39Luigi Villari, Russia under a Great Shadow, 1905
41Sergey Witte, The Memoirs of Count Witte, trans. Abraham Yarmolinsky, 1921 (Russian text completed 1912)
42Mikhail Loukianov, ‘Conservatives and “Renewed Russia” 1907–1914’, Slavic Review, vol. 61, no. 4, 2002
44Op. cit., Witte
45Vestnik Evropy, December 1913
46Zoza Szajkowski, ‘The Impact of the Beilis Case on Central and Western Europe’, Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, vol. 31, 1963; Hans Rogger, ‘The Beilis Case: Anti-Semitism and Politics in the Reign of Nicholas II’, Slavic Review, vol. 25, no. 4, 1966
47Anders Henriksson, ‘Nationalism, Assimilation and Identity in Late Imperial Russia: The St. Petersburg Germans’, Russian Review, vol. 52, no. 3, 1993
48Journal de Saint Pétersbourg, 14 July 1913
49Sally West, ‘The Material Promised Land: Advertising’s Modern Agenda in Late Imperial Russia’, Russian Review, vol. 57, no. 3, 1998
50Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited, 1966 (2000 edition consulted)
51Solomon Volkov, Saint Petersburg: A Cultural History, 1996
52Op. cit., Phillips
53George Dobson, St Petersburg, 1910
54Op. cit., Dowler
55Birzheye vedomosti, no. 174, July 1913
56Petrogradskaie gazeta, January 1913
57Op. cit., Figes
58John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, London, 1919
II The Old New World
1William Thomas Stead, The Americanization of the World, 1901; Guglielmo Ferrero, ‘The Riddle of America’, The Atlantic, November 1913
2Edward Mandell House, Philip Dru, Administrator: A Story of Tomorrow, 1920–1935, 1912
3Jackson Lears, Rebirth of a Nation: The Making of Modern America, 1877–1920, 2009; Alan Valentine, 1913: America Between Two Worlds, 1962
4For example, Scientific American, 20 September 1913
5The New York Times, 26 January 1915
6Burton J. Hendrick, The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, 1924
7Woodrow Wilson, ‘Democracy and Efficiency’, The Atlantic, March 1901
8John Milton Cooper, Jr, Woodrow Wilson: A Biography, 2009
9‘Red hot imperialist’ from the New York Herald, October 15, 1900; the suggestion for the Stars and Stripes from the North American Review, February 1901
10Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom, Arthur S. Link, ed., 1956 (originally published 1913, based on campaign speeches throughout 1912)
Washington, DC
1The New York Times, 2 March 1913
2Harper’s Weekly, 11 January 1913
3National Geographic, June 1913
4Harper’s Weekly, 8 March 1913
5Both German and Russian comment from The American Review of Reviews, January 1913
6Cooper, Woodrow Wilson
7The Economist, 8 March 1913
8Harper’s Weekly, 8 March 1913
9Woodrow Wilson, The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, 7 March 1913
10Henry James, The American Scene, 1907
11Op. cit., Wilson papers, 22 March 1913
12Op. cit., Wilson papers, 26 May 1913
13Harper’s Weekly, 22 February 1913
16Paul-Henri d’Estournelles de Constant, Les États-Unis D’Amérique, 1913
18Op. cit., Wilson papers, 1 October 1913
19Charles Frederick Weller and Eugenia Winston Weller, Neglected Neighbors: Stories of Life in the Alleys, Tenements and Shanties of the National Capital, 1909
23Cited in Arthur S. Link, ‘Woodrow Wilson: The American as Southerner’, The Journal of Southern History, vol. 36, no. 1, 1970
26The American Review of Reviews, August 1913
28Op. cit., Wilson papers, 28 June 1913
29Op. cit., Wilson papers, 4 July 1913
30Gary Gerstle, ‘Race and Nation in the Thought and Politics of Woodrow Wilson’, in John Milton Cooper Jr, ed., Reconsidering Woodrow Wilson: Progressivism, Internationalism, War and Peace, 2008
31Op. cit., Cooper
32Henry Blumenthal, ‘Woodrow Wilson and the Race Question’, The Journal of Negro History, vol. 48, no. 1, January 1963
33Nancy J. Weiss, ‘The Negro and the New Freedom: Fighting Wilsonian Segregation’, Political Science Quarterly, vol. 84, no. 1, March 1969
34Op. cit., Wilson papers, 5 August 1913
36Op. cit., Wilson papers, 15 August 1913
37Op. cit., Wilson papers, 14 October 1913 (although the report was undertaken in September, it apparently reached the White House the following month)
New York
1W. T. Stead, Satan’s Invisible World Displayed or, Despairing Democracy: A Study of Greater New York, 1898
2Henry Bruère, The American Review of Reviews, October 1913
3Op. cit., Stead (1898)
4Harper’s Weekly, 27 December 1913
5Lyman Beecher Stowe, ‘Vice, Crime and the New York Police’, The American Review of Reviews, July 1913
6John H. Girdner, Newyorkitis, 1901
7The New York Times, 14 March 1908
8Mark Girouard, Cities & People: A Social and Architectural History, 1985
9Harper’s Weekly, September 6 1913
10L’Illustration, 31 May 1913 (author’s translation from the French. An English version of this article – slightly different from the French – had been published in The Century Magazine in February and March 1913)
13As reported in The New York Times, 23 February 1913 (the diary entry referred to was for 30 September the previous year)
14The New York Times, 25 April 1913
15Sarah Bradford Landau and Carl W. Condit, Rise of the New York Skyscraper, 1865–1913, 1996 and following
16‘Mr FW Woolworth’s Story’, World’s Work, 25 April 1913
17Op. cit., Girouard
18Keith D. Revell, ‘Regulating the Landscape: Real Estate Values, City Planning, and the 1916 Zoning Ordinance’, in David Ward and Oliver Zunz, eds, The Landscape of Modernity: New York City, 1900–1940, 1992
19Across the country a Campanile tower was under construction in 1913 at the University of California at Berkeley
20Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian Institution (AAASI), Walter Kuhn and Kuhn family papers, letters from Walter Kuhn, series 1/box 1, Berlin, October 1912
21Laurette E. McCarthy, ‘The “Truths” about the Armory Show: Walter Pach’s Side of the Story’, Archives of American Art Journal, vol. 44, nos 3–4, 2004; Milton W. Brown, The Story of the Armory Show, 1963
22The Outlook, 29 March 1913
23Harper’s Weekly, 15 March 1913
24Op. cit., Walter Kuhn archives, series 1/box 2
25Evening Mail, 15 March 1913
26Moses Rischin, The Promised City: New York’s Jews, 1870–1914, 1962
27Israel Zangwill, The Melting Pot, 1909
29Meri-Jane Rochelson, A Jew in the Public Arena: The Career of Israel Zangwill, 2008
30Op. cit., Zangwill
31Henry Smith Williams, Harper’s Weekly, 26 July 1913
33Most of the sources for this section are from the J. P. Morgan archives, held in the J. P. Morgan library in New York City, particularly series 1, subseries A.
34The North American Indian, J. P. Morgan archives
35The Independent, 3 April 1913
36J. P. Morgan archives, series 1, subseries B
37J. P Morgan archives, series 1, subseries A
38J. P. Morgan’s Testimony: The Justificati
on of Wall Street, 1912/1913
39J. P. Morgan archives, series 1, subseries B
40The New York Evening Journal, April 1 1913
41Quoted in The Philadelphia Record, April 1 1913
43J. P. Morgan archive, series 1, subseries A
44Le Figaro, 1 April 1913
45J. Lawrence Broz, ‘Origins of the Federal Reserve System: International Incentives and the Domestic Free-Rider Problem’, International Organization, vol. 53, no. 1, 1999
1Guide to Detroit, 1916, Henry Ford Archives
2Detroit Free Press, 7 September 1913
3Op. cit., Guide to Detroit, 1916
5Henry Ford Archives, photographic print P.P. 7227, 4 July 1917
6Quoted in Jean-Louis Cohen, Scenes of the World to Come: European Architecture and the American Challenge, 1893–1960, 1995
7Clarence Hooker, Life in the Shadows of the Crystal Palace, 1910–1927: Ford Workers in the Model T Era, 1997
8Detroit Free Press, 13 August 1913
9Detroit Free Press, 30 December 1913
10Ford Times, August 1913
11Detroit Free Press, 8 September 1913
12Harper’s Weekly, 22 February 1913
13Quoted in Valentine, 1913
14Ford Times, May and August 1913
15Ford Times, October 1913
16Ford Times, February 1913
17Ford Times, October 1913
18Ford Times, June 1913
19Ford Times, March 1913
20Steven Watts, The People’s Tycoon: Henry Ford and the American Century, 2005
21Robert Casey, The Model T: A Centennial History, 2008; Ford Times, January 1913
22Ford Times, September 1913
23Charles R. Morris, The Tycoons: How Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, and J. P. Morgan Invented the American Supereconomy, 2005
24Los Angeles Times, 1 January 1913
25Ford Times, September 1913
26Quoted in op. cit., Watts
27Simon Nelson Patten, A New Basis for Civilization, 1907
28Ferrero, ‘The Riddle of America’
29Stead, The Americanization of the World
30The New York Times, 11 July 1916
Los Angeles
1The Economist, 4 January 1913
2Quoted in The American Review of Reviews, October 1913
3Margaret Leslie Davis, Dark Side of Fortune: Triumph and Scandal in the Life of Oil Tycoon Edward L. Doheny, 1998
4Lionel V. Redpath, Petroleum in California: A Concise and Reliable History of the Oil Industry of the State, 1900
5John Steven McGroarty, quoted in William Deverell, Whitewashed Adobe: The Rise of Los Angeles and the Remaking of its Mexican Past, 2004
6D’Estournelles de Constant, Les États-Unis D’Amérique
7Harper’s Weekly, 7 June 1913
8Los Angeles Times, 20 April 1913
9Wilson, The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, 13 May 1913
10Quoted in Robert M. Fogelson, The Fragmented Metropolis: Los Angeles, 1850–1930, 1967 (reprinted 1993)
11Los Angeles Times, 1 January 1913
14Los Angeles Times, 5 November 1913
15Catherine Mulholland, William Mulholland and the Rise of Los Angeles, 2000
16Los Angeles Times, 11 May 1913
17Los Angeles Record, 20 October 1913
18Kim Hernandez, ‘The “Bungalow Boom”: The Working-Class Housing Industry and the Development and Promotion of Early Twentieth-Century Los Angeles’, Southern California Quarterly, no. 92, Winter 2010/2011
19Peter Hall, ‘The Dream Factory: Los Angeles, 1910–1945’, in Peter Hall, Cities in Civilization, 1998
20Harper’s Weekly, 18 January 1913
21Los Angeles Record, 22 October 1913
22Helen Hunt Jackson, Ramona: A Story, 1911 edition (originally published 1884)
23Phoebe S. Kropp, California Vieja: Culture and Memory in a Modern American Place, 2006
24George Wharton James, Through Ramona’s Country, 1909
Mexico City
1Report from John Lind to William Jennings Bryan, in Wilson, The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, 19 September 1913
2Jonathan C. Brown, Oil and Revolution in Mexico, 1993
3Quoted in Frank McLynn, Villa and Zapata: A Biography of the Mexican Revolution, 2000
4Charles Macomb Flandrau, Viva Mexico!, 1908
5Emil Harry Blichfeldt, A Mexican Journey, 1912
6Michael J. Gonzales, ‘Imagining Mexico in 1910: Visions of the Patria in the Centennial Celebration in Mexico City’, Journal of Latin American Studies, no. 39, 2007
7Quoted in ibid.
8John Kenneth Turner, Barbarous Mexico, 1911
9John Foran, ‘Reinventing the Mexican Revolution: The Competing Paradigms of Alan Knight and John Mason Hart’, Latin American Perspectives, vol. 23, no. 4, 1996
10Op. cit., Flandrau, 1908
11Frederick C. Turner, ‘Anti-Americanism in Mexico: 1910–1913’, The Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. 47, no. 4, 1967
12Report from William Bayard Hale to Woodrow Wilson, in op. cit., Wilson papers, 18 June 1913
13Op. cit., McLynn
14The Economist, 15 February 1913
15Quoted in Jerry W. Knudson, ‘The Mexican Herald: Outpost of Empire, 1895–1915’, International Communication Gazette, 63, 2001
16Report by William Bayard Hale to Wilson, op. cit., Wilson papers, 18 June 1913
17Op. cit., Wilson papers, 7 March 1913
18Note from John Bassett Moore, Assistant Secretary of State, to the President, op. cit., Wilson papers, 14 May 1913
19Op. cit., Wilson papers, 18 April 1913
20Holger H. Herwig and Christon I. Archer, ‘Global Gambit: A German General Staff Assessment of Mexican Affairs’, Estudios Mexicanos, vol. 1, no. 2, 1985
21Op. cit., Wilson papers, 26 May 1913
22Op. cit., Wilson papers, 8 July 1913
23Op. cit., Wilson papers, 24 July 1913
24Note from Federico Gamboa, op. cit., Wilson papers, 16 August 1913
25Letter from John Lind to William Jennings Bryan, op. cit., Wilson papers, 19 September 1913
26Beatty, The Lost History of 1914
27Letter from Walter Hines Page to Wilson, op. cit., Wilson papers, 12 September 1913
28The Daily Chronicle, 8 May 1913
III The World Beyond
1Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling’s Verse, 1885–1932, 1934 (the poem was first published in 1896)
2Christopher Bayly, The Birth of the Modern World, 1780–1914, 2004
3V. I. Lenin, The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism, 1913
4Kwasi Kwarteng, Ghosts of Empire: Britain’s Legacies in the Modern World, 2011
5Quoted in Edward Said, Culture and Imperialism, 1993
1Manitoba Free Press, 16 May 1913
3Manitoba Free Press, 24 May 1913
5The Argus, 14 May 1913
6The Argus, 24 May 1913
7Quoted in Carl Berger, Imperialism and Nationalism, 1884–1914: A Conflict in Canadian Thought, 1969
8John Foster Fraser, Australia: The Making of a Nation, 1911
10The Argus, 28 June 1913
11The Argus, 1 July 1913
12The Argus, 11 July 1913
13The Argus, 12 July 1913
14Victorian Yearbook 1913–1914, 1914; The Argus, 20 September 1913
15Sydney Morning Herald, October 6 1913
17Quoted in op. cit., Berger
20Manitoba Free Press, 7 January 1913
21Manitoba Free Press, 19 February 1913
22Manitoba Free Press, 7 May 1913
23Quoted in D. C. M. Platt, ‘Canada and Argentina: The first pref
erence of the British investor, 1904–1914’, The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, vol. 13, no. 3, 1985
24The Illustrated Souvenir of Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1905
26Canada Newspaper Directory, 1913
27Alan F. G. Artibise, ‘Boosterism and the Development of Prairie Cities, 1871–1913’, in Alan Artibise, ed., Town and City: Aspects of Western Canadian Urban Development, 1981
28Photograph Archives of Manitoba, Winnipeg
29Alan F. J. Artibise, ed., Gateway City: Documents on the City of Winnipeg, 1873–1913, 1979
30Op. cit., Artibise (1981)
31Quoted in op. cit., Artibise (1979)
32Manitoba Free Press, 20 May 1913
33Jim Blanchard, Winnipeg 1912, 2005
34Henry J. Boam, Twentieth Century Impressions of Canada: Its History, People, Commerce, Industries and Resources, 1914
35Scanlon’s Guide to Winnipeg, 1913
36The Canada Newspaper Directory, 1913
37Op. cit., Artibise (1979)
38Manitoba Free Press, 30 May 1913; J. M. Bumsted, Dictionary of Manitoba Biography, 1999
39Manitoba Free Press, 31 May 1913
40Manitoba Free Press, 3 January 1913
41Graeme Davison, The Rise and Fall of Marvellous Melbourne, 1978
42Victorian Year Book 1913–1914, 1914
43Alex Hill, Round the British Empire, 1913
44Victorian Year Book 1913–1914, 1914
45Miles Lewis, ‘The Dome’, La Trobe Library Journal, no. 72, 2003
46The film Marvellous Melbourne: Queen City of the South is available at www.archive.org
47Op. cit., Hill
48The Argus, 29 April 1913
49Victorian Year Book 1913–1914, 1914
50The Argus, 13 December 1913; The Argus, 23 October 1913
51The Argus, 22 November 1913
52The Argus, 22 August 1913
53The Argus, 31 March 1913
54The Argus, 28 January 1913
55Geoffrey Blainey, A History of Victoria, 2006
56The Argus, 18 November 1913
57Edwin J. Brady, Australia Unlimited, 1910
58The Illustrated Souvenir of Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1905
Buenos Aires
1Reginald Lloyd, Twentieth century impressions of Argentina: Its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources, 1910
2Platt, ‘Canada and Argentina …’
3Carlos F. Díaz Alejandro, Essays on the Economic History of the Argentine Republic, 1970
4Albert B. Martinez, Baedeker de la République argentine, 1913
5Georges Clemenceau, South America Today: A Study of Conditions, Social, Political and Commercial, in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, 1911
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