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Her Undercover Prince

Page 20

by Carol Moncado

  Eliana shifted in her spot on the floor. “Unless he also has a plan to take out Louise and her children. Does he really think the people of Eyjania would accept him if he just had all of you killed?”

  “It only has to make sense in his head.” Dave sighed. “I read something a writer I follow online said. In a book, the antagonist can be crazy and evil and all that, but in his own mind, he’s the hero.”

  “This isn’t fiction,” Kensington pointed out.

  “No, but what does matter is that, in his mind, Isaiah is the wronged party. He’s the one who’s had his children taken away. He’s the one who lost the chance to rule while being asked to mentor the one who took that chance away, then was kicked out of his childhood home. I’m not saying he’s right. I’m just saying that’s how he sees it.”

  Astrid sat with Anabelle. “And he doesn’t have the little ones?”

  Anabelle shook her head. “We all thought they were in the children’s quarters, but according to his men, they weren’t there. We have no idea where they are, but presume they’re safe for the moment.”

  “And the teens?” Eliana asked that question.

  “Also unaccounted for,” Dave told her. “Isaiah has no idea where they are.”

  Esther stood up. “This is getting ridiculous.” She banged on the door. “I need to go to the bathroom,” she hollered before looking over at Anabelle and Astrid. “And I can’t be the only nursing mother in here who’s getting uncomfortable.”

  Anabelle nodded. “And we’re not nursing twins. You’ve got to be bordering on painful.”

  “Not quite yet, but soon.” She pounded again. “Isaiah said we could change clothes. I need to go to the bathroom. I want to change.” Esther looked at her sister and sister-in-law. “And find a pump.”

  The door opened to show Martin, who took Esther by the upper arm.

  Darius stood and started to pace. Dave suspected he wouldn’t stop until she returned.

  A very tense fifteen minutes later, she did just that, a bag slung over her shoulder and a blanket in her arms. Martin motioned to Queen Eliana and Queen Mother Grace. They were going to get a chance to change as well.

  “They wouldn’t let me pump in my room.” She dumped the bag and blanket in a corner. “All men need to go to the other side and give us some privacy.”

  Dave didn’t want to know what was going on as the women formed a sort of wall in the opposite corner of the room.

  The men all crouched together, Kensington moving to sit next to Dave.

  “Can we overpower them?” King Edward asked quietly.

  Kensington shook his head as Dave said, “No. There’s too many of them, too heavily armed. We’d need a better plan.”

  They all looked to the king as their de facto leader. “Harrison and the rest know to hide and stay hidden. They’ve had that drilled into them. The nannies know that as well, but they may have a harder time staying quiet. Babies and little girls don’t understand as well. If they’re found by guards they don’t know they shouldn’t trust, it won’t go well.”

  Dave leaned in. “Does the outside world know what’s going on? Is there any communication?”

  “Maybe soon. There’s supposed to be a morning briefing in a few hours. When Benjamin and I aren’t on the line, or if Isaiah tries to get us to play along, and we use distress codes, they’ll know something’s wrong. There’s an emergency beacon that could be set off, but I doubt anyone had time.”

  “How long until rescue can get here?” Jordan looked like he wanted to hit someone.

  “Joint WLRs Team Nine would take at least twenty-four hours, probably more.”

  The Joint Water-Land Rescue Teams were the Quad Countries version of special ops platoons. None of the countries had the resources to do it all themselves, so they combined forces. Each team had members from each country, though each team was heavily weighted toward one country or another. WLR Team Nine probably had about sixteen members, ten or twelve of which were either San Majorian or Sargassian, including the leadership. Dave didn’t know which country that team was from.

  “So we have to keep him from finding the girls for at least another day.” Dave ran both hands through his hair until his fingers gripped the base of his neck. “No sweat, right?”

  A glance around told him no one else believed it either.

  It took until dawn, but all of the women finally had a chance to change clothes. The men weren’t given the luxury of a real bathroom break.

  Jacqueline Grace was the last one to go and change into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, something both comfortable and functional. She’d debated pajamas for the comfort level but realized that should she need to actually do something, it wouldn’t work well.

  She also managed to grab a silk scarf, an unopened package of insoles from Dave’s bag, and a pair of chopsticks for her hair. Once back in the holding room, she sat next to Queen Eliana. “Let me see your wrist, ma’am.”

  “We’re in this together, Jacqueline Grace. I’m Eliana.”

  Jacqueline Grace smiled and did her best to be gentle as she felt the queen’s wrist. “This isn’t ideal, obviously, but let’s see if we can immobilize it. I don’t think it’s out of place too badly, but we don’t want to make it any worse if we can help it.”

  She ripped open the insoles, wondering why Dave had them. They were more flexible than they probably should be, but she didn’t think the chopsticks were wide enough.

  Holding one insole on either side of the queen’s arm, she used the scarf to wrap around it. “I know it’s not the greatest, but it’s what we’ve got.”

  “It feels better already.” Eliana rested a hand on Jacqueline Grace’s shoulder. “Where did they take the members of security who haven’t betrayed us?”

  Jacqueline Grace tied off the scarf. “Thor was in with us for a little while. I don’t know where he went or where the rest were taken right as all of you left.”

  “How was he?”

  “Angry. Defiant. Calm. I think he’s as mad at himself as he is at Isaiah, though I don’t know why. He did his job. Others are traitors. How can he see all of that? Now, his job is to stay alive to fight again when the chance comes, just like the rest of us.”

  “I hope he knows that,” she murmured. “I hope he doesn’t push Isaiah too far.”

  Something in the way she said it gave Jacqueline Grace pause. “Have you known him long?”

  Eliana leaned her back against the wall and tilted her head until she gazed at the ceiling. “I met him about the same time I met Alfred. He was one of Alfred’s security team at University in Auverignon. Except for my husband, he was the first one to tell me he believed I could be a good queen someday.”

  “Almost more of a friend?” Jacqueline Grace knew some protectees and protectors grew close, though most of her family maintained more of a professional relationship.

  A tear-streaked down her cheek. “He was the first one to our quarters when Alfred...” She wiped it away with her good hand. “I hit the panic button. It seemed like an eternity, but the reports said he made it from his office to our bedroom in sixty seconds using a passageway. He did CPR, all the while knowing it was too late, but he did it anyway. For me.”

  Could this be what her father had been talking about when he said he thought the queen might be ready to move on? Could the former queen be falling for her husband and son’s Deputy Head of Security? If this shook out like Jacqueline Grace thought it might, a man who was about to be promoted and given awards.

  “I’m sure he’s going to be fine. He’s tough, and Isaiah needs him alive and talking.”

  “Do you think he knows where the children are?”

  Jacqueline Grace shook her head. “If he does, he didn’t give any indication that I saw. I truly believe the nannies realized something was going on, grabbed what they needed - like diapers and formula - took the children, and ran.”

  What she didn’t say was that Isaiah’s men were systematically combing the entir
e island looking for the two missing groups.

  “I don’t think Isaiah planned for this raid to take as long as it is.” Jacqueline Grace tried to reassure Eliana. “I think he planned to grab the girls and leave. Since his plans have been forced to change, he’s going to make a mistake. He’s already hurt Anabelle. I saw the face of one of the men. He winced. I doubt he’s the only one who might be okay with taking hostages briefly, but not to hurting anyone, especially a member of the royal family.”

  “You don’t think Isaiah planned to be here for days?”

  “I really don’t. His men are going to get tired. I’m sure Thor’s men are taking turns resting, at least once they realized this wasn’t going to be quick, but Isaiah’s going to run his men ragged. Eventually, they’re going to be too tired. Maybe that’s when we make a move.”

  “Maybe. But maybe you need to do the same.” She squeezed Jacqueline Grace’s shoulder. “You need some rest, my dear.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Jacqueline Grace leaned her head back, but doubted she’d sleep until this was over.

  None of them would.


  Hours later, a second bunch of sandwiches were dropped off for them to eat. There weren’t quite enough to go around, which likely explained why none from the first bunch had been saved for those kept by Isaiah. Given the secretive way they were brought, Dave wasn’t sure Isaiah had approved it. As they suspected, it seemed not all his men were on board with an extended hostage situation of the members of multiple royal families.

  The nursing mothers had taken turns with the contraption Princess Esther brought back. They rotated getting some rest.

  For the moment they all decided, collectively, that no news was good news.

  If Isaiah’s men found either of the groups in hiding, he would have big-noted. His head was too big not to. If they found the older ones, they’d be in here with the rest of them. If he found the girls, he’d have taken them and left as soon as he did.

  “This is driving me crazy.” Darius sat next to Dave. “My girls are out there, who knows where...”

  “So is my girl. And everyone else’s. They’re fine.” They had to keep believing that.

  Edward walked up and motioned for Darius to move. He took Darius’s spot on the floor next to Dave, but even closer. “Is there any chance your father knows you’re here and might have been trying to get in touch with you?”

  That put to rest any questions about whether or not King Edward knew who he was. “I don’t think so. He’s supposed to be in Athmetis right now. Adrian knows who I am and who I’m with, but he indicated he wouldn’t say anything.”

  “I received a message right before dinner that your father wanted to talk to me. He was told I would call him back before I went to bed, which would be first thing this morning in Athmetis. Hours ago. He knows communications are limited, but not getting a call he’d been told to expect would be exceptionally odd.”

  Dave stared at his folded hands. “I don’t know why he’d think I was here, but anything is possible. Maybe Adrian let something slip. I saw my brother in Ravenzario so maybe he did.”

  “I know why you’re here. I read the after-action reports. I know where they got their information. What was your long-term plan? Execution? Kidnapping?”

  “Arrest. Return to New Sargasso for trial. I’m not a vigilante, but I heard enough from my father to believe none of the authorities here would care if he was tried for crimes against those from the other side of the world.”

  “Either your father was wrong, or you misunderstood. While it might not be the top priority, it will happen. Benjamin and I have discussed it several times.”

  “When I left New Sargasso, I didn’t expect to like King Benjamin,” Dave admitted. “He let Isaiah run things.”

  “He’s changed a lot in the last year - six months even. I like him a lot better now than I did at Christmas.”

  “That’s good to know.” They just sat for a moment. “Think he’s trying to humiliate us by making the men go to the bathroom outside?”

  Edward stretched his legs in front of him and crossed his ankles. “At least me and Benjamin. But I served in the military for a while. Going to the bathroom outside doesn’t bother me in a situation like this.” He sighed. “What bothers me is not being able to do anything to protect my family, not knowing where my son, granddaughters, and grandsons are or if they’re safe.”

  “They are. They have to be.”

  “I know. I understand the rationale behind that argument, but until I know they’re safe...” He crumpled his water bottle. “I’d imagine you feel the same way about Mary.”

  “I do.”

  Everyone else was giving them a wide berth - or as wide as they could in the room. King Edward leaned his head against the wall. “I also read the civil contract.”

  Dave looked at Jacqueline Grace, sitting with Queen Eliana. She couldn’t hear what they were saying. “I read it, too.”

  “I also know it’s not legally binding.”

  “There’s a lot of reasons why that might not be a bad thing, but which one specifically?”

  “Is Dave Smith your legal name?”

  “It’s the name on my passport.”

  “That wasn’t the question.”

  Dave extended his legs in front of him. “You already know the answer to that. Adrian told me to use the name on my passport. I did.”

  “He knew you needed to be residents of Athmetis to get the dissolution. He also knew it wasn’t your legal name, and therefore, wouldn’t be legally binding since the information wouldn’t be accurate.”

  The king shifted until he faced Dave from the side, with one leg bent under him and the other knee raised, his forearm resting on it. “I know where you spent the night the other night. I trust you didn’t take advantage of the situation, despite the appearance of legality.”

  The kisses with Jacqueline Grace were seared into Dave’s brain. How much he’d wanted to let things go further, and grateful he hadn’t. “No. Nothing happened.”

  “But you fancy yourself falling for her?”

  Dave nodded. “And the reverse, as well, I think, though she believes you wouldn’t approve of the match and neither would your people.”

  “Because she doesn’t know the truth.”

  “She would. I’ll tell her as soon as this is over. If she wants nothing to do with me, so be it. But if she’s willing to see what could be between us, then we’ll see where it goes.” Another thought occurred to him. “That is if you’re all right with it.”

  “You have my tentative approval. After you’ve told her the truth, and only if she’s interested.”

  They sat in silence for several more minutes. Edward eventually returned to his position with his back to the wall.

  “And there’s no chance your father could already be coordinating the WLRs for your rescue, along with the rest of us?”

  “Anything’s possible.”

  The king nudged Dave with his elbow. “I understand why you went AWOL, but no matter what happens here, I think it’s time for you to go home.”

  The earlier conversation weighed on his mind. “And if I took your daughter with me halfway around the world?”

  What could they be talking about? Jacqueline Grace kept her father and Dave in her line of sight, though she tried not to stare. They’d been talking for a long time. Her father had even kicked Darius out of the conversation.

  “Wondering if they’re talking about you?” Eliana sounded tired. The wrist had to be bothering her more than she let on.


  “I’d imagine they are, at least part of the time. Maybe they’re also planning a way to fight back.”

  “When? How? We’re stuck in this room, and no one really comes in or out.”

  As though he’d heard her words, the door opened and several of Isaiah’s henchmen walked in.

  Martin was one of them. “Jack, Dave, Anabelle. Come with us.”

Grace looked at her father who stood and put himself between the men and the rest.

  “They will not be going with you,” he told Martin.

  Martin snapped his fingers and two men came around, grabbing her father by the arms and pushing him back until they reached the wall. He fought, but to no avail. Two more men, also holding rifles, came in. One grabbed Anabelle and pushed her out the door. Kensington started toward her but was stopped by another man.

  After she was outside, both men grabbed Dave, who also fought back, but even as she watched Jacqueline Grace knew it was futile. He wasn’t fighting that hard, likely because of the weapons.

  As they pushed Dave toward the door, Martin motioned toward Jacqueline Grace. “Come with me, princess, or your father and boyfriend will regret it.”

  She stood and walked toward him, head held high. He grasped at her arm, but she jerked it away. She didn’t need his help to walk out the door, and she wasn’t going to fight him. Not when there were so many other lives at stake.

  Jacqueline Grace expected to end up back in the banquet hall, but instead they were taken to another room much like the one they’d left.

  Thor was already in there, looking much worse for wear, though not as bad as Jacqueline Grace would have feared. He nodded slightly as the three of them walked in and sat down.

  Isaiah, it seemed, for all his posturing didn’t like to get his hands dirty, and the henchmen weren’t as ruthless as he’d like them to be.

  He walked in a moment later, looking much worse than he had the last time Jacqueline Grace saw him. Clearly, he hadn’t planned to be there twenty-four hours. He didn’t look like he’d slept at all.

  “We’ve got the girls.” His pronouncement first caused Jacqueline Grace’s heart to stop, but something wasn’t right.

  A glance at Thor showed a slight shake of the head. He didn’t believe it either.

  “But they’re all whining for their mothers or fathers.” His chest puffed up. “I’ve decided to let the three of you go with them. For the time being, anyway.”


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