Book Read Free

The Facilitator

Page 9

by Tracie Podger

  “Trust me,” he whispered.

  My words flowed back; I wanted that thrill of the possibility of being caught.

  “Trust me,” he whispered again.

  I let go of his hands, and while he continued to look at me, he raised my skirt to my waist. I saw him smile as one hand ran over my silk stocking top. He placed his hand between my thighs and the heat of his palm transferred through my panties. He gently drew his fingers back and forth.

  “Your team is sitting no more than four or five metres away,” he said. It was all I could do to nod.

  I’d felt the heat that started to build as he teased. I felt the wetness that started to soak into my panties. When he did too, he gave that half smile that showed the mischievousness in his face.

  I let myself relax slightly as he pushed my panties to one side and stroked across my opening. I closed my eyes and let it happen.

  “Shush, they’ll hear you,” he said.

  I hadn’t been aware of the moan that must have left my lips when he inserted two fingers.

  He stroked inside me, teased and pinched my clitoris, and all the time I had to bite down hard on my lip to keep quiet. He stood slightly to one side of me, his pelvis pushing into my hips. I could feel his erection, and I reached down, placing my hand over him. I heard him take a sharp breath in as I squeezed and used my palm to rub over the bulge in his trousers. I matched his pace, and when he moaned; I knew he was close.

  I placed my other hand on the back of his head, pushing his face towards mine, and kissed him. I forced his lips open with my tongue, I demanded, and I got. His fingers worked me faster, bringing me to my orgasm. The fact I couldn’t make a sound heightened the wave of heat that flowed over me, intensified the static that coursed over my skin. If I hadn’t been kissing him, I’m sure I would have cried out. I continued to rub my palm over his cock until I felt him shudder slightly and his body tense.

  When he withdrew his fingers from me, he placed them in his mouth and sucked them clean. If I hadn’t already come, I think I would have then.

  I startled at a knock on the door. Wide-eyed I looked at him. He took a step back and I shuffled my skirt back into place, taking large strides to reach my desk before perching on the edge.

  Mackenzie opened it. “Thank you, Jenny,” he said.

  Leaving the door open, he turned and walked towards me, holding two small cardboard containers of coffee.

  “Real coffee, not the shit you have here,” he said.

  “Thanks, Jenny,” I said, calling over his shoulder. She was standing in the doorway admiring the view as he walked away from her.

  She chuckled as she pulled the door closed and left.

  “Fuck, that was close,” I said, as my body sagged.

  “No, that was perfect timing.”

  “You sent her to get coffee? You knew what time she was coming back?”

  “Sure. What’s the point in experiencing the thrill of nearly getting caught, if you don’t nearly get caught?”

  “And what would have happened if I hadn’t come?”

  “You would have spent the rest of the afternoon frustrated, I guess,” he replied, as he took a sip of his coffee.

  “Or I could have just given myself an orgasm after you left?” I said, smirking at him.

  He did that half smile thing again and raised one eyebrow. “You’ll make yourself come while I watch, next time.”

  “Are you sure there will be a next time?”

  I felt a little shitty when I saw him blink rapidly a couple of times. Maybe he wasn’t as cocky as I’d thought.

  “That will be entirely your decision. You can always stop me.”

  “I wasn’t so sure about that earlier.”

  “You just say no.”

  Trouble was, I didn’t think I was capable of that. I was enjoying the ‘trysts,’ the surprise, not knowing when he’ll show up or what will happen. It was escapism and exciting, it had my heart racing, and my brain scrambled. He had my body humming with anticipation.

  “I have a meeting, one I tried to cancel but couldn’t,” he said, as he drained the small cup of coffee.

  I nodded, expecting him to turn and leave. Instead he took a step towards me, brushed a piece of hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear. He gave a soft kiss to my cheek and then he left.

  It was a couple of minutes later that I heard a knock on my office door.

  “It’s open,” I called out.

  Jenny came in holding two mugs of instant. I hadn’t the heart to tell her that since being introduced to the real stuff, I wasn’t sure I could drink it, but I took a sip anyway.

  “So?” she said.

  “So, what?”

  “You’re still with us?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “He had meetings with all the heads today. The gossip mill is churning, people are scared for their jobs.”

  “He didn’t mention anything about people losing their jobs. He’s getting to know everyone and see exactly what they do, that’s all. It’s quite normal,” I lied.

  Had he been in the building all day and it was just my ‘turn’ to be seen? I’d have liked to think he’d made a special effort.

  “And here are two of my favourite ladies,” I heard, as my office door opened. The only person who never knocked, and rightfully so, was Jerry.

  “Mmm, that smells nice,” he said. I handed him my coffee.

  “Jenny, if you want to head off a little earlier, you can,” I said, wanting her out of my office.

  “Cool.” She rushed from the room.

  “You okay?” Jerry asked.

  “Sure, what can I do for you?”

  I sat in my chair and he took the one opposite. “So, Mackenzie wants to buy me out, completely.”

  “He does? Why?”

  “He thinks I’ve taken it about as far as I can. He thinks he can do wonderful things if he merged this into one of his companies, or words to that effect.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “I’m tempted, to be honest. Remember you asked if I have any other ideas? Well, I think I’d like to take some time out and think up new projects.”

  “You don’t feel he’s manoeuvring you out, do you?” I said.

  “No, he was quite upfront, told me if I wasn’t interested nothing would change.”

  “Who would run the company? It’s not like he can do it day-to-day.”

  “Have you seen his ‘right hand man’? Mind you, I guess you wouldn’t have. Fucking stunning.”

  “His right hand man is stunning? Something you want to tell me?” I said with a smile.

  “His right hand woman then. I’d bang her in an instant, but I don’t think she’d go for me.”

  I shook my head. “And that’s why, my friend, you are single. You don’t bang anyone. So he has a female alongside him.”

  “I met her a couple of months ago. Gabriella. Even the name gives me a hard-on.”


  He laughed as he rested his feet on my desk, scattering my perfectly piled paperwork.

  “I’m glad you took the weekend off, I keep telling you, you work too hard.”

  “It was refreshing. Want to know something? I don’t work all the time because I’m busy, it’s to relieve the boredom. I’m stuck in an apartment, on my own for two days, it gives me something to do.”

  “You only have to call me.”

  “I’d love nothing better than to ring you and we go out for a meal, as friends. But I know you’ll try to hit on me and ruin it,” I said gently.

  “Fair enough. You know I am kidding when I do that shit, right?”

  “Oh, that makes me feel a whole lot better.”

  “You know what I mean. Dinner, tonight? I promise I won’t hit on you.”

  “You promise?”

  “Scout’s honour.”

  “You were never in the Scouts, but yeah, why not?”

  “Good. I’ll give you a shout when
I’m done. Maybe we’ll both leave on time.”

  I settled back and continued with work. I needed to organise a meeting with an advertising agency, but if Jerry was going to sell out, perhaps I should put everything on hold.


  “Where are we going?” I asked as I climbed into Jerry’s car.

  “Simpson’s In The Strand. They’ve got a great cocktail bar.”

  “I’m not sure I can stomach cocktails,” I said.

  “Yeah, what did you do to poor Sally, she was a shower of shit all day.”

  I laughed. “I think we drank a little too much on an empty stomach.”

  Despite the early hour, the restaurant was busy. It was the first time I’d had the opportunity of dining at Simpson’s. It was classically designed, all dark wood and chandeliers. We ordered our meal and I opted for water instead of wine.

  “So, what are you going to do?” I asked, referring to Mackenzie’s offer.

  “I think I’m going to take it. Will you come with me, in whatever I do next?”

  I paused before I answered. “I guess it depends on what you do. If I were you, I’d take a break first, before you decide. You’ve worked, what fourteen hour days, every day of the week, for how long?”

  “Too long. Maybe I’ll take a couple of weeks’ holiday somewhere.”

  “Jenny said Mackenzie met with all the heads today, I think some are wondering if they’re going to lose their jobs.”

  “If he merges then it’s possible, I guess. I’d feel a little shitty about that,” Jerry said.

  “You can’t. They’ve been paid well, ridden the ride, so to speak. You have to think about yourself.”

  “If I take his offer, I want to make sure your job is secure,” he said.

  “Jerry, don’t even worry about that. It’s time to think about you, no one else. I’ll be fine, whatever happens.”

  Inside a pang of anxiety started to rise. I could only afford the apartment because of my salary. Although Scott had been on the same pay grade as me, it had been my savings that had been used for the deposit. Which reminded me of something.

  “You did give Scott the divorce papers, didn’t you? I haven’t heard anything from my solicitor.”

  “I did, the bitch took great delight in telling me she’d have him sign and return them.”

  “I wonder if they’ll stay together.” It was more of a thought than a question.

  “I doubt it, he was seen out with another woman a couple of nights ago.”

  “Really? What a shit.”

  “Don’t feel any compassion for her, but yeah, a total shit.”

  We had both opted to forego starters and our main meals were placed on the table. For a little while, we ate in silence, comfortable enough in each other’s company to not have to make small talk.

  “You know, you look so different to just a couple of weeks ago. What really happened?” Jerry asked.

  “If I tell you, you have to promise me it won’t go any further. I’m trusting you, Jerry.”

  “I promise.”

  “I met someone. Well, it’s not a relationship, I don’t actually know what it is.”

  “Sex, it’s just sex, tell me I’m right?” he said with a laugh.

  “It’s just sex.”

  His mouth hung open. “I was kidding. Wow. Good for you, at least one of us is getting some.”

  “I’ve never done anything like this before, but it makes me feel, I don’t know, liberated.”

  “And what else?”

  “And shitty, slutty.”

  “You know, it’s only women that think they can’t have a relationship that’s just physical. If you know that’s all it is, and you don’t want more from him, then so what? It’s okay to have fun, Lauren.”

  “I know, but it’s more complicated than that.”

  “Any relationship is only as complicated as you make it. Relax, have fun, go with the flow, fuck Scott out of your system,” he said, laughing.

  “I think that’s what I’m doing.”

  “Then I’m jealous of this mystery man. Do I know him?”

  “No. I don’t think anyone knows him.” It wasn’t a lie; Mackenzie Miller was a mystery.

  “If it makes you feel good, Lauren, and it keeps that smile on your face and your eyes bright, then it’s not a bad thing. Just be careful that you don’t let feelings get in the way.”

  We continued with our meal, and as much as Jerry kept the smile on his face, it didn’t reach his eyes. I felt bad, but I had no one I trusted to talk about what was happening, and after this afternoon, I needed to talk.

  “That’s the problem, sometimes I like him, and other times I don’t. It’s all a game, exciting, but a game nonetheless.”

  “Does he want a relationship with you? Like, dates and all that?”

  “I don’t think so. Although, we've been out for lunch.”

  “If it’s bothering you, stop it.”

  As if it was that easy.

  “That’s the problem, I don’t really want to.”

  “Then quit moaning and just enjoy it,” he said with a smirk.

  I shook my head and laughed. We sat and chatted some more about work, about what holiday Jerry was to take, and the fact that he wanted to take his mum with him. We laughed and I enjoyed my time with him.

  “I need to get home,” I said. Whether it was the drunken night’s sleep the previous night or an orgasm mid-afternoon, all of a sudden, I was tired.

  Jerry paid the bill, waving away my insistence on contributing, and we headed out to his waiting car. He’d never learned to drive and living and working in London meant he hadn’t had to. But it was nice to not have to suffer the tube. His driver dropped me off home and I took the lift to my apartment collecting my mail on the way.

  Leaving the mail on the kitchen table, I headed for the shower. It was while I was sitting with a cup of tea that I opened the pile of letters. There were bills, and then there was a letter from the solicitor. My hands shook when I read that Scott wanted a division of assets organised before he signed the divorce papers. He wanted half the equity of the apartment, pensions, and savings. My savings.

  He’d brought nothing to the marriage. I was always the careful one, squirreling away money, even from my days doing a paper round. Why the fuck should he be entitled to any of it? Surely they’d have to take into account it was my money that put down the deposit. There wasn’t enough equity to buy another apartment in London, especially in Canary Wharf. Prices had skyrocketed, and sadly, I’d bought when property prices were at an unusually high peak. I’d hoped to sit on the apartment for another few years before having to sell.

  If he took half my savings, half the equity, I’d barely be able to afford a one-bedroom apartment in the suburbs. As for my pension? Why the fuck should he be entitled to half of that? Was I entitled to half of his? Didn’t one cancel out the other?

  My great evening had soured. I threw the letter on the table and headed for bed. As I lay there, I tried to calculate. The banks were on their knees, getting a mortgage was near on impossible. Then a thought hit me. Was this all the bitch’s idea? I wouldn’t let her get one penny from me.

  Sandra, her name was. She’d been the only real friend I had. We’d been in college together, and even back then it was clear she was in love with Scott. She’d often flirt and I wondered why I’d kept her as a friend. But back then, I was overconfident in our relationship, I guessed. When Jerry employed Scott, she soon followed. I hadn’t twigged at the time; I hadn’t been suspicious at all. She’d followed him around from job to job. Now I knew why.

  As I lay, a more worrying thought hit me. If Scott lost his job because of the merger, he’d be more desperate for money.

  Chapter Eight

  I didn’t see Mackenzie for a few days, and in one way I was glad. I spent hours on the phone with my solicitor and hours more moaning to Jerry. His solution was to get Scott bumped off. If only. I was going to be asked to complete a form with my s
avings and assets, but the solicitor assured me, she’d make sure the apartment deposit was taken out before any division.

  It was towards the end of the week that I finally heard from him.

  Hi, I’m out of town, in LA actually. Family issues. I have a birthday party to attend next weekend that I’d like you to accompany me to. Mackenzie’s text had said.

  I’m sorry to hear you have family issues. And that sounds lovely, thank you.

  I remembered that he was due to celebrate his forty-first birthday but couldn’t remember when. It hadn’t sounded like it was his birthday party.

  You’ll need a change of clothes. We’ll be away overnight.

  Oh! Did that mean we’d be staying in the same room together? Other than the first night, we hadn’t actually slept together and that hadn’t been intentional. Had I not fallen asleep, I’m sure I would have been doing the walk of shame a lot earlier than I had.

  Okay, if you can just let me know the dress code that would be great.

  Dressy for the Saturday evening, casual for Sunday.

  Well, at least that gave me an excuse, or maybe it was a curse since I hated shopping, to purchase a new dress.


  I waited until the Sunday afternoon before venturing to the shopping centre again. I’d thought it wouldn’t be as busy then, but it appeared a Sunday afternoon stroll with screaming kids around an exclusive shopping centre was all the rage. I ducked into a couple of the more upmarket stores and browsed. I’d rather spend a few hundred pounds on a dress and shoes than have to part with half to Scott. A couple of thousand pounds later, and shell shocked, I walked out with a gorgeous purple halter neck dress, matching shoes, and a new clutch.

  Mackenzie had said dressy, not black tie, so I’d opted for mid-calf, which I believed would cover all bases. When I got home, I tried the dress on again. I loved the way it hugged my curves, although the front of the dress may have been considered a little raunchy. I hoped the party wasn’t going to be full of old men. There were two strips of material that extended from the waist to fasten behind my neck. Those two strips of material left enough of a gap between them to expose my stomach and chest.

  I made a list and added tit tape to it. I booked hair and nail appointments for the Friday before.


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