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The Facilitator

Page 25

by Tracie Podger

  “Oh, fuck,” I said, as I started to pant.

  “Give me that lube,” he said. I reached for the tube and passed it behind me.

  I felt a cold trickle on my backside and he smeared it down the crack of my arse. I held my breath as he slowly inserted his finger.

  “Fuck,” I said, again as he pushed down.

  My stomach was fluttering, my heart racing. I gripped the bedding harder as he slid both the vibrator and his finger in and out of me.

  “I’m going to come,” I whispered.

  He did it again; he switched the vibrations higher and fucked me through an orgasm. I screamed out his name.

  “Now that is a word I like to hear,” he said, as he slowly removed his finger.

  When he’d pulled the vibrator from me, I could feel a trickle of cum run down my thigh. I tried to stand, he held me down.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” he said.

  He trailed one hand down my back and between my thighs, he inserted two fingers in me, twisting and pumping. I loved the feeling of the vibrator inside; I loved his fingers more.

  “I’m going to do something now, Lauren.”

  Before I could ask what, he brought the flat of his hand down on my arse cheek. For a second I was stunned into silence. I could feel the sting and then heat. My whole body heated up, my clitoris throbbed harder, and that sting seemed to have transferred to my very core; my pussy pulsed and my stomach flipped.

  “Jesus,” I cried out. “Oh God, again.”

  He brought his hand down on the other cheek and my legs shook. It hurt but as his fingers fucked me, it was a different hurt. It intensified all my senses. What was already pleasurable became heightened. I could feel every sweep of his fingers, and I could feel every slight movement as he flexed his knuckles. He rubbed his palm over my backside, soothing the sting.

  “Again,” I whispered.

  The third brought me to a shuddering orgasm that had tears roll down my cheeks.

  Mackenzie dropped to his knees, and while I came down from something that confused me, he licked and sucked every drop of my cum from me. He ran his tongue up my thigh, over my clitoris, sucking it into his mouth. He dug his fingers into my arse cheeks. My stomach ached, my legs felt heavy. When he’d taken every drop I could give him, he raised his face and very gently kissed my heated cheeks.

  He rose, leaning over me and wrapped his arms around my chest; he pulled me up, cupped one arm under my legs and lifted me. He laid me on the bed, face down.

  “Stay there,” he whispered.

  I heard him walk to his bathroom. He returned shortly after, and I felt a cold washcloth placed on my backside. He sat beside me, trailing a finger up and down my back. He removed the washcloth and then I felt a drop of something on each cheek. He gently massaged it in. The sting had gone, but I had no doubt my arse was as red as the cheeks on my face.

  He gently rolled me over; I covered my eyes with one arm. He pulled it away.

  “Talk to me, Lauren. Tell me how you feel.”

  “I shouldn’t have liked that,” I said.


  “I…” I looked at him. “I don’t know, maybe because it’s a form of punishment, and I’ve done nothing wrong. But…I loved it.”

  “Good,” he said with a smile.

  “It felt so wrong, but so…” I struggled to find the words.

  “I know,” he whispered.

  “Have you had that done to you?”

  “No, but like I’ve said before. I enjoy the reaction. To see you come so hard for me is amazing, Lauren. It’s an unbelievable feeling to know I can produce that for you. I can arouse you so much you come apart around me.” His voice had lowered to a whisper, and I could have sworn I saw tears in his eyes.

  He lay beside me, wrapped his arms around me, and held me tight. He kissed me so gently, so, dare I say it, lovingly.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  We lay in silence for a while.


  We seemed to be able to move around the kitchen in sync, there was no awkwardness; no ‘I don’t belong,’ feeling. Mackenzie cooked steaks and I set the breakfast bar.

  I’d taken a shower earlier, while he got on with some work and we’d decided on an early dinner. I liked watching him cook. He clearly knew what he was doing as he tenderised the steaks, added seasoning, and turned them briefly in a pan before placing them under the grill. I chopped salad; it was as much as he’d allow me to do.

  We sat and chatted as we ate. He told me about his home in America. He hated LA and wanted to sell it, he had a dream of living somewhere less populated but still on the beach.

  “I’ll take you to my mum’s, you’d love Cornwall,” I said.

  “That would be nice. I’d like to meet her and your brother.”

  I sipped on my cold white wine. “Can I ask you a question?” I said.


  “Is that the hardest you’ll hit me?”

  “I wish you wouldn’t use the word hit, but yes, for now.”

  “Is that the hardest you spanked Veronica?”

  “No. She liked it a lot rougher. Which is why I stopped all that a long time ago, Lauren.”

  “What does she do now?”

  “You remember the hooded guy? That’s her partner.”

  “What was he doing to that woman?” I remembered her being tied up with intricate knots.

  “Kinbaku, it’s called. It’s Japanese bondage.”

  “What does she gain from that?”

  He shrugged his shoulders slightly. “I guess it’s the ultimate restraint. She can’t move one muscle unless he allows it. He’s a master at what he does. He doesn’t speak and other than tying them, then comforting them, he doesn’t touch them either.”

  “So what does he gain from that?”

  “Control. He’s in complete control of her. I guess that’s where he gets his kicks. It’s not all he does, of course. With Veronica, he’s more intense. It would frighten you if I told you what they did.”

  “I think you might be right,” I said.

  “I know it would. It’s not something I’d be willing to let you experience, and I’d never want to watch you with another man, Lauren, ever.”

  “I don’t want to be with another man. What I want is with you. It’s because of you. I’d have never thought of any of those things had it not been you putting the question in my mind initially.”

  “Do you regret that?”

  His question took my by surprise, “Not for one minute. Like I’ve said, I’m scared that I won’t know when to stop, how far I’ll go, and what happens when it’s all over.”

  “What happens is entirely your decision, it always has been. You read about your Doms, which is all bullshit by the way, and you’ve seen a very, very small part of that life. But you need to understand, women are the ones in control, Lauren. You say how far you go, you decide what I can and can’t do. You control every aspect of what I do, whether you realise that or not.”

  “Are you a Dom?”

  He laughed; in fact he nearly choked and had to take a sip of his wine.

  “God, no. It’s a lifestyle choice, Lauren. I might be a dominant male but that’s through being a businessman and genetics, I guess. I’m a very sexual man, and there are elements of it I enjoy. I like to control your body, I like being the one encouraging you to explore. Maybe I am the way I am because of what I’ve been through.”

  “She hurt you, didn’t she?” I said softly, as I laid my cutlery down.

  “She did. It was the ultimate betrayal. Daniel and I were best friends, Lauren, when we were young. If she’d fucked a stranger, maybe it wouldn’t have hurt as much, but to have an affair, something that lasted a while, with my best friend? That’s unforgivable in my book.”

  “Was she going to pass off the child as yours?”

  “I guess so. I should have been honest with her in the beginning, but like I said before, I hoped something would have happened
, medically, and it would all be okay.”

  “Does it still affect you? Not having a child.”

  He thought for a moment before he answered. “It did, then I came to terms with it, now it’s on my mind. But I’d rather not talk about it right now.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he said with a smile.

  “When did we stop playing the game?” I asked, gently.

  He didn’t answer immediately. Right then would have been the perfect opportunity to bring up the us subject, but I didn’t, and neither did he. I stood and cleared the dishes. He reached out and grabbed my wrist as I went to talk away.

  “I was never playing, Lauren. I’m deadly serious,” he said.

  I smiled over to him, and then stacked the dishwasher.


  We spent the evening watching a movie. I curled into his side, and it felt good to just sit together and do something so normal, like a regular couple would.

  It felt even better to curl up naked, beside him, in bed and have him stroke my hair until I fell asleep. I wasn’t going to compare him to Scott. They were poles apart in everything.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I woke before him. He was lying on his side, facing me. I’d had the best night’s sleep I’d had in ages but had woken as the sun was rising. At first, I just looked at him. His dark eyelashes and hair, his slightly olive skin, made him look more European than American. I wondered what his heritage was. I gently climbed from the bed and put on his shirt. I walked downstairs and stood in front of the scariest coffee machine I’d ever seen.

  Can’t be that hard to figure out, I thought.

  After several attempts and many buttons pushed in the wrong sequence, I managed to make two cups of black coffee. Not that black coffee was my drink of choice, but I had yet to figure out how to add the hot milk. Instead, I added a splash of cold to mine. I took them back upstairs.

  As I sat on the edge of the bed, he stirred. He rolled to his back and opened his eyes.

  “Good morning, I managed to tame the coffee machine into submission,” I said, raising the cups.

  “Dressed like that, I’m surprised it didn’t fall to its knees and worship you,” he said, as he pushed himself into a sitting position.

  I handed him a cup of coffee. “Now this is something I could get used to,” he said as he took a sip.

  “Being brought coffee in bed?” I asked.

  “By you dressed only in my shirt. Do you have any idea how hot you look?”

  I laughed. My hair was a tangled mess, and I was sure I had mascara smudged under my eyes.

  I placed my coffee on his bedside cabinet and took his from his hands. I gently pulled back the sheets and straddled his lap. He held my hips.

  “I want to fuck you,” I said.

  “Then go ahead, I’m always ready for you.”

  I reached between my thighs and wrapped my hand around his cock, which hardened at my touch. I used the fingers on my other hand to tease myself. I loved that his pupils dilated, his eyes darkened. I loved to see his tongue gently swipe over his lower lip and his nostrils flare as he breathed in deep. For everything he’d said previously about his satisfaction at my reactions, I felt the same.

  His chest expanded, and he closed his eyes as his arousal took over him.

  “Look at me, Mackenzie,” I whispered. His eyes focussed on my hand.

  I rose slightly and inserted two fingers inside me, he gently moaned at what he saw. It wasn’t long before my fingers were coated, and I positioned his cock at my entrance. He hissed as I lowered.

  He grabbed my wrist pulling me forward slightly while he sat up. He sucked my fingers into his mouth, and I rode him hard.

  When he released my fingers, I placed both hands behind me, on his knees. He met my thrusts with his own, growling out my name as he did. I reached down and rolled his balls in one hand. The pace of his thrusts increased.

  “Come for me,” I whispered.

  I wanted to see if he could. If he could give in to his release when I asked. He did.

  His back arched off the bed, and I watched as his stomach muscles tightened, showing defined abs. I loved the body beneath me; I loved the man.

  I smiled as he slowly opened his eyes.

  “Fuck, Lauren. You didn’t come,” he said.

  “I don’t need to, I got as much pleasure watching you as you do watching me.”

  I slowly raised myself from him. I walked to his bathroom and grabbed some tissues, cleaning myself up before walking back and handing him some. He laughed at the gesture.

  “I didn’t want to drip all over your floor,” I said.

  He reached out his hand and pulled me down on top of him.

  “Listen to you now. Would you have said that a few weeks ago?”

  “No, I guess you’ve awoken something in me.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it.”

  He gently slapped my backside. “Move, I need my coffee.”

  I laughed as I rolled to the side. We sat side by side and drank.

  “I’m going to miss this, when you’re gone,” he said.

  “So am I.”

  “You don’t…”

  “Mackenzie, can we do one thing?” I asked, cutting him off. “I really want this weekend; in fact, I don’t want to wait until the weekend. Then we need to sit down and talk.”

  He looked at me and slowly nodded. I wasn’t sure on the meaning of the expression that flashed over his face. “I'll call Veronica, we’ll go this afternoon.”

  I smiled. “Thank you. It’s the last thing on my list. Well, second to last. There’s one other.”

  “And that is?”

  “I’m not telling you yet.”

  I tried to disguise the wave of sadness that rolled over me. One more night.


  Mackenzie was a little quieter than normal as we each packed an overnight bag. I was both sad and excited. I was going to tell him I’d fallen in love with him, and then it was his choice what to do with that. I’d resigned myself that whatever we had might be over, and I’d have to assure him that I could still work for him and not let my feelings get in the way. Or that was the lie I was trying to convince myself of.

  What I did do, and whether this was for purely selfish reasons or not, I sent a quick email to the solicitor and asked her to put forward the proposal to Scott. She hadn’t discovered who had sent the money, but would investigate via the banks. I wanted my divorce to be concluded quickly. I wanted to move on with my life, whatever path that was about to take. But I still wanted to know who my benefactor was.

  “You’re quiet,” I said, as we drove to Surrey.

  “Am I? Just thinking, that’s all.”

  “Anything you want to share?”

  He turned and smiled at me. “It’s been amazing to see you change so much.”

  Was that the start of our parting? “You’ve done that, Mackenzie.”

  He slowly nodded his head. “What an idiot,” he whispered.


  “That car, behind us.”

  I looked at him as he glanced in his rearview mirror. The side mirror wasn’t positioned so I could see if there was a car behind us.

  “Will you make these couple of days special for me?’ I asked.

  “I’ll make them the best you’ve ever had.”

  He focussed his attention on the road, but he did take one hand from the steering wheel and clasp it around mine. I held on tight and looked out the side window so he wouldn’t see my tears.

  The journey was too short and I soon noticed the house come into view. I wanted just a little more time alone with him. As before, the valet stepped forward and retrieved our bags from the boot and the car keys from Mackenzie. Veronica opened the door. She smiled in greeting.

  “It’s good to see you again,” she said. “I have the cottage ready for you.”

  She handed over a key and gestured with her arm fo
r us to lead the way. The valet followed behind with our bags. Mackenzie opened the cottage door and allowed me to step through first. I felt immediately at home.

  “I have what you requested set out for later. Shall I reserve a table for dinner first?” Veronica said.

  “Yes, an early dinner, six o’clock,” Mackenzie answered in clipped tones.

  Veronica frowned ever so slightly.

  “Is there anything else I can get you?” she asked.

  “No,” he replied.

  She nodded at him and turned to walk away. “Thank you, Veronica,” I called after her.

  “I think I’ll take a shower,” Mackenzie said stripping off his shirt as he walked to the bathroom.

  As Veronica closed the door, she looked at me; I shrugged my shoulders.

  I decided to open the wine that was cooling in an ice bucket, I needed a little Dutch courage, the enormity of what I’d asked for, what I was about to witness and receive started to dawn on me. Maybe Mackenzie was off because he was getting in ‘the zone.’

  I sat on the sofa and twirled my glass between my fingers. It wasn’t long before Mackenzie walked back in with just a towel around his waist.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  He smiled at me, “Yes, do you want to pour me one?” Maybe his shower had washed away his sour mood.

  He sat as I did. I handed over his wine and he turned slightly towards me. He raised his glass, clinked it with mine.

  “No sleep, Lauren. For the next twenty-four hours you are completely mine, every minute, every second. You’ll only do as I say, not ask, say.”

  My stomach did a triple flip, worthy of a score of ten, had it been off a diving board.

  “Are you ready for that?” he added. It was all I could do to nod.

  “Do we need a safe word?” I asked; my voice had raised an octave.

  “I’ll know when you can’t take anymore. If I miss that, which is unlikely, you just tell me to stop.”

  I nodded again. “What are you going to do?” I whispered.

  “Everything I think you can handle. I get this one opportunity, Lauren, this last opportunity, to tick it all off my list, and yours.”

  He rose and strode towards the bedroom, not giving me a chance to answer.


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