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Her Undercover Prince

Page 14

by Carol Moncado


  He didn’t want that, and he knew Jacqueline Grace didn’t either.

  With a certified copy of the civil partnership contract in hand, they were allowed past the security checkpoint. A moment later, they were on board the aircraft.

  Half an hour after that, they were airborne.

  “How exactly is this going to work?” he asked Jacqueline Grace as he moved to a chair next to her. The girls had already fallen asleep.

  She looked up from her tablet. “How is what going to work?”

  “This civil partnership thing. It was the right move, I firmly believe that, but how is it going to work?”

  Jacqueline Grace set her tablet on the table beside her. “I don’t understand. When we get back to San Majoria, we’ll get the girls new passports. You and I will return to Athmetis in a couple weeks. The king will find a judge we can trust, and we’ll sign the dissolution paperwork. That’s it.”

  “Are you going to tell your father? Will Tim? Even if Tim hasn’t talked to your father yet, the fact that the girls’ passports were stolen and that you and I spent time with the king will be part of the reports. Even if the partnership isn’t in the report, clearly something happened in that private meeting.”

  She’d already considered this. He knew she had to have spent at least a few minutes thinking about it, because it wasn’t in her nature not to.

  “I presume my father will know or find out. I have no intention of telling anyone else. There won’t be any change in living or sleeping arrangements. There won’t be any sharing of physical or financial assets. Everything remains separate. Unless you plan to sell a tell-all to the tabloids, no one will know anything.”

  Dave leaned back in his seat. Inside, his gut churned. Not only had he not been completely honest, but the whole thing wasn’t sitting well. Despite the certainty he’d felt that signing the paper was the right thing to do, it still left him feeling unsettled.

  After Jacqueline Grace picked her tablet back up and continued reading whatever she’d been looking at before, Dave swiveled his seat and leaned it back as far as it would go.

  He might not be able to figure out exactly what kept him from inner peace about the whole thing, but he needed to at least try to get some rest.

  When he opened his eyes, Mary stood next to him, tapping his shoulder. “Hey, sweet girl,” he murmured. “What’s wrong?”

  “I gotta go,” she whispered.

  He didn’t bother putting his seat back upright but took her to the bathroom at the rear of the plane. Better than most airplane bathrooms, it still wasn’t exactly roomy.

  But after she washed her hands, Mary wanted him to sit with her on one of the couches. He spent the rest of the flight there, trying to get some more sleep with the little girl curled up next to him.

  Eventually, he gave up trying to sleep and let his mind wander.

  When he returned to San Majoria, he needed to get his focus back to where it was supposed to be. Finding the man responsible for some of the evil in the world and bringing him to justice. His work for King Edward would take up more of his time than Dave wanted, but it also gave him more inside access.

  Access he needed.

  He knew some believed the man he sought was dead, but Dave didn’t. He was too crafty, too wily, to be caught and killed like the evidence suggested. He was handsome and charismatic and could get women - and men - to do almost anything for him.

  Did the authorities really believe the scene? What other clues had been left behind?

  Dave needed to know these things. He also knew the investigation was being run out of the palace. That’s why he’d needed to be on the inside. The opportunity to travel with Jacqueline Grace and Kiara had been fortuitous, allowing him to gain the trust of Tim. Hopefully, that would indicate to the rest of the security team that they could give him more details than they might give to someone else.

  Or leave him alone to snoop through files.

  The missing passports continued to bother him, as did the two men who’d showed interest in Jacqueline Grace. Something was off about them.

  Dave didn’t think mere possessiveness drove the feelings. Just because someone showed interest in Jacqueline Grace, that didn’t automatically make him a bad guy.

  There had to be more to it than just disdain for someone hitting on the woman who was now, at least sort of, Dave’s wife.

  Jacqueline Grace hadn’t requested separate transportation to the island resort in Islas del Sargasso, but someone else had arranged it anyway.

  She was driven in her own vehicle, with Tim in the front passenger seat. Kiara rode with Mary and Dave in another car. At a helipad near the marina, she boarded a helicopter and was flown to the island resort.

  Like San Majoria, Islas del Sargasso was a collection of islands. This one was owned by a private resort company and had been rented out in its entirety by the San Majorian royal family for this gathering and press event. They would spend nearly a week together with the Eyjanian royal family and a few others.

  But the resort was, for the most part, being staffed by employees of the different families. Only a few of the regular resort staff would be present, and security would be tight, but also provided by the different royal security teams.

  Jacqueline Grace wasn’t certain why her father had been so insistent that the families handle everything with their own people, but he had been.

  Did he still fear Benjamin’s uncle was on the loose? The man had disappeared, leaving behind only large amounts of blood at the home where he’d been staying. Too much blood loss for any human to have survived, or so she’d been told.

  So why was he still so concerned?

  Was there another threat she didn’t know about?

  The helicopter landed just metres from the pristine waterfront. When she disembarked, her father waited, a wide smile on his face.

  Once away from the rotors, she accepted his embrace. “Good morning, Papa.”

  He left an arm around her shoulders as they started for the cluster of resort buildings. “How was Athmetis? I haven’t heard much.”

  The resort had been very intentional in their lack of some modern technology. It had no cellular phone service. The rooms and huts had no land lines to the outside world. The main office did, but only for use in emergencies and day-to-day resort business.

  It was a place people like her father came when he needed to be mostly incommunicado.

  The resort staff wouldn’t deny him the use of a phone, but neither would he ask except when necessary or for prearranged contact times.

  “It went well. I think you’ll be happy with the negotiations.”

  “I’m sure I will. I did get a communication yesterday morning that you’d put the Trade Minister in his place.”

  Even though she couldn’t see his face, Jacqueline Grace could imagine the twinkle in his eyes.

  “King Adrian laughed when I talked to him about it.”

  Her father stopped in his tracks. “When did you see Adrian? That wasn’t on your agenda, was it?”

  She took a step out from under his protective arm. “Last night. You’ll hear about it in your security briefing I’m sure, but the girls’ passports both went missing.” She explained what happened.

  “And the king was able to help you get the girls through security without passports? I don’t think I could do that in San Majoria. Not legally.”

  They entered one of the largest private buildings on the property. “Kiara could leave as a ward of the royal family.” She didn’t look at him but walked to the windows overlooking a cove.

  “What about Mary?” The wariness in his voice made her heart race.

  “King Adrian offered a solution. If Dave and I entered a civil partnership, he would be legally considered part of our family and, therefore, Mary would be a ward of the family as well.”

  Her father remained silent long enough that she turned to look at him.

  His face had taken on an ashen hue.
“You did what?”

  “A civil partnership. We’ll go back in a couple weeks and dissolve it. I read the contract. The king suggested it and reassured us it would be quite simple. Otherwise, we had two options. Both involved going to the consulate and sending paperwork to the embassy in Ravenzario. Kiara and I could leave Dave and Mary behind to wait, or we could all wait. We didn’t like either of those solutions. The passports were stolen by someone trusted by the government. We didn’t want to stay in Athmetis any longer than necessary.”

  Her father motioned to the chair next to her and sat in one of the others. “I wish you’d waited until this morning, and I’d received my briefing. I understand why you did it, but I’m afraid you don’t understand the full consequences.”

  Her insides began to churn. “Consequences?”

  “San Majoria doesn’t have a civil partnership equivalent.”


  “In San Majoria, that partnership would be registered as a marriage.”

  “Then we don’t register it. We go back to Athmetis and sign the dissolution.”

  He shook his head. “Did you read the dissolution paperwork?”

  The churning intensified. “No. Just the civil partnership one.”

  Leaning forward to rest his forearms on his knees, her father clasped his hands together as he looked at her. “To register the dissolution in Athmetis, both parties must be legal residents of the country.”

  His words didn’t make any sense. What was he saying? “So to get a partnership, you don’t have to be residents, but to get a dissolution you do?” Was that where he was going with this?

  He nodded.

  “How long do you have to live there to establish residence?”

  “Eighteen months.”

  It started to sink in. “How do you know all of this?”

  “It’s my job to know these things. Do you think you’re the first San Majorian to run into this situation? Usually, it’s a con artist trying to get money from a wealthy widow or widower and not a princess, but the process is the same.”

  Jacqueline Grace twisted her fingers together. “What, exactly, is it you’re saying?”

  Compassion filled his eyes. “Unless you plan to spend eighteen months establishing residency in Athmetis, the paperwork must be filed in San Majoria. You and Dave will be considered legally married unless and until you file for divorce.”


  Their ride to the resort wasn’t nearly as glamorous as Dave heard Jacqueline Grace’s had been. They drove in a standard SUV then boarded a small ferry, not even the fast boat Mary still asked for. The vehicle stayed behind.

  Upon arrival at the island, Kirsten took Kiara to the quarters she would share with her foster mother. Or so he guessed. Dave and Mary were taken to the more hotel-like main building where they would stay.

  The royal families were staying in individual huts. The help was not.

  Mr. Ferdinand requested his presence in a conference room. Dave left Mary with another staff member and went to the meeting.

  “How was the trip?” Mr. Ferdinand asked.

  “Good. The girls had a great time.” Wasn’t that the point?

  “And your relationship with the princess?” The question came from the king’s assistant. Dave believed his name was Frederick but couldn’t be certain he remembered correctly.

  “The journos read far more into what they saw than they should have.” And far less than what the journalists would have said if they’d seen the embraces shared in private.

  Far, far less than Dave found himself wishing for.

  But he couldn’t let himself get sidetracked like he had for the last year, and especially the last couple of weeks. He had a mission, and he needed to fulfill it. Getting on this man’s good side would be a good start.

  “I’m ready to get to work as the assistant valet, sir. I know you hadn’t planned for my absence, and I’d like to get to my job.”

  Frederick answered. “You will but not just yet. The king has asked for you to work with the security teams, remaining undercover as part of the larger not-exactly-family contingent. It includes the nannies, assistants, close aides. People who might be at some of the gatherings with the families. Most of the security team is well known. We’d like a few unknowns in the mix.”

  That shocked Dave. “Are you expecting trouble?”

  Frederick’s face remained impassive. “It’s better to expect trouble and have none...”

  Dave nodded, finishing the sentiment in his head. “I understand. I’m happy to assist in whatever way you, and the king, would like me to.”

  “Then you’ll stay close to the princess. Mary will likely be with Kiara most of the time.” Frederick slid a folder across the table. “That contains the basic layout of the resort. Nothing in that section is secret or confidential. There are no known secret passages or anything of that nature, but it would be best if you familiarized yourself with all methods of egress from the community spaces. If the need were to arise, your primary responsibility is the king. If the king’s team has his security under control, your priority is the princess with the girls secondary.”

  Dave understood the hierarchy of who was protected first, second, and third, but he didn’t like it.

  “The girls will be the priority of the childcare team, not yours,” Frederick reiterated. “I understand your thought process, but you do your job and let everyone else do theirs. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, sir.” He shifted in his seat. “I can tell you that Jacqueline Grace wouldn’t agree with your priority list.”

  Frederick exchanged a glance with Mr. Ferdinand, the expression on both of their faces hardening. “Remember where you are and who you are. Such familiarity with the princess is not appropriate here. The informality that developed between you over the last few weeks ends now.”

  Dave dipped his head in acknowledgment. “Yes, sir. I won’t forget my place.”

  “Also in that folder is the rooming assignments for every member of the royal families. That does not leave this room with you. Please commit it to memory as soon as we finish this meeting. You will need to know where each person is housed.”

  “I can do that, but there is a small problem with that plan.” Dave flipped the folder open. “I don’t know who all of them are. I know the San Majorian family, of course, and I know King Benjamin, Queen Katrín, and Queen Mother Eliana, but beyond that, I don’t know one Eyjanian from another.” He started to scan the list.

  “You’ll be provided with photos to study.”

  Confirmation of something he’d speculated about made him blink. He turned the folder around, so it faced the other two men and tapped on a line. “Princess Esther is sharing with Prince Darius of Eyjania? And two children are with them?”

  Frederick nodded. “That’s what the press conference is about. The reasons for the secrecy will not be made public, nor will you be informed of them, unless it comes up in a conversation you happen to be privy to. I’m certain I don’t need to tell you everything you hear is to be considered classified.”

  “Of course.” He knew that much. He wouldn’t dare break that confidence.

  “The prince and princess were married nearly eighteen months ago. They’ve been living in the States while attending university. The princess gave birth to twin daughters earlier this year. They will be introduced to the people at the press conference.”

  Something about it confused Dave. “Will it be streamed live? I thought there was very limited outside communication.”

  “There is. We’re in the process of setting up more extensive communications to be used for the press conference so it can be shown live in both San Majoria and Eyjania. However, once the press has left the island, it will be used for emergencies only.”

  Something about the lack of communication didn’t sit well with Dave, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

  A sharp rap sounded on the door before it opened. A bald man whose look screamed security
team member entered.

  Frederick stood and motioned for Dave to do the same. “Dave, this is Thor. He’s the Deputy Head of Security for the Quatremaines.”

  Who? Right. The Eyjanian dynasty name.

  “Thor, this is Dave Smith, most recently of San Majoria.”

  Thor extended his hand. His smile could be described as more of a smirk as they shook hands.

  “A pleasure to meet you, sir,” Dave greeted.

  “You as well.” The smirk deepened. “Especially so far from your home.”

  Dave managed to control his surprise.

  This man also knew who he was.

  Was there anyone left who didn’t know Dave’s secret?

  Anyone besides Jacqueline Grace?

  Staring out of the open doors of her hut leading to the beach, Jacqueline Grace tried to absorb the information her father had given her.

  So much for trying to fix something without needing his help.

  Eventually, she’d have to tell Dave about it, but not yet. After they made it back to San Majoria.

  Maybe she’d let her father handle it.

  Maybe it could be handled quietly and discreetly, just like the dissolution was supposed to have been.

  Moving to Athmetis for eighteen months was not an option. Even if she was working on her father’s behalf, it wasn’t. If she was an official representative of her own country, the time likely wouldn’t count towards residency anyway.

  Would she even see Dave in the next few days? He’d be back to his job as assistant valet for her father. There would be no reason for her to see him.

  Meantime, she wondered if Esther and the babies had arrived yet. Surely, her father would have mentioned it if they had, but it was still early in Islas del Sargasso.

  A binder on the table had the comprehensive itinerary in it. She flipped to the arrivals tab and scanned the page. Esther wasn’t due to arrive for several more hours.

  Someone knocked on the door. “Come in,” she called, not particularly caring. The only people who would be around were family and staff.


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