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The Alien's Obsession (A SciFi Alien Warrior Romance) (Warriors of Luxiria Book 6)

Page 18

by Zoey Draven

  Kirov gathered her close again. “Have you decided about the ravraxia yet?” He nipped at her ear. “I am eager to mate you the way I wish.”

  Her breath rushed out of her lungs and she squinted over at him. “It’s been about a day since we last had this conversation. You think I decided in a day?”

  “Judging by your moans and cries last night,” he purred, “as I licked out your hot, perfect cunt—”


  “I figured I may have swayed you,” he finished.

  Her eyes narrowed.

  Two could play at that game.

  A sweet smile crossed her face. “And I thought me sucking your thick, hard cock last night in the bath until you came down my throat in buckets would’ve swayed you to just fuck me already. And baby…” she purred in his ear, licking on the outer shell just to tease him, “I would’ve let you fuck me all night long, however you wanted, if you would’ve just asked me nicely.”

  Kirov froze, a growl ripping through his chest. He moved, his hard cock—seriously, the thing never went down—brushing her naked thigh.

  “Perhaps a repeat of both events,” he purred, moving over her like a panther about to pounce on its prey, “might change both our minds.”

  Lainey laughed when he ripped the furs off their bodies, already beginning to kiss and lick down her chest.

  Then she moaned, her laugh dying completely.

  And neither of them left the bed until much, much later that morning.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The night of the lunar celebration came swiftly. Lainey accompanied Kirov out of his house—of which he’d programmed her handprint into the door so she could leave whenever she desired—and onto the hovercraft.

  She was wearing a beautiful, Luxirian-style dress, made out of the lightest material she’d ever felt. She felt…well, she felt naked. It was so light she barely felt it against her skin.

  Kirov had scanned her body yesterday morning with a device that emitted blue light and sent it to a seamstress. It apparently took her measurements and just that afternoon, the dress had shown up at the house, perfectly cut and stitched. And it fit her like a glove.

  It was ivory in color, the clasps at her shoulders a beautiful brushed silver. The bottom of the dress tickled the tops of her bare feet when she moved, the barest touch, and her dusky pink nipples poked through the light fabric, almost obscenely.

  When Kirov had first seen her, his jaw had tightened, his eyes had gone hot, and he’d brushed his thumb over the points of her nipples, making her knees tremble.

  “Vellixa,” he’d murmured and Lainey had blushed. His voice told her that he’d suckle on her nipples for hours when they returned home.

  Kirov maneuvered the hovercraft towards the lake and the wind whipped the dress around her calves. Pressing back into Kirov’s bare chest, Lainey took a deep breath, nervous for the lunar celebration. Although Kirov had alleviated some of her fears about her integration into Troxva, it was still a daunting and frightening prospect.

  Fake it until you make it, she told herself, straightening. It was what she’d always done. When she’d performed in front of hundreds and hundreds of people in concert halls, she’d managed to shake off the nerves that made her hands tremble. She could do it now.

  They were approaching the lake and Lainey could see that the celebration would be a large one. All afternoon, she’d watched through the windows in their living room as Luxirians set up the lake’s shore. They looked like dots from a distance, but grand tables and big blue orbs of light and a terraced structure for the musicians were brought in. Even Kirov had been gone most of the day, making last minute preparations.

  Under the full moon, the celebration looked beautiful. The silver light reflected off the black lake. She smiled when she saw flashes of pink floating on the surface every now and again—the pink fireflies had come. The blue orbs of light gave off an ethereal glow, illuminating the big space when the moon’s light wasn’t enough.

  Already the tables were packed with Luxirians. Most were seated, others were milling about, socializing, laughing.

  Most are males, she realized, eyeing the crowd as they drew closer and closer. She’d never seen a female Luxirian during her stay in the Golden City, but she saw some among the party-goers. Younger females, smaller in size, with curves and long, dark hair and more delicate features. They were dressed in light colors as well. She realized everyone was dressed in white or ivory or silver.

  Eyes began to turn upwards as they approached and she heard exclamations of surprise, of Kirov’s name.

  Kirov landed the hovercraft, not far from the lake’s shore and helped her step down. She met his eyes, but for some reason, she didn’t want him to know how nervous she was so she gave him a smile, placing her hand on his forearm when he led her into the waiting crowd.

  Everyone towered over Lainey as Kirov guided her to a table nearest the lake. A smaller, empty table, with only two seats. Lainey could feel hundreds of eyes on her, though the noise level remained constant, though she heard laughs and voices and revelry in the background.

  And music, she realized, blinking. Immediately, she swiveled her head in the direction it floated from—from the terraced platform she’d seen earlier—and her lips parted.

  Only four musicians were playing. Two were playing an instrument that resembled a sitar, a long-necked guitar-like stringed instrument, that produced a twangy, deep tone. Another played an instrument that resembled drums, rhythmic yet primal. And the last played a wind instrument that produced the light, haunting sound, like a flute and violin combined.

  Altogether, the ensemble sounded strange, very alien, but nonetheless eerily beautiful.

  “Is your piano like our instruments?” Kirov asked her, leaning down to murmur in her ear as he guided her to one of the empty seats at the table set only for two.

  Lainey sat, looking at the musicians, and shook her head, “No. Not at all.”

  Kirov made no reply. He didn’t sit next to her, but he remained standing at her side. When she tilted her head up to gaze upon her male, her breath caught in her throat. His skin shimmered silver from the moon, combined with the blue orbs. He was bare-chested, like all of the males, his pierced dark nipples, his slabs of finely honed, scarred muscles on display, flesh that she’d licked and kissed endlessly the last couple days. His hair was tied back, his proud horns curving along his skull. His thick thighs were encased in his leather pants, which showed off his perfect, perfect ass.

  Mine, her mind whispered, warmth pooling between her thighs. God, she wanted him. There were hundreds of shirtless, ripped, warrior aliens around her and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from Kirov.

  Perfect male.

  Even the beautiful moon couldn’t capture her rapt gaze so completely.

  Kirov looked down at her, his nostrils flaring, and she knew he scented her arousal. Her face was level with his crotch and she saw his cock twitch in the tight confines of his pants. She bit back a grin.

  Kirov made a rough sound, but averted his gaze to the crowd. He raised a hand and immediately, the sounds quieted down, the musicians stopped playing, tapering their music off, until all Lainey could hear was the crackling of the fire pits that were sporadically placed throughout the gathering and the soft lapping of the lake behind her.

  Kirov spoke then, his deep, dark voice rising from him. Luxirian tumbled from his tongue, guttural yet beautiful, as he addressed his people, his outpost. She didn’t know what he said, but midway through, she heard luxiva, heard the crowd in front of them make exclamations of surprise, a few cheers going up among them, and Lainey’s breath hitched.

  Her male’s hand came to the back of her neck and she relaxed at his touch. He continued to speak and Lainey thought she could listen to him speak all day.

  When he finished, the cheers were deafening and Lainey looked to the crowd, seeing hundreds of faces peering at the both of them, in the light. Briefly, she caught the eyes of a femal
e, who was looking at her with veiled curiosity, tilting her head to the side. When Lainey smiled, the female looked away and melted back into the crowd, lost.

  The musicians started up again and Lainey looked back towards them just as Kirov sat down next to her. Immediately, a male approached them with a giant platter of meat and Kirov selected pieces from it, piling it onto her own plate before his own. Another male approached with more food, and then another, and then another, until Lainey’s plate was overflowing.

  “I won’t fit into this dress by the end of the night,” she warned Kirov, smiling at the female who held out a platter of something that looked like mashed potatoes, as he put more food on.

  When the female left and when Kirov waved away another male who approached with another platter, he turned to her and growled softly, “You will not need to wear it at the end of the night, female.”

  Lainey bit her lip, but Kirov selected a tender piece of marinated meat from her plate and held it up for her to bite.

  Aware that many eyes were still watching, Lainey parted her lips and Kirov fed her, leaning forward to lick a smear of it from the corner of her mouth. Blushing, she pulled back, hearing a loud laugh from somewhere in the middle of the gathering.

  “You are shy about this too?” Kirov asked, his tone teasing.

  “People are watching,” she said, her back straightening.

  Kirov laughed. “Luxirians enjoy three things, luxiva. Food, touch, and fucking. When there were more females among us, it was not uncommon for these gatherings to turn…carnal.”

  Lainey’s breath hitched in surprise. “Like orgies?”

  “Nix,” Kirov said, brows furrowing. “Luxirians do not share their mates. Luxirians are open about sex. It is not a shameful thing, but only pleasure partners would partake openly. Breeding partners and fated mates never did.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because Luxirians can also be jealous beings,” Kirov said, leaning into her to nip at her ear. She shivered when he growled, “I would not want other males’ eyes on you as I gave you pleasure. I would not want them to hear your cries. Just the thought makes me furious. Nix, that is only for me.”

  Lainey…liked that. Her pussy quivered just thinking about how intense he’d be if he got jealous and she feared she wouldn’t be able to make it through the whole celebration without soaking through the back of her dress.

  Thankfully, Kirov backed off, as if sensing her panic, and continued to feed her silently, watching her as she chewed. Every now and then, his eyes would stray to the feasting crowd, ensuring the celebration was operating smoothly. Many Luxirians were seated now, eating and talking and joking amongst each other. Lainey watched them too, her eyes shifting from one table to the other, studying them, watching the way they socialized, how they touched, how they interacted.

  It was lively, the atmosphere cheerful. Slowly, Lainey grew more and more comfortable, especially when she caught fewer and fewer eyes on her as the feast continued.

  “You always have a table to yourself?” Lainey asked quietly.

  Kirov’s hand came to her thigh underneath the table. “Nix. But I did not wish to overwhelm you tonight.”

  Lainey was touched by his thoughtfulness.

  “This way, you may observe and listen,” he continued, his eyes catching hers. “Though I confess, I wished to have you to myself this night.”

  Lainey grinned, which faltered slightly when his hand moved up her thigh slightly. No one would be able to see. Each table was draped in a white, shimmering cloth. Still, she caught his hand, squeezing, and Kirov chortled, returning his attention to their food.

  More food was brought out, though soon, Lainey couldn’t eat another bite. And once the platters began to disappear, the servers returned with jugs. Jugs of alcohol, Lainey assumed, as she watched Luxirians drain their silver goblets, as others around them cheered.

  “Luxirian Brew,” Kirov told her when he saw her eyeing her own goblet. It was filled to the rim with a dark-colored liquid, the color of black coffee.

  Beer, she decided, lifting the goblet to her lips after taking a sniff. Kirov watched her, something glinting in his eyes, snagging his own goblet and taking a deep drink.

  The liquid washed over her tongue as she took a healthy swallow and immediately her throat began to burn, the brew burning a path of fire to her belly.

  She held back her cough with everything in her, though her eyes watered and her voice sounded scratchy as she rasped, “That’s strong.”

  Kirov laughed. “Tev, the way we like it.”

  Almost immediately, her head went fuzzy, her muscles loosening as the alcohol hit her.

  Note-to-self, one sip of this stuff equals, like, four tequila shots, she thought.

  “I think I’m getting a little tipsy.”

  Kirov’s lips quirked. “Tev, female?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, smiling. “You could totally take advantage of me and I would really, really like that.”

  Kirov growled, but watched as she snuck another little sip from her goblet, the bitter taste much more pleasant the second time around.

  Suddenly, the music began to change, the drum becoming more prominent, drowning out the flute/violin noise. Luxirians stood from their chairs, grinning, flushed from the alcohol and their full bellies, and made room for a dancing area. Young females were snagged around the waists by young males and led to the dance floor, where they were joined by other couples.

  Lainey watched in fascination as they began to dance, though it was unlike any dancing she’d ever seen. It was…primal, aggressive, sensual. Soon, the dancing area was packed with couples, full of gyrating bodies and swaying hips.

  The drum grew louder, the beat more intense. Lainey’s breath hitched, feeling the pull of the music, feeling it throb inside her, wrapping around her core, heating it. Her nipples tightened as her breath grew more and more shallow.

  She could see how these celebrations turned carnal, as Kirov said. Watching the dancing, Lainey felt like a voyeur, though other Luxirians didn’t seem to be as affected by it. Older Luxirians, elders even, sat at the tables, happy and content to socialize. The younger Luxirians, however, watched. Most of the younger females were snatched up as the dancing continued, more and more couples joining.

  And every now and then, Lainey would catch an unclaimed female looking at Kirov and it made her stiffen.

  When she turned to look at him, his eyes were only on her and she couldn’t help but ask, “Have you danced at these celebrations before?”

  He blinked. “Tev.”

  Lainey returned her gaze to the dancing area, watched as a young male snuck his hand beneath a female’s dress, watched as her head tilted back, her lips parted in a silent moan. A moment later, the male led her off the dancing floor, into the forest of thick trees surrounding the lake.

  “Did you…” Lainey trailed off, jealousy piercing her. “Did you…”

  Kirov followed her gaze to the forest line. He understood her question and when he hesitated, Lainey inhaled a sharp breath, though she knew she had no right to be jealous.

  “Tev,” he murmured, bringing his hand to the back of her neck, tilting her face to look at him, only him.

  Lainey looked at Kirov, her blood throbbing in her veins, fierce jealousy surprising her with its intensity. He was hers. Yet, how many females in attendance had known him in a way she didn’t yet? He wouldn’t have sex with her, not until she committed to him. But it wouldn’t have stopped him from having sex with others that came before her.

  Looking at him, Lainey knew he would have had his pick of any of the unmated females in attendance. He’d probably never gone home alone after these celebrations. He’d probably had females approaching him before the celebration even began.

  Kirov rasped, “Does this anger you?”

  “Yes,” she said, reaching forward to take another sip of the brew. It fogged her head just a little bit more.

  “Does it make you jealous?”

  “Of course,” she hissed, feeling the brew burn down her throat.

  Kirov’s grin was dark and her eyes narrowed on him. Then he tugged her forward and she couldn’t help but gasp when he kissed her, dragging her onto his lap, for all to see. Lainey’s eyes fluttered closed, her hands immediately sinking into his hair, as his tongue stroked over hers. He tasted of the brew that made her mind fuzzy, that made her inhibitions loose, and her jealousy potent.

  When Kirov pulled back, he rasped, “I do not remember a female before you, luxiva. I cannot recall them. I am yours and you are mine.”

  Lainey’s fingers sunk into his hair deeper, liking his words entirely too much, dragging him back to her lips.

  Through their kiss, he continued with, “You will never touch another male but me and I will never touch another female but you. For the rest of our lives. You have nothing to be jealous of.”

  His words both soothed and frightened her. Soothed because she knew he spoke the truth, that he would never touch another female. Frightened because…well, she knew he spoke the truth. That for the rest of their lives, it would only be each other. Her mind, her body knew this even before Lainey herself had accepted it, which didn’t make sense. It baffled her.

  Or perhaps it was just the brew.

  Not wanting to dwell on it, she pulled back from his lips, caressing a finger over his horns, which made him purr. She’d learned the previous night that a Luxirian’s horns were sensitive, that it made Kirov crazed when she touched them…kissed them…licked them…sucked them.

  “Come on,” Lainey whispered in his ear. “I’m tipsy enough to dance. And I only want to dance with you.”

  Kirov’s brows climbed in interest, that crooked grin emerging that made Lainey want to jump his bones right there and then.

  “Lead the way, female,” he challenged.

  A challenge she accepted readily.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Kirov had never known torture as exquisite, as erotic, as tormenting as watching his female dance. As feeling her body move against his, as scenting her arousal in the air between them, as knowing that he could do nothing about it, not when he could not mate her, not when the whole of his outpost looked on.


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