Her Two Men in Tahiti: An MMF Bisexual Menage Romance (Total Indulgence Book 2)

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Her Two Men in Tahiti: An MMF Bisexual Menage Romance (Total Indulgence Book 2) Page 11

by Dana Delamar

  If only I could get over myself.

  Sky cleared her throat. “That’s our Rod. Always stirring the pot.” I focused my attention on her, not caring that we weren’t doing the dance correctly, or at all. I had questions I needed to ask.

  “You and Rod seem to be rather cozy,” I said in her ear. “Did something happen between you?”

  She stiffened in my arms and looked into my eyes. “Yes.”

  My heart started pounding. “What, exactly?” I couldn’t keep the bite out of my voice.

  She stopped dancing. “I never said we were exclusive.”

  “Which means?”

  “I’m as close to Rod as I am to you.”

  “You’re fucking him too? I got the impression you weren’t happy to see him when we first arrived here.”

  “That’s true. But we… reconnected. And I understand him better now.”

  “You understand what? Rod wants to quit the band.”

  Her voice cut into me. “Does he? Or does he want something else?”

  I knew what she meant. Clearly, she and Rod had talked as well as fucked. “I can’t give him what he wants.”

  She laced her fingers around my neck, her hips started to sway, and my hands found their way back to her waist. “Maybe you can give him something close to that.” She paused, but when I didn’t respond, she continued. “Why else did you ask me about the threesome when we were in the pool?” Her hips bumped against mine, her perfume rising around us. “Obviously the idea appeals to you in some way.”

  I shrugged. She was right of course, but also wrong. I’d enjoyed our time together, but I’d hated how it had ended.

  With her gone, and Rod and I both bleeding like we’d been gutted.

  Though Rod’s wounds were mostly my fault. I’d held him in my arms that final morning, I’d let him hold me too, and I’d teetered on the brink of saying yes, of just giving in to what he so desperately wanted.

  What I… wanted.

  But there was no use starting something I could never finish.

  “Dev,” Sky said, her voice soft yet insistent. “I’ve seen the two of you together. The way he looks at you, the way you look at him. The way you held him the other day on the bridge.”

  “I can’t be with him like that. I’ve told you about my family.”

  “They’re not here. This is a safe place to explore things.”

  My throat tightened, my voice deepening when I spoke. “I don’t want to lead Rod on. I don’t want to hurt him any more than I already have.”

  “But aren’t you both hurting right now?”

  I looked at Rod, at him watching the two of us, the expression on his face a mixture of hope and wariness, the same things swirling in my belly, in my chest.

  What if I just let go? At least for now? Explored this, or some version of it?

  My family was thousands of miles away. No one had to know. And maybe… maybe if I got this out of my system, I could settle down with a nice Indian girl and a steady job and be the good Indian boy I was supposed to be.

  I looked at Sky, saw the same hope and cautious excitement in her gaze, and I nodded. “Okay, but Rod has to follow some rules.”

  “He doesn’t touch you unless you touch him. He didn’t initiate anything; you have to.”

  I closed my eyes, a wave of excitement rushing through me. “I hope I don’t regret this.”

  She placed her lips beside my ear, her breath brushing my overheated skin. “You aren’t alone, Dev.”


  The whole trip back to the resort, I sat between Dev and Rod, practically vibrating with excitement. And more than a little nerves.

  Can I actually do this again? Make love to them, be with them, then walk away when it’s all over?

  Rod reached out and took my hand, his fingers straightening mine out where they were clenching my sarong. Then his lips were at my ear. “You don’t have to do this, love.”

  “I want to,” I whispered back. And I did. I wanted to, very much.

  I was just scared out of my wits, that was all.

  Dev put a hand on my left knee, his warm palm searing through the thin cloth. “Okay?” he asked.

  I nodded, gave him a smile. “I am.”

  He squeezed my knee, his long fingers brushing my inner thigh as he moved his hand higher. I glanced at Tony, the driver/bodyguard behind the wheel, looking to see if he was eyeing us through the rearview mirror, but he seemed oblivious.

  Or maybe he was just used to sexual shenanigans happening around these two.

  Rod kissed my neck, his tongue darting out, teasing my skin, and I wanted to moan, it felt so good. Instead, I pressed my lips together and shifted in my seat, the leather cool beneath my legs, which seemed to part of their own accord. I wanted their hands on me, their mouths on me; I wanted to be overwhelmed by them again.

  Desire pooled low in my belly, and when Dev pushed my sarong up to my hips, his hand touching the crotch of my bikini, I didn’t try to stop him. His fingers grazed the thin cloth covering me, tracing the plump lips of my sex, and I shivered.

  He kissed my neck, his short beard tickling my skin. He inhaled, then let his breath wash over my neck. “I’ve missed this,” he murmured.

  “Me too, love,” Rod said, shifting in his seat to cup my right breast, his fingers brushing over my already hard nipple.

  I looked up at the rearview mirror again, and this time I caught Tony looking, our eyes locking in the mirror. I should have been embarrassed, should have slapped their hands away and straightened up, but I didn’t. Instead, I hooked a leg over Dev’s, and let my head fall back on Rod’s shoulder.

  Rod chuckled against my skin, his soft beard tickling me like Dev’s. They both looked a bit scruffy and rough, dangerous and intent, in the low light of the vehicle.

  Dev eased a finger underneath the edge of my bikini, the touch soft, teasing, and I felt myself go slick and ready. Rod pinched my nipple and captured my mouth at the same time, muffling my moan, absorbing the shudder that moved through me.

  I glanced up at the rearview mirror, and again Tony’s eyes met mine, then slid away.

  I was out of control, and I knew it, and I absolutely did not care. Rod and Dev were intoxicating; I could resist them no more than addicts could resist their drug of choice.

  Dev and Rod were my drug of choice. They were the reason I hadn’t been with anyone else since I’d left them.

  Because I might have left them physically, but emotionally…

  Emotionally, I was trapped. Still theirs. I shouldn’t be doing this, should be running the other way, but dammit. I wanted this.

  I wanted this pleasure, this euphoria, however long it would last. Even though I knew it was temporary. For right now, for the next week or so, I could pretend it was forever.

  The vehicle slowed, turning off the main highway and onto the dirt road to the resort. Dev smoothed my sarong back into place and kissed my cheek.

  Rod growled in my ear. “Just when things were getting interesting.”

  I laughed. Keeping my voice low, I said, “What? Thought you were going to fuck me in the backseat?”

  “I would have. You didn’t seem to mind the audience.”

  A blush stole over my cheeks this time. It was one thing to just react, but to admit it… “I didn’t mind.”

  “Didn’t mind? I bet you’re more than ready for me. For us.”

  The Range Rover bumped over a few ruts in the road, then came to a stop, sparing me from answering.

  We climbed out of the vehicle, my skin already overheated despite the air-conditioning in the Range Rover. The humid air slid over me, the low hum of insects and night creatures surrounding us as we walked to my bungalow. Geckos darted across the stones that lined the path and shimmied up the tiki torches that attracted moths and other flying insects.

  I let us inside my bungalow, barely getting the door closed before the guys were on me again, Dev untying my sarong and pulling it off, leaving me in a turqu
oise bikini that looked great next to my tan.

  Rod’s eyes lit up. “Cor, love, you look a fucking treat.”

  They both started touching me again, then Dev paused and stepped back. He looked at Rod. “We’re clear on the rules?”

  Rod raised his hands in the air as if he’d been caught red-handed. “No touching—you anyway.” He turned to me. “I plan to be all over you, love.”

  Dev joined in. “Me too.”

  I grinned at them. “Just like Palm Springs.”

  “Except we’re in Tahiti, love,” Rod said. “So, the same, but different.”

  Dev was looking at Rod, something in his gaze changing at Rod’s statement. The same, but different… Was Dev actually thinking of letting things go where Rod wanted them to?

  And if he did, what did that mean for me?

  Stop it, Sky. You’re here to do a job, that’s all. And you’re doing it.

  Rod peeled off his shirt, his muscles flexing beautifully as he did so. His sunburn from the day of the bridge challenge had mellowed into a nice tan that looked great against the leather bands around his wrists and the silver St. Jude necklace shining in the dim lighting of the bungalow.

  The patron saint of lost causes… Was this one of them?

  Dev removed his shirt as well, and my eyes bounced between them, unsure where to look, each one a visual feast. Dev so dark and Rod so fair in comparison.

  Rod shed his board shorts, revealing a not-surprising lack of underwear. He was already hard, and I noticed my eyes weren’t the only ones drawn to the erection he so proudly palmed.

  Dev seemed to freeze for a moment, then he stepped out of his Bermuda shorts, dropping his black boxer briefs along with them. He too was hard, and I wanted to touch them both.

  Rod gestured to me. “Catch up, love.”

  I grinned. I’d stood there like a lummox just staring while they’d stripped, too mesmerized by them and the idea of what we were about to do to get with the program and get naked.

  I took my time finding the ties to my bikini top, pretending it was giving me trouble, and Dev laughed, coming over to me. He kissed my shoulder. “Need a hand?”

  “Or four?” Rod said, appearing on my other side.

  Before I knew it, they had my suit top and bottom untied and on the floor.

  They both went for my neck, Dev on my left and Rod on my right, their hands roaming over me, Dev caressing my breasts, Rod my ass, then my pussy, his fingers going where I wanted them to.

  Encountering the moisture between my legs, Rod chuckled. “You are ready, love, just like I thought.”

  I moaned my agreement as his fingers circled my clit, lightly playing over it, his touch sending a thrill through me.

  Dev latched onto my breast, his tongue swirling over my nipple, and when he added suction, I groaned and clutched his thick hair.

  I’d almost forgotten how intense being with them was, just this side of too much, too fast.

  Dev’s hand joined Rod’s between my legs, his fingers massaging my mound, Rod’s fingers parting me. “Let’s get you horizontal, love,” Rod said.

  We stumbled over to the bed, none of us wanting to let go of each other. They pushed me down onto my back, Dev’s mouth closing over mine, Rod parting my legs and diving in. I gasped at the touch of Rod’s tongue, and Dev raised his head. “Oi, mate, save me some.”

  They exchanged a grin, then Rod said to Dev, “How about you lead this dance?”

  A glint came into Dev’s eyes. “It’s my show?”

  Rod nodded and looked at me. “Sky?”

  I smiled. “Whatever you want.”

  Dev tapped a long finger on his lips. “You can warm her up for me.”

  Rod grinned. “Can do.” He descended between my legs, his tongue going to work on me while Dev went back to my breasts, sucking on one nipple while pinching the other. Then Dev moved up over me, his lips finding mine in a searing kiss, his tongue invading my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck. A surge of emotions swamped me when he brushed the hair out of my face and gently traced my eyebrows.

  “You okay, Sky?”

  “More than okay.” I gasped as Rod added his fingers to the mix, stroking my G-spot expertly while he sucked my clit. He intensified the suction, the pressure of his strokes, and soon I was moaning his name, the pleasure coiling inside me, building and building until my hips bucked, and I wailed out my climax, Dev holding me tight.

  “Ready for more?” Dev asked.

  I nodded, panting.

  I was ready; I was so ready.

  But was my heart?

  Chapter 6


  I motioned for Rod to crawl up onto the bed on Sky’s other side. Normally I’d have wanted to take her first, but some part of me wanted to watch. I’d loved seeing her come apart under Rod’s tongue.

  Now I wanted to watch him come. He looked at me expectantly. “What’s next, Devkinandan?”

  “I want you to fuck her.” The words came out low and raw, betraying my excitement.

  Rod saluted me. “Aye aye, captain.” He moved over Sky, kissing her urgently, stroking her cheeks. “Ready, love?”

  She nodded and gestured to the nightstand. “There are some condoms in the drawer.”

  I grabbed a couple and handed one to Rod, who quickly rolled it over his thick cock. I had the insane urge to touch him again like I had earlier in the day, like I had the day we’d wanked off together, but I kept my hands fisted at my sides. There were limits to what I would allow myself. There had to be limits. Right?

  Rod lifted Sky’s leg, curving it around his waist as he entered her. She moaned, the sound going straight to my own cock, which throbbed to be inside her as well.

  What would it feel like, if we could both be inside her lovely cunt at the same time? His cock sliding against mine, my cock sliding against his, the three of us joined in a way we’d never been before…

  Rod’s hips and ass rose and fell as he thrust into her, the sight driving me mad, and a different idea came to me. “When you’re ready to come, do it on her belly.” I looked at Sky. “I want us to mark you.”

  Her eyes widened, sparking with desire. “Dirty boy,” she whispered, her fingers twining in my hair as she pulled me in for a kiss. Would she go for my other idea if I asked about it sometime? My mouth met hers, her tongue slicking over mine when I pushed it between her parted lips. She tasted so sweet, like pineapple and mangoes.

  Rod groaned in my ear and a shiver ran down my spine. My lips were only inches from his. All it would take would be tilting my face, turning to him…

  I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, saw the heat in his gaze, felt how easy it could be…

  Then I released Sky and lay back, grabbing my straining cock and rolling the condom over it. He was close; I could see it on his face, and I didn’t want to let Sky catch her breath between us.

  Suddenly Rod pulled out and whipped off the condom, spurting onto her belly. The sight of him coming on her, his chest heaving, his hand gripping his cock, his eyes meeting mine, had me close to the edge myself.

  He glanced down, saw the state I was in, and moved out of the way, lying down on his side next to Sky, only inches away.

  I moved between her legs and thrust into her hard, both of us groaning at the contact, the sheer bliss of being joined.

  She was so tight, so wet, and I was where Rod had just been, my cock filling the place his had filled, stroking Sky where he had stroked her…

  That fantasy slipped into my mind again. The two of us inside her sweet pussy at the same time…

  A shudder rolled down my spine, and I stared into his eyes, his own locked on mine as he lay back, stretching like a lion, his skin glowing, his demeanor that of a man who’d conquered a mountain.

  But whether that mountain was me or Sky, I couldn’t say. Though I suspected that it had something to do with me.

  I tore my gaze from him and looked down at Sky, my beautiful Tahitian princess, and my heart
leapt. She reached up and cupped my cheek, her eyes speaking volumes.

  She wasn’t upset by the intensity of my focus on Rod. Instead, she seemed energized by it as her hips writhed beneath mine, as she moaned my name and clutched Rod’s shoulder.

  He leaned over and suckled one of her gorgeous tits, and a red flush spread over her chest and neck, and then she cried out, convulsing beneath me, and I knew I couldn’t hold on a second longer.

  I pulled out, tore off the condom, and came so hard I almost saw stars, my cum mixing with Rod’s on her skin.

  She was well and truly marked by us, and as she lay there panting, looking up at me, I knew I couldn’t let her walk away again.

  Nor could I deny my fascination with Rod, as dangerous as it was.

  But could I act on it?

  And if I did, could I stuff the genie back in the bottle when it was time to leave Tahiti?


  My feet never touched the ground as I walked with Dev and Sky to the canteen for brekkie. Last night with the two of them had been bloody incredible, even if Dev had not laid a single finger on me. He hadn’t had to. His eyes had done it for him. The way he’d practically ordered me to fuck Sky, then put his cock where mine had just been, and kept his gaze on me all the while.

  And then that idea of his to shoot our loads on her, our cum mixing on her belly.

  Our Dev was a bit of a kinky fucker after all.

  My mouth watered at the memory.

  Dev touched my arm and I almost jumped out of my skin. It took me a moment to remember where we were and what we were doing here. Dev angled his head toward the overflowing buffet. “Let’s help ourselves to some grub, yeah?”

  “Right,” I said, my voice hoarse.

  Sky looked at me curiously, but didn’t say anything. Then again, maybe she knew.

  I spotted the lads and headed over to their table after stacking a plate high with eggs, bacon, beans, and toast. All that sex had left me good and starved.

  I sat next to Dev, Sky on his other side. I couldn’t keep the grin off my face. Fucking soppy is what I was. Imagine that, me, Hot Rod Taylor, a soppy sod.


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