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My Beginning With Mr. Darcy [Book One]

Page 29

by Lauren King

  “Thank you, Aunt.” Darcy responds satisfyingly.

  “Let us have a drink to congratulate Darcy here.” Richard says merrily.




  Elizabeth and Jane make sure that their gowns for tonight are exactly the way they have envisioned it so they will look their best. They remain indoors today to be well rested for Sir Thomas’ Ball. Elizabeth had told her Uncle that she could go into his office for a few hours today to keep up the current accounting for his business. However, he said that she should take these days off to enjoy herself and then help him after Christmas.

  By half past seven o’clock, Darcy and Georgiana arrive at the Gardiner residence. They are early because Georgiana wants to help Elizabeth and Jane if they need it.

  Once the sisters are done dressing, Elizabeth takes one last look at her entire ensemble to make sure everything is where it should be. She is wearing Aunt Madeline’s gold flower necklace, earrings, and bracelet; it is modest looking. Elizabeth knows that the ladies at this ball will be in their best gown, wearing their best jewelry. She does not have any other significant jewelry to wear other than William’s magnificent engagement ring, thus it will have to do. She is utterly content with her engagement ring. She could not ask for anything more than that; it looks exquisite no matter what else she wears. It is a shame that her ring will be hidden under her gloves most of the night until she has a late supper at this ball. That will be the only time that she will take off her gloves.

  Elizabeth enters the drawing room to greet William before Jane comes down. She is sweetly surprised to see that William looks even more handsome and debonair in his black suit tonight. How could he have gotten more handsome since yesterday? She stares at him shyly but with pleasure. She hopes that he likes her gown and that she looks befitting of him. She slows her entrance as she comes close to William. She stops about four feet away from him to greet him with a most elegant curtsy.

  Darcy eyes are locked on Elizabeth. Lord! She is a vision of sublime beauty. Goodness gracious; he has never reacted so strongly to any other young lady before. Only Elizabeth brings forth these emotions from him. He is glad that they are betrothed already; otherwise, he would have many potential competing suitors to beat off.

  Darcy approaches Elizabeth and extends his hand towards her; she reaches for it instantly. He kisses her left hand delicately, but he makes certain that she feels his tongue quickly touch her hand. He boldly sucks her skin before letting go. He hears her lightly gasp at his action, and he is pleased to see her entranced eyes upon him while she blushes prettily. Even her hands smell like roses. Lord, he is going to have to concentrate on non-intimate thoughts of Elizabeth. It is going to be an arduous night of sweet torture.

  “You look absolutely stunning, dearest. You are so beautiful that I do not think I want to share you with anyone tonight.” Darcy continues to gaze at Elizabeth with great pleasure.

  Elizabeth’s light yellow gown is embellished with clear and gold crystals which make it sparkle under the candle light. Her décolletage is extremely enticing that Darcy has to focus at not gazing directly at it – sweet torture, indeed! He knows that every man they come across tonight will admire her. He is filled with pride that everyone will soon know that she is his beautiful betrothed. She will be his lovely wife for his entire life.

  Elizabeth bashfully smiles and then looks down at her hand that is still being held by William. He gently tilts her chin upward so she looks directly at him, and then he states, “You are enchantingly beautiful, dearest.”

  “Thank you, darling. You are extra handsome tonight.” She smiles beguilingly.

  Darcy smiles roguishly and then determinedly says, “I will not let you out of my sight tonight.”

  Her captivating smile brings forth an urge to kiss her lips, but he cannot be that forward yet even though they are already betrothed –soon he shall kiss those delectable lips! She is innocent to the affections between a betrothed couple; therefore, he does not want to frighten her with his fervency. Hopefully, Elizabeth will be more comfortable and will not mind his forwardness as time progresses between them. They will be married soon, thus kissing each other on the lips is not scandalous especially if they do it in private. That reminds him that they need to decide on a wedding date because he does not want to wait too much longer.

  “I do not want to be out of your sight tonight or ever.” Elizabeth states boldly with the most inviting eyes. It is the truth; she only cares for him, and she will care for him forever.

  Darcy savors her words. “You never cease to amaze me, dearest. I love you infinitely. I could only be happier if we are already married.” Darcy places another opened-mouth kiss on her hands again. He lightly sucks them and nips them playfully. He is overjoyed that she allows his intimate gesture.

  “I feel the same way, darling. I love you.” Elizabeth says demurely.

  Once he straightens up, he reaches for the jewelry box sitting on the accompanying sofa table and holds it in front of Elizabeth. “I have an engagement gift for you. I would like for you to wear it tonight.”

  With sweet surprise Elizabeth exclaims, “Darling, you are too generous. Thank you!”

  Darcy opens the jewelry box in front of Elizabeth, and she is astonished by the beauty of the jewels sitting royally in the case. Simultaneously, she gasps at their splendor. The necklace, bracelet, and earrings are made up of alternating small round diamonds set in the shape of a small flower and large round rubies. The broach is in the shape of a rose, and the hair comb has rubies and diamonds encrusted on it. It is incredible that these belong to her now. His generosity is beyond anything she could ever have imagined.

  “Do you like them?” Darcy asks with hope.

  “Unquestionably, sweetheart!” Elizabeth caresses his cheek. “Thank you so very much! They are breathtaking; I am entranced by their exquisiteness.” Elizabeth radiates pure joy.

  “Would you like me to help you put them on?”

  “Yes, please; thank you.” Elizabeth responds joyously.

  At this moment, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner walk into the drawing room. They cheerfully greet Darcy and everyone is happy for the holidays.

  “Aunt, you look very elegant, and Uncle you are very debonair looking yourself.” Elizabeth praises with a big genuine smile.

  Both Uncle and Aunt cheerily chuckle at their niece’s compliment. “Oh, thank you, Lizzy. You look stunning, indeed, and Mr. Darcy is very handsome.” Mrs. Gardiner praises merrily.

  “I would not take my eyes off of Lizzy tonight, Mr. Darcy.” Mr. Gardiner teases and then chuckles.

  Both Darcy and Elizabeth look at each other with a smile remembering that Darcy had said the same earlier. Darcy chuckles joyously and then says decisively, “I do not intend to, Mr. Gardiner.”

  “Aunt, look at William’s exquisite engagement gift to me.” Elizabeth beams as she shows Mrs. Gardiner the jewelry.

  Mrs. Gardiner comes to look and offers to help put them on for Elizabeth. When Jane and Georgiana walk into the drawing room, they delightedly approach Elizabeth to see her gift.

  “Jane, Georgie, look at William’s engagement gift to me. Are they not the most beautiful jewels?” Elizabeth beams blissfully.

  “They are remarkable, Lizzy.” Jane exclaims excitedly.

  “They are so beautiful, Lizzy.” Georgiana proclaims, and then she says, “Brother, these look similar to Mother’s sapphire set.”

  “Yes, they do. I had these made for Lizzy. That sapphire set is Mother’s gift to you when you come out.”

  Elizabeth listens to the exchange between brother and sister. They will become her family, and she is extremely glad that she will have such a kind sister-in-law. She is even more pleased that she will have the best husband any young lady could ever wish for. Her dreams for a handsome, loving husband will come true, after all.

  “They look lovely on you, Lizzy.” Georgiana states gaily.

/>   “Thank you, Georgie.” Elizabeth answers gleefully, and then she looks at William with love in her eyes directed solely at him.

  Darcy smiles back at Elizabeth’s gaze upon him. He stands there absorbing Elizabeth’s excitement and pleasure at all the compliments that she is given. She deserves them all. After everyone is assured that Georgiana will be fine with the children, they leave in two separate carriages for the Christmas balls.

  William walks proudly with Elizabeth on his arm into the opened foyer of Sir Andrew Thomas’ grand home. Jane walks next to Elizabeth with Mrs. Annesley beside her. They all are greeted by Sir Thomas and Lady Thomas in the receiving line. Darcy introduces everyone, and is especially happy to introduce Elizabeth as his betrothed. Elizabeth notices Lady Thomas’ slight surprise when she hears that Elizabeth is William’s betrothed. Lady Thomas recovers instantly and then graciously congratulates Darcy and Elizabeth on their upcoming nuptials.

  Elizabeth notices that Lady Thomas is very pretty for a lady who is forty years old. Her voice is appealing; her smile is attractive. She is dressed elegantly, to say the least. Her hair is done up stylishly for her age. Her jewels are brilliant and impressive – definitely very becoming of a titled lady. Elizabeth can imagine that many ladies – young and old – may feel inadequate standing with Lady Thomas. Sir Thomas is four and forty years old, and he is quite handsome for a man his age. They look like a fitting couple. William told Elizabeth that they have four adult children – three sons and one daughter. Mischievously, Elizabeth wonders if their daughter is old enough to be out yet and whether they have ever tried to introduce their daughter to William.

  Inside the large ballroom, it is already occupied with many excited people talking to each other in small groups. Elizabeth and Jane have never been to such an extravagant ball before. Elizabeth remembers that the Allston’s Ball in October was very nice, but this ball is grander. The guests are all dressed luxuriously with the intent to impress. Elizabeth breathes with relief that hers and Jane’s gowns are comparable; Aunt Madeline had the foresight to request their gowns be made suitable for a grand ball, and Mrs. Templeton did an outstanding job. Elizabeth does not feel conspicuous in a bad way. Minimally, her jewels are comparable to the other ladies of significance, here. She does not really care, in any case, because her jewels come from William’s heart; that is what she values more. It just so happens that William’s taste is very refined and elegant; therefore, she is not worried about not being fitting.

  Elizabeth notices that everyone they pass looks their way with much apparent curiosity. Everybody must be reacting to the surprising news that William is betrothed. William is a well sought after bachelor, thus she can imagine the information that will circulate tonight. She understands that she will be under scrutiny for her suitability to be Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy.

  William guides them to an area near a few chairs and the balcony terrace. They speak with each other for a bit before Richard shows up and joins their group. Richard compliments on how beautiful both Elizabeth and Jane look tonight. The ladies thank him nicely, and then he requests a set with both ladies. She is overjoyed to be here with William; she does not care if she dances or not. She just wants to be with him. She has been excited and eager to spend this evening with him. The more she hears him introducing her as his betrothed, the more she realizes that it is all real – not a fanciful dream of hers. She truly is engaged to a most wonderful, caring, loving, intelligent, brave, handsome gentleman.

  Elizabeth turns to look directly and intently at William signaling that she wants to tell him something in private. William moves slightly closer to her and bends his ear towards her.

  Very quietly Elizabeth says, “I want to tell you that I am most delighted to be here with you, darling. I do not want to be anywhere without you.” Elizabeth smiles her bright, alluring, loving smile at him as he pulls away to look directly into her eyes. She knows she should not address him so informally in public and say such intimate things to him, but since no one can hear them, she used her term of endearment and expressed her love for him.

  Darcy breathes deeply to control his feelings for Elizabeth; she does not know how she affects him with her innocent declarations. He would never think of declaring his feelings to his betrothed in a ballroom, but he cannot withhold his ardor, so he bends to her level again and says just loud enough for her to hear. “I love you, Lizzy.” He looks at her fixedly until they both gaze at each other with an affectionate smile and understanding. With filled hearts, they embark onto another subject to calm their ardor.

  Darcy has never been satisfied with anyone as he is with Elizabeth; everything she does is gratifying to him. Lord, they need to talk about their wedding date. As Darcy is talking to Elizabeth and Jane, a gentleman approaches them. Darcy recognizes that it is Albert Morgan – one of his old friends from Oxford. After they cheerily greet each other, Darcy makes the introductions.

  “Miss Elizabeth, Miss Bennet, I would like to introduce to you my friend Mr. Albert Morgan. He is an old friend from my Oxford days. Morgan, this is my betrothed, Miss Elizabeth Bennet and her elder sister, Miss Jane Bennet.” Darcy states proudly and happily while gazing at Elizabeth.

  All the general courtesies are conveyed, and then Morgan joyfully congratulates the couple’s betrothal. Morgan is clearly astonished at Darcy’s engagement announcement because it is well known how sought after Darcy has been all these years; it seemed like no young lady was good enough for Darcy. Apparently, Miss Elizabeth must be one special young lady to have captured him. Morgan wonders if this is a love match or a marriage of convenience. From his observations of the way the couple looks and reacts to each other, Morgan guesses this to be a love match. Amazing; he wonders where Darcy met Miss Elizabeth because he does not remember seeing the beautiful Miss Elizabeth at any recent balls or even last season. He cannot believe that he would have missed such a beautiful young lady and her sister.

  Morgan remains to chat with Darcy and his group for a few minutes before he asks for a set with Miss Elizabeth and Miss Bennet. At this point, the musicians signal that the first set will begin momentarily, thus Darcy excuses himself as he guides Elizabeth to the dance floor. Morgan stays behind to chat with Miss Bennet as Mrs. Annesley sits next to her. Only couples who are significant to each other dance the first set. Morgan already knew not to ask for Miss Bennet’s first set.

  Morgan finds both Bennet sisters beautiful even though their looks are the opposite of each other. Miss Bennet is blond with pretty blue eyes, but Miss Elizabeth has deep auburn hair with attractive deep brown eyes. That Darcy is a lucky man! However, Miss Bennet appeals to Morgan even more. Fortuitously, he saw Darcy in this crowd first; consequently, he can make an impression on Miss Bennet before other gentlemen start to descend upon Darcy; certainly, Darcy will be inundated by many gentleman friends tonight. Morgan will stay here to talk with Miss Bennet until their third set together.

  Morgan finds Miss Bennet serene, warm hearted, calm, understanding, compassionate, and lovely. She speaks kindly and modestly. She asks him about his family, and he ends up sharing many personal things about himself. It all just comes out naturally, and he does not mind it. He actually is inclined to tell her because he wants to know everything about her; consequently, they continue to talk until the first set is over. Time seems to pass by faster than normal when he is talking with Miss Bennet. He enjoys himself, most thoroughly.

  At this point, Darcy and Miss Elizabeth are back from their first set and Richard approaches them. Morgan and Richard greet each other cheerily as always, and then Richard turns to speak to Miss Bennet.

  “Miss Bennet, are you ready for the second set with me?” Richard asks charmingly.

  Miss Bennet smiles prettily and says, “Yes, I am, Colonel Fitzwilliam.”

  Morgan sees this interaction, and he wonders if Miss Bennet is being pursued or courted by Colonel Fitzwilliam. It would not be farfetched given that Colonel Fitzwilliam is Darcy’s cousin, and they have always
been the best of friends. Morgan will have to find out if these two people are in a romantic relationship – he, sincerely, hopes not.

  When Miss Bennet dances with Colonel Fitzwilliam, Morgan talks with Darcy and Miss Elizabeth, and they have much fun chatting about all sorts of subjects. Miss Elizabeth follows all the topics even the manlier subjects of general business, estate business, and the state of the military in foreign countries. Yet, she can talk about some of the artwork that is adorned on the walls here tonight. She understands the subjects and seems genuinely interested; her questions and comments are intelligent. Morgan is surprised as to how astute and well spoken she is. She is forthright with her opinions when asked; she is not haughty even though it is very clear that her intelligence level is higher than the normal young lady of the Ton. She is easy to talk to, and she is compassionate. Miss Elizabeth’s personality is different than Miss Bennet’s. Her enthusiasm is appealing and it draws people into conversation with her. Morgan is very impressed with such a commendable young lady. Lord! Darcy is one very lucky gentleman.

  Morgan can see how satisfied and proud Darcy is of his betrothed; who would not be? It is evident that this is a love match. Right at the ending of the second set, two gentlemen approach their group. Morgan recognizes Mr. Gabriel Hollingsworth and Mr. Edmund Northrop – both are old classmates of Darcy and Morgan. When Miss Bennet is guided back to their group by Richard, everyone is introduced and all greetings and congratulations are relayed.

  There is a break after the second set, thus Darcy asks, “Miss Elizabeth, would you like to show me which type of punch you prefer so I could get it for you?”

  “Thank you, Mr. Darcy; I would be delighted to show you.”

  Then, Darcy turns to ask after Jane.

  “Thank you, Mr. Darcy; I would like some lemon punch if that is available.” Jane smiles prettily.

  “It would be my pleasure to guide you over to the drinks and get it for you, Miss Bennet.” Morgan offers charmingly.


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