours is family-owned and operated, it makes sense that you guys want to spend time together.”

  “Brendan’s pretty sure we lose money in the deal, but even he has to agree that sometimes family is more important than profit.” He paused as he turned into his driveway. “Just don’t let him know I said that aloud.”

  I laughed and got out of the truck as he turned it off. “I promise I won’t say that. However, you know he thinks it, too.”

  “Of course, he does. But it’s a lot more fun to picture him as this money-hungry, egocentric dude.”

  “I’m sure it is,” I said dryly. Dillon picked up my bag, and we made our way inside.

  Mackenzie and Sanders were already in the kitchen, Sanders working behind Mackenzie as they cleaned up their meal dishes.

  “Hey, you two, how was dinner?” Mackenzie asked.

  “Amazing,” I said, leaning over to hug my new friend around the shoulders as her hands were filled with soapy water.

  “Next time, you’re going to have to bring us,” Sanders said. “I’ve heard good things about your brother’s food, and I’m a little jealous.”

  Dillon smiled. “He was saying that he wanted to do another meal tasting for the restaurant. Maybe I’ll get him to agree to add my roommates.”

  He looked over at Mackenzie. “And their girls.”

  “Thank you,” Mackenzie said dryly. “I would hate to miss out on the Aiden Connolly’s food.”

  Dillon blinked, and I laughed at the expression on his face. “I wouldn’t say the Aiden Connolly in front of Aiden, though, Dillon may freak out.”

  “I’m just saying. We don’t need his ego any bigger than it already is.”

  “What? My parents took me to the restaurant where he was the chef before everything changed, and it was so good. It doesn’t live up to what it used to be, though, at least according to my parents. They were back last week and said the food has gone downhill.”

  I leaned into Dillon as he nodded. “We’ve heard that, too. And I think Aiden is a little conflicted about it.”

  I frowned and looked up at him. “Why?”

  “Because he didn’t leave the restaurant on the best terms because of the way that they treated him. But it was his other home for years. He doesn’t want to see it go downhill, but I think he also likes the fact that it’s obvious he was so needed.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “Anyway, we’re headed up for the night. We’re completely full and could use the time to just digest,” Dillon said, and I knew I blushed.

  From the way Mackenzie and Sanders looked at us, they knew what we were about to do.

  “Everybody’s already in their rooms for the night. Pacey still has an exam in the morning, and I think Tanner and Miles have that huge paper due for their joint class in economics.”

  “Oh, I have to take that class next semester,” I said, shuddering. “Is it going to be hard?”

  “From the way Miles and Tanner were both going on, it sounds like the end of the world,” Sanders said dryly.

  “Yay, something to look forward to.”

  We said our goodbyes, and I slid my hand into Dillon’s as we made our way upstairs.

  Feeling like I was at home, even in a place that wasn’t mine, was so comforting.

  We were still doing our best not to talk about exactly who we were to each other and where we were going in our relationship, but we were also more comfortable with one another. As if we were finding new levels to who we were together, without letting ourselves get too caught up in titles and labels.

  Neither of us had mentioned spending the holidays together, but we lived in the same town and would see each other. Still, I would be forced to go to my parents’ for Christmas, and I didn’t want Dillon subjected to that. And I hadn’t been invited to his place, other than casual remarks of them seeing me around.

  We weren’t ready for that kind of step, and I was fine with that.

  I didn’t want to think about it too hard, though, or I would stress myself out again and complicate things.

  Dillon set my bag on the loveseat in the corner and rolled his shoulders back. “Did you have fun tonight?” he asked, and I smiled.

  “I had a great time. And not only because Aiden is one of the best chefs I’ve ever met. It’s a privilege to eat his food.”

  “As I said, don’t tell him that, or he’s going to get a big ego.”

  “I thought you said he already did.” Dillon shrugged and came forward, slowly brushing my hair away from my face.

  “He does, but I guess he’s a Connolly. It’s inherent.”

  “And yet, I don’t think you do.”

  “That’s not what my brothers or roommates would say.”

  “Maybe, but you also seem to have some sense of humility. And you mentioned once that you’d thought about becoming a chef, but I didn’t know you were good enough for Aiden to even talk about.”

  Dillon shrugged and blushed again.

  “Well, I don’t have anywhere near his talent, but I was learning.”

  He kept brushing my hair back from my face, slowly leading me towards the bed as he did. I didn’t mind. It was what I wanted. And this felt normal, like coming home.

  I was happy.

  For the first time in a long time, I felt happy.

  “If you ever want to cook for me, I’d love to taste-test.”

  “Anything you want, Elise. Anything.”

  And then he kissed me.

  I returned the kiss, slowly running my hands up and down his back.

  When he gently placed me on the bed, lifting my legs so I didn’t have to make an effort to get onto the mattress, I sank into him, wanting more. He tasted of dinner and all Dillon. I loved his flavor, and I knew if I weren’t careful, I could love everything about him.

  So, I didn’t think about that. I just let myself live in the moment.

  That was something I needed to remind myself over and over again. That I needed to live in the moment.

  We slowly kissed each other, letting our hands do the talking.

  And when I sank into him more, needing more, he slowly stripped me out of my clothes, and I did the same to him.

  He licked my breasts, paying particular attention to the nipples, and when he knelt between my thighs, lapping at my clit and spreading me for his gaze, I blushed but pressed myself against him, needing more. He sucked and he blew cool air on me, and when he latched on, eating me out until I nearly bucked off the bed, I came, clenching my thighs around his face. Blushing, I let my knees fall to the sides, and then he was over me, sliding a condom over his rigid length before moving between my legs again. I brought my legs around his waist, tugging him closer. When he slid into me, I groaned, stretching. This felt like something we had been doing for eons. It felt like peace, perfection. But I pushed those thoughts from my mind once again and just lived in the moment. He kissed me, paid special attention to my neck, my breasts, and then he began to move. We met thrust for thrust, both of us arching. And when he rolled onto his back, and I lifted my hips to ride him, he played with my breasts, and I slid my hands over his, tangling my fingers with his as he cupped me. I met his gaze, his eyes dark. The look I saw there—one of so much emotion, the kind that neither of us would dare speak of—was too much. I came, my body shaking with the orgasm as I fell into the abyss.

  It was perfection. It was everything.

  And it was utterly overwhelming.

  He came with me, shouting my name as I screamed again, slamming into me one last time. I fell onto him, and he collapsed, both of us sweat-slick and holding each other. I could barely breathe, could hardly keep up, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was Dillon and me. And this, just for the night.

  He kissed me, and we cleaned ourselves up before we crawled back into bed, both of us still naked and pressed against one another. I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder and his body wrapped around mine. And I felt like I was home.

  * * *

>   The next morning came far too quickly, but I still had an afternoon class, and Dillon had a mid-morning one. We showered together, and I got my morning shower orgasm. Laughing, we got ready for the day. Once we were decent, we stumbled downstairs, him carrying my bag, and me wishing I had coffee in my veins.

  Everybody in the house was already up, and they looked at us as we came into the kitchen. I knew I was blushing from head to toe. From the looks on their faces, they were well aware of what we had done.

  Miles cleared his throat. “Hey, guys,” he said.

  I looked between all of them and ducked my head. “Hi,” I said.

  I could feel Dillon scowling. “What’s up?”

  “Oh, nothing. We just...” Mackenzie began and then blushed, hiding behind Sanders.

  Sanders rolled his eyes. “We just realized how thin our walls actually are when we’re not playing music.”

  He said it quickly, and everyone scowled at him.

  In sheer mortification, I swallowed hard, blinking.

  “Oh my God.”

  “Sanders,” Dillon growled.


  “We don’t talk about it,” Mackenzie snapped, standing up for us. “I’m sure they can hear us, too.”

  “Oh, we can,” Tanner mumbled.

  This time, Mackenzie blushed. “See? We just pretend it isn’t happening because all of us will have to deal with it at one point. Sorry.”

  I shook my head, knowing that I shouldn’t be embarrassed. I might be bright red at the moment, but I still raised my chin.

  “You know what, if I’m old enough to have sex, I’m old enough to deal with the fact that others might be able to hear me enjoying it. Sorry.”

  “No worries, sounded like you had fun,” Sanders said and ducked Tanner’s fist though he wasn’t fast enough to avoid Mackenzie’s elbow.

  I cringed but mumbled my thanks as Pacey handed Dillon and me two travel mugs.

  “Here’s your coffee. We’ve got you. And we won’t discuss this again,” Pacey said softly.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “We might be discussing this again,” Dillon grumbled to Sanders but led me out the back door anyway.


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