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The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter

Page 29

by Saxon Andrew

  Dean blew out a hard breath and moved the Speeder away from his position. He stopped fifty-miles away and waited, “Computer, did you intercept what that ship said?”

  “I did. It said there was an intruder inside their lines. It did not mention your request.”

  Dean shook his head, “Let’s try another ship closer to the planet.”

  • • •

  Two-days later, Dean was past frustration. None of the ships he contacted would pass his message on and he knew time was growing short. Ginger and the Kell Ship would be arriving soon and they would be attacked if no progress was made. A day later, he had enough. He decided to tell this civilization what he thought about it and he flew the Speeder into the planet’s atmosphere and moved above the largest city on the surface. He increased the power of his communicator and said, “I’ve had it with you idiots! I’ve tried everything I can to warn you of the Alien Species coming to attack your civilization! I hope they do enslave your civilization; maybe you’ll learn then to listen to someone attempting to help you!!”

  He began moving the Speeder as hundreds of warships flashed into orbit above the huge city. They couldn’t fire at the Speeder without hitting the city below it.


  “Great-One, we will handle this intruder!”

  “Shut-up! What is this about an attack?”

  “I’ve spent the last three-days asking your fleet to allow me to communicate with the Leaders of your civilization about an aggressive species that is preparing to invade your planets and enslave your populations. All it’s gotten me is blasters fired at my vessel. I hope you enjoy them when they arrive. I’m done with this foolishness.”

  “Ganal, is what this this being’s saying true? Has he been requesting to communicate with me?”

  “Great-One, he’s an intruder and we will remove him!”

  “This Alien my military forces has been chasing and done an awful job against, I want to know what you’re talking about.”

  “A year-ago, a planet in the same spiral arm your civilization is in was attacked by a species called the Paben. My scouts saw the attack and were forced to flee. Unfortunately, they fled this way to prevent leading the Paben back to my civilization. The moment they saw your planets, they stopped attacking the planet and withdrew to prepare to attack your civilization first. They view you as the real danger to their plans to conquer this spiral arm.”

  “Do you have any proof about what you’re saying?”

  “A representative from the planet that was attacked is on the way here to show you recordings of the attack and tell you what you’re up against. They’ll arrive in another two-days and I’m going to call the meeting off because of your aggressive behavior. They’ll arrive to help you and be killed for the effort. You’re as bad as the Paben!”

  There was a long moment of silence and then Dean heard over the frequency, “Granal, you will have the commander of every Warship that this being contacted requesting an audience to report to my Security Commander immediately.”

  “But Great-One, they were only defending you!”

  “You will report there as well. It’s clear that you knew about this happening and chose not to inform me about it. Turn the command of our forces over to your Second and leave immediately!”

  “But there’s no proof this being is being honest!”

  “There’s also no proof he’s not and you chose to ignore what could be a danger to the Combine. Security Gosnel on Ganal’s vessel.”

  “Yes, Great-One.”

  “You will arrest the Granal and have him executed.”

  “Yes, Great-One.”

  “And if those warship commanders don’t start moving, order your subordinates to execute them as well.”

  Dean quickly said, “They were only following their orders.”

  “And put our species in danger by doing it. I don’t have Ship Commanders, who only follow orders. They’re there to use their minds and it’s clear these did not. Granal, are you in command now?”

  “I am, Great-One.”

  “You will escort this ship that is coming to meet with me directly to the planet when it arrives. And do you want to land your ship and meet with me?”

  “I’d prefer to meet the Kell, let them know it’s safe to come here, and escort them in myself, if that meets with your approval.”

  “It does. I have some questions about what your scouts were doing when they stumbled in on the attack.”

  “We were looking to see if there is a danger to my civilization in this spiral arm.”

  “So, you’re not located in this arm?”

  “No, but the Paben will show up at our door in the future and we believe it’s better to confront them now than wait for them to grow in power.”

  “We’ll discuss this.”

  “There is a way for you to prove this,” Dean replied.


  “Send some ships directly across the gap to the Spiral Arm closer to the Galaxy’s Center. That is where the Paben are gathering their forces. I believe they will destroy whatever ships you send but when they don’t come back you’ll know something is happening.”

  “Why do you think they’ll be destroyed?”

  “The Paben have scanners that can see two-light-years. They’ll see your ships coming and vector in one of their fleets. They’ve been scanning your planets for the last year.”

  “Do you expect me to believe they can scan two-light-years?”

  “I’ll take one of your leaders up and show the Paben Scouts to you on my scanner. We stole the technology from one of their scouts and they are out there. I don’t know how much longer before they launch their invasion.”

  “And you don’t think I have enough warships to stand up to them.”

  Dean pulled up the images collected by the Scouts watching the Paben and said, “I’m sending you the images my Scout Ships have collected of their preparations; you tell me if you are.”

  Dean pressed send and a few moments later heard, “Bring the ship directly here as soon as it arrives.”

  “I will do so.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Dean pressed his communicator, “How far out are you?”

  “We’ll arrive in another eight-hours.”

  “I’m going to escort the Kell to the planet where we will meet with their main leader.”

  “Did you run into any problems?”

  “Nothing out of the ordinary. I will need you to make a trip.”


  “I want you to take one of the Sagin out to take a look at the Paben Scouts. I’m pretty sure they might be thinking that it is one of our ships and they need to know what’s going on.”

  “It wouldn’t take that much longer to just go show them the Paben Fleets.”

  Dean hesitated and said, “If that’s what it takes, then do it. But hopefully, it won’t come to that. I’m starting a beacon for you to home in on. How’s it going with the Kell?”

  “I think they were suspicious as well when they started this trip but I think they’ve come around. I’ve shown them our scouting reports and they do recognize the Paben Warships.” Ginger hesitated, “Dean, you know we’ve not been given orders to do this.”

  “I know, but they’ll see it’s the right thing to do.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Do you have doubts?”

  “I do. Rory may not see this as a problem and something we’ll just face in the distant future.”

  “I hope you’re wrong about that, Honey.”

  “I’ve picked up your beacon. We’ll arrive there shortly.”

  • • •

  Dean and the Kell representatives went to the planet and Jeffery remained behind, while Ginger took a Military Advisor with her to see the Paben Scouts. “Your Great-One has a tremendous level of power in your civilization,” Ginger said to the Advisor.

  “The Great-One is not chosen by accident. The candidat
es for the position are monitored and tested from the time they are children and anyone who has a drive to attain power are eliminated early on. The Great-One is chosen for his superior decision making skills and a real desire to keep our planets safe from outside aggression.”

  “You’ve been attacked before?”

  “We have and we learned from the experience. I have to tell you that I really doubt what you’re telling us.”

  Ginger sighed, “Well, you just made this trip longer. I’m taking you to where the Paben are gathering their forces first and we’ll look at the Scouts when we come back.”

  “It could take weeks to cross the gap to the other Spiral Arm.”

  “We’ll get there faster than that but I think it’s the only way for you to really understand what you’re facing.” Ginger went to maximum-speed and the Advisor was shocked at the speed that they were passing stars.

  • • •

  “Have you seen enough?”

  The Advisor shook his head, “You mean there’s more?”

  “Another hundred-planets or so. All of them look the same as the ones you’ve seen. There’s huge fleets of shuttles moving materials from the planet’s surfaces to the warships in orbit.”

  “What I’ve seen already is frightening enough. And you’re certain they’re preparing to attack my civilization?”

  “Let’s go take a look at the Scouts keeping an eye on your main planet. All ten of your worlds have scouts scanning them but we need to get back; we’ll just take a look at the ones outside your main system.

  Two-days later, Ginger showed him three-Paben Scouts outside the main-planet’s system before she launched a guided-power-spike at each of them. All three exploded and Ginger said, “They’re going to send more but this might slow them down some.”

  The Advisor remained silent. His species was in great danger. They arrived back at the Government Center and walked in on a meeting where there was an argument about the validity of Dean’s claims. The Great-One looked up and said, “What took you so long?!”

  “We went and looked at the forces preparing to invade.”

  The Great-One stared at him and the Advisor walked forward and inserted a device into his panel. “I think you should look at this.”

  The Great-One looked around the room and activated the device. A large display above his desk illuminated and everyone stared at the monitor. “I’ve taken out the time we spent moving from planet-to-planet but I think you can see that a major invasion is being planned. My pilot says that there are a hundred more planets we didn’t go to view and I believe her. The thing that convinced me they are coming here is the three-scout vessels she destroyed a light year outside this planetary system. They are going to attack us and we will be heavily outnumbered.”

  The Great-One continued to stare at the wall display and turned if off after an hour. He turned to Dean and shook his head, “What can we do about this?”

  “I’m going to give you a blueprint of a weapon we call a Guided-Power-Spike; it was the weapon used to kill the Paben Scouts. I suggest you start building it immediately and modify your warships to fire it.” Dean looked at Ginger, “Did you intercept any of their communications?”

  “I transferred the Paben Language Program from one of our Scouts keeping an eye on them and he says all they’re talking about is launching in about six or seven-months. I also heard them saying the same thing.”

  Dean looked at the Kell representatives and the Great-One, “You know how long you have to get ready. I wouldn’t waste any time.” Dean looked at the Kell Leader, “I’m giving you the same diagrams and you need to prepare your fleets to come here to meet them.”


  “They left when they could have conquered you. They’ll go back to handle your civilization after they finish here. I think you’d be better served to stop them here.”

  “Are you going to bring your forces to assist us?” the Great-One asked.”

  Dean stared at the small, dark green colored alien. He was only a little taller than four-feet and his species had to evolve from a reptile. His small hands still had retractable claws and his skin had the grainy look of an alligator. His snout was short and his eyes were on the sides of his head. He had no tail; evolution decided somewhere along the way that it didn’t serve a purpose and it disappeared. “I’ll come back and let you know.”

  “What do you mean by that?!”

  “I’ve not discussed this with my Commander. I came here to warn you and see what the Paben were up to. I feel he’ll approve sending our Fleet to assist you.”

  The Kell Leader was agitated. He stood about seven-feet tall with a tight coat of white fur covering his body. Who knows what his species evolved from? Eight-fingers on each of his giant hands were constantly in motion and his large yellow eyes were never more than slits. “I’ll be back quickly to set up our defenses. However, both of your civilizations need to start manufacturing the Power-Spikes.”

  The Great-One looked at the Kell, “Perhaps we should discuss a mutual defense agreement before you leave. We’ll have to assume it will just be us to take them on. If this species were going to help us, they would have already made the decision.”

  The Kell nodded, “I must agree with you.”

  Dean exhaled sharply and said, “I’ll be back in three-weeks.” He looked at Ginger and Jeffery and walked toward the exit. The Great-One said, “However this turns out, I thank you for the warning.”

  Dean nodded and left the room. Ginger and Jeffery followed him out. They went to their Speeders and left the planet. Ginger looked over her shoulder at Jeffery as she activated her star-drive and accelerated behind Dean’s Speeder, “You’ve been rather closed-mouthed during all of this.”

  “I’m not authorized to speak for the Colonies. I don’t want to write a check that can’t be cashed.”

  Ginger sighed, “That is wisdom beyond your years, Jeff. I hope we haven’t made that mistake here.”

  “Are you doubting the Colonies will come and fight?”

  “I wish I weren’t, but yes, I am.”

  “That course will only make the eventual confrontation worse.”

  “Like I just said, you’re wise beyond your years. Maybe I’m just being pessimistic. Let’s hope for the best.”

  “If the Colonies don’t agree, I think you need to leave out that you gave them some of our weapon technology.”

  “Dean won’t do that. He should…but he won’t. He’s just honest to a fault. I love him for it but it gets him in trouble with others.”

  “This should prove to be interesting.”

  “Tell me about it, Jeff. I do know that Dean won’t back off helping them. Oh well, we’ll see soon enough.”

  • • •


  Dean stood at attention in front of Rory and said, “I thought I was doing it on your authority, Sir.”


  “Sir, you told me several times during the war with Earth that as soon as it was resolved I needed to go over to the Corina Spiral Arm and see what could be done.”

  “I told you to go and look around not agree to send our fleet or give them our weapons. Are you out of your mind!?!”

  “Sir, we must do this. Look at the Paben forces and know that we will be ultimately facing them.”

  “Not for thousands of years and I’ve just lost thousands of my sailors fighting Earth’s forces. I will not send them out to die again! You are suspended from your Command while I discuss what disciplinary action to take against you. You’re dismissed!”

  “But, Sir.”


  Dean saluted and walked out of the conference room. He walked out the door and saw Ginger and Jeffery leaning against the wall waiting for his appearance. “How did it go?” Ginger asked.

  “The Admiral is an idiot! I’m suspended pe
nding a court martial.”

  “That good, huh.”

  Dean glared at Ginger and then smiled. He started laughing and said, “Yes, that good.”

  “Would it help if I talked to him?” Jeffery asked.

  “Only if you want your hair burned off your head from the heat in that room. Let’s go decided what we’re going to do.”

  “What can we do?”

  “If all else fails, mutiny, revolution, revolt…I don’t know. He’s being so short-sighted.”

  Jeffery tilted his head, “I know my Knights want to go and get in the fight. Do you think he would approve that?”

  Dean sighed, “Now is not the time to ask; trust me on that. Let’s go to the cafeteria and give me some time to lick my wounds.” Ginger took his hand and they walked away.

  Jeffery remained behind and tried to walk away but just couldn’t do it. Finally, he knocked on the door and heard, “ENTER!!” Jeffery pulled his shoulders back and walked in. “WHAT DO YOU WANT?!”

  “Sir, I know you are not willing to send the Fleet to assist those civilizations but I want you to consider allowing my Knights to go and fight with them. I also know the surviving Zombies also want to go and make their lives count for something.”

  “GET OUT OF HERE!!!” Jeffery turned and quickly walked out. Dean was right. This was not the Admiral he knew. He hoped Dean wouldn’t be shot.

  Rory sat at his console and decided that at the very least, Dean Hamlin was out of the Navy. He had a lot of nerve doing this and had to be punished for his stupid, idiotic behavior. He slammed his fist on the console and sat back forcefully in his chair. The Colonies were not going to fight again under his command. The only way that would happen would be for them to be attacked; they were not going out looking for another fight. He took a deep breath and saw his reflection on his monitor’s dark screen. He stared at his face and saw something familiar. He breathed deep and blew the air out forcefully.

  He finally brought his rage under control and glanced at his communicator. He thought about it and said, “Computer, connect my panel to a wide-general frequency.”


  Rory said, “Are you two still watching what’s going on.”


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