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Charmed Destiny (The Charming Series Book 2)

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by Dee King

  Charmed Destiny

  The Charming Series

  Book Two

  Dee King

  This book is a work of fiction. It’s pure fiction. Names, places, characters, and any incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictiously. Any resemblance to any actual persons living or the dead, events or locales is pure coincidental. That’s right this is a fake story. It’s not real. So, let’s not steal it, okay? I heard that jail is a scary, scary place.

  Dee King copyright 2016

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without authorization of author Dee King.

  Again, let’s just not do that, so you don’t have to worry about that scary place called jail.

  Image credits- Dollar Photo Club, Pee-Wee

  Connect with me…


  Or you can look for Charming Randomness on either blogs website. I share lots of the process and my crazy world on my blogs.

  On the website is where I share videos, the entire playlist to this book, and I always welcome you to come and visit. I would love to connect with you, so please find me… I miss you already…

  To the ones who have ever had to stand up for themselves…

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Thank you...

  Welcome to the wonderful characters of the Charming Series.

  Here is a list of who's who in the Charming worlds. We have some newcomers and some of our old favorites. Who's side will you be on in this journey through both worlds?

  ..Main Characters that we love and love to hate..

  Selene Athans- Daughter of Poseidon (Poseidon God of the Seas)

  Sebastian Andreas- Son of Hades and Persephone (God and Goddess of the Underworld)

  Cato- Son of Hades and Medusa (Sebastian's half-blood brother)

  Colin- Son of Poseidon (Selene's half-brother)

  Alexander Zane- Son of Zeus (God of Gods)

  Cali Angeles- Daughter of Athena (Goddess of War)

  Ian- Son of Aries (God of War) (Also our favorite Converse wearing guy.)

  Hades- God of the Underworld

  Poseidon- God of the Seas

  Zeus- God of All aka the All Father

  Christian aka Chris- Selene's brother (not by blood) (mortal)

  Chloe- Selene's best friend (Mortal)

  … Now for the newcomers...

  Zack- Son of Aries (Ian's brother)

  Iris- Daughter of Aphrodite (Goddess of Beauty)

  Harper- close friend to Cato

  Maddox- Close friend to Colin

  London- close friend to Iris

  Medusa- Mother of Cato

  Hera- Goddess of All (married to Zeus)

  Selene's mom, Elizabeth Athans- she's a mortal

  Ryker Zane – Son of Zeus

  The word migades (ma-ga-dees) is made up of fictional use. It's a word used to describe a half mortal/half god or goddess. The word is strictly made up... or is it?

  We welcome you to the game newcomers. Enjoy the ride.

  It's going to be EPIC!

  In this book we travel from Mount Olympus aka the mount and Earth... It's going to be bumpy, so hang on to your hats.


  … Sebastian tells his side of this story...

  Many years ago I saw a girl that captured my heart.

  Selene stood at the end of the hall, blonde hair flowing

  over her shoulders, and in that moment I was

  hers. Hers forever. She smiled at me. I smiled back.

  This was the day I knew that I would do whatever

  it took for her to be mine. It never occurred to me that

  this might be the greatest challenge of my life.

  Selene was just a girl that a young teen boy had fallen

  in love with. It wasn't her fault. It was destined some

  would say. I called it fate. She hated me though. I wouldn't use that term lightly either. The girl I had fallen in love with in a moment, had turned out to hate me. It was never going to be easy with her. I liked that part, okay, maybe not that much, but she made me crazy. Crazy in a good way. I never knew who she was until the night she wore her charm bracelet. After that I knew if I really wanted her, it would be a fight... A fight to the bitter end. She was always the one I wanted. She never knew how much I had loved her. I tried so hard for her to notice me, and it failed miserably. Selene was everything I could want.

  Now, we have a different story to tell. I wanted everyone to see Selene how I had always seen her. Fierce when she needed to be, loving with a heart of gold, and the most beautiful goddess to walk the Earth. Alex will be the one I have to fear for. She had chosen me and with that

  choice came consequences. We now faced the greatest battle we had ever faced. Together. No one asked us if we were ready for this, no one cared to see if we were going to go all the way. It had turned into a game. A game of who can rule. Who will be the one standing at the top of the mountain when it's all said and done?

  I will tell you... It's not a story I thought I would get to tell, but it's mine none the less... all I ever wanted was her. With her, I will be the man, the god, the legend that inspires her to be the best she can be. We will be

  immortals that walked amongst the worlds.

  Together, this is our story.

  - Sebastian Andreas

  Chapter One

  Sebastian's Side

  From the moment I saw her, I knew she would be the one. The one that would capture my heart, and the one that would lead me to the life I had so often dreamed of. For the longest time it felt like I was chasing my tail, never to be able to catch it. Never to be able to see where it would lead. Finding out that someone feels the same for you as you do them, well, those words can often not be described. Selene was always the one. The one who I admired from afar, the one who took my breath away when she would smile, and the one who would often curse my name. She has always been the only person I knew could make me feel true happiness.

  We leave for Mount Olympus the day after tomorrow, and I fear she is not ready for what we are about to embark on. The
adventure of marriage, and bringing down a God that no one has ever conquered before, has to be scary for her. It's scary for me. This was never what I thought our love

  would turn into. A ploy just to let two people be together. Marriage was a big step, especially if you are pushed into it. I just don't know if she's ready for the adventure we are about to begin. Alexander will do what he was trained to do, win at all costs. I will do what I have to do to save Selene from his wrath. Alex and I at one-point in

  time were friends, but those feelings are long gone. From our first days on Earth he made it a plan to find the daughter of Poseidon, never thinking she could be someone whom he could truly love. He just saw her as a

  pawn. He always saw mortals as pawns, never caring for them, just what they could do for him. My father had taught me long ago to learn about mortals, to hear them, see their souls, and try to assure them to have faith

  in us. Gods. The Gods.

  When we reach the mount she has no idea how the world is there. What it will be like to walk around as a migades, as half immortal. How people will adore her for being who she is. Yet, she doesn't seem to like attention,

  and this will definitely bring her the most attention she has ever had. I also know that her leaving everyone behind for me is the hardest choice she thinks she will make.

  That's actually the least of her worries, but I have to be sympathetic to those needs, for I am returning home. She's just learning of her other home. She just doesn't know that she wasn't home here on earth, but she

  will be. I knew Zeus would have some stupid plan for us. He would never give up until he had what he wanted, and what he wanted was for his son to rule the worlds by his side. Too bad our fathers decided that plan wasn't

  going to work for them. My dad is probably the most feared God of all, and I now fear that is how Selene will see me too. When we are on the mount, I will be in God form not the guy she sees before her now. She will also be in her goddess form, and I fear that she

  will be more beautiful than I can imagine. That's not a bad thing, but it will be for others who try to take her away from me. I listen to her thoughts sometimes. I know, I know, I shouldn't do that, but I can't help myself. She used to really despise me, but one time, just once I heard her

  say that she would never get a guy like me. That's when I decided I would keep trying to get her to notice me, no matter the cost. Before we are to wed, I must find her a ring that is fitting for such a goddess. She has yet to see what true powers she has, and I, for one, plan to be there when she unleashes her wrath on Alex. We said our goodbyes to Chloe and Chris via skype, but I have a plan for them, too. That will have to stay secret till I know for sure that what I want to do will not cause them any harm. Her mother seems to understand completely, which is

  good for Selene, but she doesn't see it that way. Her pain for being deceived all these years by her mother has been the driving force to why she has wanted to leave for the mount even before I was ready. I don't think she had really thought about it, till the other night. We were

  laying on my bed, and she started crying. I thought she was upset over something I had done, but then she just started spilling her guts about how she truly felt. She is still getting used to being a migades. Sometimes I

  wish I could help her cope more with being a migades, but I don't know how. A couple of times I have asked for guidance from my father, but he must be busy, because I have yet to hear a word from him.

  Now, I see it's revenge for the life she feels she has missed out on, not just to find the truth of what happened to Ian. She says she is ready for whatever is to come and I believe her. I just don't know if she is truly ready for what is about to happen. Seeing her father, leaving everyone

  behind that she loves will cause pain, that I fear, she hasn't yet dealt with. I will be there to pick up the pieces when they fall, after all, no one has ever loved someone more than I love her. It's weird knowing that I am going home for two different reasons. Zeus thinks it’s for us to get married there, and I am going so I can make sure Alex pays for what he did. I know Ian can see us, and how the plans are coming together, but I also know he won't ever be able to join me again here if I chose to come back.

  There are so many stupid rules when you’re a god. You would think we would have none, but obviously when the council voted they decided that we would even have rules. The only trick I have up my sleeve is that we were ordered to go to Mount Olympus, and with that loophole that means that we could choose to live our lives on earth. If Zeus had put more thought into it, he would have waited till we showed up to get answers for Ian, but since he didn't, well, that's a loophole I plan to use. I will have to wait to see what Selene wants to do, because ultimately, I will follow her to the depths of the world if she so choses.

  Chapter Two

  The ring

  “Hey, you got a message.” Selene throws my phone to me that I had laid beside her on the table. I look at her with a grin across my face, but I can tell she's annoyed that we haven't left for the mount yet.

  “Thanks, babe. Just gotta do one more thing tonight and we are ready to go.”

  “Okay, but there really is no need for all this. We can just go.” She sits across from me on the balcony of my house.

  “Yes there is. I told you that I had to do something. It's a surprise. Hopefully, you will love it. Trust me, okay?” I walk over to her, and kneel down in front of her.

  “I guess. I just want to get this over with.” She turns her face away from me looking out into the ocean.

  “I know, I really do. I promise in the morning we are leaving, but for right now, I gotta go. Don't be mad.” I kiss her pink, flushed cheek, as I stand to leave her.



  “Can't I come with you? I don't want to be stuck here.” Her eyes wonder looking out at the ocean. She really has grown tired of my excuses.

  “I will be back, plus, you can catch some waves before we leave. Dinner, tonight. Be at the restaurant by six. You promise?”

  “Yes, I promise.” Finally, a smile slowly drifts across her face.

  Good, now if tonight will just go as perfect as I have planned then we should be good to go tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I leave the house making my way to the finest jeweler I could find. The same one who made me her anchor necklace for me. Her ring should be done and ready to go. I promised her a ring that would be fitting for a goddess, and that is hopefully what I have bought. I park outside of the store, fidgeting with my car keys before I walk in. People believe that the girl is always the

  nervous one, but I would beg to differ. My palms are sweating, and I can feel my armpits getting warm. Stay calm, stay cool. It's only a ring. Pull it together, man. Walking inside I see the jeweler that has made the ring for her standing beside the glass cabinet. I swear to you

  this place smells like money. Cold hard cash. Not that it's a problem for me, but damn. Who would have ever thought rocks would be worth so much. I stroll over to the gentleman and trying to calm myself.

  “Mr. Andreas, good to see you. Right on time, Sir, if you would come this way.” He motions for me to come behind the counter where I see two chairs, a small table, and more than one ring propped up in some kind of

  holder. I take the seat across from him, wiping my palms on my pant legs.

  “Now, you had a very peculiar request in a limited time frame, but I think we have found what you’re looking for.”

  The man in the suit, smiles that kind of smile that says, Hey, I am about to take ALL your money. I nod at him being how I can't find the right words to say in this moment.

  “Now, we have picked out quite a few different ones, and you just let me know which one would be the best for your future bride. Although, I am sure they are not nearly as beautiful as she, we did try our best.”

  I want to tell him to shut up. You don't have to be extra nice to me, I am buying a ring regardless, but I refrain. I look at the rings in fro
nt of me. Some with diamonds, one with a pearl, one with a different color of diamond I wasn't used to seeing, and one that looks like the hope diamond.

  That ring would swallow her hand, who is this guy kidding? I'm not an idiot, that ring was placed here just in case I would buy it. Not today, not any day should Selene have that. It looks ridiculous, and she would think

  it was wasteful for me to have spent such an elaborate amount of money on such a materialistic thing. I begin to laugh, because that would be the ring Alex would buy for her and she would hate it. The man is staring at

  me smiling, but he has no idea why I am laughing. I look at all of them. Taking each one out of there setting, looking over the stones, appraising them myself. I see in two of the diamonds there are flaws, good try buddy,

  but not for these prices. I pick the diamond that is a rare colored one. It looks may be like it's a chocolate color. I have to say, it is the most exquisite ring I have ever seen. This is the one. I hold it up to the light, admiring its simple beauty. The stone in the middle is quite large, and

  many smaller diamonds encased around it. Yes, this is the ring for her.

  “This is the one.” I hand the ring to the jeweler, who has a very large grin spread across his face. It must be worth a lot, and all this guy just heard was a cash register going off. I don't care what the price is, this is the ring I want.


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