Her Two Men in Tahiti: An MMF Bisexual Menage Romance (Total Indulgence Book 2)

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Her Two Men in Tahiti: An MMF Bisexual Menage Romance (Total Indulgence Book 2) Page 12

by Dana Delamar

  Damon kicked my foot under the table. I frowned at him. The stupid tosser just grinned. “Don’t you three look cozy this morning.”

  I kicked him back. I didn’t need him to make things uncomfortable. Dev was as skittish as a deer, and I didn’t want him scared off.

  Vanessa sat beside me. She kept shooting glances at Damon. An idea struck me. Leaning into her side, I swiped a thumb along her cheekbone. “You look knackered, love. Come here. Let me brighten you up.”

  I tugged her onto my lap and nuzzled her neck. Beside me, Dev huffed. I smiled and winked at him, pleased when he relaxed and smiled back. Just a small curve of his mouth, but it made my day.

  Vanessa ducked her head and stole a guilty glance at Damon. So the dirty Yank had managed to bag the girl after all.

  I patted the seat Vanessa had vacated and inclined my head to Damon. He got the message and like a young pup, scampered around the end of the table.

  “Now, how about that kiss, love?”

  Her cheeks flushed, her gaze darting between Damon and me. Laughing, I pressed my lips to one of her pretty brown cheeks, while Damon did the same on her other side.

  She giggled. “Oh my God. I’m in a King’s Cross sandwich!”

  With the speed of a rabbit on crack, she whipped a mobile out of some secret female hiding spot and snapped a series of photos in quick succession.

  “Vanessa!” Daniel’s voice boomed out over the canteen as he charged over from the next table and snatched the mobile out of her slender fingers.

  “Hey!” she cried, a frown marking her otherwise smooth forehead.

  “I warned you, Vanessa.”

  Sky pushed up from her chair and, arms akimbo on her hips, leaned over Vanessa. The poor girl trembled. “This better not be going on Instagram,” Sky scolded her.

  Daniel navigated her mobile and even I recognized the Instagram icon. “Dammit,” he barked. “I deleted that app last night!”

  Vanessa shrugged and Sky glared at her.

  “I’ll take care of it,” Daniel said, his face like thunder as his eyes drilled into the girl.

  “Geez, guys. Calm down,” Damon said. He took Vanessa’s hand in his.

  “I can’t live without my phone,” she said, directing her complaint at Damon and me, no doubt hoping to garner our support. There was no way I was taking her side over Sky’s though. I knew who was buttering my toast.

  Vanessa abandoned her quest for our support and directed her argument to Sky and Daniel. “How am I supposed to do my job without it? I’m the damn social media specialist!”

  Daniel looked to the ceiling and there was only silence for a few seconds as though he were counting to calm himself.

  “That,” he said, “is for after. No one can know the band is here right now.”

  Vanessa huffed and shifted on my thighs. “What am I supposed to be doing in the meantime, huh?”

  Daniel’s face was stern. “Helping Sky. We talked about this already.”

  Vanessa’s eyes shifted to take in Dev and me. She smirked. “I think Sky’s helping herself just fine.”

  In a magnificent display of synchronicity, Sky and Dev both blushed. Sky looked away, and Dev practically buried his nose in his plate of beans.

  Laughing, I lifted the girl off my lap. “Come on, lads. Let’s go. We have music to make!”

  Like a sheepdog, I herded them all into our rehearsal space. Energy from last night hummed through my body. I itched to move, to let the music fill me, to let it heal my soul.

  I stepped up to the microphone. “What do you want to start with, mates?”

  “Let’s work on, ‘Aching for You,’” Damon said. “I’m trying to work out the chorus.”

  “Righto,” I said.

  Mick and Jules laid down the beat. Tommy and Dev joined in, giving it depth. Heart. Then Damon began playing the melody.

  One bar, two. I started to sing the first verse. It was slow and sexy, building up to the chorus. I clutched the mic between my palms and dug in to hit the chorus’s high notes with just enough power.

  Damon stopped playing. “Shit. I can’t seem to get that chord right. Something about it just seems…”

  “Off,” Dev finished for him. He went over to the guitar stands to the left of the room, set down his Les Paul and picked up the Telecaster.

  Tommy whistled. “Dev’s going to play his Fender. It’s been ages, mate.”

  Dev shook his head. “Just helping the lad out a bit.”

  My pulse quickened nonetheless.

  Mick started up the drums a couple bars before the chorus and the others joined in. I began to sing, but kept my eyes on Damon and Dev. They stood next to each other. When the chorus started, Damon stopped playing and focused his attention on Dev’s fingers as they flew over the frets up and down the neck of the guitar. It was a thing of beauty to watch him play. And once again, I was torn between being fucking turned on and fucking pissed off. This was what Dev was meant to do. He was a master at lead guitar. Not that Damon wasn’t a fantastic guitarist, but Dev was… well, Dev was Dev. The chorus ended and Dev’s fingers stilled. The music died down.

  “That’s it, dude!” Damon’s face glowed. “Maybe we could add a little riff at the end?”

  Dev nodded. “Show me.”

  The lads started playing in the same spot as before. Dev and Damon played up to the chorus together while I sang. Then we all stopped and let Damon continue.

  He swung his hips into it, his fingers racing up and down the strings. It was a fantastic riff, and when he ended it, the proud look on his face said it all. He arched a brow at Dev. “What do you think of that, dude?”

  “Good. It was good.”

  Damon frowned. The lads all snickered. We knew what Dev was doing; he’d issued a challenge.

  “You think you can do better?” Damon asked, swaggering up to Dev.

  “Ho ho!” Mick said.

  “It’s on!” Tommy crowed.

  “Let’s see.” Dev took a step back and played a few notes. His expression relaxed, his eyes closing as he got lost in the music, his fingers dancing along the fretboard. They were slightly curved, in exactly the same position as when he wanked off.

  Heat raced up my chest and to my face as I watched him. My shorts grew tight. I wanted this man. Had always wanted him. Had come so fucking close to having him once, only to lose him. But not this time.

  Because this time, I had help. I glanced over at Sky, who stood by the outer wall. Her eyes shone as she watched Dev play, as entranced by him and his performance as I was.

  When he stopped playing, the room was silent, everyone in awe.

  “Brilliant, Dev,” I said, my voice choked. “Bloody brilliant.”

  Damon clapped him on the shoulder. “It absolutely was, dude.” He shook his head and grinned. “Am I going to have to watch my back? You looking to take your spot at lead guitar back?”

  Dev shook his head and went to set the guitar back on its stand. He picked up the Les Paul. “I’m good with rhythm guitar.”

  “You’re good with anything, mate,” I said, truly meaning it. Few people had the dedication to their art that Dev had, and it destroyed me to see him throwing it all away.

  We decided to take a quick break before getting back to work.

  I sidled up to Vanessa and spoke out of the side of my mouth like an old movie gangster. “So, doll. Can you arrange a night for me and Sky at one of those treehouse resorts I saw yesterday?”

  “For you and Sky?” She chuckled.


  She rolled her beautiful brown eyes. “Oh, come on. It’s for the three of you, isn’t it?”

  “I will neither confirm nor deny those allegations.”

  She rested her hand on my arm with a serious look. “You can trust me.”

  Could I? My gaze went to Dev and Sky, having a chat in the corner near the refreshments. It seemed I didn’t have a choice. “No Instagram, yeah?”

  She crossed a finger over a generou
s tit. “I promise.”

  “Then yes, it’s for the three of us. No one can know.”

  “I’ll arrange it for tonight, and I won’t tell a soul.”

  As rehearsal started back up and I saw Vanessa leave to make arrangements for a treehouse room, I had to wonder if I was doing the right thing, or whether this would all turn into a giant cock-up.

  I’d put a tenner on the latter.


  I unlocked the door to the treehouse bungalow Vanessa had reserved for me, and the sheer delight in Sky’s eyes proved I’d made the right decision.

  I’d owe the girl an autographed selfie for her to post on Instagram. She’d really come through for me.

  We stepped into the posh wonder, thick white carpeting, a giant king-sized bed, black furniture, and enormous windows with a wide view of the island. The treehouse was quite literally built in a tree on a hillside, so we had the rugged coast at our feet.

  “Wow,” Sky said, turning in circles as she took it all in. “This is fantastic.”

  Dev stood by the door, shifting nervously from foot to foot.

  “Come on in, mate.” I walked over to an alcove that featured a full wet bar with a granite counter, bar stools, and a stocked fridge. On glass shelves behind the counter were several top-shelf bottles of booze. I flipped over an etched glass tumbler and filled it with ice. “Fancy a drink?”

  He closed the door and came to lean an elbow on the bar. “Give me a Stella, yeah?”

  I grinned. “At your service. Sky? Some wine?” I chose a bottle of chilled white from the selection in the wine refrigerator and held it up for her inspection.

  “Sure. Thanks.”

  I hoped the alcohol would do its job and loosen them up. Right now, they were both wound tighter than my nan’s bun.

  After serving the drinks, I picked up the remote that sat on the counter and pressed the button with a musical note on it. Some pop crap blared out the hidden speakers. I cringed and stabbed at the forward button.

  When the pleasant beat of an R&B song filled the room, I adjusted the volume and set the remote down. I took Sky’s glass from her and put it on the counter. “Care for a dance?”

  She winked. “How romantic.”

  I laughed. “I’ve been called worse.”

  Dev snorted.

  I spun Sky into a turn. Her body pressed against mine, and heat flared everywhere we touched. I lowered my hand to the curve of her spine and smirked when her eyes went round, giving me no doubt she’d felt my cock pressing into her belly.

  I slipped the spaghetti strap of her dress off her shoulder to kiss the soft skin beneath. She moaned and moved into me. I licked a path over her shoulder and upper neck, nibbled on her earlobe, then sucked it into my mouth.

  We continued to sway to the music. My gaze landed on Dev, whose hungry eyes tracked our every move. I let my gaze roam over his body, settle on the tent in his trousers. He’d dressed up tonight, our Dev. Having foregone the shorts, he looked quite fit in dark trousers and a smart white button-down. It was a far cry from his usual rock star garb, but I wanted to eat him up just the same. I motioned to him with my fingers.

  Dev set his empty glass down and moved in behind Sky. He molded his pelvis to her ass, his hands on her hips, and joined our rhythm.

  “Now everything is perfect.” With a smile on her face, Sky raised an arm and draped it around his neck. She moaned when Dev lowered his mouth to the other side of her neck.

  We danced that way, with Sky between us, both of us lavishing her neck and shoulders with kisses and nibbles. The scent of her perfume and Dev’s shampoo enveloped me and made my legs a fucking custard. I wanted to kiss her, to kiss him, to fuck her, to fuck him. It was torture to continue swaying side to side when what I most wanted was to thrust back and forth.

  Unable to stand it a moment longer, I slid my finger under the other strap of her dress, nudging Dev out of the way so it could slip down her arm. He quickly caught on and helped it along, pushing down on both straps, baring her tits. A feast for my eyes. High and firm, they were glorious and fit snug in my palms.

  I caught them both up, massaging as she moaned. Dev moved his hands to her stomach, and further up to tweak her nipples. I ceded the ground to him and dropped my hands to her hips. I watched them, mesmerized by the tableau before me. I couldn’t believe how much it excited me to see Dev pleasure Sky, to see him take pleasure from her. I’d shared lovers before and didn’t tend toward jealousy, but even so, I’d never experienced anything quite like what I felt when I was with Dev and Sky. Their joy was mine. Their hunger was mine. Their pleasure was mine.

  Every moan, whimper, and sigh fed my soul.

  When Sky’s nipples were hard peaks, Dev scooped her tits up in his hands and held them out for me. My cock pulsed and throbbed, both at the offer and the fact it was him making it. Sky clung to Dev’s neck with both arms while I closed my lips over one firm bud. Dev pinched the other between his fingers.

  I curled my tongue around that sweet nub. Sky squirmed, straddled my thigh, and ground against it. My knee touched Dev’s leg, and I froze. He looked up. Eyed me over Sky’s shoulder, but didn’t move away.

  Relieved, I returned my attention to the goddess in front of me. I switched tits and continued my assault. Dev lowered his hands, finding the fabric between us, and pulled her dress down over her hips. I moved my legs and the dress floated to the floor around our feet.

  She stood there, naked except for a pair of lacy black knickers and black high heels.

  She was a fucking vision.

  A strangled groan came from Dev. His eyes glued to her ass, he rubbed his hands up and down her sides.

  “Oh God,” Sky whispered. Her eyes were closed, her face flushed. She released Dev’s neck, and as her legs were trembling, I led her to the bed.

  “Have a seat, love.”

  Once she was sitting on the mattress, I kicked off my shoes, shed my shirt, and shucked my jeans, then my boxers. Completely naked, I stood between her parted thighs. Dev climbed up and sat behind her, in only his briefs, his long bare legs alongside hers. I quivered seeing my cock so close to Dev’s mouth.

  Good girl that she was, Sky took me in hand. I moaned. “Like that, do you?” she asked, a sassy lilt to her voice.

  I looked at her, at Dev right behind her, his face next to hers. Both of them with dilated pupils and reddened cheekbones. I fucking wanted them both, but since there was only one I had the right to touch, I laid my hand on Sky’s cheek and pushed my thumb into her mouth. When she sucked on it, I smiled. “What I’d like even more is to feed you my cock.”

  Sky purred like a sex kitten and opened her mouth.

  I replaced my thumb with my cock. Her plump lips closed around my cockhead as it rested on the flat of her tongue. She kept her eyes locked with mine and pressed the tip of her tongue into my slit, moaning at the taste, making me groan in return.

  “You are such a dirty girl,” I managed to ground out.

  She released me and laughed. “You wouldn’t want me any other way.”

  “Ain’t that the truth.” She opened for me again and I rocked my hips, pushing my cock into that hot mouth, that mouth that opened wide so I could sink to the back of it. She gagged, but held me firmly in place with her arms around my hips. Her eyes watered. Still she kept me there. Finally, her throat relaxed, and I slid in a little farther.

  My eyes rolled back. The fluttery sensation of her throat pulsing around my cock was hot and addictive. I was going to fucking come if she didn’t stop.

  “Fuck, Sky,” I said on a groan that seemed torn from the depths of my soul.

  I pushed gently on her shoulders until she let me go. “Give Dev a try?” I said to afford myself a bit of a break. If I came now, I’d be out of the action for a while, and I didn’t want that.

  Dev stared at my cock. It was hard and wet and red and only inches away from him. What was he thinking? Did he find it attractive or repulsive?

  He raised h
is head. That burning brown gaze rooted me in place. Dev wanted me. I knew it sure as I knew my own fucking name.

  Don’t touch him!

  The reminder came not a moment too soon. I dropped my raised hand onto Sky’s shoulder. She looked up at me in sympathy. Fuck.

  We had an arrangement, Sky and I. She would help me get Dev so that she could keep her job, and although she hadn’t mentioned the bonus she’d be getting, the one I was paying for even if she didn’t know that, it had to also be weighing on her. Having come from nothing myself, I knew how far one million pounds could go.

  When Dev lowered his lips back to Sky’s shoulder, I nodded to her, an infinitesimally small incline of my chin. She’d told me to follow her lead, and since my way hadn’t worked for shit, I’d be at her command like a well-trained dog.

  I needed this to work, more than I needed air to breathe.

  Smiling like a jezebel, Sky laid a hand on Dev’s cheek. “There’s something I’d like to try if you boys are game.”

  Dev raised his head, and the desire in his deep brown eyes sucked me in, kicked me in the bollocks. Christ, I wanted him. “What do you have in mind?” he asked softly.

  Her lips curved even more, and her voice turned sultry. “It’s something I wanted to try in Palm Springs. I guess we never got around to it.”

  Because you ran off.

  The response flashed in my head like a tacky neon sign, and a spark of anger flared in my stomach. Its appearance shocked me. Why was I angry about that? I hadn’t been at the time. Or maybe I’ve been too let down by Dev’s reaction and his subsequent denial of our intimate moment together to even let myself feel anything about Sky’s abrupt departure.

  I could feel it now though, if I were being honest. It had hurt. And yes, there was anger. But was it because I’d lost Dev after coming so close to finally having him, or was it something more?

  I watched Sky and Dev intently as she lured him into her web. I had an idea of what she was planning, and I was all in.

  Dev licked his puffy lips. They glistened tantalizingly. His gaze flicked to mine, then back to hers. “Tell us.”

  “I, um…” Her cheeks pinked up. She really was quite a beauty, especially like this: nude, her tender skin reflecting the soft lights, aroused, her nipples hard as diamonds, and her pussy wet and eager.


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